By Anna Von Reitz
As with everything else in this ever-increasingly false narrative that self-interested idiots have spawned, (and they wonder why everything is falling apart without the glue of truth?) we must face the fact that so-called "sea treaties" are not the same as the traditional "land treaties" that everyone assumes to be in play when the word "treaty" is used.
In the great scheme of things, treaties are supposed to be land jurisdiction agreements allowing different countries to create joint projects and settle differences without going to war. Land treaties are durable and honorable, but in the last century and a half, people have been referring euphemistically to "sea treaties" --- as if they were land treaties instead.
This is a deceit and deception as profound as the habit of referring to "Confederate States" as "States".
Whereas land jurisdiction treaties involve actual countries, sea treaties involve businesses.
As we have seen, the English National Government was overcome in 1707 by the so-called "Act of Union", which created a False Monarchy --- a company called "Great Britain", which replaced and vacated the actual land jurisdiction kingdoms of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales ----and which operates exclusively in the jurisdiction of the sea.
This change then also mandated a change in the traditional system of law, which was accomplished fifty years later by Lord Mansfield, a Scottish Admiralty Barrister, who created King's Equity Law by combining elements of traditional English Common Law with Admiralty Law --- much to the advantage of the "King", who was no longer actually functioning as a King, but as "His Britannic Majesty", the purported "KIng of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales", a legal fiction "nation" that has never existed, and a country that has never existed, either.
As the word "monarchy" might suggest, "mono" plus "archy", it is not possible to function as the King of multiple countries at the same time, thus the need to gin up new additional offices and titles, such as "His Royal Majesty" and "His Britannic Majesty" to cover up the fraud and deceit involved.
All this chicanery and wrong-doing --- actual usurpation against the people and the actual countries and traditional governments of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales --- is being done in the jurisdiction of the sea where, to put it mildly, everything is much more fluid and subject to "discernment" --- and fraud.
The new form of law that the people in England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales were unknowingly subjected to, is a peculiar species of Roman Civil Law that has been tweaked by generations of Scottish Bar Attorneys into a payola system: they prosecute legal fiction "Persons" that exist only in the jurisdiction of the sea on behalf of their "Britannic Majesty" who also exists only in the jurisdiction of the sea, a device that is then used to glom onto land assets under conditions of deceit and False Pretenses resulting from the use of similar names and confused titles.
The land assets thus unlawfully and illegally and immorally seized upon, are then split between "the King" acting as "His Britannic Majesty" --a different office and character and jurisdiction entirely -- and the Bar Attorneys presiding over this nightmarish con game.
The "Solicitors" (Bar Members) get a cut of everything they drag in using this system and fancy themselves as bill collectors and tariff collectors known as "Taxpayers" for "the King" -- who isn't functioning as a King and isn't subjecting himself to the limits of any Constitutional Monarchy.
"Taxpayers" in this system are rated as British Merchant Marine Warrant Officers.
It's all fraud: gross, deliberate misrepresentation, impersonation, and fraud resulting in gross crimes of personage and barratry being committed by members of the Bar Associations, who are usurping upon the national governments and actual owners of the land and soil jurisdiction assets in each impacted country, and who have turned the courts into a mockery of justice.
In the same way that these villains and crooks have undermined the actual law and government owed to the people of the impacted countries, they have misrepresented "sea treaties" --- business contracts --- as land treaties, by failing to disclose the nature of their activities and the jurisdiction in which these activities are occurring, leaving people to assume the existence of valid land jurisdiction treaties, where in fact, none exist.
This crime, fraud, and misrepresentation affects every such "treaty" signed by the "British" Government since 1707, and every "treaty" signed "on our behalf" by these Blighters since 1861.
It has all been self-interested fraud and evasion of the actual Law, together with the evasion of rightful obligations of office, for over 300 years in England, and over 160 years in The United States.
So now we come to the present situation in Ukraine, Israel, and Panama. All these situations involved "treaties" that aren't treaties and "wars" that aren't wars as a result of the foregoing described fraud.
The Balfour Declaration was a piece of self-interested drivel undertaken by persons lacking the standing to make a declaration.
It was done at the behest of Jacob Rothschild and the Bank of England, which resulted in a False Claim of authority over a land mass that never belonged to them and never could belong to them.
They nonetheless occupied the land and soil of what they dubbed "Palestine" and proceeded to issue a 99 year-lease on property that was never theirs.
The Leaseholder, Jacob Rothschild, proceeded to develop the property as a home for wayward Jews wishing to work their butts off on Kibbutzs. Everything else that has followed, including the present creation of "the State of Israel (Incorporated)" franchise of the British Territorial "United States of America (Incorporated)" and the genocide taking place in Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria, is a result of these criminal acts of unlawful seizure and false claims by the so-called British Government.
What did the "British" Government get out of it? A land base in the Middle East, where they could endlessly meddle in oil resource issues, promote war for profit while selling arms to all sides, and the assurance of a staunch Ally --- "Israel" --- which would be dependent on them for its very survival.
There was no valid Balfour Declaration, ever, because those making the "declaration" had no valid standing to make a declaration. Therefore, everything resulting from the Balfour Declaration is tainted by the same endemic and systemic fraud.
We have claimed all the assets of all these unrighteous corporations because: (1) we have been forced under False Legal Pretenses to pay their debts; (2) we signed contracts in good faith that they have dishonored; (3) they have operated unlawfully, which is a condition for their existence; (4) the living people who are owed their traditional national governments --- not some "knock off" substitute dreamed up by a crooked Scottish Barrister -- and have been defrauded in Gross Breach of Trust; (5) these corporations have caused nothing but war and trouble throughout the entirety of their existence and have been at the bottom of the dogpile in every scrape we have thus far investigated; (6) these corporations have promoted monopoly interests for themselves as well as their own unjust enrichment and have engaged in criminal activities resulting in --- among other travesties --- manipulation of commodity markets, stock markets, futures markets and fraudulent securitization schemes that have resulted in the indentured servitude and enslavement of millions of people long after both peonage and slavery have been outlawed worldwide.
These same miscreants are presently engaged in another attempt to "redefine" themselves and escape justice by seeking refuge in the jurisdiction of the air. "King" Charles III was crowned as an Emperor, instead, while "Pope" Francis is operating as "The Patriarch of the West".
We have taken action and called for an end to all this crime and a return to sanity.
Let's take another look at the current situation involving "treaties".
When the Russian Federation released Ukraine to form its own independent government, the agreement came with strings attached. If the Ukrainian government fell or came under coercive influence, the Russians retained the right to intervene.
In 2014, a CIA/Mossad/MI6 joint operation massacred the elected Ukrainian Government and installed Mr. Zelensky as a puppet.
The Russians had every right to intervene right then and there, but they didn't. They waited to see what would happen. They kept the peace.
Over the next few years, Zelensky and the regime he implanted turned Ukraine into Crime Central, a hub for every kind of crime brewing in the Eastern Hemisphere: money laundering, human trafficking, insurance and bankruptcy fraud, counterfeiting, organ harvesting, adrenochrome and other drug production and marketing, illegal bioweapons research and production --- was all legalized and/or tolerated by the crooked Zelensky Government.
When they ran out of ready feedstock for their operations, they started "harvesting" people in the predominantly Russian-ethnic areas, causing increasing outrage and concern in Moscow. Finally, as we have seen, the bioweapons production taking place in Ukraine combined with the "ethnic cleansing" taking place forced Russia to invoke its intervention clause and invade Ukraine.
Everything that Russia has done is strictly within the rules of the agreements that it signed when it released Ukraine. Everything that the United States of America, Incorporated, and its British and Israeli Business Interests have done in Ukraine is criminal.
It follows that everything that Joe Biden has done -- purportedly "on our behalf" -- in support of the Zelensky Government, has been as a self-interested accomplice to crime, and all those incorporated government entities occupying the national governments of European nations that have sent armaments and supplies and military advisors, etc., to the Zelensky Government have also been accomplices.
The United Nations Organization has cause to know this, as does the International Criminal Justice System, but because of the economic interests of the UN CORPORATION, nothing has been done to stop this gigantic crime and dissolve these corporations.
The Government of Westminster is fully aware of its actual Treaty obligations including the obligation to shut down the British Crown Corporation and its franchises when these organizations operate in an "unlawful" fashion, yet they try to pretend that our action demanding dissolution hasn't been lodged by people having the standing to claim the assets.
This, even though the Vatican Chancery Court, which stands over all the High Courts, has agreed that we do have standing. That standing has been applied to the miscreant Roman Municipal Corporations doing business as the UNITED STATES, INC., and must equally be applied to the conglomerate E Pluribus Unum, Inc. and all the multitudinous phony British Crown Public Trusts and governmental services corporation franchises.
At the end of the day, all their stuff actually belongs to us and the other living people who have borne the brunt of this iniquity, and we have to shoulder the responsibility of cleaning it up.
So let's look at the Panama Canal Treaty that Mr. Trump is rattling swords about.
The Panama Canal was forced upon the people of Panama by the same corrupt and fraudulent British Government that engineered all the rest of this crap. Similar to what they did with Zelensky, they staged a coup in Panama and induced local chaos, came back in with an administration more willing to work with them, and the Bank of England bankrolled the Panama Canal project, just as they are now backing the "West Sinai Canal" that would open up a "new canal system to replace the elderly Suez Canal" and endpoint, conveniently near the new oil refinery complex being built by "the State of Israel, Inc."
This has nothing to do with Muslim Palestinians versus Jewish Israelis or anyone who actually lives in and cares about these countries at all. It has to do with defense contractors and greedy attorneys and corrupt political administrations in Westminster, Whitehall, Rome, and Washington, DC.
Now, in addition to opening up a new canal system to promote more cheap oil resources (belonging to other countries) being sold to Africa, India, and Southeast Asia, as well as dominating the oil market accessible from the Mediterranean Sea, they want to establish a better grip on the Panama Canal, too.
Similar to the situation with Russia and Ukraine and that intervention clause, the U.S. retained an ability to intervene in Panama's administration of the Canal Zone when and if the Panamanian Government should prove too weak or incompetent to run the Canal.
This is precisely what Mr. Trump is alleging based on business contracts the Panamanian Government has established with some Chinese companies --- a relationship that the British Territorial "United States" Government --- finds threatening to its interests.
Again, we paid for the Panama Canal, not the Perpetrators who strong-armed and built it, and not the later Perpetrators who gave it back to Panama, and not Mr. Trump and his corporate hegemony, either.
So if anyone has a claim to own it, besides the people of Panama, that is, it would be those who paid for the construction and maintenance of the Canal Zone. We claim that role, though we did not approve the action overall.
We wish to work with the people of Panama and China and all the other living people and sovereign national governments to bring an end to this ruthless rampage by pseudo-governments and the banks which have acted as accomplices to all this crime and violence.
In our view, justice has been prostituted by the entire Bar Association complex, both the so-called national associations and the International Bar Association as well.
It is a telling point indicating that this misuse and abuse of Justice was premeditated, when you consider that only the Solicitor General is required to know the Law; the Attorney Generals and their officers are not required to know the Law--- only the policies and procedures of their own venal corporations masquerading as our governments and misrepresenting each one of us as public trusts and commercial franchises.
Bar Association adjuncts and officers have been accomplices to the undermining of the sovereign national governments of England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the former Commonwealth nations, our Union States, and many other such governments by commercial interests and banks which have commandeered control of national assets and currencies under color of law and created unlawful and illegal monopolies on banking and court services throughout the world.
These Bar Attorneys are not required to be "learned in the Law" and they certainly are not; yet, they have been charged with interpreting the "statutory law" governing the personnel and activities of the British Territorial Corporations operating as states-of-states in this country, such as "the State of North Carolina, Inc." which is currently engaged in a form of genocide and illegal seizure of land resources.
The statutory law, as the name might suggest, is the same Scottish version of Roman Civil Law, codified, and surreptitiously employed on our land and soil and misapplied to our people and citizenry, referenced earlier in our commentary today.
Let it stand before the United Nations Organization and every sentient person on the planet that the ENMOD Treaties are being grossly violated by these same international criminals, who are pretending that we are "domestic" with respect to them and their phony corporate "government" and can therefore be attacked and subjected to tests of their environmental weapons systems, including geoengineering and weather warfare systems.
This is incorrect and as fraudulent as everything else these corporate criminals have promoted throughout their existence.
Self-evidently, the criminal usurpation of the national governments has involved similar criminal usurpation of our money, our physical assets, our natural resources, our banking services, our court system, and last but not least, our military, which was unlawfully and without disclosure converted into a mercenary force.
Every single man or woman who has at any time signed a contract agreeing to serve a "tour of duty" as a soldier or sailor has been defrauded and has unknowingly subjected themselves to indentured servitude as a mercenary in the service of a foreign and undisclosed corporation masquerading as and claiming to serve their lawful national government. These contracts are universally disallowed and rendered invalid for lack of full disclosure.
Just as the "State of State" Constitutions that these brigands reference as the source of their authority are disallowed for lack of full disclosure and apply only to the actual employees and officials of these corporations.
And whether it is the municipal corporations of the District of Columbia or the territorial corporations of the District of Columbia we are talking about, it matters not one bit. Both species of these corporations, municipal or commercial, are equally guilty of crime, breach of trust, and violation of their service contracts.
They are flip-sides of the same coin and we are not deceived.
The same circumstances apply in what we so thoughtlessly call "Britain", the former Commonwealth, the seventeen occupied countries of Western Europe, Japan, and many other countries as well.
We, the provenanced, declared, recorded, and published people of this country, our State Assemblies, and our State Citizens, are the only actual government of this country; we are clearly speaking to our purported employees and dependents, and to the banks and to the courts responsible for the Great Fraud and the attendant Great Mess they have created in their mindless pursuit of profit and coercive power.
We call upon what "stands for" our military to fulfill their pledge to defend us against "all enemies both foreign and domestic" and to recognize the domestic -- with respect to them and the foreign citizenship they unknowingly adopted --- enemies that are now destroying this country using weather warfare under the False Pretense of testing these weapons on their own domestic population, per the ENMOD Treaties.
Note that we are not domestic with respect to any of these foreign District of Columbia corporations and that this continuing onslaught of geoengineering and weather warfare is illegal, unlawful, and immoral and in violation of the ENMOD Treaties that the United Nations Organization is supposed to be overseeing and enforcing.
The Perpetrators must give up any idea that these foreign corporations can claim any form of a "federal right of eminent domain" and use it to claim subsurface minerals, such as lithium, underlying these self-perpetuated disaster zones, because no such right exists.
As the parent corporations have no right of eminent domain, neither do their State Trust, State-of-State or County franchises.
The ownership rights of the living people are not extinguished and their government is not "missing" or in interregnum.
Our States are in Session.
The banks are instructed to contact our chartered International Trade Bank to discuss our assignment of our physical assets including trust assets to The Global Family International Trade Bank, and the assignment of our credit assets to The Global Family Commercial Bank (land) and The Global Family Bank of Commerce (sea).
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
January 11th 2025
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