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Monday, November 11, 2024

International Public Notice: Pandemic Was a NATO Operation

 By Anna Von Reitz

For many months now we have followed the money and the patents and the "flow" of information and processes leading up to the beginning of the Covid-19 debacle --- knowing that there was a missing piece. 

We knew, and any astute observer should know, that the World Health Organization and the WHO, Inc. shadow affiliate were not in fact the beginning nor the end of the problem.  

The actual problem is NATO, but that was a very closely guarded secret until this past week, when the Dutch Government officially exposed it. 

It was in fact a military operation and illegal Act of War by NATO against civilian populations worldwide. 

Read that again. 

Our health system has been weaponized since the Civil War. 

A distinction was made between private physicians and "medical doctors".  Medical doctors were licensed to act as "uniformed officers" as shown in Federal Code Titles 8, 11, and 31.  As such our doctors became conscripts under the control of the foreign British Territorial Corporation, and subject to its demands. 

A so-called "civilian military force" was born.  

This system was continued and expanded under the FDR Administration and the institutionalization of the American Medical Association (AMA). Our doctors, registered nurses, dentists, and other health professionals were thus subjected to the demands of foreign commercial corporations, and our health care was weaponized by and used to profit these corporations. 

In plain terms, they've used our doctors, nurses, and dentists as soldiers for a long time, but we have been unaware of this and have continued to innocently view them as trusted and trustworthy health care professionals --- when, as a group, they are not free to uphold their own professional standards and personal conscience.  

As a group, the medical and health care professionals are civilians who have been press-ganged and forced into "civilian military service" by a process of licensure. 

If they don't obey, they lose their license, so they are forced to do what the evil corporations responsible for all this tell them to do. 

They are subject to an unseen conflict of interest, and because it is unseen, they have been forced to operate as clandestine mercenary soldiers without the public knowing any of this and without suspecting them of any conflict of interest. 

This is how NATO engineered, caused, commanded, implemented, and executed a clandestined Act of War against civilian populations worldwide. 

In each country, the playbook was the same.  Licensed medical professionals were given a choice -- either inject and sell this shit, and get a nice kickback, or lose your license to practice medicine. 

The hospitals and hospital administrators were placed under a similar carrot v stick scenario by the same evil and out of control quasi-military "treaty" organization, operating in multiple countries at the same time.  Remember that hospitals are "licensed", too. 

As for the vaccines themselves, this is not the first time that they have been adulterated and deployed and resulted in devastating damage to civilian populations.  

Adulterated polio vaccine, polluted with SV40 monkey DNA which causes soft-tissue cancers, was the first major "break out" event. For a full and very knowledgeable recount of how over a hundred million people were injected with a "vaccine" known to cause cancer, and how that "mistake" has been repeated and expanded upon with Covid 19 --- listen up:

"Decentralized Medicine |Jack Kruse | Assembly 2023" 

The polio vaccine given to children in this country up until circa 1956 was adulterated with SV40 Monkey DNA which causes soft tissue cancers.  This was covered up by the politicians and doctors and researchers responsible, and this same "mistake" was repeated in the Covid 19 vaccine.  To which we say: 

The SV40 polio vaccine scandal was buried to prevent liability for the vaccine industry.  They knew what they had done.  They knew that a huge spike in cancer cases was coming.  They knew why.  And they did nothing but gin up a multi-billion cancer research and cancer treatment industry to bilk the victims and their insurance companies.  That was their response. 

What do you think their response will be to the new and even larger spike in cancers caused by continued SV40 adulteration of the mRNA vaccines?  

They are trying to cover it up, of course.  They are denying the FACT that Kevin McKiernan found massive pollution of the mRNA vaccines with the same SV40 Monkey DNA; they have been trying to twist and spin.... but then, Dr. Phillip J. Buckhaults confirmed it, and it was independently confirmed again: 



They are endangering us all and killing us slowly for profit. 

The same foreign commercial corporations that commandeered our healthcare professionals for use and abuse as "civilian military" officers, created NATO, and now, have used NATO to pull off this gigantic genocide and deployment of cancer and other disease causing agents throughout the general population. 

These corporations and organizations have to be dismembered and defunded without further adieu; and NATO has strayed so far from its stated mission that we must regard the "North Atlantic Treaty" as a whole voided and defaulted.

This is not a defense issue.  This is an offense, an Act of War, against innocent civilian populations, resulting in mass and continuing genocide. 

Everyone who promoted and enforced the Covid 19 injections and protocols is a criminal by fiat.  The government corporations that are  members of NATO are criminal by definition.  

It's up to the rest of us to determine what we are going to do about it. 
Let's begin by sharing this information with everyone we know in every corner of the Earth.  Let's follow up with letters to Trump, RFK, Jr., the State of State Surgeon Generals, and everyone else.  

Then we repeal the Bayh-Dole Act that allows researchers including those whose research is paid for by the "government" corporations to profit from patenting their discoveries -- one of the principal ways that medicine in this country has been turned into a for-profit industry. 

We are pleased that the WHO Medical Tyranny Treaty has run aground and failed.  It needs to fail its way into history as yet another Bad Idea soundly defeated by the common sense of millions of people who, among other things, don't want unelected bureaucrats using the coercive powers of government to dictate their health choices. 

Nor do we want self-interested healthcare corporations secretly promoting disease in order to profit themselves, which has clearly been going on here ever since the Polio Vaccines were found to be polluted.  

There is a reason that our Federal Constitutions -- all three of them -- don't mention a word about health, public or otherwise.   Health is a private matter and it needs to remain so.  

NATO needs to be disbanded; it has been endlessly dishonorable, and in the current instance, criminal, in word and deed.  That a membership organization of corporations (NATO) has been allowed to commit Acts of War against civilian populations is outrageous; that the Perpetrators should escape unscathed behind a corporate veil is unthinkable. 

Any corporate veil covering NATO's rump needs to be removed and full liability invoked. 

The Bayh-Dole Act needs to be repealed. 

Covid 19 vaccines need to be withdrawn from the market, immediately if not sooner, and all insurance companies need to be informed of the research findings, so that they begin fighting back. 

The banks that have been funding all this criminality need to be tied down and excoriated in public and fined into oblivion.   

The practice of licensing healthcare professionals for purposes of coercion and forced duty assignments as members of any "civilian military" must be stopped, and the foreign guild system imposed by the American Medical Association must be destroyed.

The politicians that have allowed this and who counted their obligation to make profit higher than their obligation to the living people of this planet need to be arrested, tried for their crimes, and executed along with the NATO Generals who gave the orders. 

Especially those members of the U.S. Congress who promoted mandatory injections for the Public, but exempted themselves and their families need to be forcibly injected and then hung in public, as these individuals have demonstrated their premeditated criminal intent to profit from the suffering and death of others. 

These people are all murderers who acted with malice aforethought and for profit motives.  We cannot think of a more criminal and heinous set of actions and motives behind what has been done here to billions of innocent people of all kinds, all colors, all ages, all religions, all nations. 

This amounts to deliberate and damaging pollution of the human genome and harmful hybridization thereof with other species' DNA; it amounts to playing God in a state of reckless uncaring ignorance. 

Our American Government considers both Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci to be criminals, men who are sociopaths bent on murder for profit, men who have committed these crimes willingly and knowingly, and who are subject to our extraterritorial jurisdiction as violent criminals engaged in murder for profit, torture for profit, human trafficking for profit, and unlawful conversion for profit. 

The will and the direction of our American Government is clear: arrest and prosecute them all to the fullest extent of the Law.   

They and their corporations must be prosecuted for what they have sponsored and done; the corporations must be dismembered and the men responsible for these corporate crimes need to be hung in public, as a deterrent to any similar corporate criminals in the future. 

These are capital crimes committed against innocent members of the public worldwide by a club/cartel of commercial corporations (NATO) in the business of providing government services. These are commercial and municipal crimes that deserve immediate response. 

These and other preparations to deal with mass death and disability on a worldwide basis must be undertaken with courage and determination.  Both the meaning of health care and the delivery of health care must be drastically and irrevocably reformed. 

We are now, unfortunately, in damage control mode, trying to fathom and appropriately respond to the white collar and military crimes that have been perpetuated on this beautiful planet and inflicted on our innocent people.  These crimes must be dealt with and there can be no compromise. The cost of these crimes must be exacted from the criminals, not the victims. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

November 11th 2024


See this article and over 5100 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: Two Thieves

 By Anna Von Reitz

Remember that Jesus was crucified between two thieves, and so are we.  One thief denied him, but the other repented.  That also is our experience in The United States. 

We have quite literally been in the thrall of two thieves, both intent on milking us like cows for the better part of two centuries; the first thief has been described as "the Military Complex" and the second thief has been dubbed "the Industrial Complex", but both have been black-hearted pirates so far as we are concerned. 

The apparent repentance of the new Trump Administration is, to some extent, music to the ears of us cattle.  A commitment to end war is always good, but if you already have things staged so that your Partner in Crime will perpetuate war against you, it's a hollow promise. 

You can have your war and eat it, so long as you are the one being attacked and look like the underdog, too.   

Trump, representing the Military Complex, (even though as we have seen, there is no actual military present under his command) is already struggling with a migrant invasion which the Enemies of all Mankind are using as a diversion. 

Our actual military doesn't stand under Trump and has different paymasters. 

Plans are underway by the Drug Cartels and the EU Industrial Interests to invade Arizona and steal the gold hoard amassed from the mysterious Grand Canyon Civilization.  This hoard is, by itself, estimated to exceed all present gold reserves held by banks, and for this reason, is viewed as a threat by the BRICs and the gold-hoarding European Industrial Complex. 

The Gold Cartel Agents of the EU Industrial Complex have a vested interest in preventing that gold from ever entering the world market, so they are sanctifying  it as the artifacts of an unknown prehistoric civilization and planning to "disappear" it into museums, while the Drug Cartels want possession so that they can melt it down and launder it like they launder everything else, and the Military Complex is stuck in between: decorum demands that they respect the artifacts of a prior culture, but practicality demands that it be smelted down.  

What can such a self-serving montage of pirates do? 

Exactly what they are doing --- moving massive amounts of military hardware into Arizona and preparing to "stage" a civil war, in which they hope to both steal the gold and declare ultimate victory in a phony civil war. 

It hasn't occurred to them that what didn't work before won't work again.  

It's not that they have forgotten the horns of this particular dilemma. 

Mercenary forces have no means of claiming land by conquest, and they have been reminded of that fact in the recent past, so the end result would be a continuance of their present illegal occupation of our country. 

Of course a lot of people will die and there will be massive collateral damage, but it's all out in the desert anyway.  They don't care.  They want the gold and they want the drama.  

At the same time, they are preparing another invasion from Canada, staged as a "friendly intervention", which is simply another gold-and-power-grab being prepped by the same guilty parties. 

They hope for a single drive from Canada south to Arizona, which would separate our country in two, and establish a militarized zone -- in which all the suspected gold sources would be captured and placed under their military control. 

Such are the dreams of madmen. 

This "war" would be staged as a multinational war against the Drug Cartels so far as Trump and his Administration is concerned, and it would be touted as a new civil war by the EU interests involved. 

The goal of securing possession of the gold would be achieved, and the American people wouldn't even know they had been robbed. 

They could think it was all the fault of Joe Biden and his failed immigration policies, or they could think it was all the fault of Donald Trump, but in either case, nobody but a few generals and senior politicians would know about the existence of the gold, and therefore the actual motivation behind all the violence and upheaval and loss to be inflicted on our country as a smokescreen and ongoing resource extraction operation benefiting foreign interests. 

We don't have to speculate about this, as it is already underway. 

The Republicans will blame the Democrats and the Democrats will blame the Republicans, but the fact remains that only a few criminals benefit from any of this. Everyone else suffers and is defrauded. 

It doesn't matter which thief is plundering which pocket, as we are all being robbed just the same. The impact of this particular theft and commercial mercenary insanity will extend far beyond our borders and if they are successful, will breathe new life into the Satanic Actors Guild responsible. 

The UN represents the European Bad Actors and the EU Industrial Complex; the USA represents the Military Complex. 

We present ourselves, the only actual government in the mix, and we present the fact that the gold belongs to us and to our States of the Union as we hold the only substantive international interest and our Native Nations hold the only likely cultural interest in any of the gold artifacts.  

As such, our British Territorial Subcontractors --- Mr. Trump and Company, need to stand down and tend to the job of deporting illegal aliens back to their home countries and securing any gold that belongs to us for our knowledgeable use; the former Municipal Government employees that have been hired and retained until January first of 2025, also need to stand down. 

We are not deceived.  The Perpetrators need to reconsider their proposed operations on our shores and choose a different path. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

November 11th 2024 


See this article and over 5100 others on Anna's website here:

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It's All Over, Now the Shouting

 By Anna Von Reitz

During his First Term, Donald Trump gave money to Ukraine and opened the door to that debacle.  He also promoted and participated in the Covid 19 disaster.   And, of course, he has been a stalwart and never-ending supporter of Israel and is reportedly in favor of the creation of an extraterritorial State of Israel that would function as a fifty-first (Confederate) State of State, a corporation that has already been set up by the Royal Institute of International Affairs and now has a postal address at Kensington Palace. 

Suffice it to say that Trump has been part of the problem in the past and has been ill-advised, especially from CIA, Military, and State Department flunkies who encouraged him in pursuing these initiatives. Both Bill Barr and Mike Pompeo -- who is reportedly still in the running for a cabinet slot -- were big mistakes for this country and the world.  

There's no reason to think that Trump won't choose bad advisors again and no reason to think that he won't make more disastrous mistakes. Be awake and aware and watch his selections of his cabinet closely, especially his National Security Advisors and Military appointments.  

We are encouraged by his selection of RFK, Jr. as a Health Czar and excited by the idea that Elon Musk and his Musk Machine may be given the task of eradicating government waste; given the track records of both men, we have great expectations --- if they are appropriately supported --- of vast improvements in the Health Sector and in Administration.  

There are already rumors that the Republican oligarchs are resisting the role promised to RFK, Jr. as they veil their pro-Big Pharma conflicts of interest behind a show of partisan self-interest.  Be aware that all Trump really has going for him besides a good record on the economy, is a reputation for keeping his promises.  

If Trump ditches on RFK, Jr., this portion of his reputation-- the trust that he keeps his promises--  will be sacrificed to greed disguised as party politics.

We may even see the end of the so-called "Agency System" set up by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, which has always improperly extended the powers of government to Agency Subcontractors and cost the people of this country untold trillions of dollars and misery to match.  

The recent Supreme Court rulings in West Virginia v EPA and Loper Bright Enterprises v Raimondo and Relentless, Inc., v Department of Commerce have taken the fangs away from these so-called Administrative Agencies and set a clear precedent for denying executive and legislative powers to them. 

Tellingly, however, this election cycle for the U.S. Corporation failed to address the real meat and potatoes issues: the Federal Reserve, the continued criminality rife within the financial system, the inflation caused by this criminality, the continued failure of the Federal Subcontractors to recognize their actual employers, the mismanagement of the State Trusts, the lack of oversight over corporations, and the need to make restitution to the American people. 

The latest scuttlebutt in this regard is that $600 Trillion has been recouped worldwide and that leaders of 74 countries have been invited to a secret summit in Iceland to distribute this among their constituencies. 

Considering that Jacob Rothschild's personal fortune --- alone --- was over $500 Trillion, this $600 Trillion is a drop in the bucket.  We have no explanation of why only 74 countries are in on this, out of more than 209 countries on Earth.  And we can't justify why only the U.S. Corporation's "Quantum Financial System" is going to be used as the distribution system for this sudden largesse, nor can we justify the way that Mr. Trump and Company are assuming authority over civilian assets and their distribution. 

This is money that was stolen from living people, by banks, by corporations pretending to be governments, by stock exchanges, by mortgage companies, title companies, insurance companies, private taxation agencies, and other legal fiction entities which have been allowed to run wild. 

The thefts have taken place in this country, the former Commonwealth, seventeen western European countries that were (and still are) occupied by the Allies in WWII, Japan, Iraq, Libya and numerous other countries that have --- one way or another --- come under the surreptitious thrall of Territorial Corporations in the business of providing "essential government services". 

This then opens up the Great Debate that Elon Musk must navigate -- what are the "essential" government services?  By contract the only services that the American people have contracted for are spelled out in the Federal Constitutions.  We shouldn't be paying for anything more and we shouldn't be paying for anyone else, but we are. 

And so are all the other countries impacted by the Great Fraud promoted by Britain and Rome acting in collusion for the last 160 years. 

It appears that Mr. Trump and Company are preparing to divvy up the spoils of a relatively minor recoupment operation, which they are trying to present to the Public as the solution, the be-all and end-all clean up of the problem, but $600 Trillion is just scratching the surface of the giant fraud, and while it may --- at the cost of gross inflation of 74 national currencies --- give a much-needed boost to the private economy, it does nothing to touch the systemic corruption, nor does it address the enormity of the actual theft. 

It does nothing substantive to cure the problem.  

The problem in our view is institutionalized criminality and theft of private civilian assets by commercial mercenary "armies" and their corporations, combined with more theft of private civilian credit by the same guilty parties. 

So what if they all get together and cough up $600 Trillion -- a pittance in comparison to the actual theft?  -- and "offer" that as full restitution for the theft of dodecadillions worth of private assets?  
Would you accept a penny as full acquittal on a debt of almost unimaginable proportions?  

We don't.  You shouldn't.  And Mr. Trump and Company should be aware of the fact that we are aware.  $600 Trillion is nice.  It's a step in the right direction, but it is just a step in a much longer term solution.  


See this article and over 5100 others on Anna's website here:

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