By Anna Von Reitz
Sorry that I have been deluged in recent days and
feel like Noah bobbing about in a ferocious storm in my little ark with too many
animals on board. Enough said for the circumstance. The Sons of Saturn are now
gone at long last, but in the resulting vacuum there is a great deal of
Good Guys and Bad Guys are resolutely pointing
fingers at each other and I am left reminded of my Mother wagging her head and
saying, "There's so much bad in the best of us, and so much good in the worst of
us, it's hard to tell the difference."
And so it is. I am more inclined to judge the money
and the law than the victims of either one, but those of us who remain on Terra
Firma are still left with the False Claim that we departed some years ago from
our pleasant shores and are ---at least on the official records---Lost at Sea,
Presumed Dead.
This conundrum arises as a result of unfortunate
choices that were made by commercial corporations, operating as "governmental
services providers" and substituting themselves for our national governments.
Quite simply, we are the victims of identity theft,
impersonation, and credit fraud promoted by commercial corporations posing as
our governments.
Read that again if necessary. This fraud against
the living people has been ongoing since the 1850's in England and the 1860's in
America and has since spread to virtually every country on Earth.
This Great Fraud has been promoted by deliberately
confusing our Lawful Persons with Legal Persons having what appear to be the
exact same names.
For example: a man with the Given Name of say---
John Christian Anderson, naturally uses this appellation as a Trade Name on dry
land, and he operates as a Lawful Person under the Law of the Land that applies
in his native country. He is protected by his country's constitution and the
customary laws of his nation.
However, when John Christian Anderson gets on a
boat and sails over the horizon to the High Seas, a change takes place ---
temporarily --- and his name now denotes a Legal Person bound to obey the Law of
the Sea.
So we have a Lawful Person and a Legal Person with
exactly the same name---John Christian Anderson--- and it is this circumstance
that the criminals have exploited to promote their fraud scheme.
It is, of course, common knowledge, that sailors
may come ashore and landlubbers may, occasionally, travel upon the sea.
So location is not necessarily as definitive as we
might think when it comes to determining the nature and capacities and
obligations of John Christian Anderson.
This circumstance, too, has been badly exploited by
the perpetrators of this scheme. By presuming that John Christian Anderson is a
sailor on shore, we can preferentially subject him to either the Law of the Land
or the Law of the Sea, depending on our own authority.
His Captain can have him clapped in irons and
thrown in the brig for brawling in a local pub. And the local Sheriff can arrest
him for disturbing the peace and throw him in jail, too. Either way.
This poor fellow, John Christian Anderson, is
betwixt and between, hardly able to keep track if he is a-foot or a-horseback,
being prosecuted as a Lawful Person on the land or a Legal Person subject to the
Law of the Sea.
Yes, it's very confusing and it's meant to be ----
and it is doubly confusing when John Christian Anderson has never been to sea in
his lifetime and has no reason whatsoever to consider himself a sailor or as
anyone subject to the Law of the Sea in the first place.
Now, against this backdrop of confusion and
cross-claims of jurisdiction, consider what happens when there is no public
record of any Lawful Person named John Christian Anderson?
Only a registration of a Legal Person named John
Christian Anderson?
Suddenly, our Landlubber friend who is owed all his
constitutional protections and his own national law, disappears.
What remains is a Legal Person subject to the
international Law of the Sea, cast up on the dry land, and in the absence of
evidence otherwise, that's how things remain.
This is precisely the circumstance that we
Landlubbers face, as a result of our corporate employees neglecting to record
our actual birth.
They registered the event instead, and profited
themselves by creating a new franchise for their corporation named after John
Christian Anderson --- who has, lamentably, disappeared. Whereabouts unknown.
This is how your identity as a living Englishman
(or American or German or...) is stolen and a Legal Person Doppelganger is
substituted for your Lawful Person.
It happens within hours or days after you are born,
while still a babe in your cradle, without your Mum's knowing consent, and
results in an Unconscionable Contract being foisted off on you along with the
National Debt.
The Birth Certificate issued to John Christian
Anderson is evidence of the crime committed against the actual baby who is the
Holder in Due Course of that name.
Because you are never told any of this rot and
because it happened when you were far too young to remember or understand
anything about it, you are left helpless to complain or bring action against the
This scheme proved so profitable that we even have
a double layer of it to deal with. Once the British Crown Corp registered your
Given Name, they split the pot with their Boss, the Pope, and created a
Municipal franchise of "you", too.
This is JOHN CHRISTIAN ANDERSON, another foreign
Legal Person, only instead of being subject to the Law of the Sea, this one is
subject to Municipal Law of the Holy Roman Empire. Now, you have a Papist
Doppelganger, too.
Legal Persons have no natural or unalienable
rights, because they are fictional in nature. They have no access to
constitutional protections. They may be taxed or otherwise held accountable for
debts without their consent and without representation.
Legal Persons have to obey and cannot question any
act of legislation or administrative law. They are either indentured servants or
slaves, no accounts, drifters, stateless world travelers on a perpetual journey,
owing body and soul to the corporation that owns their copyright.
In this case, the British Crown Corp.
This is how an Englishman who is heir to the Magna
Carta and British Constitution becomes reduced to an automaton, and also how the
British Crown Corporation finagles a way to attach his private property assets
as chattel backing its debts. This is how Westminster gets its paws into your
pockets and subjects you all to the Law of the Sea, instead of the Law of the
Land. This is how your homes get "mortgaged" to pay the corporation's debts.
And it is exactly the same for Americans,
Frenchmen, Germans, Italians, Canadians, Australians..... we have all been
outrageously dis-served by these criminal "governmental services corporations"
which have all promoted this same fraud scheme worldwide.
Now, the question is, what to do about the fraud
now that we've discovered it and thoroughly understand how it works?
The first thing is to correct the Public Records
and get Landlubber John back on the gameboard.
Here are two great resources to start you on your
way home: