By Anna Von Reitz
After 150 Years,
It's Natural.....
The actual
American States haven't been assembled in over 150 years.
It's natural
that when Americans are faced with the news that they have to reorganize and
restore their government, people assume that we are talking about the
"government" they are familiar with ---- but we aren't.
We are talking
about the government of the People, for the People, and by the People. We've
never seen it in our lifetimes. Our States were last assembled during our
Grandparent's and Great-Grandparent's lifetimes.
Worse, we were
never told much about our actual government by those who were making their
fortunes off of [mis]administering our assets.
In the Public
Schools of this country all we were ever taught was the history of the Federal
Government and the Federal States of States.
We were told
about the British Territorial Government operating out of the District of
Columbia and its structure and its "constitutional democracy".
We were told, if
we were sharp enough to catch it, about the Municipal Government operating out
of the Municipality of Washington, DC, and its Fascist Roman-Style oligarchy.
But we
studiously were not told a word about our own "missing" Federal States of States
and the Federal Government that we are actually owed.
We certainly
weren't told a word about the actual American Government that is our heritage.
That was never
mentioned at all, unless you had the good fortune to have been ---- like I was
---- the youngest daughter of the youngest daughter of the youngest son. My
Grandfather was born in 1865. He remembered the dirt. He told his wife. She told
her daughter. And her daughter told me. And now, I am telling you.
You already know
that the "national assembly" effort headed up by the Michigan General Jural
Assembly failed and was sidelined and co-opted. They included "US Citizens" as
members and that automatically voided their efforts to organize an American
State----if in fact that was ever their intention.
The only parties
that can organize American States are American State Citizens. Our actual
geographically-defined States don't allow Dual Citizenship.
Anything that
"US Citizens" organize is by definition a "State of State" also known as a
"Confederate State", but we are not confused.
We know what
kind of State we are organizing --- an actual, factual, geographically defined
State of the Union, which is a member of the Federation of States known as The
United States of America [Unincorporated].
So, now here
comes another such misguided effort, headed up by
They are trying
to elect "State" Governors, and advertising that these are "de jure" Governors
of our States. But that can't be, either.
Governors, like
Presidents, are CEO's operating in international jurisdiction, and depending on
whether they are elected to serve the international jurisdiction of the land
[our American State Governors] or elected to serve the international
jurisdiction of the sea [British Territorial "Governor"], they are defined
So, in fact,
since 1868, the only kind of "Governor" we have had, are British Territorial
United States "Governors" of State of State organizations. Not actual American
land jurisdiction State Governors.
They use
semantic deceits and call themselves "State Governors" because their State of
State corporations, like the State of New Jersey, are all "Confederate States"
---- inchoate, non-physical, incorporated "States"----but none of it actually
has anything to do with us or our lawful American Government or our geographic
States of the Union.
So, again, we
face the "Cuckoo Bird Switch" in which the British Territorial Government
substituted itself for our lawful American Government and conveniently never
told us a word.
They substituted
their sea jurisdiction "Governors" for our land jurisdiction "Governors".
And again, only
American State Citizens can elect a land jurisdiction State Governor.
If US Citizens
elect a Governor, he is by definition a sea jurisdiction State of State [aka
Confederate State] Governor.
So what TeamLaw
is doing----- soliciting volunteers to fill vacant Governor-ships, however
well-intended the effort may be, is invalid from the perspective of the actual
States and People unless:
(1) the
individuals involved have made the effort to record their paperwork and formally
reclaim and declare their birthright political status as American State
Citizens--because we have all been issued British Territorial Birth Certificates
and mis-identified as "US Citizens" otherwise; and (2) they have assembled their
actual States, populated their States, and elected a Governor who is a State
Then, and only
then, do we have actual land jurisdiction State Governors competent to wield the
Powers of our States and People.
You may have
noticed how, for the most part, the US Presidents boss the State of State
Governors around. This is because the Governors are in fact running corporate
franchises that are ultimately under the President's thumb. See all the
information I have provided about the States of States having EINs, TINs, CAGE
numbers, and Dunn and Bradstreet ratings as corporations.
By definition,
no incorporated entity can be sovereign. Our actual States are sovereign. So you
can see right there that their "States" are not our States and vice versa.
There is no
actual Checks and Balances between the powers of a sea jurisdiction State of
State and the Federal Corporation chartering it. Such a "State of State" [aka
Confederate State] is dependent on the parent corporation the same way that your
local Burger King is dependent on Burger King, International.
Thus, the
Governor of your State is actually, legally, ethically powerless to oppose any
directive from the parent Federal Corporation and the constitutionally mandated
Checks and Balances have been undermined and side-stepped by the perpetrators.
As long as we
continue to "acquiesce" to functioning as any sort of "US Citizen" we are in an
invisible trap.
If US Citizens
elect a Governor, that Governor is just the local CEO of a DC franchise
corporation, obligated to protect the interests and profits of that corporation
regardless of the harm it does to us.
It's only when
Americans act as American State Citizens and elect a land jurisdiction Governor
that the pedal hits the metal and Checks and Balances clicks back into place.
Only then do our
Governors inherit the power to "hire and fire" the DC Bureaucrats.
I don't blame
people for being confused. I have the utmost sympathy. If I had not had the good
fortune to be born into a politically aware family that was devoted to the
American Government ---- and therefore preserved memory of it across more than a
hundred years--- I'd be just as confused as most other people appear to be.
As it is, I am
not confused; I have joined together with others who are not confused, and we
are trying our best to explain the circumstance and the jargon and the means by
which we have been deceived and over-lorded by our own employees in hopes of
getting through to other Americans.
The republican
states that control the soil jurisdiction of this country don't even have
"Governors". They have State Assembly Chairmen and the State Assembly Chairmen
tell the Governors what they want done.
Thus the Pecking
Order in the American Government is exactly the opposite of the Pecking Order in
the Federal Government. We are bottom up and the Federal Government
organizations we are all familiar with are top down, whether they are British
Territorial corporations or Roman Municipal corporations.
If we put our
minds to it and remember who we are, we can assemble our actual States, and
restore the American Government we are owed.
That's why we
started The American States Assembly and booted up the new website and
teleconference: .
Please spread
the word and explain the situation so that we can ---finally---- get the
Americans organized and up to speed and moving in the right direction, acting in
the right capacity, and exercising our birthrights effectively.
I am not
suggesting that anyone join the TeamLaw effort on this one, because they need a
proper State Assembly and State Elections by qualified State Nationals and State
Citizens. Rather, I am telling you that they are off-track on this one and we
need to reach out and explain why.
So long as these
men are acting in good faith and are truly intending to fill the land
jurisdiction Governorships, there is no reason that they can't join the State
Assemblies as American State Citizens or American State Nationals and be elected
to serve.
See this article and over 1700 others on Anna's website here:
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