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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Friday, May 31, 2019

Please Inform Mike Pompeo

By Anna Von Reitz

Dear Mr. Trump,

This is my second letter this week. I will make it very brief.

Please inform Mike Pompeo about the basic history of this country?

The entities "held in abeyance" after the Civil War were nothing but Federal Contractors, not the actual American Government.

We are still here. Still Texans. Still Wisconsinites. Still Montanans.

These are our nationalities. Our states are our nations.

We are not either species of "United States Citizen". We don't belong to the Queen, and neither are we "Citizens of the United States" --- not chattel properties of the Municipal Civil Government, either.

Our political status pre-dates the Constitutions.

Our Federation of States, The United States of America, is unincorporated and still in business.

And both the Queen and the Pope owe us Good Faith Service.

Thank you, very much.
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary


See this article and over 1800 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

"Tax Processing Centers" --- Public Warning Notice --- Demand for Action

By Anna Von Reitz

The latest in a long line of Tax Frauds committed by the US Territorial and Municipal US "Government" corporations is on the way.  

I am referring to the advent of "Tax Processing Centers" --- these bogus private operations are springing up all over the country and forewarned is forearmed. 

What appears in your mail is one of those particularly irritating letters that are glued together around the edges and that you have to deconstruct very carefully to avoid tearing.  

These missives are addressed to Municipal Public Transmitting Utilities --- names that appear in ALL CAPS --- and use what appear-to-be Middle Initials, but without a period to designate it as such.  Observe the form of the NAME:  JOHN M DOE.  The names being used now are also devoid of hyphens or other punctuation:  LINDA A SMYTHE ANDERSON, instead of Linda A. Smythe-Anderson. 

Their first dodge will be to announce that a "Federal" Tax Lien has been established on your property, usually at some time in the past.  This will be big news to you and you will, of course, be frightened.  When you run down to the Recording District you will find that yes, indeed, a mammoth Tax Lien has been filed against your property.  And I do mean a Big tax lien --- often ten times the value of the property, sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of "tax lien" that just appears out of the blue sky.  

This is because the STATE OF COLORADO, for example, is being bankrupted as a franchise of the UNITED STATES, INC. and the UNITED STATES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION.  Instead of paying their taxes all these years, they have claimed exemption as a government entity, only to have it discovered that they were operating as commercial corporations and therefore not eligible for exemption.  

Oh, my.  So, their tax debts are being passed in domino fashion to their "presumed" Secondary Co-Signers --- JOHN M DOE and LINDA A SMYTHE ANDERSON.  

None of this has anything to do with any American State National or American State Citizen, but we are being dunned just the same.  

Your options are: (A) join the party and file for bankruptcy protection along with the rest of the rats, submit yourself to the tender mercies of the bankruptcy court, have the black mark of bankruptcy against your name, and hope to survive with your home, $8000 worth of personal assets, and one car per family; or (B) get on your broomstick and beat the politicians and the Queen and the Pope responsible for this situation with your pens and your law suits and your commercial claims until they decide that, perhaps, this isn't the way to do business after all.  Scream bloody murder and share the news with everyone you know, or (C) do what we have been telling you to do all along, and after you have joined your State Assembly, see your State Coordinator about National Credit Redemption.  

In order to make their scheme "legal" they had to provide for remedy and we have found it.  The bad news is that the system supporting the effort is so old, unkempt, secretive, and rickety that moths fly out of the record books and everything concerned with redeeming the credit we are owed is painfully slow. Think: sloths on vacation, even though, to be fair, the IRS workers in charge are slaving away and doing their best. 

It is a priority assignment for everyone reading this to send letters to everyone they can think of involved in the Government Corporations --- "US" Senators, Congressmen, President Trump, the US Attorney General, the UN General Secretary, the Queen, the Pope, and everyone in between --- demanding a modern National Credit Redemption Program and a special Credit Card to be issued to qualified American State Nationals --- the only Parties to whom such Redemption is officially owed.  This Card is to be used to pay off mortgages, tax debts, medical bills, college loans, auto loans, and utility bills.  

Once issued, the Cards can be used by the State Coordinators and others to pay off these debts for friends, neighbors, and others in our communities who are in need regardless of their political status. It's our Credit.  Until the whole system is updated into the modern age, we are stuck using rubber stamps and registered mail and daily firefights with confused IRS Agents who know nothing --- absolutely nothing --- about the National Credit. 

Those of us who have teeth are taking a bite out of the backsides of the perpetrators and demanding action and broad spectrum correction and are holding back our own claims to protect seniors and others who are losing their homes as a result of this impersonation fraud and the slower-than-molasses-in January response curve.  Those in urgent need, need to come first. Those who aren't being billed yet need to stand down and hang on and tough it out until we prevail upon the perpetrators to modernize delivery and release the National Credit. 

And everyone needs to "Bang a Gong" --- loudly enough that they can hear it in Whitehall and Saint Peters.  

The next scam is a "Warrant of Distraint".  

Now a "Distraint Warrant" (as opposed to a "Warrant of Distraint") is a peculiar warrant used in the United Kingdom for the collection of tax debts.  

Are we in the United Kingdom?  

No, didn't think so.  And the rats in Whitehall who think we are in the United Kingdom need a fire lit under their tails to inform them that our generosity does not extend to "gifting" them with our continent and our National Credit.  

What these scam artist Tax Processing Centers are sending out is a "Warrant of Distraint" --- a bogus "simulation of legal process" that so far as I know exists only in Montana and is enforceable only with respect to "County of ________" organizations.  

Along with this completely horse-hockey Notice they announce their intention to levy your bank accounts and cause other trouble until the above referenced tax liens are paid in full.  Oh, lovely.  We have scam artists making up bogus tax liens and then going around to ignorant local banks and levying bank accounts based on this manure. 

Everyone have your pitchforks and bonfires ready?  See why the perpetrators needed 25,000 one gallon canisters of cyanide and 30,000 guillotines to kill their Priority Creditors?  American Military, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mr. Trump..... UN Secretary General, Pope Francis, Lizzy?  

If you don't want to be identified as the criminals in this story, you'd better get busy and release the $950 trillion in "Life Force Value Annuities" Prince Philip collected in Canada ---- most of which belongs to us, and you also need to start paying out the National Credit.  

If you look at the Return Address for these "Tax Processing Centers"  you will see that: (1) there isn't a real Return Address.  All it says is "Tax Processing Center" and then the name of your town and state.  The only contact is a telephone number, and if you call it, a scam artist will be waiting on the other end, telling you how they are going to "help" you out of whatever they can skin you for.  (2) The Return Address does reveal (in tiny type) that it is for "Private Mail Only" --- it's not a government publication, it's not a government organization, it's a private commercial debt collection based on totally false presumptions being carried out by criminal subcontractors of the US Bankruptcy Trustees, and they all need to be arrested and have their rumps permanently resettled on their shoulders.  

As I have said many times, this is not a matter of politics.  It is a matter of crime. Those crimes include impersonation, kidnapping, unlawful conversion, constructive fraud, inland piracy, collusion, barratry, identity theft, collusion, false claims in commerce, credit fraud, press-ganging, conspiracy against the Constitutions, commandeering of Public Vessels, securities fraud, and more. 

If the perps don't want to be permanently recognized as nothing but sleazy criminals and outlaws deserving a noose, it's well-past time that they took action and directed the enforcement of the actual Public Law we are owed and did their jobs to protect us.  

They can begin with closing down the "Tax Processing Centers" and expediting the removal of all these fictitious "Tax Liens" and ceasing and desisting all other attempts to collect debts that don't exist.  They can also shut down the "US Bankruptcy Trustees" on a permanent basis and nationalize the banks that have been colluding with this foreign agenda on our shores. 

We call upon our traditional Allies and the People of the world to join in the Housecleaning that is so obviously required; let it be peaceful, effective, and understood by everyone involved.  

If you receive one of these bogus letters, open it and copy its contents front and back, and take it to your local Sheriff and the Territorial State Police and the District Attorney and the State Attorney General and the Governor and whomever else you can contact and swear out a criminal complaint demanding that these "Centers" be located and the perpetrators arrested for violations including: 

Combined MUNICIPAL and Territorial Notices
of Violation(s) and Failure(s) to Perform

NOTICE OF CLAIM of “sole relief and remedy” under Title 50 Section 7 (c) and (e) of 2012 and previous.
Notice of Violation of Lanham Act --- attempted attachment and seizure of Unregistered Trademarks; Title 15, Section 1125 (a)and 11. 
Notice of Violation of Admiralty, Maritime and Prize Cases, Title 28, Section 1331 (1) and (2) and (12).
Notice of Violation of Special Maritime and Territorial Jurisdiction of the United States, Title 18 Section 7 (1), (3), (8) and (13).
Notice of Violation of The Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of Title 39, Sections 1-908 and 3621-3591.
Notice of Violation by Presumption of the Public Vessels Act, 46 U.S.C.A. Appendix Sections 781-790 as originally enacted.
Notice of Violation of The False Claims Act, Title 31 U.S.C.A. Section 3729 (a) and (7).
Notice of Violation of The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, Title 28, Sections 1602-1611.
Notice of Violation of the United States Statutes-at-Large, Title 12, Section 411.
Notice of Administrative Failure by the IRS/Internal Revenue Service for Failure to Produce Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Vouchers and Instructions, failure to validate Proof of Claim as required by the Administrative Procedures Act, failure to provide remedy required by the Emergency Banking Act, and the United States Statutes-at-Large. 
The Scammers responsible may claim that you violated Federal Mail Statutes by opening mail that wasn't "really" addressed to you, but bear in mind, that the entity being addressed doesn't really exist, and if you have done your homework and have recorded your Certificate of Assumed Names, you have control of any and every Name or NAME associated with you and your assets, including any "permutation, ordering, variation, style, or punctuation" of your names. 

Time to settle this, folks; dig down to the bottom of it and throw it back in the laps of the greedy criminals responsible.  

Feel free to distribute this Public Warning Notice to all and any local, state, national, and international peacekeeping officials and law enforcement officers, all politicians, all corporate officers, all bank officers, all agencies including the IRS/Internal Revenue Service, and any actual news agencies in your communities.  

White Hats --- land this one on the President's Desk. 


See this article and over 1800 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

Response from Jim McBride on the Two Deals article.

I received an email from Anna today, The Two Deals – Not Just the New Deal, requesting a response. As usual Anna gets to post her side of the issue to the masses while my responses are generally met with resistance and posting delays resulting in an extremely limited distribution. There seems to be some fear of a real and honest dialogue. A fear that is fiercely protected by Anna’s followers. It seems that so many are willing to take Anna’s rhetoric and name calling filled preaching as gospel while any factual rebuttal is labelled as an attack against her personally.
I make no judgments concerning Anna. Who am I to judge? But, I do take exception to the twisted logic and outright dismissal of valid research while readily admitting ignorance to TWEA. Even worse is a rebuttal based in that ignorance.
Anna’s comments are in black while my responses are in red.
When I look at the history and read the documents, especially those concerning Roosevelt and the "New Deal" and the Conference of Governors and its actions "pledging" the good faith and credit of "their states and the citizenry" thereof --- it's apparent that they were talking about their Territorial States of States and the States of States "citizenry" --- meaning those relatively few people who actually were United States Citizens. Not American State Citizens.
They gave their all-----all 1 in 1550 of us. (Take note that Anna uses the inclusive word ‘us’) And it didn't hurt them much, as most of them were ineligible to act as American State Citizens in the first place.
You may well be correct, but, then there was FDR’s Inaugural Address of 1933 wher he addressed the American people convincing the entire American population to also ‘Pledge’ their property and labor to a sacred purpose …… a Public Trust. FDR had to have the STATES (The administrators) behind him before he could get the people to follow.
If it was simply about "pledging" the good faith and credit of "their states and the citizenry" then FDR’s inaugural Address was addressed to only 1550 people, yet it was broadcast to the entirety of the American people ‘asking’ the people to also pledge their good faith and credit which FDR accepted as a gift at the end of his address. The Territorial States of States and the States of States had no authority to Pledge our good faith & credit. The United States needed all of our property as collateral for the receivership which required the consent of the people.
It was the entire American population who suffered through the great depression NOT just the 1550 territorial employees. It was the entirety of the American population who was ‘offered’ a way out of the depression and that way out was to ‘Pledge’ our good faith & credit to the common/public good as well. You will notice FDR’s offer and then acceptance of the GIFT/Pledge of the people’s good faith & credit to be collateralize for the Public good.
What they did was provide an excuse for a "legal presumption" that all the rest of the people in every State were similarly "pledged" and by a process of constructive fraud, undisclosed contracts, and semantic deceits, those responsible unlawfully converted the estates of millions of Americans into their "Public Charitable Trust" scheme "as if" they were actual United States Citizens or Citizens of the United States when they were never either one and never "volunteered" and never "donated" their children or their earnings, either.
It was a giant constructive fraud and identity theft and impersonation scheme, pure and simple.
It is so easy to point fingers and paint the entire American population since 1933 as VICTIMS as if the people played no part in the creation of our present reality. I for one, am NOT a victim screaming “Oh Whoa is me THEY did this to me!” When one puts away the VICTIM EXCUSE and bores down into the reality we find that we have been complicit and must take responsibility for our part of the reality we have co-created for ourselves. In so doing we see that there is a remedy …. A method for us to correct the actions of our mother’s and ourselves. We can either wine and cry about being victims or we can accept out part in our reality and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
“…. if we do as Jim suggests without first reclaiming our Lawful Persons as American State Citizens, we have no other recourse: we have "voluntarily" identified ourselves as British Territorial Subjects owed restitution under the quid pro quos of the New Deal. This then means that we cannot receive remedy as Americans.

Lawful Persons as American State Citizens is a position/status WITHIN THE WORLD OF COMMERCE. By claiming that lowly status one is disavowing their true status as a beneficiary in original jurisdiction the highest position on the globe. The world operates under a feudal system consisting of layer upon layer of trusts within trusts. One can choose to STAND in any position of any one of the millions of trusts that exist in the world today. OR, one can claim their true status as beneficiary in original jurisdiction, a superior position that encompasses every trust within those layers upon layers of trusts.
One cannot serve two masters! You are either a citizen of God’s kingdom and beneficiary in original jurisdiction or you are a lowly Lawful Person and American State Citizen thereby forsaking your rightful status under your Creator. This is a world of free will and choice!
The Public Charitable Trust was set up in the wake of The American Civil War as a welfare fund for displaced plantation workers and their families to help former slaves survive the bumpy transition to freedom. That is still the basic premise of the Public Charitable Trust, in that it is supposed to go to poor people in hard circumstances to pay for things like catastrophic medical bills and emergency shelter and travel money to get them back home when they have wound up in a place and can't get home. Now they are liquidating this trust as part of the General Bankruptcy of the Municipal Corporation of the District of Columbia.
I now see the confusion. You may be correct in your assessment of the Public Charitable Trust, but incorrect in identifying the proper trust of which I speak and/or the public trust in which the property of the American people has become embroiled.
I just can't see myself as a Brit nor as a Pauper, and I certainly am not a "Person of Color"
You went WAY OUT IN LEFT FIELD here with these ASSUMPTIONS. Nowhere, in the TWEA process for redemption of the property does one identify themselves as Brits, paupers or Persons of color.
Equally, neither do I identify myself as a State National or lawful person or American state citizen. I am NOT a citizen, nor property of ANY STATE, Territorial States of States and/or the States of States NOR any status that identifies me as less than a citizen of God’s kingdom, beneficiary in original jurisdiction.
Whether you can accept it or not the reality is that our world is built on the feudal system established in the Bible. In the beginning God granted man dominion over all things ….. yet the Bible is clear that God RETAINED OWNERSHIP granting man ONLY dominion over all things.
And the land and soil is there to be claimed …
ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! But, one must understand that the property of the American people is HELD IN TRUST …… the 1933 New Deal Public Trust ….. administrated by a provisional/occupational force by the consent of the people!
TWEA is the Trust Indenture setting forth the Parties, their rights and remedies, duties and liabilities and their relationship one to the other. TWEA is to be used by the beneficiaries to gain a remedy while the coeds and statutes are for use by the Citizen/slaves. The courts understand your status as soon as you file an action by the choice of law that you use. If you use the codes and statutes you are considered a citizen/slave yet when you use TWEA as your jurisdiction the court understand that you MAY be a private beneficiary …… and the tests begin to find out which you are …… beneficiary or citizen/slave.
It's the reclaiming of the land --- the actual and factual world -- that I care about and value.
We are on the same page here! But, we must understand the world of trusts. One cannot TAKE property from a trust! One MUST properly REDEEM the property from the trust. To TAKE is THEFT to REDEEM is HONORABLE!
The process for the REDEMPTION of our property, our good faith & credit, is set in stone within the Trust Indenture, TWEA. We have an absolute right of redemption of our property AND we have an absolute pathway to redemption all established within the Trust Indenture, TWEA.
We regain possession and control over our property and labor through the honorable redemption of our property and NOT by force or theft. Why use force and/or theft when a lawful process exists for the peaceful and honorable release and return of our property?
The TWEA process for the redemption of property has the side effect of correcting your status within the records of the Custodian of the Alien Property from the of Enemy Alien to that of Beneficial owner of the claimed property.
The ABC corporations can only charge those listed as Enemy Aliens! They are required to ensure you are on the Alien Enemy list prior to filing charges against you. Removal of your name from the Enemy Alien list is a bi product of the Redemption Process. The civil administration is CHARGING the property when you go into their courts NOT the living man/woman. When you go to court you are defending your private property rights. The ENEMY ALIEN has NO PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGTHS while the beneficial owners hold all of the rights and power. From which position do you choose to handle your private affairs?
OH and BTW, you can have your cake and eat it too, as the United States also owes the American people the net earnings (interest and dividends) accrued and/or accruing in your name for the use of your good faith & credit.
Perhaps Jim would be kind enough to share the affidavit and let me see what is required?
Over a year ago, (not two years) I provided Anna a great deal of my research, complete with side notes, annotations and comments, in an attempt to open a dialogue on the subject. Although Anna readily accepted and shared my research there was never any effort forwarded to open a meaningful dialogue. No questions, comments nor concerns were expressed ……. CRICKETS was all I heard in exchange for my open and honest sharing.

Although this seems a rather back door kinda method for an open and honest dialogue, but at least a dialogue has begun. Let’s see if it gains any traction this time. jt

Lawful Military Service v. Legal Military Service

By Anna Von Reitz

The basic issue is very similar, if not quite the same, as the difference between acting as a peacekeeping official versus a law enforcement officer. In one capacity, you are acting lawfully and in the other you are acting legally.
The activities appear very similar, but are fundamentally different because they are being engaged in under totally different premises and different forms of law and different jurisdictions.
The Lawful Soldiery of a nation, which includes a Lawful Navy and Lawful Air Force, operates under the Geneva Conventions. A Legal Soldiery by contrast is a private Mercenary Force and operates under the Hague Conventions.
Through no fault of their own, our honorable men and women in the Armed Services of the United States, have been forced to act as Mercenaries for hire ever since the Civil War. This is why they and their activities fall almost exclusively under the provisions of the Hague Conventions which were in fact developed out of the Lieber Code adopted by Abraham Lincoln and imposed upon our troops as General Order 100, the very first Executive Order ever in the history of this country.
When a Lawful Soldiery goes to war, it is an officially Declared War among nations. When a Legal Soldiery goes to war, the "war" may be declared or not, and may be engaged in as guerrilla warfare and include aims and activities that are not normally allowed by the Lawful Soldiery.
The employment of Mercenaries --- also known as Crown Pirates, Privateers, or Soldiers of Fortune for Hire --- has gone on since ancient times.
The history buffs among us will remember that King George III hired German Mercenaries from the Principality of Hesse --- Hessians. It was a contingent of Hessian troops that were the target when Washington crossed the Delaware. These men were sold into a form of slavery by their government. Instead of being Free Agents and selling their services as soldiers on the open market, they were conscripted against their will and used as gun fodder, with the proceeds being collected by their local tyrant, the Grand Duke of Hesse.
The same thing has happened to millions of Americans. Our boys and girls have been sold as cheap mercenaries and the proceeds collected by the "US Government" ---- which by now we have all learned, is a foreign entity on our shores, albeit, under constitutional contract to serve and defend our States of the Union.
The Draft enforced during World War II, Korea, and Vietnam was exactly the same kind of conscription forced upon the Hessian soldiers--- we just didn't know it. It was based on the "presumption" that the men and women serving in these conflicts were all "voluntarily" and knowledgeably adopting United States Citizenship, which in itself was a crock.
Just as FDR conveniently forgot to inform us all that our sons and daughters were being used as cheap commercial mercenaries, the following Administration didn't inform us (or them) that in order to ever come home again, they would have to expatriate from the presumption of United States Citizenship and that they would have to expatriate in order to receive the actual benefits of their Service, which were supposed to include lavish stock portfolios, freedom, and their Constitutional guarantees.
Some men, notably corrupt Generals and General Staff, made out like bandits during World War II, Korea, and Vietnam-- and retired into lives of luxury because they expatriated back to their original birthright political status and collected on those stock portfolios, all nicely plumped up as a result of wartime demand for corporate goods and services.
The rest of us got the G.I. Bill and never came home from Foreign Service because nobody told the troops that they had to expatriate from the status of "United States Citizenship". So they and their children and their grandchildren remained on the record as slaves owned by the Federal United States, subject to the whims of the Queen and the Pope's Municipal Congress, and their stock portfolios remained "unclaimed", in the care of military bankers who managed these stock portfolios "for" the victims of this scheme.
Does someone need to pay for all this fraud against the American States and People? Yes. Their names are Francis and Elizabeth. But we must all admit that they can never, ever repay what they owe us. They can never give back the lives lost and destroyed, the families cheated, the time on Earth that could have been so much different and better.
What we can do is wake up and smell the java. Especially, the military can wake up and smell the java: you are being used as cheap mercenaries in wars for profit, your political status is being damaged and misrepresented, your country is being endangered by this ongoing fraud and malfeasance, you and your families are being surreptitiously and fraudulently enslaved, and at the end of the day, you are being cheated out of investments -- stocks and bonds -- that are owed to you.
Who knew?
Quote Benedict XVI in a high-pitched wail: "Nobody told me!"
Well, now that you know, what are we going to do about it? Even the lowliest Buck Private who served in World War II is richer than Midas on paper. And most of them and all the other G.I.s are struggling to get basic services out of the Veterans Administration. Does that make sense to you?
Most of them still don't know that they aren't naturally "United States Citizens" and that they need to expatriate from any such status the moment they leave the Service, and that if they don't do this, they are permanently deprived of the freedom they fought for and which they deserve, as well as the Lion's Share of benefits they are owed from these filthy corporations and also denied their Constitutionally guaranteed rights as Americans.
The members of Congress, at least some of whom have known about and profited from this travesty all along, have smiled and kept mum and spent the proceeds. Let's all remember John McCain and the two-week long spectacle of his unending funeral. And let's all take comfort that, at least, it was a funeral.
The return of America as its own country, no longer in the thrall of foreign corporations, and the return of our Armed Forces to the status of a Lawful Soldiery, is long overdue. So are the benefits owed to all those who were mis-characterized as "United States Citizens" long overdue.
For starters, reclaim your birthright political status. Re-convey your Good Name back the land and soil of your birth State. Formally expatriate from any presumption of Territorial or Municipal United States Citizenship. If you are a veteran, send the head of your branch of service an informative letter telling him or her that you have elected to return to your birthright political status and have expatriated and retired from any further presumption of United States Citizenship. You will, however, continue to collect all earned benefits and maintain your Honorable Discharge.
There was an effort to conscript more volunteers from the general populace by establishing and alleging that a "civilian military service component" exists, for which we recommend sending a DD 2168, also. The object of applying for benefits that you obviously don't qualify for, is to get an official response admitting that you are not part of any such "civilian military service component" and therefore not obligated in any way in your civilian life to military discipline or United States Citizenship. This is one instance where we want our applications to be denied.
Lately, we've been seeing numerous cases where military records have been altered, always to the detriment of the men involved.
In one case, a 20 year veteran of the Navy Seals came up totally missing from the military records. Poof! His entire career in the military disappeared without a trace and he was being denied service from the VA. Luckily, his deceased wife had kept his records faithfully and his son still had them.
In another case, another Seal's Death Certificate came up with the box for "Military Veteran" checked "No".
In a third case, a Seal's Service Record was altered to show completely different duty stations, history, and educational components--- all serving to downgrade his rank and the amount of his military retirement.
For whatever reason, it appears to be Open Season on Navy Seals' records and if you or anyone else you know is a former Seal, we suggest making sure that your service records are secure and it might be a good idea to request new copies. See if your information is correct --- and still on file.
It's good advice for anyone retired from any branch of the US Military to make sure that your records are secure. What they owe you is one of the more significant portions of their National Debt, and there is growing anecdotal evidence that in addition to cheating veterans out of freedom, political status, and pay and benefits they are owed, their military records are being altered and "lost".
If they were ever actually employed by the US Corporations in an "official capacity" as professional Lawful Soldiery there is considerably less likelihood of these sorts of things occurring, but as it stands, most US military veterans have never been part of any Lawful Soldiery, and were merely mercenaries employed in a private capacity by Foreign Corporations engaged in wars for profit.
Such corporations can and do go bankrupt and just as they are engaged in shady business on a global scale, they are not above bilking people out of retirement and pension benefits.
I know this is going to be shocking for many people to contemplate and yes, I expect considerable backlash from outraged veterans. It is indeed very disturbing, but also is self-evident when you are aware of the rest of the history involved. From the moment Abraham Lincoln ordered the initial attack of the Civil War, the United States Military has been acting as a Commercial Mercenary Force --- a legalized private military "Security Service" operated by commercial corporations on a "for hire" basis.
I guess the only other thing that can be said about this circumstance is that if we had known what was going on: (A) a lot less people would be veterans and (B) we would have charged a lot more for our services.
Please observe that an Airman First Class with two kids and a wife will have to apply for Food Stamps to survive, while his counterpart answering an ad in Soldier of Fortune Magazine stands to make $125,000 a year, plus perks.
It is instructive that when the Selective Service contacted my son and he said, "No thanks, I'm not adopting US Citizenship." their response was complete and utter shock and disbelief. The lady on the other end of the phone line didn't know what to do. She was reduced to stuttering, "But, but, but--- you have to sign up for Selective Service! Everyone does!"
Not everyone has to and not everyone does.
It took four increasingly strong letters refusing their "offers" and a dozen phone calls before they finally admitted that no, Selective Service is not mandatory for Americans.
I noticed my son was rather upset about the whole experience. In a different world, with a Lawful Soldiery to join, it would be a different thing. As it is, if he ever decides to seek employment as a mercenary, he'll get paid the going wage for it.


See this article and over 1800 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

The Two Deals -- Not Just the New Deal

By Anna Von Reitz

Let's go on the record here that I like Jim McBride and regard him as one of those people on Earth who has contributed mightily to the Cause. It's also true that he shared his research about the "sole relief and remedy" being offered by the Municipal United States and in general by the Territorial Government (two years ago already???) -- but here's the thing.... and maybe he will read this and respond.
When I look at the history and read the documents, especially those concerning Roosevelt and the "New Deal" and the Conference of Governors and its actions "pledging" the good faith and credit of "their states and the citizenry" thereof --- it's apparent that they were talking about their Territorial States of States and the States of States "citizenry" --- meaning those relatively few people who actually were United States Citizens. Not American State Citizens.
They gave their all-----all 1 in 1550 of us. And it didn't hurt them much, as most of them were ineligible to act as American State Citizens in the first place.
What they did was provide an excuse for a "legal presumption" that all the rest of the people in every State were similarly "pledged" and by a process of constructive fraud, undisclosed contracts, and semantic deceits, those responsible unlawfully converted the estates of millions of Americans into their "Public Charitable Trust" scheme "as if" they were actual United States Citizens or Citizens of the United States when they were never either one and never "volunteered" and never "donated" their children or their earnings, either.
It was a giant constructive fraud and identity theft and impersonation scheme, pure and simple.
Now, if we go back in as the Undeclared Heirs we admit that we are the Progeny of the United States Citizens who were pledged by the Conference of Governors on March 6, 1933, and subjected under the ancient Feudal System of pledging to the Queen--- that is, if we do as Jim suggests without first reclaiming our Lawful Persons as American State Citizens, we have no other recourse: we have "voluntarily" identified ourselves as British Territorial Subjects owed restitution under the quid pro quos of the New Deal. This then means that we cannot receive remedy as Americans.
There is a large amount of money to be shared out of the Public Charitable Trust (PCT) which is meant to provide welfare benefits to the destitute Paupers among us --- and most of that money shouldn't be there, because it was obtained by constructive fraud --- and there again, we are admitting to be "Paupers" if we accept "benefits" or payouts from the liquidation of the Public Charitable Trust. So strike one -- admission of being British Territorial Citizens, and strike two-- admission of being Paupers.
Some people don't care, they just want a lot of credit to spend, regardless of where it came from or how it was obtained or what you have to admit about yourself to get a share of it, but to me--- there are numerous unanswered questions and people taking advantage of this option should at least think through the pros and cons of it as it relates to their own circumstance and they should have full disclosure before making such a decision.
The Public Charitable Trust was set up in the wake of The American Civil War as a welfare fund for displaced plantation workers and their families to help former slaves survive the bumpy transition to freedom. That is still the basic premise of the Public Charitable Trust, in that it is supposed to go to poor people in hard circumstances to pay for things like catastrophic medical bills and emergency shelter and travel money to get them back home when they have wound up in a place and can't get home. Now they are liquidating this trust as part of the General Bankruptcy of the Municipal Corporation of the District of Columbia.
This is what --- according to my understanding of the situation --- you are getting a share of, when you apply (there's that word again) under provisions of the sections of Title 50 that Jim's claims are under. Well, someone should claim it, and that's no lie. I tend to think that the people who should claim it are the actual United States Citizens and especially the Colored United States Citizens. It seems somehow as if we would be coming in and claiming something from the mouths of people who struggled and suffered without recourse for it--- even though, to be sure, many of us and our parents and grandparents, too, were among the sufferers.
I just can't see myself as a Brit nor as a Pauper, and I certainly am not a "Person of Color", so all those factors enter in to the questions I have about Jim's claims under Title 50, subsection (b). I also wonder what happens when the fraud issues are fully entertained --- as they must be, since there is no statute of limitation on fraud claims and as probate of estates is never really closed. At least a significant portion of the money and credit represented by the Public Charitable Trust (PCT) was purloined under conditions of constructive fraud, and shouldn't be in that Trust at all. What then, when the actual Heirs come forward and say---- hey, wait a minute, my Grandfather wasn't black, wasn't a United States Citizen, and wasn't a Pauper, either. What in the Name of Glory are you talking about?
What are the Bankruptcy Trustees going to do then? Run screaming into the bushes? And what happens to all those people who came forward and made these claims who aren't really United States Citizens, aren't Paupers, aren't Colored and......? Well, you see where this line of questioning is going. What if we are asked to pay the credit back, basically because we are making a fraudulent claim on the basis of being defrauded ourselves or fraud committed against our parents and grandparents?
This gets very convoluted and I am not sure what the answers are. I am not a believer in creating another injustice as an answer to an earlier injustice, and I certainly don't want people to get a chunk of credit, spend it, and then out of the blue be forced to pay it back. These are the kinds of issues and questions that I still have, and foolish or not, I still feel that "nagging sense" that perhaps I am being offered a proverbial bowl of porridge, and not even a bowl of porridge ever intended for me.
I would somehow feel bad pretending to be a British Pauper and taking advantage, when I know of many, many people out there who really are struggling to put food on the table and heat in the house and shoes on the feet of their children. I am not suggesting that Jim is immoral or that he means any ill in anything he is doing, these are just unresolved gut-level issues and questions that I have. Someone is owed that credit and it certainly should be claimed. My problem is that I don't know if it should be claimed by me or most of those reading my articles.
What after all, does it really mean? If I admit that I am now or ever truly was a British Territorial Citizen and a Pauper in the Commonwealth that automatically forestalls any claim I can make to the land and soil I am heir to as an American State Citizen.
And the land and soil is there to be claimed, too, as a result of other frauds and schemes that went on before the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administration, and which in fact took place during the Administration of his Cousin, Theodore Roosevelt.
It's the reclaiming of the land --- the actual and factual world -- that I care about and value, and upon which all our lives and well-being depend. Money and credit are as nothing compared to the value of the land and the soil, the reality which gives money and credit any meaning.
Rather than endanger or muddy my claim to the land and soil, I would gladly forego any other claim, because as long as I have the land and soil, I have the basis of all wealth and happiness and security. I have the ground solid under my feet, and on that solid foundation, I can build a new world. And while the money and the credit may fail, the land and soil endure.
Thus I may be less than sophisticated, yet in my own way, wise in bringing forward the claim to the land and soil as an American State National --- one of the lowly People of this country who are owed the return of all title, all right, and all interest in the land and soil of this country..
Perhaps Jim would be kind enough to share the affidavit and let me see what is required? It's possible that my fears are groundless and that having once regained our Lawful Personhood no such concerns are valid. Maybe we can have our cake and eat it, too. That would be nice and I would have nothing against it.


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