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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Monday, March 18, 2024

The Evaluation of The Fruits

 By Anna Von Reitz

This from Archbishop Carlos Vigano: 

"Look at their work: only lies, deception, horror, sin, vice, violence, and monstrosity. And always for a price, because everything they do is an object of exchange, of commerce: you pay to have children, you pay to kill them, you pay to sell their organs, you pay to abuse them, you pay to impose lethal treatments, you pay to live and to die, you pay for the lies of the media and the obscenities of the internet, you pay for the simulation of love and friendship, you pay for the chimera of a digital eternity. You also pay to end up in hell, to damn your soul. While with the things of God, everything is free – it is the fruit of charity, generosity, and magnificence."

I couldn't have said this better myself on a really good day. All blessings and love and respect are due. 

In case anybody wonders about this point, I don't just give my respect because someone is wearing a uniform or a cassock. People have to earn it. Archbishop Vigano has earned it. 

I hope my Catholic friends who appreciate my Shinola Sensor will take my commendation to heart and visit his website and donate to his emergency outreach fund for lay brothers and clergy who have been outcast by this Pope and deprived of even basic support. 

This is another group of Catholics who have really stood up and earned my respect for their attitude of grace and commitment and simple common sense: 

In all the years, with all the Roman Catholics I have ever known, conservative, progressive, ultra-liberal, Catholics of all kinds, have respected and accepted the Bible as truth and scripture and used it as guidance for their lives, and as the foundation keystone of their faith. 

Now, the whole system of the Papacy, the Church Hierarchy, has slammed full tilt into the Bible itself, with the Pope going against the scripture.

How could such a thing be?   

It's like a head on train wreck, the unstoppable force meets an immovable object, a million tons of Church tradition, hierarchy, doctrine and authority moving across centuries, self-destructs as it plows heedless and headlong against the Bible itself.  

No wonder Catholics worldwide have been stunned and many people left feeling paralyzed. 

If I had not already come to my irreconcilable differences with the Lutheran Church and all incorporated churches involved in the Baptism Certificate Scheme, I would feel the same way.  

Gather all you who are faithful in the midst of such a cataclysm, to help each other. Remember that if your eye should cause you to sin, cast it away from you; better to lose your eye than to lose your life and your soul.  In the same way, better to lose even your church than to be deluded into calling good evil and evil good. 

Look at these voices raised; you are not alone. The days are coming when the courage and the commitment you share now will shine like a light in the darkness and men will remember that you stood firm and didn't pander to power and pelf.


See this article and over 4700 others on Anna's website here:

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A Vital Understanding About My Professionalism

 By Anna Von Reitz

All this stuff is deadly serious.  We are exposing a crime syndicate that is world-spanning, and three hundred years old during its latest romp.  The scope, depth, and the misery caused by this corporate corruption, the literal human bondage and enslavement this has caused, the natural resource theft --- it's staggering.  

It's more than most people can take in or bear, no matter how we try to simplify it and make it easy.... it takes a lot out of a person to grasp and yes, it is by its nature deadly serious.  

So sometimes, I switch it up. I read poems about goats. Sometimes I put on different hats to demonstrate the different jurisdictions of the American and United States Governments, or I bring out my little Rat Puppet to remind people about our RatWatch program, or I use nesting boxes from a Dollar Store to illustrate how the parts and pieces of the American and United States Governments are related to each other. 

If I can make this easier, kinder, more familiar, less threatening, less legalistic for people, I will happily stand on my head--- because they have to understand. 

We've been taught that black robes and a long face are the ultimate authorities in our world, but that is not the case.  We've been taught that blue uniforms and helmets and billy clubs are the Boss, but that isn't the case, either.  

The real Boss is our own hearts and minds linked together, loving each other, intending a whole new world. 

You may not have fully grasped this yet, or your friends, either --- but we are the victims of an utterly immense crime.  There is nothing funny about that.  But there is a deep human need to have a little relief, even if it is "inappropriate" and "unprofessional" comic relief.  

It makes it easier for people and gives them a feeling of hope and familiarity in the midst of despair and fear and dread--- a sense that, after all, we are going to get through this and make good things happen.  We are going to laugh again.

In the midst of being serious, committed, coldly determined, we also have to remember to laugh and to cut the imaginary and paper monsters down to size, and to realize that fear and anger are both useless emotions.

All these phony fictional "persons" that have been dreamed up out of thin air are just that --- no matter how intricate or complex the Legalese and the Legal Styles and Legal Fictions and all the Rules and Procedures and Pomp and Circumstance employed to try to give these things existence --- in the end, they are just phantoms.  

There aren't really any "Humans" here and there aren't really any "Subhumans" either.  There's really just men and women who desperately need to get their heads screwed on and their feet in motion. 

You know why I wear flannel shirts all the time? 

Well, because flannel shirts are comfortable and I have spent my years in the Corpo world wearing A-line skirts and stiletto heels. But there's another reason, too. It's to make all these horrible revelations without a lot of fanfare or formality, and make them all just matter-of-fact, down to Earth, here you are, folks. 

We've got a pile of manure. Time to roll up your sleeves and plant roses.  

It's not my way to puff things up and light clouds of incense, to lock myself away behind robes and arcane symbols of "power".  I have all the power I need just being who and what I am, and so do you. 

A lot of the material I have to convey is Egghead Legalese nonsense that has to be explained, history that people don't know, and I have the task of making this direct and simple so that people can read it and understand it and weigh in and follow along. 

Why do you think we released "You Know Something Is Wrong When -- An American Affidavit of Probable Cause" in large print and with lots of cartoons and illustrations?  A kid in Middle School can muddle through it in a couple hours. It's no big legal tome. 

Yet that little piece of work, published and distributed all over the world, is an arrow straight into the heart of the Beast.  It hit its mark and the Beast is shuddering and gasping. 

We're not here to be Eggheads and impress everyone.  We're not politicians, either, grooming ourselves as if we were prize poodles at a dog show. We aren't here to sell ourselves or anything at all. 

We are here to bust the corruption clean through to the core, put the hammer down and crush it like an eggshell, make it so hot for these vermin that they scatter like cockroaches facing a very bright light. 

When I come to the table, I have decades of hard work behind me and the research of thousands of other Americans and people around the world to rely on.   But that's not the point, is it?  

The point is to share that knowledge, that education, with everyone listening or reading, to give them all the gift of knowledge and the benefit of it, to pass it on and make it stick.  

To make the important points memorable, I'd glue widgets to my forehead. Believe me.   

The Earth is not going to stop turning tomorrow because some corporate scum rises to the top of the Executive toilet bowl, okay?  

Americans aren't magically turned into corporate franchises because some clerk writes their name in all capital letters.  Neither are Germans or Japanese, Italians, Norwegians, Aussies or anyone else in danger of folding up and fitting in a file cabinet.  

This is all just Bunko on a half shell.  It's time to wake up, pop that blister, and journey on. 

No matter that this mass of criminality has been building up like a giant spider web for 300-plus years.  

It's still just a spider web. 

John Cleese recently said it best, "London isn't English anymore."  The Brits have a lot to clean up for themselves, far too much to be bothering anyone else just now.  

And as for their Partner, the Roman Catholic Church, it isn't the Church anymore, either.  Bergoglio is trying to turn it into something else and trying to excuse himself, just like Pontius Pilate. 

"Who am I to judge?" he says.  Oh, well, anything goes....sing a hymn to cultural and intellectual relativism. And all the other "isms" while you are at it.

El Popo is also studiously avoiding his responsibility under Ecclesiastical Law to destroy these vicious, useless corporations. 

So. Let those with eyes, see, and those with ears, hear. 
We've got a handful of institutions that have gone bad, and unfortunately, they have enjoyed more honor and influence than they deserved.  That doesn't mean that the Cardinals will all fail the test, or that all the members of the British Parliament are deaf, dumb, and blind as bats.

It is what it is. It hurts. It will pass. 

In the meantime, I will do what I can to make people laugh and give them reason to think about better, brighter things.  I'll battle evil by focusing on what is good.  I'll steal the attention of my audience and put it back on what matters, their well-being, their families, and the things they love -- in between the discussions about history and law and, and, and....  

Yes, I am shameless; I have no concern about being "professional", because the things I have to say mean as much to a farmer as an Oxford don, and they are both going to live or die according to what they dream of and what they believe in, what they value, and what they are.   

So will we all. 


See this article and over 4700 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice -- Anchors Away

 By Anna Von Reitz

Many people have come to me full of fear and dread. We are, after all, exposing and coming to terms with a world-spanning commercial corporation mafia that is at least 300 years old, with roots going back much farther than that.  

We and our country have been the victims of an absolutely mind-numbing fraud and impersonation scheme that has subjected Americans and most of the rest of the world to peonage and enslavement -- and which has aimed at the utter destruction and denigration of humanity for the benefit and the power-mongering of a few.  

It's sickening. It's gut-grabbing. It makes you want to throw up.  And most of the people who have been the little cogs in all these wheels have no idea that they are doing anything criminal when they implement their part of the scheme.  They don't realize that they are harming and undermining themselves, their kids, and everyone else.  

The vast majority of the people creating this evil are on autopilot, making assumptions based on years and years of indoctrination that is purposefully designed to make us compliant and trusting and yes, ignorant.  Our job is to make everyone concerned a lot less ignorant and do it quickly. 

When a crime occurs crime reports are completed and in Legalese this is called an "Information" and the person making the report is called an Informant.

Today, I am acting as an Informant to "fully inform" every attorney you know, every attorney harassing or prosecuting you, every attorney sitting at their desk, schmoozing at a club, yes, every attorney working for you -- because like it or not, though they can be nice guys individually, as a profession they've been trained to be mindless attack dogs -- attack dogs that are committing heinous and inexcusable crimes. 

I am attaching six (8) pages of information in the criminal sense that describe the Great Fraud as the Americans have experienced it, and as virtually all the other former British, Commonwealth, Western European, and Japanese victims have experienced it.  It gives you a key to identify which legal fiction is which, and crucially, connects the dots connecting this Great Fraud to the asset theft it perpetuates and the money and credit assets it purloins.

I don't go into the same cookie-cutter process as it applies to yen and Deutsch Marks and British Pounds Sterling, but the process, like the end result, is the same.  

Corporations steal everything from the living people and subject us to a form of Corporate Feudalism based on defrauding and denigrating living men for their profit, enforcing peonage and enslavement and illegal asset confiscation using the courts and the members of the BAR Associations and American Medical Association (plug in your country's version of that) to do it.   

These men, who are largely unaware of what they are doing and that they are in fact promoting crime, need to be told and held accountable so that they stop going along to get along, stop acting as licensed "running dogs" and stop mindlessly obeying their corporate masters. 

Put these six (8) pages into their hands. Put them into the hands of justices and judges and accountants and bankers; give them to the priests and pastors and politicians. Give them to the CEOs of corporations. Give them to the Medical Doctors. 

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary and Informant
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

March 17th 2024 


See this article and over 4700 others on Anna's website here:

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