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Saturday, December 29, 2018

Sunday After Christmas

Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

INTROIT For while all things were in quiet silence, and the night was in the midst of her course, Thy almighty Word, O Lord, came down from heaven, from Thy royal throne (Wis. 18:14-15). The Lord hath reigned, he is clothed with beauty: the Lord is clothed with strength, and hath girded himself (Ps. 92:1). Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
COLLECT Almighty and everlasting God, direct our actions according to Thy good pleasure; that in the name of Thy beloved Son we may deserve to abound in good works. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end, Amen.
EPISTLE (Gal. 4:1-7). Brethren, as long as the heir is a child, he differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all: but is under tutors and governors until the time appointed by the father: so we also, when we were children, were serving under the elements of the world. But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent his Son, made of a woman, made under the law: that he might redeem them who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. And because you are sons, God hath sent the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying: Abba, Father. Therefore now he is not a servant, but a son; and if a son, an heir also through God.
EXPLANATION St. Paul desired to instruct the Galatians, many of whom still clung to the Mosaic law, that this was no longer necessary, because Christ had freed them from its hard bondage, which contained merely the rudiments, so to speak, of the one only saving faith, and had made them children and heirs of God, for which they should rejoice.
Ours is a far greater happiness than that which the Jews received, because we, through our ancestors, were converted by apostolic messengers of the faith from heathenism to the true, saving Catholic faith, and by this holy religion were changed from vassals of Satan, into children and heirs of God. What a great advantage is this! Must it not be dearer to us than all the kingdoms of the world? Let us thank the Lord for it, and be careful not to lose this prerogative of being a child of God, an heir to heaven, let us not by sin give ourselves anew, as voluntary slaves to Satan.
GOSPEL (Lk. 2:33-40). At that time, Joseph and Mary, the mother of Jesus, were wondering at those things which were spoken concerning him. And Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary his mother: Behold, this child is set for the fall, and for the resurrection of many in Israel, and for a sign which shall be contradicted: and thy own soul a sword shall pierce, that out of many hearts thoughts may be revealed. And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser; she was far advanced in years, and had lived with her husband seven years from her virginity. And she was a widow until fourscore and four years; who departed not from the temple, by fastings and prayers serving night and day. Now she at the same hour coming in, confessed to the Lord; and spoke of him to all that looked for the redemption of Israel. And after they had performed all things according to the law of the Lord, they returned into Galilee, to their own city Nazareth. And the child grew and waxed strong, full of wisdom: and the grace of God was in him.
Why did Mary and Joseph wonder at the things which were spoken of the child Jesus?
They wondered, not because that which was said of the child Jesus by Simeon was new to them, for they already knew why He was sent from God, but because of the marvelous ways in which God revealed the mysteries of the new-born Savior to Simeon, the shepherds, and to other pious people.
How is Christ set for the fall of many?
Christ is set for the fall, that is, for the eternal damnation, of all those who either reject His doctrine, or live not according to its teachings. They themselves, not Christ, are the cause of their damnation on account of their perversity and hardheartedness. "If I had not come and spoken to them," says Christ, "they would not have sin: but now they have no excuse for their sin" (Jn. 15:22).
For whom is Christ the resurrection?
For those who believe in Him, and live in accordance with the teachings of His doctrine. These, if they persevere will at the Last Day rise to eternal life.
Why is Christ a sign that shall be contradicted?
Because, by His birth from a virgin, by His life and death, and especially by His heavenly doctrine, which is entirely opposed to the carnal spirit of this world, Christ became an object of mockery and blasphemy. Even now, according to the saying of St. Bernard, Christ is a sign of contradiction for many Christians who contradict His humility by their pride, His poverty by their avarice, His fasting by their gluttony, His purity by their impurity, His zeal by their indolence, etc., thus denying by their actions that which they confess with their lips, proving thereby that they are Christians but in name, of whom it is written: "Thou hast the name of being alive, but thou art dead" (Apoc. 3:1).
What is meant by these words: Thy own soul a sword shall pierce?
It means that the greatest grief should cut like a sword through the inmost parts of the soul, which came to pass, when Mary heard the calumnies and blasphemies of the Jews against her Son, and when she saw Him die on the cross between two thieves. Meditating on this grief of the most loving mother Mary, St. Bonaventure exclaims: "Never was there grief so great, for never was there a Son so loved!"
What else do we learn from this gospel?
The widows should learn from Anna, who spent nearly all her life in the temple, to serve God by prayer and fasting; for a widow who prays not, but lives in pleasures, is dead, while she is living (I Tim. 5:6). Parents should learn from it, to be careful that their children not only increase in knowledge, but that they by a pious life advance in grace before God and man.
ASPIRATION O Jesus, Thou new-born Savior, do Thou move our hearts to the fulfillment of Thy precepts that Thou mayst be set for our fall; for it would be much better for us, not to have known the ways of righteousness, than having known them, to have departed from them.
And Simeon blessed them "(Lk. 2: 34).
What is meant by a blessing?
A blessing on the part of God, means the giving to man some spiritual or temporal grace; a blessing on the part of an angel or a man, means the expression in prayer of a wish or desire that God would give to some particular person a corporal or spiritual grace. In the proper sense of the word, only God can give a blessing, because all spiritual and temporal good comes from Him; angels and men can only wish and ask of God that He would bestow His gifts.
Have we examples of blessing in the Bible?
Yes, for the angels blessed Jacob (Gen. 32:26), and Jacob blessed his sons and grandsons (Gen. 48:15), Melchisedech blessed Abraham (Gen. 14:19), and Rebecca was blessed by her brothers (Gen. 24:60).
Is it well for parents to bless their children?
Yes, for God frequently ratifies the blessings wished by the parents, as in the case of Isaac who blessed Jacob, and Jacob who blessed his own sons (Gen. 49). And, on the contrary, God permits the curses of parents to be fulfilled on their children as history shows. "The father's blessing establisheth the houses of the children; but the mother's curse rooteth up the foundation" (Ecclus. 3:11).
What power has the priest's blessing?
A very great one, because it is given by the priest, the vicar of Christ on earth, in the name of Jesus, and of the Church founded by Him, in which He has deposited the plenitude of His blessings. The Church expresses this, when the bishop, anointing the hands of the newly ordained, makes the sign of the cross over them. "All that they bless, is blessed; that they consecrate, is consecrated and sanctified in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." The blessing of the priest is to be prized therefore, and an obstacle not set to it by a sinful life. Parents should ask his blessing for their children when he happens to visit them. Children were brought to Christ that He might lay His hands on them and bless them (Mt. 19:13).
What is the effect of God's blessing?
In spiritual life it gives great joy and strength to practice virtue; and in physical life it gives fruitful prosperity in our occupations and undertakings. Therefore, all is contained in the blessing of God, and he who receives it, is richer than if he possessed the whole world. We should endeavor by a pious life to secure this blessing, for it rests only on the head of the just (Prov. 10:6).

The Short Explanation?

By Anna Von Reitz

You start out playing a game of Checkers, but in 1913, they changed to Parcheesi and didn't tell you anything about it.
Then, in 1933, they changed to 3-D Chess and never said a word.

And now, they are trying to change the game and the rules again, all without telling you anything.
So there you are, Joe Schmoe, still proceeding according to the rules and assumptions of playing a game of Checkers, when the Rats are now playing Clue.
This is called the "assumption of a normal course of business".
When they advertise a "home loan" you naturally assume that they are proposing to loan you money to build or remodel a home, right? That would be "a normal course of business".
But that is just your assumption. Because they have no money to loan and haven't had any money for decades. So what is actually going on here?
They are proposing that you loan them your home as collateral backing their debts and investments. "Home loan"--- right?
What if nobody ever tells you any different, and you just go on thinking that they have loaned you money, when in fact, they've given you a bunch of I.O.U's. and you have loaned them your home instead? '
They took "title" to your home and used your assets to raise capital which they used to pay their debts and make investments --- gave you a little bit of the gross receipts as credit equal to the amount of the "loan", and kept 9/10ths of the benefit for themselves.
That is what has actually gone on here.
Millions of Americans have unknowingly loaned the banks labor and assets and yes, their homes, in exchange for worthless I.O.U.'s that the banks then deliberately dishonored.
That's what the foreclosure crisis is all about.
You "loaned" them your house, instead of them loaning you anything.
They then used your house as collateral to borrow money from investors, named you the "secondary" and co-signer for their loan and claimed that your house was their collateral ---- and absconded, leaving you to pay off their mortgage to their creditors.
This is not "a normal course of business". This is not anything close to what you thought was going on.
You were playing Checkers and they were playing Parcheesi.
And now the filthy animals are trying to change the game again and set up another round.
That is "whutsup".


See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's website here:

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What They Do, What You Do

By Anna Von Reitz

They "seize upon" your Given (Trade) Name that your parents created and gave you, and they create a franchise for their foreign corporation named after you. 

If your Given Trade Name is "John Michael Johnson", the Territorial State of State creates a franchise for itself called "John Michael Johnson" and the Municipal STATE OF STATE creates a franchise for itself called "JOHN MICHAEL JOHNSON" ---- all without telling you a thing about it. 

After that, they merely pretend that you are responsible for their franchises and the debts of their franchises. 

Because the franchises are named after you, it's easy (usually) to confuse you and everyone else about "which" John Michael Johnson is being discussed. 

Are you referring to the living man named "John Michael Johnson"?  Or the unincorporated business operating as "John Michael Johnson"?  Or the incorporated Territorial State of State franchise operated as "John Michael Johnson"?  Or the Municipal STATE OF STATE franchise operated as "JOHN MICHAEL JOHNSON"?  

This is key, especially when you bear in mind that when the Clerk calls out the name "John Michael Johnson" ----there is absolutely no way that you can verbally tell the difference between these various entities.  The name "John Michael Johnson" being used by a living man sounds exactly the same as the name "JOHN MICHAEL JOHNSON" --- doesn't it?  Yes.... 

So the very first Order of the Day is to find out which "John Michael Johnson" is being addressed and the source of the Prosecutor's authority to address "John Michael Johnson"--- if he has any such authority at all. 

When the Prosecutor walks into court he is bearing a bond issued in your name--- in this case, the name of "John Michael Johnson" --- but that name is also the name of "JOHN MICHAEL JOHNSON" --- isn't it? 

They have set up the situation where you are technically not a party to a case.  

Why?  Because technically, none of this applies to you the living man, at all.  They only play with the Territorial State of State franchise doing business as "John Michael Johnson" and the Municipal STATE OF STATE franchise doing business as "JOHN MICHAEL JOHNSON" because their courts are specifically forbidden from addressing the living man. 

When you visit (never "appear") a court by special limited visitation, you are saying up front --- hey, I am separated from all of this.  That's Job One to protect your living "person" from attachment or false claim. 

"I am visiting the court today by Special Limited Visitation to exercise my right of subrogation in this matter and direct the court to enforce my right to exonerate my Good Name.  I am owed legal subrogation as well as the lawful subrogation right and I am asking the Prosecutor to certify my right of subrogation and I am serving my Notice of Demand on and for the record for the court and the District Attorney.  It is my credit underlying the bond held by the Prosecutor and I request discharge of the claim and the reversal and dismissal of all Orders otherwise." 

So long as you haven't hurt a specific living being having first-hand knowledge of the issues and circumstance, they are obligated to do as you say.  

Just step forward and do it.  Depriving the Prosecutors of their profit is a highly desirable and fun activity to pursue on a dark and wintry night.  Remember to send your Notice of Claim and Demand to the District Attorney, the State Attorney General, the Clerk, the Prosecutor, and the Judge. 

Once you raise the issue of subrogation, the court has to stop and address it before any other proceedings.  You just hold your ground no matter what they say or do --- "Your Honor, I have raised a bar to these proceedings and the issues must be addressed....."


See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's website here:

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Government Shut Down? Do Your Miss Them Yet?

By Anna Von Reitz

I don't miss THEM at all.  Do you?   Life goes on apace and instead of sorely missing my erring servants, I feel an odd sense of relief.  They are gone.  That is a blessing in my estimation. 

Nobody to bother me, coerce me, come banging on my door, accuse me of owing them money, bringing false claims against false franchises that don't have any legitimate reason to exist, no pillaging and no plundering for services I never agreed to---- no racketeering, no extortion at all. 

It's like "Big Al" just went out of business and didn't send Guido around to collect this week.   I could really get into this!   No racketeering, no extortion, no false names, no false claims..... 

I am pleased.  I am happy.  I can continue to conduct all my necessary functions as trade, not commerce, and be utterly delighted for the rest of my days. 


See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's website here:

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