Are you looking for Solutions for America in Distress

You are in the right place to find out about what is really going on behind the scenes in the patriot movement in America, including solutions from Oathkeepers, Anna Von Reitz, Constitutional Sheriffs, Richard Mack, and many more people who are leading the charge to restore America to freedom and peace. Please search on the right for over 9370 articles.
You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own. If you have an opinion on a particular article, please comment by clicking the title of the article and scrolling to the box at the bottom on that page. Please keep the discussion about the issues, and keep it civil. The administrator reserves the right to remove any comment for any reason by anyone. Use the golden rule; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Additionally we do not allow comments with advertising links in them for your products. When you post a comment, it is in the public domain. You have no copyright that can be enforced against any other individual who comments here! Do not attempt to copyright your comments. If that is not to your liking please do not comment. Any attempt to copyright a comment will be deleted. Copyright is a legal term that means the creator of original content. This does not include ideas. You are not an author of articles on this blog. Your comments are deemed donated to the public domain. They will be considered "fair use" on this blog. People donate to this blog because of what Anna writes and what Paul writes, not what the people commenting write. We are not using your comments. You are putting them in the public domain when you comment. What you write in the comments is your opinion only. This comment section is not a court of law. Do not attempt to publish any kind of "affidavit" in the comments. Any such attempt will also be summarily deleted. Comments containing foul language will be deleted no matter what is said in the comment.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

A Three Level Springboard to Financing Our Freedom

From Paul Stramer

Level 1.  In late October of 2015 a friend handed me the first article I had seen from Anna Von Reitz. It was the article entitled "My Dear Archbishop George" and it is listed as article #1 on   When I had read it, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she had more truth than most of the patriot movement combined, at least from my point of view.

As is my habit from years of Internet research and business, I immediately went to the search engines, and found that she didn't have a website of her own. Anna was writing on other people's blogs and various news letters.  I saw a need to be able to find everything she wrote in one location, so I bought the domain name and spent about 4 months gathering up everything I could find from her, and putting those articles roughly in chronological order, I began publishing the articles, and gradually improving the website.

If you go back and look at those early articles you will find the style very simple and in need of some help, and you can't see this but the index page was just a plain white sheet with links.

One morning I woke up early and turned on the computer and Anna had sent an email explaining that she had lost the ability to publish on some blogs and had turned to her friends and asked them "Now how am I going to get the word out".  They said, just put it on your website. She said "What website"?  So they told her what I was doing, and as they say, the rest is history.

Soon after that I started building a mailing list for Anna, of people who wanted the announcements that I send out each time Anna writes an article for the website, and I started publishing each article on this LCW blog where people can comment.  That mailing list is now over 4600 people. Many of those have large lists, and routinely send Anna's articles around the world. We are now getting well over 20,000 page loads per week from around the world to the two websites.

Then I put some PayPal buttons on both the website and the blog to raise money for the publishing effort and to finance some of the legal activity, and to advertise the whole effort.  Many of you have generously supported those efforts,  and that is the first level of the Springboard.  In three years I have been able to go full time in this effort, when combining your donations and the income from my sales of radio gear, solar power equipment, silver bullion, US Civil flags, flash drives, DVDs, and other preparedness items, with the retirement payments my wife and I receive from uncle dummy.

I spend an average of about 10 hours per day working at this. In other words I am paying close attention to the whole Internet part of this effort.

Please remember that I have never asked for or received one penny from Anna for any of this.

In fact, we have sent her several donations along the way when we got a bit more than we needed right then. We have done that through her PayPal address at You can do likewise at any time. So the donations and my work were and are the springboard to level 2.

Level 2. On November 3rd of 2017 I was made aware of a new global Gold and Silver business opportunity called Mint Builder.  Part of my work for the last 10 years has been as a precious metals dealer on the Internet. I work with a mint in southern Utah, and have moved millions in silver in 10 years, but the profit margin in precious metals on the Internet is very skinny.  Small orders are just about not worth doing.  So I did a very careful price comparison between my mint in Utah, and the prices Mint Builder was offering, and found out that I could not compete with Mint Builder on orders under 100 ounces of silver.

They were also offering a special start up deal of a free lifetime membership in Mint Builder that would allow everyone to buy silver and gold at the actual cost that their company was paying at the mints they get metals from.  "If you can't beat em, join em". So I jumped in with both feet, and after building a few advertising pages on my server, sent a few emails to Anna's list.

As a result, within 33 days we had 419 people join who are also reading Anna's articles.  After the Company opened their doors for sales and commissions on December 1st, 2017, we kept on promoting that system, and now we have over 700 people who are enrolled as members in Mint Builder, and have the ability to buy silver and gold at mint prices. So in a little over 3 months we have created a vehicle to not only get people who join a bit of silver, which is severely under valued right now, but we also have a way to finance some of Anna's work with the Living Law Firm.  This kind of residual on going financing is exactly what the patriot movement needs.  Instead of asking the supporters to just dig in their pockets each time we need to do something, we could all participate in a business where we could all profit and finance activity for freedom at the same time.

Hey, if it ain't broke don't fix it?  Right?   Just do more of it!

If you have not seen Mint Builder yet try this link.

So with about 4 months of working together Anna's readers have created an ongoing system that not only pays for some of Anna's work, but it also has the potential of relieving some of the financial burden on Anna's readers.  I am continuing to pursue that potential every day, by helping those who are taking an active role with advertising for their business, and continuing to find more people that don't know about Anna, and who want a business on line, to find not only a great business, but also all of Anna's work at the same time.   So Mint Builder is the level 2 springboard to something even better yet.

Level 3. BitClub Network.  Remember that Mint Builder will pay out in Bitcoin if you opt to do that.

I had been looking at Crypto currencies for a while. My research led me to compile a few movies because it seems very few people understand how computers can create new and real wealth.
So I was spending too much time trying to explain what I found out, and decided to group some videos together on this blog to do the background explanation.  To watch those videos go to the top of the front page on this blog and type the word  Bitcoin  in the search box, then watch all the movies that come up.  When you are done with that homework, you will know more about Crypto than 99.99% of the people on the planet.  Cryptp of one kind or another will be the new money (means of exchange) in the future, for many reasons, and when the general public finds out how powerful cryptocurrency is they will flock to it, making the price go up like a rocket.

But that's not what gets me excited about Crypto.  Remember the California and Alaska gold rushes!
The people that did the best were the people that provided all the infrastucture, like motels, hardware stores, mining supplies, freight companies and much more.

The same is true of Cryptocurrency.  It's interesting that it's called "mining" of that cryptocurrency. This time the people doing the mining are the ones actually getting rich.

One of the largest Crypto mining operations on the planet has a network marketing structure, and one of Anna's readers kept dogging me until I finally slowed down long enough to understand the potential of it.  I joined it and have a founders position. Not only that, they convinced Anna to get the Living Law Firm to take a position under me. So now the big push is on to create a truly walk away, hands off, residual income that can finance hundreds of projects for freedom if we do it right.  Suffice it to say at this point that the potential is so far  past what we have done up to now that all the previous just looks like training for how to get to where we wanted to be all along.

If you are in Mint Builder or thinking about joining you should consider that as a means to get to this Mining system by using the Bitcoin payouts that Mint Builder makes available.  I am, and I can help you do it.  It's also one of the only truly hands off businesses I have seen once it's set up and running.

Even if you are not in Mint Builder, and you don't want to do any kind of network marketing, this can still be your ticket to financing your retirement.

Here is more specific information and movies about BitClub and crypto currency in general.

Here is the BitClub Network information.  Just follow the instructions to get the information. You will need a VPN (virtual private network) and can get one along the way from a link at the movie page.   

Just use your name and email, and not your address or phone number. The reason will be apparent as you learn more.

I know you will have questions about this new END GAME strategy for freedom, so here is my contact info.

Paul Stramer  406 889 3183   or

Please don't call after 9 PM Mountain time.  My day starts early, usually about 7 AM and the best time to reach me is late morning on weekdays.

Thank you all for your support over the last 3 years, and get ready for some really good things to happen. We are coming to crunch time in America and around the world, and it will decide the fate of our children and grandchildren.

Study this very thoroughly and you will be pleasantly surprised.

God Bless you one and all.

Paul Stramer

About April LaJune

By Anna Von Reitz

First of all, I don't know April LaJune. I am not involved in her business at all. When I found out she was using some of my material and selling it as part of a "process" she and her cohorts developed, I contacted her and asked what was going on?
She took information I made freely available and incorporated it into her package. No law against that. I made it available to everyone who needs it, with the full intention that even the poorest of the poor should be able to reclaim their good names and estates.

At the same time, I haven't reviewed her paperwork package or her process and am not in a position to either recommend or disparage what she is doing and I certainly don't get a "cut" off any of it.
Second of all, her reasoning which she expressed to me, is that she and her co-horts have to baby-sit people through the whole process, which takes a considerable amount of time and effort on their parts. So they should get paid for that.
Again, no arguments here. A worker is worth their hire.
I have neither the time nor the trained personnel to provide direct assistance to all the people who need it. The best I can hope for is that April LaJune and her helpers have their own ducks in order and are using the information to help people as intended --- and not cheating them or using my name in vain.

The So-Called Republic, the Living Law Firm and Claims Update

By Anna Von Reitz

I want to make it official and let everyone know that we, The Living Law Firm, are in dog-paddle mode, trying to keep noses above water and keep making progress.   Those of you who have prepared for "significant social unrest" and who can still afford to help with the financial needs involved, please help.  It costs me an average of $200 per week per law suit simply to keep even and we have all sorts of other reimbursements for travel, copy fees, gas, lodgings, etc.   

As I write, I have $142 in my PayPal account and $140 in bills to pay.  That is the way it has gone throughout this whole endeavor, and I take it as a literal sign from God that all our needs are taken care of, literally, almost dollar for dollar every month. 

Last week, just before my surgery, I managed to file the claim under Law of Compensation and Law of Restitution, needed for the land jurisdiction states to be reclaimed and for appointment of their care-taking back to the actual original sovereign government doing business as The United States of America (unincorporated) and our corporate (but unincorporated) states doing business as California, Wisconsin, Vermont, et alia. 

Everyone needs to understand that there are unincorporated businesses and incorporated businesses.  Both are "corporate" in the sense that they are legal fictions. Both can do business and both can communicate with each other, but one has the capacity to operate as a sovereign entity and the other does not. 

Thus, The United States of America (Unincorporated) founded by our forefathers on September 9, 1776, is a sovereign entity created by living men and vouchsafed as an heirloom to their living progeny.  

The United States of America, Incorporated, a foreign, privately owned corporation in the business of providing governmental services, first sprang into existence in 1868, was bankrupted in 1907, came out of bankruptcy in 1953, and now, some misguided acolytes are trying to resurrect this shell as "The Republic" and claiming that they have a "General Post Office" related to us, all from their cozy nest in Costa Rica. 

Anyone who wants to have a Costa Rican governmental services corporation in here providing us with the services delegated to the Federal Government instead of providing those same services ourselves or contracting them out under our direct supervision--- raise your hands....

Like their predecessors, these charlatans will try to convince you that they are your legitimate government, but the Lie is easy to discern. No incorporated entity can be your lawful government.  By definition all sovereign governments are unincorporated.  
Therefore, when a corporation ---any corporation--- claims to be your government, what is the appropriate response? 

Status Update March 12, 2018

By Anna Von Reitz

I had oral surgery this past week and have been forced to be quiet--literally--- but I am all right and well on the way to full recovery, just moving a bit slow and taking it a bit easy.

As for the rest of the world.... imagine two giant Leviathans locked in mortal combat, deep in the sea. Not a lot is visible from dry land, just an occasional large wave, an unusual pattern of ripples, or the rare sight of an awesome back or fin momentarily exposed.

Thus, everything in our world appears to go on pretty much as normal, while underneath the waves it is a very different, very tumultuous story.

The world's three remaining super-powers each have a stake in cleaning up the mess that the old European hegemony created, so they are aiming at the same basic peaceful result, but still have to find or create alternatives and still have to find better answers than Commercial Feudalism to replace it.

Otherwise, the world could just meltdown into chaos and the same powers that have been so destructive could rise again as the lesser of two (or three or four) evils.

The old European power structure responsible for the enslavement and criminality also invented the banking system that moves money around, like the wires connecting an electric circuit and with dollars, yen, and other "currencies" functioning as electrons. What happens when you disconnect your appliance (economy) from the world banking system?

Books Already Answer Most Questions

By Anna Von Reitz

I have been getting a lot of questions from readers that have already been answered in full, officially, in my books.  This may be due to the influx of new readers who are just being introduced to the subjects or maybe I just haven't been upfront enough in telling people--- hey!  There are books available to teach you all this stuff and there are references available for you, already organized and published. And they are all available on for a minimal amount of money, so, instead of me writing out the same basic information over and over and over for 360 people, all of whom need to know----- please get your own copy or borrow someone else's and get familiar with the basic information first.  Horse in front of cart.