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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Government Shut Down? Do Your Miss Them Yet?

By Anna Von Reitz

I don't miss THEM at all.  Do you?   Life goes on apace and instead of sorely missing my erring servants, I feel an odd sense of relief.  They are gone.  That is a blessing in my estimation. 

Nobody to bother me, coerce me, come banging on my door, accuse me of owing them money, bringing false claims against false franchises that don't have any legitimate reason to exist, no pillaging and no plundering for services I never agreed to---- no racketeering, no extortion at all. 

It's like "Big Al" just went out of business and didn't send Guido around to collect this week.   I could really get into this!   No racketeering, no extortion, no false names, no false claims..... 

I am pleased.  I am happy.  I can continue to conduct all my necessary functions as trade, not commerce, and be utterly delighted for the rest of my days. 


See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. We're from the government and here to help .

  2. Now if we can get the Canadians to do the same we'd all be happy!

  3. How would one conduct trade in a court environment which would make the private entity run for the hills leave the court arena & dismiss the matter with prejudice?

    1. First of all, know and follow the rules. If you insist on the handle unknown, you must open your comment with an ID or be deleted.

      your statement is insufficient of content for any comment.

    2. UNK, please USE your real name! Look at at the Goldfish report #156 on youtube. He used a Writ of Habeas Corpus

    3. doonstr:

      Bear in mind if your status is not changed you won't be allowed to use Habeas Corpus. U.S. Citizens have no rights.

    4. dan: see re: "correct 14th amendment". and also blacks law dictionary "federal citizen"

      the problem is prior "us citizen" meant "one of the several states" ...and they redefined it to mean "Federal citizen"

      the prior definition is fine, which of course they dont use, and never tell anyone about the redefinition.

      that is why i always call the "new" one federal citizen, because that is what it is, and avoids the confusion, and that is what blacks law dictionary calls it (of course, if you look up 'us citizen' it will not point you to "federal citizen" so you have to know to look up "federal citizen" in the first place, which they never use on any forms/etc.

    5. dan: also just being "citizen" still didnt mean "right to vote" at least for women, hence susan b anthony LOST her case, they needed an amendment.

      from what i see, prior to 14th, even if a state accepted naturalized citizens of another state who relocated, still didnt necessarily mean they could "vote".

      again, see "new york" bouviers 1856. some "citizens" were more equal than others.

    6. Xerces Yakir, Thanks for commenting. I am Canadian so none of this is relevant to me. I am just a 71 yr old trying to clarify some things amongst my virtual friends.

      The point is regardless of all the history, if you haven't changed your political status as Anna has prescribed, you have no means of challenging the courts. You are presumed a U.S. Citizen and unless you can prove otherwise, you have no rights. You can negotiate perhaps, but they got you none-the-less.
      The topic was the use of Habeas Corpus. For all the information Winston Shrout has taught any remedy using Habeas Corpus is dependent upon not being a U.S. Citizen status.

      Even with all his knowledge, he has been shut down and spending time in the caged cooler. Of all the things he said right to keep him out, just one thing must have been tricked on him to show him his new home.

  4. Very Pleased They're Out Of Commission

  5. What a joke. They are far from being out of commision. This brief interlude is just par for the game.

    1. You're right. Unless it folds it will simply result in additional PAID VACATION for the perps and their henchmen.

  6. We still need to build the gallows for up to 8 million errant servants who have extorted, pillaged , plundered, murdered, kidnapped...

    1. What about putting to use, those Guillotines that FEMA has.....?...they were acquired,.....for??

    2. Good idea...however its too humane, no pain involved..I am more a proponent of impaling the worst of them...slowly and publically.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Since the local police get federal funding, are they part of the shutdown?

  8. Here is my 2018 suggestion to all my American friends. As a 71 yr old retired Canadian, none of the American processes will work for me in Canada. I have been researching for years looking for a way out of this matrix that still allows me to life with integrity and a reasonable life.

    Canadians I speak with don't believe they are caught in this matrix so finding a way out is like talking to the proverbial wall.

    However, It appears that Anna has found at least a foundation to begin the process of you folks getting a start at a new beginning. Yet, so many of you have elected to continually bicker about all the various means the crooks are interpreting this that and the other thing and you haven't taken step 1 of Anna's prescription.

    So, make a New Year's Resolution to get your political status changed, title to your property, on record, then get your neigbours to do the same to at least get a functional jural assembly going so you can have your own Common Law Courts and Sheriff to carve the way for your families, children and grandchildren. Then you can go after the real live humans that run these corporate pirates and bring them to their knees.

    It won't take long if enough can get started. The evidence is already there waiting to be used against them.

    Otherwise it is all talk and no action and we know where that gets us.

    Happy New Year!!

    1. Hey, fellow to have conversation, at your convenience....if you can, call me on a hard line 250-304-4444
      in BC....tia, Tinker.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Me TOO!! 'and enjoy it while we can.

    1. to "unknown" your comments have zero credibility,no authenticity or merit,simply because you choose to hide.... so shut up or come out of the shadows....thank you.

  10. We can all start by not paying for this fraud!!!!!!If we can online bank we can online vote on these issues and eliminate the DC fraud.Sane in the State legislature.

  11. Right now, during the congressional "shutdown", some of the most important agencies have been included the IRS..!! BUT
    somehow they still.manage to terrorize people...!! No one should file taxes at this time because of the shutdown, and really deprive the deep state of funds for the "elitist" of the world to be used against us...!!
