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Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Evil in High Places -- Part One

By Anna Von Reitz

Money--- even actual money that has value in-and-of-itself, is a very queer thing, so odd in fact that most people's brains refuse to contemplate it for long.  It just does not make sense to them, so they accept it as a Fact of Life and go on about their business. 

This is understandable, but not at all healthy or helpful. 

Your country and your world need you to think about what money is and is not. 

First of all, what we use "as" money in this country is not money.  It is a private bank script, akin to casino chips.  Inside the casino you can use the chips "as if" they were money, and for this purpose, the chips were assigned a value by the 1934 Emergency Banking Act.  That piece of skulduggery established an exchange rate of one actual United States (silver) dollar per one I.O.U. denominated as a  "one dollar" (equivalent) Federal Reserve Note. 

This would be exactly the same as if I said, okay, I am going to give you this piece of paper--- an I.O.U. -- in exchange for a piece of silver worth a dollar in the world market, so that you can play in my casino. 

What is the immediate impact of this arrangement?  Well, the casino owner gets a lot of silver at no interest, which he can use to invest as he pleases, and you meanwhile are left with his I.O.U., which within the confines of the casino spends just like real money, but isn't real money.  It's credit.  His credit. 

And how much credit could a bankrupt governmental services corporation have? 

Zero to none. 

Nonetheless, this is the "deal" that Congress dished out to the trusting American people in 1934 on behalf of the private Federal Reserve Banks. 

So the Federal Reserve Banks issued a private bank script (casino chip) as a one-dollar-equivalent I.O.U., and the Congress, which had long since been corrupted and was secretively functioning as the Board of Directors of the bankrupt Municipal Corporation doing business as the "United States of America" (Inc.),  forced Americans to accept this deal via "Legal Tender Laws" and the 1934 Emergency Banking Act, etc., etc., etc.

As a result, American Silver Dollars were collected by the Federal Reserve Banks and the debt of the Federal Reserve Banks (their I.O.U.s -- Federal Reserve Notes) were collected by the American people and everyone else doing business inside the casino.

There was a long period during which the machine quietly ticked away, with the silver being drained out of the American's pockets and into the private bank coffers and, on the surface, nothing much appeared to have changed.  Inside the casino, the so-called "domestic economy", the people, largely unaware that they were now exchanging casino chips (I.O.U.s), went about their business, shook their heads, thought that the business of high finance was too mysterious for them and started exchanging their labor and other assets for the I.O.U.s. 

Then, the organization issuing the I.O.U.s --- the "Federal Reserve System"-- went quietly bankrupt and welshed on all those I.O.U.s. in 2009.  The Casino went bust. And despite the obvious malicious intent and the wildly inequitable nature of this "deal" in the first place, and also the self-interested fraud involved on the part of the Congress and the coercive nature of the bogus "Legal Tender Laws" and "Acts" misrepresented as actual public laws applying to all Americans---- despite all this, the courts let the vermin have bankruptcy protection. 

The "Federal Reserve System" was, after all, just a spin-off and private trademark of the Federal Reserve Bank Association. What did it matter if it was allowed to go bankrupt?

Only that it allowed the member banks to literally steal all that American silver and use it to trade and collateralize their own debts --- for free --- for a hundred years, and never give back any interest, any profit, any share of this whatsoever to the American states and people, and at the end of this looting, leave the American states and people holding the bag for all this. 

Yes, it wasn't bad enough that the privately owned and operated member banks of the Federal Reserve System and the fake corporate "Congress" stole all the silver and used it for a hundred years without repayment of any kind, but they left the American states and people holding their debt.  Literally. 

This is known as "Odious Debt" --- a debt from which the victim gains no value or benefit and which was created by means of fraud, non-disclosure, coercion, or other criminal means. 

We, the American states and people, are not responsible for this situation and we are not paying this Odious Debt.  Instead, we have made our claims against the perpetrators and all their spin-off organizations and those claims have long-since cured. 

What was thought to be our debt is now our credit.  And the bankruptcy of the Federal Reserve System is no longer protecting the Principals responsible for this deplorable situation. 

But, but, but, but..... we can hear the guilty parties sputtering, "We are too big to fail!  If we fail, we are taking everyone else with us!"

It's not quite like that. 

You see, we are the Paramount Secured Interest Holders.  We now own it all.  So it isn't a matter of them being too big to fail and threatening to take us all down with them.  It's a matter of New Management taking over the business and deciding what happens to all the ill-gotten profit. 

Heather Ann Tucci-Jareff and her fellows in the Paradigm Project perceived the same things and have attempted to foreclose on the perpetrators and create a gigantic Public Trust --- the so-called OPPT.  However, our claims predate theirs by several hundred years.  We also have standing as True Creditors and Principals that no federal employee and no member of the Bar Association has. 

All these incorporated Territorial and Municipal Governments worldwide and all their franchises (exempting living people who have been enfranchised without their knowledge or consent) are under new management, most especially and including the banks. 

It's taking a while for the word to get out and even longer for people on the street to make heads or tails of it. 

While you are taking in just this small part of the evil that has been practiced against us and against billions of other innocent people worldwide, bear in mind that those responsible have no excuse and no ability to claim that this is any issue of "national security" nor any part of any political movement nor insurrection nor anything but plain, old, average, everyday conduct of business.

It's just business that the perpetrators of these evils didn't expect to be conducted.

There is no reason to panic, no reason to be afraid, no reason to think that your money is worthless or that you don't have credit or anything else of the sort. 

Those of you who are old enough to remember when Tricky Dick Nixon took the "US" off the silver standard and created the Petro-Dollar know that this took place without any great upheaval or fanfare.  You can expect the transition to lawful money and credit to be similarly low-key.

After all, we are just going home after being tossed about on the "sea" and everything we have done and are doing is already set in the Public Law and also in the statutory law.  It's all being done peaceably, without violence, without malice.

And at the end of the day, it is really good news, that will pave the way for a better world and a better future for everyone on this planet. 

I tend to think of FDR as "King Rat", and so he was, but he was right about one thing--- there really is nothing to fear, but fear itself.

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website
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  1. The value of fear sky rockets to the moon. Poor moon. Wakeup people love and light, thanks Anna!

  2. ''We now own it all''. Ok. So exactly how does this change our actual lives ''now''. And since it has all become credit for us, instead of debt, where can I get my Withdrawal Slip and whats the address of the bank.......since its under new management.
    I'm not being facetious here, but seriously, we need to see some real affect on our daily lives here. How do we turn these words into real activity? We own it all, but why then are we still having to pull the plug on our cable? Why can we still not take a long overdue well deserved vacation? Why are our wallets still just as empty as they have been for years past? Just what the hell are we waiting for? Geesh, this is like watching paint dry.

  3. New Info I found on Global redemption of Gold. International Court of Justice newly formed. This apparently includes a Galactic aspect! I am still studying whether this is real or not.
    Look at the recent post links as they show all the ceremonies and meetings that have been going on. Film about the process going on for the redemption of Bonds. One Chinese family behind all of this.

    LINK to all the videos:
    A series of documentary films and spin-offs concerning the journey of realizing historical funds to fund humanitarian projects worldwide as undertaken by Tu-E Capital.

    1. Oh I wish people would stop with the galactics stuff. There are no people here from some other planet or whatever galactic means. IF there are any such ''do gooders'' roaming around, they would be angels of God appearing as men or women.
      Remember, we live in a world filled with great deception. So lets see even a picture of a ''galactic' and hear their 'story' straight from their mouth, eh? Until then, I will believe it is just another part of deception.
      Words are very cheap these days.

  4. Abby... you've become quite the rebel lately... But i dont blame you, because people only have hope when they have reason to hope..!! The longer this goes on without any signs of a "reversal of fortune" , the more everyone loses hope..!! Now i see something very disterbing on utube... It looks like Trump is actually endorsing the microchip to establish who and where everyone is at at any one time, especially muslims. It might also be the way to replace the FR once and for all, so we arr in control again of our money, before the banks try and dominate that field too. I told you his stepson kershiner, whos building is named 666 is developing a microchip in that building that Lucid technologies is producing..!! And no matter what it solves, in the end it will only be our demise..!! But we have reached the point that we may never see true assets again(gold and silver), so we might have to take it in the form of a cryptocurrency imbedded into a chip, for our remedy..!! They actually have one that looks like a tattoe, placed over the hand not underneith the skin. As far as the Las Vegas shooting is concerned, it looks like i was fairly close to the truth.. annonomous just released info he hacked from the NVPD computers that says Paddock was an FBI agent and gunrunner who was trying to sell guns to ISIS as a sting setup, but something went wrong, and ISIS had intel that it was a set up and when they arrived they shot Paddock and they were the ones that shot everyone..!! Sounds like typical FBI incompetance..!! I Knew there was something else going on...!!

  5. Abby... you've become quite the rebel lately... But i dont blame you, because people only have hope when they have reason to hope..!! The longer this goes on without any signs of a "reversal of fortune" , the more everyone loses hope..!! Now i see something very disterbing on utube... It looks like Trump is actually endorsing the microchip to establish who and where everyone is at at any one time, especially muslims. It might also be the way to replace the FR once and for all, so we arr in control again of our money, before the banks try and dominate that field too. I told you his stepson kershiner, whos building is named 666 is developing a microchip in that building that Lucid technologies is producing..!! And no matter what it solves, in the end it will only be our demise..!! But we have reached the point that we may never see true assets again(gold and silver), so we might have to take it in the form of a cryptocurrency imbedded into a chip, for our remedy..!! They actually have one that looks like a tattoe, placed over the hand not underneith the skin. As far as the Las Vegas shooting is concerned, it looks like i was fairly close to the truth.. annonomous just released info he hacked from the NVPD computers that says Paddock was an FBI agent and gunrunner who was trying to sell guns to ISIS as a sting setup, but something went wrong, and ISIS had intel that it was a set up and when they arrived they shot Paddock and they were the ones that shot everyone..!! Sounds like typical FBI incompetance..!! I Knew there was something else going on...!!

    1. James, knowledge is power, to a certain extent only. Often too, with knowledge comes sorrow. With me, its some of both.
      I can tell you why all this recent talk about ''chipping people'. Its emphatically to get people's minds adjusted to it, and to make them think it is the best way to go. Right now they are trying to make it sound logical. They want people to be open to the idea.
      But here is whats up: When the shtf, commonly referred to as end time, there will be a one world dictator and he will demand everyone 'take the mark' which will be......guess what. A tiny chip in the hand or the forehead (for those amputees). It will contain all your medical and financial info. Without it no one will be able to 'buy or sell'. The devil is in all the details.
      It will be the 'mother of all deceptions'.
      Thanks for the heads up about Kushner being involved in this chip business. He is trump's son in law, not step son, btw.
      So can we see why trump is all for it? Big mistake he is making and its all due to his lack of knowledge of the reason for it. And I believe the company you are referring to is Lucent, which is LU on the stock market.
      And James, you are so right. I am patient only up to a reasonable time and after that, I get cranky. Talk is fine if I see progression toward the end goal, but when I see no literal improvement, then yep, the lady gets a little bit nippy, lol.
      Some people seem to be quite satisfied with talk that sounds good, it tickles their ears, but in reality many of them are afraid that if it would actually show up, it would mean they will have to put forth some effort to handle it, and disturb their mundane life.
      With the matters at hand right now, the longer it gets drawn out, the more time it gives 'the enemy' to dream up new tactics to thwart literal accomplishment of the goals. So time is of the essence here. It is much like repairing a dam before it bursts. Not waiting till it floods everything and causes untold damage. (even though we are pretty much there already)

    2. Abby, you are spot on in your comments and don't worry about an negative reply from people who don't have all of their facts right. Anna is getting as bad as Ben Fulford in her articles with her sloppy error prone history lessons and the hopium that she gives out here. Might as well state that the Galatics/Good Alien Confederation is the ones that will save us from these evil serpent beings!!! False hope indeed!!! The questions you raise are valid as the recent CIA "deep stae" shooting in Vegas shows that these perps are still alive and well and in control. As far as all of the companies making these chips, ALL of them have 666 in their company logos in one form or another. And another thing, Kushner is a Chosenite, Anna's favorite group of scum that is getting brain dead Daddy-in-law to peddle chipping everyone. Trumpenstein might be "the beast" and we have elected the Devil as prez. We will have to wait and find out. One good reason to reject taking this chip, besides the ones you point out, is that these high frequency chips cause the body to produce cancer cells. People that wear the blue tooth phone in their ears have a high rate of ear cancer and brain tumors. This is called "the vets best kept secret" because it has been known for years that most of the cancers that pets develop, and one of my sister's dogs was ate up with it, you could see the tumors all over the dog's body, is caused by the ID chips that vets implant in these pets. Yes, go ahead and stand in line to be chipped but the novelty will wear off after this final worldwide dictator takes control. Enjoyed your posts. You thinking is in line with mine and many others. Thanks for writing, you brought out some pertinent points.

  6. I love the last paragraph. Good ending.


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