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Thursday, July 14, 2016

Rumor that U.S. and NATO to Attack Russia

From Anna Von Reitz

Let nobody be fooled again. 

The ONLY reason the U.S. and NATO would attack Russia would be that Putin wanted them to do so. And it would be a puny, ineffectual attack in the nature of another False Flag to give Putin and/or NATO an excuse to invade us under the guise of "peacekeeping". 

The Russians have developed some new scalar / gravitational weapons that they think give them superiority. In fact we have all the same weapons and more widely deployed but Obummer is preventing us from using them because he is a Communist and has always been a Communist and the Joint Chiefs are working for European banking interests that want to come in here and seize everything.  Putin wants Alaska and seaports on our West Coast.  So does China.

They have been staging for invasion for three years now using Free Trade Zones in the U.S. 

But as always they have to come up with a story line..... Big Bad NATO attacked Russia at Russia's behest, so that Russia has an excuse to invade us and split the pie with all the other usual culprits. 

Just more excuses and LIES. 

Don't believe a word of it.

And if any such thing does happen I am counting on enough Americans will have the brains they were born with and take out Obummer, DC, Rome, and the Inner City of London and the United Nations City State as recompense.
See this article and over 300 others on Anna's website

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Again, America is Being Ruled by a King - Carol Bundy Interview

Carol Bundy, wife and mother of 5 political prisoners, graciously took the time to speak to Jim White of NorthWest Liberty News.

*** Editor Note: The Interview was conducted outside, for I had no other choice. Please overlook the background noise and focus on Carol's words.*** Thank you

Found Here: