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Thursday, January 31, 2019

Confusion About "In Order to Form a More Perfect Union"

By Anna Von Reitz

Here is another fundamental misunderstanding and a virulent half-truth that we have been taught in the course of our public school educations.  To grasp what the Preamble of the Constitution is talking about, we have to understand that backstory of what was going on at the time and the history leading up to that moment, which is never, ever discussed in any American History class.

There were three Unions in play at this time.  Which one are we talking about?

The soil jurisdiction (e)states of the original colonies formed their Union on July 1, 1776 and declared it to the world July 4, 1776.   Notice this is a Union of (e)states.  Small "s".  This formed the Union known as The United States.

The second Union composed of land jurisdiction States is the unincorporated Holding Company known as The United States of America, created September 9, 1776.  This is a Union known as a "Federation" of States.  Notice -- States, not "states" and not "States of States".

The third Union, also formed during the Revolutionary War, is a Confederation of States of States.  This original "Confederacy" was formed March 1, 1781. This one is the Union that is being referenced as being made "more Perfect" in the Preamble of the Constitution(s).  All three of them.

How can I be sure of this? 

Well, look at the subject matter of the Constitutions?  What do the Constitutions DO? 

They lay out the structure, duties, and responsibilities of the Federal Government and deal with nothing but international affairs in the specific realm of Commerce.  Even the so-called "Interstate Commerce Clause" needs to be interpreted as the "International Commerce Clause", because in America all States are also Nations.  "Interstate" is synonymous with "International" in this country.  

So, the "Union" being "Perfected" and referenced in the Preamble is obviously the "Union" of the original Confederacy of "States of States" known as the "States of America" formed under The Articles of Confederation in 1781.

This relationship between the actual States and the Federation of States doing business as The United States of America and the Confederation of States of States doing business as the States of America is in fact why the "Federal Government" is called "Federal". 

The Second Union is a Federation.  That is, the Federation States own and are supposed to operate the "States of America" and that is why we call it the "Federal Government" instead of the "Confederate Government".

In other words, the Federation State known as Georgia owns and is supposed to operate the Confederate State of State known as The State of Georgia, much like Ford Motor Company owns and operates the "Mustang" model and brand name. 

This all got mucked up in the wake of the so-called Civil War, but that's how it is supposed to operate.

This is also why, when the Southern States of States seceded from the "Federal Union" -- that is, from the States of America organization, they called themselves "The Confederate States of America".  They had already been functioning as "States of States" within a Confederacy of States of States for many years prior to the Civil War.

This is also why the Organic Constitution is called "The Constitution for the united States of America".  Notice that the word "union" is used as a descriptive adjective and is not part of the Proper Name of the original Confederacy of States of States.  Very clearly, according to English Grammar, this is the Constitution "for" the States of America, not The United States of America.

Also examine the use of the word "for" in the name given to the Organic Constitution--- this is an agreement being entered into by the States in behalf of and therefore "for" the States of America.  The States (Ford Motor Company) are making an agreement affecting their States of States (Mustang, Explorer, etc.)

Finally, you can now discern the half-truth we were told in Grade School about the Constitution(s) replacing The Articles of Confederation.  

Long prior to the adoption of the Constitution(s) the Holy Roman Empire had established three levels of government operating Commercial entities in the International Jurisdiction of the Sea with separate functions designated to each: national, territorial and municipal. 

Prior to the Constitutions (under The Articles of Confederation) we had one entity, the States of America, responsible for all three, but after the Constitutions, our commercial operations all got sorted out so as to mesh with this already established European system.

Thus, our school teachers could say that in a sense the Constitutions "replaced" The Articles of Confederation, but that is at best a euphemistic half-truth.  

The Constitutions separated the functions of the original States of America into Federal, Territorial, and Municipal Subcontracts, so that the
"Federal Government" was separated into (State-controlled) Federal, (British-controlled) Territorial, and (Holy See-controlled) Municipal levels of government.

The underlying organization, the States of America, did not disappear and The Articles of Confederation did not lose force, however, some of the service contracts once held entirely by the States of America were split up and parceled out to the British Territorial Government and Papal Government, respectively.

All of this "Federal Government" structure was set up to control Commerce, which is business conducted between incorporated entities, all operating in the International Jurisdiction of the Sea.  Nothing else.  The entire Federal Government has nothing whatsoever to do with our lawful States nor our Federation, The United States of America, except that they are employees of ours.  None of them have any rights or prerogatives or Powers apart from those set forth in the respective Constitutions established in 1787, 1789, and 1790:

The Federal Constitution is called: The Constitution for the united States of America.  See? 

This Constitution is set up to control and delegate certain powers to the Confederacy of States of States, like The State of Florida, The State of Maine, et alia, owned and operated as commercial business enterprises by the Federation of States, doing business as The United States of America, and its members: Florida, Maine, Texas, et alia.

The [British] Territorial United States Constitution is called "The Constitution of the United States of America". Notice that this "the" is not part of the Proper Name, and does not refer to our Federation of States, The United States of America.

The Municipal United States Constitution is called "The Constitution of the United States".  Notice that there is no reference to "of America" and notice again that this "the" is not part of the Proper Name and therefore does not refer to The United States, which is our first and primary Union of soil jurisdiction Colony (e)states.  

The entire Federal Government, all three branches of it, was put in charge of just nineteen stipulated commercial "services" that the States agreed to receive and pay for, to be delivered by: (1)  their own Federal States of States organization doing business as the States of America, (2) the British Territorial Government doing business as (the) United States of America, and (3) the Municipal Government of the District of Columbia doing business as (the) United States.  

Other than the fact that our States agreed to pay for the Stipulated Services and to Delegate the Powers necessary to allow the subcontractors to deliver them, none of this refers to our States nor to our Union of States.  It all very restrictively concerns Commerce and commercial service contracts and the States of America Confederacy set up in 1781--- the "other" Union, the one composed of States of States. 

So, all this while, American school children have been deliberately left half-informed so as to promote further self-interested fraud against our country. We were left to believe that all these Constitutions and the institutions they created were meant to rule over us, but in fact, they are our employees and meant to serve us.  We were left to believe that there was only one "Constitution" when in fact there are three (3).

Deceived by our own employees and deprived in Breach of Trust by our International Trustees on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways and also in the Global Jurisdiction of the Air, a vast and criminal conspiracy against our Constitutions and the Commercial Services Agreements they embody has resulted in incalculable damage to our country and our people for six generations.

We do in fact deserve a far more "perfect" union of functions and a far more honest understanding of the relationships, rights, and duties associated with all the various entities concerned.  We are owed the return of our "Federal States of States" together with their unimpaired assets and powers. We are owed Good Faith Service from our Territorial and Municipal employees. And most of all, we are due correction of all this fraud, racketeering, and criminality.

No incorporated Municipal "Congress" has any authority to undermine or overturn the Public Law.  Those members of such "Congress" who have usurped upon the actual Government of this country must be returned. Their corporations must be liquidated and no new charter may be issued to these individuals however renamed and re-branded.

No incorporated Territorial "Congress" has any authority to undermine or overturn the Public Law.  Those members of such "Congress" who have usurped upon the actual Government of this country must be returned and remanded under military law.  Their corporations must be liquidated and no new charter may be issued to these individuals however renamed and re-branded.

We hope that we have made our wishes in this matter perfectly clear. It is time for these abuses to end and for the governments involved in these travesties to deeply reconsider their position with respect to the Public Law of this country, to International Law, including the various Conventions and United Nations Declarations and their own declared Rule of Law, and Global Law, including Natural and Divine Law.

In all these venues we find them lacking and call upon the nations of the Earth to recognize how they have also been abused by these same Bad Actors.
This is not "just" an American problem.  This fraud has been left unchecked for 150 years and it has usurped the governments of most of the countries worldwide. 

The perpetrators of this vast scheme have proposed to murder a large proportion of humanity.  Propelled by greed and a total lack of moral compass, they have misappropriated and misapplied defense equipment and military forces for private corporate gain.  They have misdirected banks to steal depositor's assets.  They have rigged currency markets and elections. They have promoted the largest, most vile kidnapping and human trafficking scheme in history.

No wonder they are afraid.  No wonder some of them have repented.  No wonder that some continue to try to circle the wagons.

At the end of the day it remains for us, the adults in the room, to settle this hash --- and not with paper and band-aids, but with actual restoration of the national governments and the Public Law. These gangs of thieves and spies, "defense" contractors, liars, manipulators, and treasonous scum cannot be allowed to triumph in any regard.  And they must not be allowed to simply choose a new name, location, and victim.

The Great Fraud is at its inevitable end.


See this article and over 1500 others on Anna's website here:

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My Status

By Anna Von Reitz

It's pretty amusing.  Along with all the other communications I get every day, I am getting quite a number of complaints about typos and odd words in my posts, also complaints about getting posts re-routed through my webmaster's good offices.

I should explain.

The 7.0 Earthquake at the end of November set in motion a series of other events.  The old "rock in the pond" phenomenon has been engaged.

After the initial stunned silence, we began with the obvious things -- replacing shattered windows, jacking up fallen entryways and carports, replacing insulation, etc., etc., etc.

We also swept up shattered glass and put books back on bookshelves in no particular order and dumped large amounts of mixed up stacks of paperwork into boxes. 

Since two of our computers were in the end evaluation damaged beyond repair by the power surge that accompanied the automatic shut down of the power plants triggered by the Earthquake, we had to replace/reconfigure our office and computer network, too.

All this is going on with no let up or stop in the work flow demand already placed on us. If anything, we have had to increase the amount of bank, diplomatic, and correspondence work throughout this time period, plus as a result of all that, add many hours of additional research time for our history and process guys. 

When you talk to people, they naturally have questions and those questions lead to more questions, which lead to more answers, which lead to more questions.

This is the story of my life.

So, we were able to barter tools for labor and work other deals to get assistance that was needed, and allow us to spend donations on materials, replacement equipment, etc.,  but all this takes time--- especially when other issues are constantly intruding and demanding attention.  Thus, even though it is now two months after the disaster, we are only now getting my home office set back up to be usable.

This means that on a day to day basis, I have to either travel to the Living Law Firm office in Anchorage, where I have things more or less back to normal, or, I have to function as well as I can at home in Big Lake and continue to reconstruct and sort through my home office where the computer system is still non-functional, the broken furniture and other issues yet to be addressed, and I have only an iPhone to communicate with the outside world.

I can't be in two places at one time, and now that the main office in Anchorage is back in order, it's clear that I have to deal with my home office, too.

The articles you have been receiving have all been "written" one keystroke at a time and transmitted to Paul, and he has taken on the extra duties as assigned to post the articles and get them out for me. 

Straightening out my office is something that only I can do.  Some of this paperwork goes back thirty years.  So, I am the one who has to do this job and there is nobody else with the background to (with relative certainty) piece it back together.

I have to bite the bullet and do as much as I can, as fast as I can, and keep plugging away at it. The effort is somewhat hampered by lack of funds overall. The diplomatic issues and the historical research demands have eaten into the money for earthquake repairs and replacements. 

Also, one of our key contributors had to relocate from one end of the country to the other, because their spouse got a new job assignment. We are still scrambling trying to help  their family with the expenses of that move, which was not foreseen and not something they could avoid--- especially as the spouse is now the primary breadwinner to allow her husband, a former Bar Attorney who tore up his card and came to aid us, the freedom to devote his time to this effort.

Please understand, I am not complaining one iota. The outpouring of help and the kindness and generosity everyone has displayed in helping us recoup from the earthquake has been in the true American Tradition and we are all very grateful.  I am just letting everyone know "where I am at" and why my posts have glitches and why they are being transferred by Paul for a few days. 

This is also why I have been hard to get hold of via phone.  I only have one phone at Big Lake that connects to me (the land lines are down and my husband's phones are for his work and communication with him) so for the time I am there, everything directed to me is being funneled through one lonely iPhone. I often get text messages and phone calls coming in three and four deep at the same time and can't answer. The coverage of the phones at The Living Law Firm has been stressed out, too.

Our lead receptionist has been laid low with back surgery, our back-up receptionist has suffered bladder cancer therapy that takes them out two days of every week for six weeks, and that leaves the "rest of us" pinch-hitting.  Correspondence is slow for similar reasons.  My most experienced helper in that department is a Snow Bird who spends winters in Texas, and the two other wonderful helpers I have both got hit with family issues -- husband with a heart attack, daughter with six children coming home to Mom out of the blue.

"Beset and besieged" might be a good description of what has gone on here this winter.  I am constantly reminded of Gilda Radner's comedy routine: "It's always something."  For us, it has been more than "something". It's been "everything" this winter.

Bad weather of various kinds has played its part, too. Similar to the rest of the country we have been having extremes of weather --- "instant" blizzards that start and stop like someone turned a switch and ice storms that leave the roads unbelievably slick.  Add that to four hours of daylight and it really cuts down on mobility. 

So, what to you do?  You hunker down.  You face the fact that you aren't twenty anymore and no longer do well with leaping over tall mountains or seeing through thick veils of snow in the dark. 

On a much brighter note, my dog's lymphoma / tumors on his liver have completely disappeared.  The dandelion therapy from Germany did its work and his most recent ultrasound scan showed no masses or obstructions, and his latest blood tests are A-Okay.  He had signs of laryngeal paralysis, but those, too, are slacking off.  For a 13 year-old Labrador Retriever, he is about as happy and frisky as a dog can be.

Please bear with us as we continue to Dig Out.  Someday I will go back and correct all typos and autocorrects.  If you can send a donation in this dark and dreary winter, it's turning out to be the equivalent of our Valley Forge. I am still the Paymaster for the burgeoning force of historical researchers and disaffected (and disgusted) former Bar Members gathering to do battle with "The System".  Please send what you can to either my PayPal: or via snail mail to: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652. 


See this article and over 1500 others on Anna's website here:

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