Are you looking for Solutions for America in Distress

You are in the right place to find out about what is really going on behind the scenes in the patriot movement in America, including solutions from Oathkeepers, Anna Von Reitz, Constitutional Sheriffs, Richard Mack, and many more people who are leading the charge to restore America to freedom and peace. Please search on the right for over 9370 articles.
You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own. If you have an opinion on a particular article, please comment by clicking the title of the article and scrolling to the box at the bottom on that page. Please keep the discussion about the issues, and keep it civil. The administrator reserves the right to remove any comment for any reason by anyone. Use the golden rule; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Additionally we do not allow comments with advertising links in them for your products. When you post a comment, it is in the public domain. You have no copyright that can be enforced against any other individual who comments here! Do not attempt to copyright your comments. If that is not to your liking please do not comment. Any attempt to copyright a comment will be deleted. Copyright is a legal term that means the creator of original content. This does not include ideas. You are not an author of articles on this blog. Your comments are deemed donated to the public domain. They will be considered "fair use" on this blog. People donate to this blog because of what Anna writes and what Paul writes, not what the people commenting write. We are not using your comments. You are putting them in the public domain when you comment. What you write in the comments is your opinion only. This comment section is not a court of law. Do not attempt to publish any kind of "affidavit" in the comments. Any such attempt will also be summarily deleted. Comments containing foul language will be deleted no matter what is said in the comment.

Monday, October 30, 2017

How Did D-Y-I-N-G Folks Make it This Far in V.e.G.a-$ ?!?

This leaves a lot of unanswered questions. The Cabal needs rampant fear in the population in order to keep their control power over the people.

Found here:

Found Here:

Found Here:

Sunday, October 29, 2017

The Great Fraud in 25 Words Or Less

By Anna Von Reitz

The Great Fraud is a process designed to strip living men of their identity and assets in order to benefit corporations.

Soulless faceless corporations are lined up all over the world feeding off the living people like vampires. 

They are using patents, trademarks, and stolen copyrights to do it. 

So that is why we lay claim to the harmful copyrights, patents, and trademarks in the name of the actual government of this country--- to not only bring collateral to provide relief to the people harmed, but to shut down the fraud process itself. 

Two birds with one stone. 

Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost

Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

At the Introit of the Mass is said a prayer of Mardochai, which may be used in all necessities:
INTROIT All things are in thy will, O Lord: and there is none that can resist thy will: for thou hast made all things, heaven and earth, and all things that are under the cope of heaven: thou art Lord of all. (Esth. xiii. 9, 10.) Blessed are the undefiled in the way: who walk in the law of the Lord. (Ps. cxviii.) Glory etc.
COLLECT Keep, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy family by Thy continued goodness: that, through Thy protection, it may be free from all adversities, and devoted in good works to the glory of Thy name. Thro'.
EPISTLE (Ephes. vi. 10-17.) Brethern, Be strengthened in the Lord, and in the might of his power. Put you on the armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the deceits of the devil: for our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in high places. Therefore take unto you the armor of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and to stand in all things perfect. Stand, therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breast-plate of justice, and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace: in all things taking the shield of faith, wherewith you may be able to extinguish all the fiery darts of, the most wicked one: and take unto you the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God.

Feast of Christ the King - Last Sunday in October

On October 30. 2011, The last Sunday in October, about 3 years before I new anything about Anna Von Reitz, I wrote the following on the Feast of Christ the King.   Paul Stramer

Most of the founders of our country were keen to say that our country was founded on Christian principles, and our form of government would work for no other people than a Christian people.

The saying "No King but Jesus" was popular then as it is in some circles now.
Today is celebrated in the Catholic Church the idea that Jesus is the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords" which is expressed in different words today. Today it might be said that Jesus should be the King over all government agents, employees, and office holders, and that if He isn't held as such by those people our country is doomed and judged to fall into oblivion, since the form of government we have (Constitutional Republic) will work for no other people.

Some years ago I shocked a group of patriots at a dinner in Kalispell by making the statement that my whole purpose in being a patriot was to restore the Kingship of Jesus over our country. That form of government could be expressed as a "Constitutional Monarchy by the King of Kings, Jesus Christ". Of course that would not change our form of government, in corporal terms, one bit, but it would restore the ideas of the founders and infuse reality and truth into the people who have sworn to uphold and protect and defend the US Constitution, which I believe was somwhat Divinely Inspired.

How would restoring the Kingship of Jesus effect our country. Who is this King?  Jesus is the second person of the Blessed Trinity, The Word of God Made Man. In other words Jesus is 'Truth Personified'. He is God, along with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Co-equal with them, but posessing a second nature, the nature of Man. He has both the nature of God, and the nature of man in one person. That is the miracle. He is the Christ of the Lord, and the Lord of Lords, meaning that from His role as Redeemer, and Saviour, and first born from the dead he has the supremacy in all things, in all creation, and by Him and His Sacrifice the door to heaven has been opened and we all have a chance to be saved.  
You might ask then, like the jews asked, why didn't he stay and rule in bodily form? (restore the kingdom of Isreal)  The fact is that he DID restore His Kindgom, but His Kingdom, as He told Pontius Pilate, is NOT of this world.
So how would His Kingdom be restored inside our government? 

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Dear Supreme World Settlement Commander

By Anna Von Reitz

By addressing these issues to your attention we do not subject ourselves nor our country.  Please bear in mind that we can prove every fact and hear counsel regarding every concern:

1.  The so-called American Civil War was never declared and never ended by a formal Peace Treaty of any kind.  As a result, it must be considered an illegal commercial mercenary action on our shores. 

2.  The so-called American Civil War commenced in April 1861 as the result of actions by Abraham Lincoln, a Bar Attorney, who was precluded from holding any public office in our government as of 1819.  

3. It follows that Lincoln's actions had nothing to do with us. 

4.  Lincoln either: (a) unlawfully occupied the Office of the President of the United States of America under conditions of deceit, or (b) Lincoln occupied the similarly named Office of President of the United States and in either case, Lincoln violated our trust and committed constructive fraud and made war on our shores in violation of our actual Constitution which provides only for mutual defense of our geographically defined states. 

Don't Worry Unduly

By Anna Von Reitz

Just because I am being responsible and doing my estate planning doesn't mean I am scared or going paranoid. It's just a fact of life that a Great-Grandma doesn't have unlimited time in the first place, and I am swimming with Big Sharks in the second.

Our entry into the international debate which has focused for over two years on how the rest of the world was going to divide up our assets and feast upon "America" ---which has been widely and wrongly blamed for the criminality of the United States and its corporate government--- is bound to excite a lot of consternation.

The seizure of the key patents and trademarks used to create and automate their Fraud Machine is bound to create a lot more.

Both the perpetrators of the Great Fraud and their employees have been sure that our states were long gone and our government ripe for overthrow for a very long time. That's why they socked away all their ill-gotten gains in coffers belonging to us --- (1) they needed an excuse for all their looting, so they put it all away in accounts in our NAMES so that they could pretend, if caught, that they were doing the right thing by us; (2) they counted on being able to make a "claim of abandonment" and come in and steal our assets because they had gotten away with doing that repeatedly before.

To quote PFC Gomer Pyle: "Surprise, surprise, surprise!"

So the big hunk of Horse Hooey they counted on being able to drop into our soup has been dropped into theirs instead. We have to expect disgruntled dinner guests.

226 Pages

By Anna Von Reitz

We have completed work on the ABA Lien --- the first bite at the whole criminal infrastructure upholding, orchestrating, and automating the Great Fraud.  It is a mammoth work. 

The work began more than three years ago when Coloradan Steve Curry began due process of an International Obligation Lien against the American Bar Association and International Bar Associations.  

This now-perfected lien worth $279 trillion dollars has been cured, a sovereign-level Bill of Lading has been brought in favor of The United States of America (Unincorporated) and a Writ of Execution has been issued. 

It is important to realize that a great deal of Due Process has gone into this and every effort was made to provide recourse and rebuttal opportunities and chances to cure in hundreds if not thousands of court cases all over America.  

The continued lawless operation of the private territorial and municipal courts acting in Bad Faith and Color of Law on our soil has resulted in vast damage to our states and our people--- and a generation of smug lawyers who think that they can get away with murder on paper and no end of other paper terrorist activities without it ever coming home.  

Welcome to today, which is the beginning of tomorrow.  

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Civilian Property Emblem - In the Case of Martial Law Intensifying

From Anna Von Reitz

Instruction to Safely Identify Your Home and Property in the Case of Martial Law Intensifying.
Take a rigid piece of material-- wood, metal, foam core, etc. and make a sign --- a rectangle 5 inches tall by ten inches wide.
Draw a diagonal line from the top right to the left bottom corner so that there now appear to be two triangles inscribed, one above the other.
Color the top triangle black and the bottom triangle white.
Firmly attach this emblem to your house, your gates, and display in the front and rear windows of your car, boat, etc., to warn the military that you are a civilian "vessel" and that they will be trespassing on civilian property if they enter in upon your land, auto, home, etc. and will be acting against international law.
Field Manual 27-10/1956
Section 4, 45 and 46

Here is the Emblem that prints out the right size:

Scanned Testament

Dear Paul, 

Please post this so that all my Readers have it and will have proof of what my Testament says.

A Testament can only be done by a living man or woman, not by any officer or Attorney.  It immediately outweighs and over-stands any settlements or probates or other claims that these False Actors might want to impose over the distribution of your estate and belongings.

So never allow a lawyer the option of preparing a "Will" for you--- always insist on making your own Testament instead and leaving it with your most trusted friends.  The tradition is to leave at least one copy hand-printed in the flyleaf of your own Bible.  If all you want to do is deal with who-gets-what-after-I-am-gone, then it requires nothing more than something similar to what I have done as item "Twelve" of my Testament.  Name those you wish to benefit and establish who your Executor or Executive Officer will be.

That's it.

Thank you, Paul, and don't unduly worry.  It's just a reality of the situation that many powers will be overturned and upset and many evil beings will be disappointed in their slavering and enslaving activities.  I trust to Our Father in all things and know that I will live until He says otherwise, so, be content whatever comes.


Scanned Testament Page One:

Scanned Testament Page Two:

My Testament For My Sons and Daughters

By Anna Von Reitz

I am still alive, by the Grace and Glory of God, this day in October in the year called 2017, and yet, realistically, I must take steps to prepare for death and the likelihood that I and my husband and perhaps many other innocent members of the Belle Chers will fall in the line of duty.  As I said in the beginning, we are Shepherds sent to guard the flock; we fight with wolves and lions.  

One of the most frustrating things about the condition of death is that you can no longer be heard by the living.  You can stand right next to them and shout as loud as you like, and they will just go on eating or typing or whatever else they are doing, totally oblivious.  

So to save myself that frustration later I am giving my messages now.  

First, and foremost, I love you all.  All.  Even the Bad Actors. Our Father has purposed that all will be saved and not one left behind.  Remember that.  Not one. 
Remember this, too--- that love is the most important thing you can give, and I give it freely to each and every one of you reading this today.  

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

One of the Systems we are Using to Advertise for Anna

From Paul Stramer

On Sunday September 7, 2014, I reported on the state of Anna's website which I had created on my server in Toronto Canada, with the address of  It's hard to believe that it's been over 3 years since we put this system on line, but it has.

I knew from the outset that it would be an uphill battle to get a website like this one, which is primarily a political and historical website rather than a business opportunity, found by the search engines, and promote it to the world so people can learn the truth of our history and heritage.

We have used a number of systems to advertise these two websites (this blog and and to try and increase the number of subscribers to our automated email system at  Most of the systems I have been using are traffic exchanges, where one can surf the internet for other people's business ads in return for our ads being viewed by other members of those systems.

Here is a page on my server where these traffic exchanges are listed.    These systems are free to join and use.

If you have an online business you are trying to promote, and you are inclined to help us promote Anna's work, you could join some of those systems from my links, which will boost the views we receive to Anna's ads, while you are promoting your own ads for your business.

Perhaps the most important thing you can do for your online business is to build a mailing list for email. The money is in the list, as they say.  

At first I didn't have any kind of advertising budget at all, so everything I did was on the free systems. When I started the Expatriation Ad Project and Anna's readers began donating for advertising I was able to buy some views of our ads on various systems. That is the cause of the rapid increase in new subscribers we have been experiencing.

Now I want you to see the best paid system we are using so far.
This one is not free, but the cost is minimal if you are promoting your own online business.

Rather than explain everything about this automated email and lead generation system I will just give you my affiliate link and let the system explain itself.

There are many advantages to using this system. I will only list a few.

1. The leads come from ads being run by the Boost system on all the major search engines and social media like Facebook and YouTube etc.
2. You get 80 or more brand new people to send your ads to EVERY DAY!
3. You don't have to spend your own time or bandwidth on sending the ads. The Boost system does it for you.
4. The leads are people who are entrepreneurs like us, and are always looking for new ways to make money on line.


By referring our readers to this system, and when some of them use it by joining from the big link above, our own boost system will receive many more email leads we can mail to every day.
We have already been a member of this system for over a year, and we are currently mailing to over 34,000 (yes thirty four thousand) people about every other day.

If just one of you joins Boost from my link above, our numbers will double. In other words, if just one person joins from our link and starts promoting their own business using the Boost system, we will get 160 new people in our system per day instead of 80.

Just one more thing. We are running 4 new ads on the boost system for Anna.
See the 4 ads at the top of the page here:
Each one of these new ads has it's own landing page with different movies, so click on each ad to see the movie associated with that ad.

These new ads are really kicking our subscriptions for the email announcements of Anna's new articles into high gear.  I hope you can help us and yourself by making good use of this system.

If you are not inclined or don't need to do advertising for your own business or just want to help this Expatriation Ad Project with a contribution to buy more advertising on these systems for Anna just use this PayPal button.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


By Anna Von Reitz

Somewhere between all the other work I have to do and sending boo-boo presents to my Great-Granddaughter who has sprained her ankle and is worried about not being able to go to the local Fall Festival in costume next week (I suggested that she go as a sick person, add some bandages, and use the crutches to good effect, right?) -- I have to raise money for travel and filing fees this week. 

We are looking at what can only be described as the Mother of All Collateral  Claims and for some documents the filing fees are $50 a page, folks.  This isn't cheap and Grandma's Cupboard while not bare, is far from overflowing. 

And since you are all the "Poor Dogs" standing to gain not only bones but well-deserved beef roasts out of all this-- please send what you can:

PayPal is and snail mail is: Anna Maria Riezinger c/o Post Office Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652. 

Monday, October 23, 2017

You Are Among the First to Know

By Anna Von Reitz

A few days ago I told everyone that the "mountain moving" has begun.  So it has. 

Most of the criminality that has infested this country has been built around one central lie --- the idea that our government of the people, by the people, and for the people was in "interregnum" --- a polite fancy way of saying "on pause", not functioning, in-between periods of activity and leadership--- for the past 150 years.  

When a Pope dies and the conclave of Cardinals come together to choose a new leader, the Holy See is in "interregnum".  

So the rest of the world has, as Karen Hudes said months ago, considered our lawful government to be "in interregnum".  

We, the sovereigns of the land jurisdiction of The United States of America might come back and might not.  Meantime, our servants running the Territorial United States (military) and Municipal United States (Washington, DC) settled in for a nice long session of eating our food and drinking our wine and sleeping in our beds and generally running amok with our credit cards. 

That presumption can now no longer stand. 

Please see attached.  

By their own rules, the cards have been called.  And they lose.


Here is the document Anna referred to as an attachment in the announcement.
The first and second are page 1 and 2 of the whole document, and the third link is the last page of the entire document. 

The first document: 

Second document:

Third Document:

Fourth link is the entire 28 page Document: 

Morning Star

By Anna Von Reitz

I am not sure why I have to address this topic at this time, but it is apparent from the number and volume of references and questions coming at me from all sides that such a public discussion is necessary. 

People need to know what "Morning Star" in the Bible is about and to have some resolution in their minds as to why both Satan and Jesus are referred to with these words. 

Satan is called the Son of the Morning Star in Isaiah 14:12.
Jesus is called the "Bright and Morning Star" in Revelations 22:16

The Morning Star, also known as the Dog Star, is the brightest star in the heavens.  It is part of a star complex that is more scientifically known as Sirius B.  

The Latest New Ad for Anna

Here is the link:

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost

Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

The Introit of the Mass is an humble prayer, by which we acknowledge that we are punished for our disobedience:
INTROIT All that thou hast done to us, O. Lord, thou hast done in true, judgment: because we have sinned against thee, and have not obeyed thy commandments: but give glory to thy name, and deal with us according to the multitude of thy mercy. (Dan. III. 28.) Blessed are the undefiled in the way: who walk in the law of the Lord. (Fs. CXVIII.). 
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
COLLECT Grant, we beseech Thee, O Lord, in Thy mercy to Thy faithful pardon and peace; that they may both be cleansed from all their offences, and serve Thee with a quiet mind. Through our Lord Jesus Christ etc.
EPISTLE (Ephes. V. 15-21.) Brethren, See how you walk circumspectly, not as unwise, but as wise redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore, become not unwise, but understanding what is the will of God. And be not drunk with wine, wherein is luxury: but be ye filled with the Holy Spirit, speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns, and spiritual canticles, singing and making melody in your hearts to the Lord: giving thanks always for all things, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to God and the Father; being subject one to another in the fear of Christ.
How may we redeem time?

Finally --- The Reason the Courts Are Corrupt

By Anna Von Reitz

Want to know why our courts are corrupt?  We finally, definitively, have the answer, and it is not one that you are going to like.  I know that I am having a hard time, and yet, there is a certain relief in knowing the answer: sorta like having a disease and finally getting the diagnosis. 

I have been blaming the judges and attorneys along with everyone else.  But guess what?  The Truth is now out and plain to see, with a clear, documented provenance from Point A to Point Z. 

The corruption of our courts is only possible because our military is corrupt.  Period. 

The Territorial Armed Forces that have been quietly occupying our land jurisdiction since 1863 and operating under color of law this whole while, are also the ones supervising the cleverly disguised pillaging they engaged in via the set up of clandestine quasi-military courts in the military districts the Rump Congress created and which the military district commanders controlled:  

March 2, 1867 (14 Stat. 428), divided the ten Southern states into five military districts, each to be commanded by an officer not below the rank of brigadier general. Under the act the primary duties of these commanders were "to protect all persons in their rights of person and property, to suppress insurrection, disorder, and violence, and to punish, or cause to be punished, all disturbers of the public peace and criminals." 

These provisions of the Reconstruction Acts  have never been repealed. 

Saturday, October 21, 2017

More Answers From the Field Manuals -- Who Is Responsible For This Mess?

By Anna Von Reitz

In recent days I have been hearing a lot of irresponsible talk trashing our founding documents as if the documents were at fault for the present situation.  They aren't. The fault lies entirely with the men and women who have sought to evade and undermine and avoid the limitations and agreements contained in those documents. 

I can hear some not-so-smarts huffing--- "Well!  If the Declaration of Independence is so great and the Constitution was worth poop, why aren't my constitutional guarantees being honored?  

And the answer is?  

Please Note

From Anna Von Reitz

Unknown to most Americans there has been a hereditary Head of State covering the international jurisdiction of the actual states of the Union since September 9, 1776.  This was necessary because in the international jurisdiction there are no living people --- only corporations, incorporations, and heads of state.  The Americans of course were against the whole concept, but had no choice--- if they wanted to operate in international jurisdiction they had to choose someone who was a free sovereign already---- so they chose William Belcher, a Colonel in the Continental Army, who was already a free sovereign in England and France.  

This fact was obscured even within the family responsible because of the Civil War.  

My husband is the current Head of State.  He is uniquely able to declare the peace and the end of the so-called interregnum.  

His family holds the Great Seals of both The United States of America and The United States (which is under delegation).  

They have the right to display the open seal --- without the circle enclosing it, while the Kings and Queens of England have traditionally wielded the closed version representing delegated or secondary power. 

Please see the attached Declaration ending the endless "war" and the presumed interregnum  and then read the entire document.

This is not quite ready for general public release yet--- just wanted you to have it and know that it is coming.   I could use help rounding up mailing addresses and especially the emails of the fifty National Guard Adjutant Generals, the National Guard Civil Affairs Officers, and any and all others you can think of who need to get a nose full of this. 

We have to get this out internationally and domestically before the Rothschilds force the world into another senseless war over casino chips. . 


Here is the document Anna referred to in the announcement.
The first and second are page 1 and 2 of the whole document, and the third link is the last page of the entire document. 

The first document: 

Second document:

Third Document:

Fourth link is the entire 28 page Document: 
See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website
 To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

The Truth About Dunford -- Get Ready

By Anna Von Reitz

Okay, everyone, I want you to stand ready. 

General Dunford is making a gigantic mistake.  

He can't readily process new information that comes from outside his particular area of expertise and he can't quickly or easily adjust his basic assumptions---- even when he is shown the truth in black and white.  

He doesn't know that America is not the "US".  

He doesn't know that America has two flags --- the Stars and Stripes war flag and the Civil Peace flag. 

He doesn't know that the "government" he thinks he owes allegiance to is in fact a foreign territorial government that is simply under contract to the actual government he is supposed to be serving.  

Conference Ends, Mountain Moving Begins

By Anna Von Reitz

I arrived home to a mountain of mail and the need for many, many donations to fund the private work that we, at The Living Law Firm, are doing-- and the costs of travel and lodging and supplies and everything else for our conference these past ten days.  It took three days longer than anticipated, and we all went home with additional homework.  It has been very intense, and very fruitful.  

First, some thoughts about the donations I receive and what strikes me about them: they come from all over, all fifty states.  They come from people of all ethnic and racial and working backgrounds.  They come in small amounts and large.  And they come from all over the world, too.  

It's stunning when I think about the people who keep us going and make the research and other actions possible.  We are a family scattered from Alaska to Beijing, from Patagonia to Queensland, from New England to Salzburg.  We are all seeing the same things, all waking up at the same time. 

The view, at the very least, is alarming; and that brings me to my second rumination for the night.  

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Yet another new ad for Anna featuring a new Jerry Day Movie

Here is the link:

10 Reasons to Oppose Ban

GOA’s Erich Pratt: Ten Reasons Why Gun Owners Should Oppose a Ban on Bump Stocks

A ban on bump stocks will also prohibit other gun parts and magazines. Senator Dianne Feinstein’s bill (S. 1916) to ban bump stocks would ban any part or device in a firearm that “functions to accelerate the rate of fire of a semi-automatic rifle.”

GOA’s Erich Pratt: Ten Reasons Why Gun Owners Should Oppose a Ban on Bump Stocks

“You never want a serious crisis go to waste,” said Barack Obama’s former Chief of Staff, Rahm Emmanuel. And that has become the clarion call for the anti-gun Left, which is now trying to coerce gun rights supporters into accepting a ban on bump stocks in the wake of the horrific Las Vegas shooting.
But here are ten reasons why such a ban is dangerous and should be fiercely opposed by gun owners:

Sunday, October 15, 2017

The vile slanders and smears of the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Below is Prager U’s new video on how the SPLC is the “anti-hate” group that is actually the real hate group. To learn more about the SPLC’s fomenting of hatred and lies, see’s SPLC profile. Also join the Freedom Center’s new campaign to oppose the SPLC’s and’s totalitarian blacklists of hate.

Found here:

Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost

Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

INTROIT I am the salvation of the people, saith the Lord: in whatever tribulation they shall cry to me, I will hear them: and I will be their Lord for ever. Attend, O my people, to my law: incline your ears to the words of my mouth. (Ps. LXXVII.) Glory etc.
COLLECT Almighty and merciful God, graciously keep us from all things that are hurtful; that we, being set free both in mind and body, may with ready minds accomplish whatever is Thine. Thro'.
EPISTLE (Ephes. IV. 23-28.) Brethren, Be re­newed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new man, who according to God is created in justice and holiness of truth. Wherefore, putting, away lying, speak ye the truth every man with his neighbor, for we are members one of another. Be angry, and sin not. Let not the sun go clown upon your anger. Give not place to the devil. He that stole, let him now steal no more; but rather let him labor, work­ing with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have something to give to him that suffereth need.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Conference Week - First Two Days

From Anna Von Reitz

We got off to a slow start yesterday with an unexpected injury and the need to replace a broken piece of equipment, but we muddled on and through and over. Today was a lot more productive and the outlines of the Big Picture we managed to lay down yesterday began to be filled in. 

What we are looking at is an unimaginably large institutionalized and automated and syndicated Fraud Machine designed to work on multiple levels and accomplish multiple, often interlocking functions: (1) steal the value of assets from governments and people; (2) steal the value of their time and labor from people; (3) do this by means of identity theft and falsification of records; (4) steal tax exemptions owed to people and their private "vessels"; (5) bilk insurance companies and use insurance companies to bilk living people; (6) promote racketeering using paid commercial mercenaries disguised as "government" employees"; (7) carry out illicit revenue-producing activities based on merely presumed political and private contractual agreements; (8) automate rule making and generation of warrants by unauthorized parties; (9) fraud and coercion and false claims of authority carried out by members of the Bar Association orchestrating and running this whole machine in behalf of the Principals responsible. 

There are many tiers and layers of liability involved in this scenario, affecting every country and everyone living on this planet. 

The sheer scale of the fraud is breathtaking, and just as it was accomplished by a multi-tiered, compartmentalized, interlocking management directorate exercising an automated process of unlawful conversion, it can also be upended. 

As a thing is bound, so it is unbound.

A Tactical Analysis Of The Las Vegas Mass Shooting Incident

Wednesday, 11 October 2017 03:20 Brandon Smith

I set aside some time for more details of the Vegas shooting to emerge before writing this article. A few important data points have been released, but I have to say that this remains one of the most confusing terror incidents in decades.
The tactical and strategic thought applied in this attack denotes a sophisticated and experienced shooter, yet, we are told by Stephen Paddock's family and girlfriend that there was no indication that he had such knowledge or experience. There were some advanced tactical decisions involved in every aspect of the staging of the event, yet, there were also a few glaring mistakes that do not fit. Beyond this, there is evidence that Paddock (the alleged shooter) did not act alone, yet, the official mainstream narrative continues to tell us that he was a lone wolf.
Now, every terror event these days produces an endless supply of alternative theories, some practical and some ridiculous. I will be keeping my theories to a minimum here, because I don't think they serve much purpose in this instance beyond comfort for those that desperately want explanations. What I will be doing is presenting some questions and pointing out inconsistencies. My goal is merely to show that there is evidence which indicates far more complexity to the Vegas shooting than the mainstream media and federal officials are willing to discuss.
First, lets look at how the attack was staged versus what we are told about the background of Stephen Paddock.

Mass Shooter Psychological Profile
Continue Reading here:

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Conference Week

By Anna Von Reitz

Those of you who have been following along are aware that somewhat over a year ago we formed The Living Law Firm to research and probe and float test cases in the courts, seeking to discover the nature of The Beast and its history.
Over the past year and half we have met privately, online, via teleconference and small discussion groups working on specific topics ranging from illegal foreclosures to military court history to undeclared "wars" on our soil, the earliest records of the Colonists, the role of the Dutch East India Trading Company---- you name it, we've dug into it.
The Living Law Firm team has been aided by volunteers with every kind of expertise along the way, and so many of you have sent us your money and your prayers as challenges have arisen. You've kept us going through busted water heaters and illnesses, through the day to day grind of paying for copy paper and light bills.
For the next week I will be very busy working with members of The Living Law Firm whose search has taken them deep into the history and inner workings of Administrative Law. As a result, I may not be as talkative as usual and may not be responding to calls and emails--- be of good cheer. It means I am "nose down and at the grindstone".

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Another New Ad for Anna

If you want to support this ad project:

Evil in High Places -- Part One

By Anna Von Reitz

Money--- even actual money that has value in-and-of-itself, is a very queer thing, so odd in fact that most people's brains refuse to contemplate it for long.  It just does not make sense to them, so they accept it as a Fact of Life and go on about their business. 

This is understandable, but not at all healthy or helpful. 

Your country and your world need you to think about what money is and is not. 

First of all, what we use "as" money in this country is not money.  It is a private bank script, akin to casino chips.  Inside the casino you can use the chips "as if" they were money, and for this purpose, the chips were assigned a value by the 1934 Emergency Banking Act.  That piece of skulduggery established an exchange rate of one actual United States (silver) dollar per one I.O.U. denominated as a  "one dollar" (equivalent) Federal Reserve Note. 

This would be exactly the same as if I said, okay, I am going to give you this piece of paper--- an I.O.U. -- in exchange for a piece of silver worth a dollar in the world market, so that you can play in my casino. 

New Ad for Anna

To contribute to send this ad around the world click the PayPal button.

Forensic acoustic proof of Second Shooter at Las Vagas

Found here:

FBI   (Federal Bureau of Indoctrination)  Learn your lesson here. You are exposed now.


Additional evidence:

Monday, October 9, 2017

Rumors About A Congress in Philly----

By Anna Von Reitz

In order for ANY valid Continental Congress to occur a number of steps must be taken. 

First, the individual people have to wake up and correct their political status records and actively choose and assert their birthright as state nationals---and put it on the public land jurisdiction record. 

Second, they must get together with others who have "returned" and hold organizational meetings and public elections to set up their county and state jural assemblies. These are the bodies that give rise to our American Common Law land jurisdiction courts.  Jural societies give rise to the international sea jurisdiction courts and admiralty courts-- so it is important that people know the difference between "jural assemblies" and "jural societies".  The assemblies are the missing piece that has to be restored at the county and state levels.

It's Time Again to Report on Our Progress

From Paul Stramer

Webmaster for the Annavonreitz dot com website and the Montanablog dot US blog.

Here are the tables from Statcounter for last week:

For Anna's website:
Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Total Avg
Pageloads 1,358 1,239 1,229 1,147 1,278 1,533 1,267 9,051 1,293
Unique Visits 1,132 989 1,033 969 1,078 1,254 1,026 7,481 1,069
First Time Visits 656 548 580 542 617 771 577 4,291 613
Returning Visits 476 441 453 427 461 483 449 3,190 456

For the blog:
Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Total Avg
Pageloads 1,855 2,364 1,894 1,512 2,723 4,793 2,401 17,542 2,506
Unique Visits 1,156 1,710 1,431 1,155 2,010 3,236 1,597 12,295 1,756
First Time Visits 651 966 895 690 1,351 2,012 903 7,468 1,067
Returning Visits 505 744 536 465 659 1,224 694 4,827 690
Notice the totals have gone up again.

Between the two we have 26,503 individual page loads last week.

We have also had 11,759 people around the world visit for the very first time in one week.

We now have 3393  subscribers to the announcement list for new articles from Anna.

The reason of this is your active participation in forwarding these articles and emails to your people.

It's also partly due to the paid advertising we are doing thanks to your donations.

Here is the best performing ad we have had so far. There are more in the works.

Here is the website link that it goes to:

Here is where you can help us spread this ad around the world: