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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own. If you have an opinion on a particular article, please comment by clicking the title of the article and scrolling to the box at the bottom on that page. Please keep the discussion about the issues, and keep it civil. The administrator reserves the right to remove any comment for any reason by anyone. Use the golden rule; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Additionally we do not allow comments with advertising links in them for your products. When you post a comment, it is in the public domain. You have no copyright that can be enforced against any other individual who comments here! Do not attempt to copyright your comments. If that is not to your liking please do not comment. Any attempt to copyright a comment will be deleted. Copyright is a legal term that means the creator of original content. This does not include ideas. You are not an author of articles on this blog. Your comments are deemed donated to the public domain. They will be considered "fair use" on this blog. People donate to this blog because of what Anna writes and what Paul writes, not what the people commenting write. We are not using your comments. You are putting them in the public domain when you comment. What you write in the comments is your opinion only. This comment section is not a court of law. Do not attempt to publish any kind of "affidavit" in the comments. Any such attempt will also be summarily deleted. Comments containing foul language will be deleted no matter what is said in the comment.

Thursday, January 30, 2020


By Anna Von Reitz

While everyone's attention is focused on the Circus Maxima taking place in Washington, DC, complete with the pot calling the kettle black, and all sorts of "investigation" intrigue taking place all over the world --- it turns out that the "Russian Collusion" was actually about Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, and Mitt Romney, all four, very gainfully employing their children in what used to be called Russia -- the Ukraine.

Name games, again.

Apparently, leaders in BOTH political parties are compromised for the same sins and likely to be painted with the same brush of corruption once the dust settles, so that's why Romney and his RINO buddies are trying to justify impeaching Trump with no credible evidence of wrong-doing on his part at all. 

Ukraine was just such a honey pot, they couldn't resist. 

And now, they are scared.  

With the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years and lower and middle income families gaining net income for the first time in a decade and average life expectancy in this country on the rise, and many other indicators of Trump's success physically hitting home throughout America, all their lies sound increasingly hollow. 

So, what do they do?  They unleash the deadly and naturally occurring Nipah virus and the Corona virus engineered by Bill Gates, at the same exact time, in China, to signal their displeasure with the China-Trump Trade Deal.  

Reminds me of little kids getting mad because they can't win a softball game, and taking their bat and ball and going home.  If they can't bilk China, and extort racketeering and protection money from China, then nobody else is going to be able to do business with China, either. 

Unfortunately, their home is here, in America---- and we have the responsibility of dealing with these Infant Terribles. Sooner or later, it's going to come down to dragging them out of the halls of Congress, out of St. Peter's., and out of the banks and military as well.  

We have to do it, and there is nobody here but us chickens. 

So, we need to wise up our Democrat friends who are still in a daze from decades of glutting at the trough and assure them that, yes, the dirty laundry is in full view.  The Unions, the Mob, the Oil Companies, Blackwater, Vanguard, Homeland Security, both the RNC and DNC, the FED, the "Marshal Plan", the banks ---- all of it.  

Turns out that Wells Fargo was Crime Central in the time period between the Twin Towers and the 2008 Meltdown.  They and Lloyd's used a three-partner fraud scheme using off shore trusts to generate fake accounts and then created fake mortgages, securitized these as "mortgage backed securities" and sold them to investors on Bloomburg..... Wells Fargo and Wells Fargo N.A. and Merrill-Lynch in America, Lloyd's BIL, Bank of Scotland, and HBOS, PL in England.  Same scheme.  They bilked the public and the SEC and the IRS for billions with a "B".  

And they weren't even breathing hard; all it took was a couple real con men and offshore "trusts" in Jersey and Puerto Rico. 

Now the cows are coming home and millions of innocent Americans and Brits are again being dunned for debts they don't owe--- debts that actually belong to foreign corporations that folded their tents a decade ago. 

And the courts are again turning a blind eye to all this and pretending that they have such a thing as "the Rule of Law" which is only the rules of the court, which the court gets to determine on a "local level" ---- i.e., they make it up as they go along.  

Don't take any wooden nickels and don't mistake a securities corporation operating under the trademark of a bank for a bank.  Also, don't mistake "the Rule of Law" for any actual Law, Public or Private.  It's all up for grabs now, and every man or woman for themselves. 

This system is going down, on the sheer weight of its own criminality and refusal to correct.  What comes after is being determined by those of us who are awake and moving forward to restore the actual and lawful government of this country.  

Do not delay taking action to declare your political status and get your claims in place. 

In Ancient Egypt they had the "Book of the Dead" and the "Book of Life".  These correspond exactly to the Register system (Book of the Dead) and the Recording system (Book of Life).  

Be sure that you move your Good Name out of the jurisdiction of the "dead" corporations.  Keep your nose to the grindstone and your eye on the ball, because sure as I am sitting here, all this fraud and corruption is coming to a head.  

All those who are "dead" and written in the Book of the Dead and who have not made the effort to reclaim their "live status", will lose their identity and their inheritance.  The Evil Doers fully intend to feast upon these "abandoned" estates and to profit from their own deceits and disgusting practices. 

It's up to you to make up your mind and pull your own chestnuts out of the fire, but if I were you, I'd be moving at light speed to rescue my good name and my identity as a lawful American Person and making sure that it gets recorded. 


See this article and over 2200 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Just two days left on our Endless Bonus Challenge. Maybe you can help with this.

Hi Everyone,

We have just tomorrow and Friday until 12 Midnight Eastern time to get a couple more people to help us complete the Endless Bonus challenge from Mint Builder.

Here is the original article I did on this a few weeks ago.

It's going to be close, but with your help we can do it. You have no idea how much this will help us to continue this work we do for Anna Von Reitz.

Silver is the best opportunity we have ever seen, and Mint Builder is much easier than it used to be.

I still hold the record company wide for personally sponsoring new people.

Unfortunately many of you have dropped out for one reason or another, probably because you didn't like the Binary pay plan they had. It was just too darn complicated and difficult to get a paycheck.

Now it's this easy.
1. Start a subscription
2. Refer some people, even one.
3. Get paid right away.

Read the article and re-new your subscription even if it's only temporary. You have lots to pick from now, at the best pricing in the industry.

If you need to visit.  406 889 3183 or

If you need to join

Login instructions are in this link.

God bless you all.

Paul Stramer


Some of Australia's bushfire history!

From one of our readers.

Regardless of your views on current climate change arguments, it is hard to argue against the history of Australian bushfire events. This tends to make a mockery of the 'experts' predictions of just 30 years ago than are regularly updated for their own ends.
And who said that Global warming is a recent  phenomenon?
If any of you know Greta’s email address, would you forward this on to here please
 Subject:  BLACK THURSDAY BUSHFIRES - 6th Feb 1851
 Interesting. Why isn’t this info publicised?

Makes the greens and other politicians etc look like idiots as they

An interesting history lesson of previous catastrophic Australian bush


In preparing for tomorrow’s extreme conditions, it’s important to
look at history to understand  how bad things can get.

Australia’s most extensive Bush fires were known as the ‘Black
Thursday’ Bushfires, where  on the 6th Feb 1851 (Co2 levels 285 ppm)
when the temperature hit an incredible 117°F (47.2 C) at 11am in
Melbourne, and quarter of Victoria, 5 million hectares in total were
burnt out (10 times more than from the current Bushfires in NSW). 12
lives were lost  and one million sheep and thousands of cattle were

Thomas McCombie recorded the scene in Melbourne on that day:

"For two months preceding, the country had been under the desiccating
winds, which appeared  to be highly charged with electricity. The
herbage was parched up, and everything that the eye could rest upon
was dry, dusty, and disagreeable. The 6th of February dawned much as
very hot days generally do; the roseate tints of the horizon were
rather brighter  and more lurid than usual - the glassed glare over
the sky more vividly perceptible. The north wind set strongly in early
in the morning, and by eleven o'clock in the fore-noon it had
increased to almost a hurricane.

‘’In the streets of Melbourne the heat was intense, and the
atmosphere densely oppressive.  Clouds of smoke and dust hung over the

The fires which blazed in the surrounding country no doubt increased
the suffocating sensation  which was generally experienced. It was
hardly possible to go abroad; the streets were nearly deserted; and a
few of the persons who were compelled to make the effort to traverse
them stalked along with their faces closely enveloped in cloth; no
man, however  bold, appeared able to face the furiously-suffocating
blast, which seemed to wither up their physical energies. By noon, the
inhabitants, generally, had shut themselves up in their various
dwellings, too happy to have got out of the reach of the overpowering
blast. They continued to sit until night listening in terror to the
howl of this real sirocco. Had any portion of Melbourne ignited the
whole of the city must have been reduced to ashes, as no effort of the
inhabitants could have prevented the conflagration  from extending and
becoming general. The citizens were providentially preserved from so
terrible a disaster."

Catastrophic Bushfires hit Victoria again in 1898 (Co2 levels 295 ppm)
know as ‘ Red Tuesday’  when fires burned 260,000 hectares in
South Gippsland. Twelve lives and more than 2,000 buildings were

In 1939 (Co2 levels 311 ppm) the 13th Jan became known as ‘Black
Friday’, the fires in  Victoria burned 1.5 to 2 million hectares,
they killed 71 people and destroyed more than 650 buildings.

In 1944 (Co2 310 ppm) levels fires in the Western Districts of
Victoria destroyed more  than 500 houses and caused huge losses in the
pastoral industry. Four or more grass fires near Hamilton, Dunkeld,
Skipton and Lake Bolac burned about 440,000 hectares in eight hours.
Between 15 and 20 people died. The total area covered by grass fires
that  season was about one million hectares.

In 1962, (318 ppm) Fires in the Dandenong Ranges and on the outskirts
of Melbourne killed  32 and destroyed more than 450 houses.

In 1965, (320 ppm) fires the in Gippsland burned for 17 days, covering
300,000 hectares  of forest and 15,000 hectares of grassland. More
than 60 buildings and 4,000 stock were destroyed.

In 1969, (324 ppm) Two hundred and eighty fires broke out on the 8th
Jan, Twelve reached  major proportions and burned 250,000 hectares.
Twenty-three people died, including 17 motorists at Lara, trapped on
the then highway between Geelong and Melbourne. The fires also
destroyed 230 houses, 21 other buildings and more than 12,000 stock.

In 1977, (333 ppm) widespread fires occurred across the Western
District of Victoria.  The fires killed four people and burned about
103,000 hectares. More than 198,500 stock, 116 houses and 340 other
buildings were also lost.

In 1983, (342 ppm) the 16th Feb became known as ‘Ash Wednesday’
more than 100 fires burned  210,000 hectares and killed 47 people.
More than 27,000 stock and 2,000 houses were lost.

That’s just Victoria.

And to think, that the Greens have the anti-scientific superstitious
belief that we can  stop Bushfires by importing more solar panels from
China. These people are not only demented, they have a complete
ignorance of Australia’s history. But then again they are perhaps
just the worst of dishonest liars, exploiting tragedy and spreading
untruths  for their own political gain.

  If common sense is so common, why do so few have it?

Monday, January 27, 2020

One Pager

By Anna Von Reitz

Often, especially from military men, I have encountered the request that I sit down and "put it all on one page" --- and I have frankly been unable to do it. Until now.  My friend, Jeff, kept pulling on my sleeve and working away on his attempts to do it "on one page" until.... well.... if you believe you can do it, no matter how impossible it seems.... and Jeff believed. 

So here it is.  Our Government summarized on one page so everyone can see it for themselves---- and see how the names are set up, and see what's missing. I still can't quite believe that we managed to crank down the history and the structures to this one measly page, but.... if you study it, you will have a good firm picture of how the American Government of, for, and by the people is separate from and stands above the Federal Subcontractors that are supposed to be here providing us with good faith service according to the Constitution(s).

You will also have a good view of how they have used the incomplete Post-Civil War Reconstruction of the Confederation as an excuse to usurp against our government, to make false assumptions about our government, to mis-inform and mis-identify us and others, and to evade their responsibilities to us under the Constitutions.

If you are an American born on the land and soil of this country, and not presently an employee or dependent of the U.S. Military or the Federal Civil Service --- your government is at the top of the page: The United States, The United States of America, and The States of America. 

If you are a U.S. Citizen or Citizen of the United States, your incorporated government services organizations are at the bottom of the page. 

Now, if it makes sense to you that the Employers get to tell the Employees what to do and how to do it and to set the priorities --- you are on our side of the issues. 

If you think that your Employees should have the right to dictate your life and tell you what services they are going to provide and how much they are going to charge you --- then you are on the other side of the fence.

Share this little One Pager being published on my website: and at with your friends and family and co-workers and school teachers and town mayors and Congressional Delegations.

Share it with every American you know so that they get a bird's eye view of what is wrong with this country and can put their thumbs and forefingers on it.

Hint: its there on the top right where it says, "The State of _____ Courts (Missing)" and again at the lower left side of the page, where it says: "Missing since 1860")

There's a whole missing link in our government system, like a hole in the middle of your favorite pair of blue jeans.  Unscrupulous parties have been using this as a means to subject Americans to foreign laws, and to steal trillions of dollars from our economy. 

Time to wake up and smell the java, restore the fully functioning government we are owed, and put an end to the usurpation and theft and dis-service that has gone on here. 


Get busy.  Make the decision to exercise your right to self-govern.  Declare your political status as an American.  Join your State Assembly.  Rebuild your American Confederation of States.  Fill the gaps. Claim your exemptions. Make the corrections.

It's your world, and your government. 


See this article and over 2200 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here. 

Sunday, January 26, 2020

It's an Imaginary World

By Anna Von Reitz

It's an imaginary world, so imagine what you wish.  

What you are dealing with,  is an imaginary system, and it doesn't really matter what imaginary claims they make.  What matters is what imaginary claims we believe.  

Left to themselves, the rulers of this world are just a bunch of mean-spirited, greedy, indoctrinated old people who rule by means of group delusion and deceit, coupled with a simple divide and conquer strategy, and a practice of driving the sheep between "the pillar and the post" ---making use of the built-in human assumption that, given two bad choices, you must choose the lesser evil --- instead of shoving both evils back down the throats of those offering the ugly proposition in the first place. 

Governance is a dirty job and someone has to do it.  

So, we are left with two choices that are almost equally unpleasant --- either we grow up and rule our own minds and take responsibility for our own government, or we accept being owned and "operated" by these cretins, who will treat people as terribly or as well as the people themselves demand to be treated. 

Given the somnolent state required to allow oneself to be owned as chattel in the first place, this does not bode well for the future of the human race, unless we awaken the mass of the general public on a worldwide basis.  

Kim (Goguen, aka, Kim Possible) has been indoctrinated, too.  She believes that she is uniquely gifted and qualified and is so very intelligent that she alone is able to save or destroy the fictional world.   This is, of course, untrue.  It's just what she has been fed.   And she has been fed a lot of garbage, which, like other victims, she believes.  

She's playing a game in a matrix, a board game, quite unaware that there are other games and other game boards, and beyond all that is the truth.  She takes it all deadly seriously, and plays, plays, plays---- without, however, realizing that she is just playing in the same way that a child plays a game. 

From where I stand, that is absolutely obvious, and I see no reason to give her game any particular authority or credibility.  That said, I don't have any prejudice against her or against her game-- which is akin to thinking that an adult would have a prejudice against someone for playing Scrabble. 

Once you realize that its all fiction and that the only element giving strength to any illusion is our belief in it, you are free to examine your beliefs. 

In examining your beliefs you sort through what's true, what's false, what's right, and what's wrong ---- and you willfully choose to believe in the things that are worthwhile, whether or not they are physically present at the moment, and you just as willfully choose not to believe the BS. 

And that is when the illusory, fictional world also begins to change. 

When we no longer take it seriously.  When we recognize it for what it is.  When we laugh and listen to our own music.  Just as quickly as the seemingly insurmountable walls of imagination are built, they crumble. Just as quickly as the disease appears, it disappears.  Just as quickly as money appears to be valuable, it loses its value.  

As I am sitting here typing this, I am breathing through every cell in my body.  I am aware of this --- that I breathe through every cell, not just my lungs.  I am consciously aware of the more than two hundred kinds of cells all operating together to create my body.  I can assure you that those who are attempting to run the fictional world have no such degree of consciousness.  Instead, they are focused on making one foot follow the other. 

Imagine what happens when we no longer believe in money, nor in any form of idolatry at all?  Do you know that ninety-nine out of a hundred Americans don't have any concept of what a "dollar" actually is?  The fact that it is a unit of measure has never dawned on them.  And if you then ask them what this unit of measure is applied to, they will continue to stare at you like cattle in a feedlot.  

If you tell them the answer ---- fine silver, they will continue to stare at you.  

If you observe that the value of silver in any marketplace can be translated into other commodities like grapes and loaves of bread and hours of labor, they will blink.  

If you suggest that both the silver and pieces of paper representing silver (or any other commodity) are just a symbolic system of "representing" value, and that we are free to value whatever we wish to value, they will snort like frightened horses and say something like, "What? You lost me there." 

Yes, you can value whatever you value.  If you value silver, then that's what you seek and deserve.   If you value love, then that's what you seek and deserve.  Whatever you trade in, is your "base commodity", and you can trade in whatever currency you please, but the greatest currency in the Universe, is love. 

Nothing is stronger than, more enduring than, more valuable than, more flexible than, or greater than ----- love.  In fact, all the other currencies we have, are just faded images of the abundance and strength and value of love.  They are all just photographs of some aspect of love expressed as a commodity of some kind, some "good"---as we call it. 

Many men and women who are counted as fabulously wealthy in terms of gold and silver and political power, have been stunted and crippled and left lonely and desperately unhappy for lack of the one currency that gives life and meaning to all the rest of it: love. 

We all know that.  We don't need anyone to prove it to us.  Our own experience in life is sufficient.   

So why not stop joking around, and value what is truly valuable?  Let us find a "gold standard" for love and let everything we do, be attached to that unit of measure, instead of a measure of silver or gold or oil.  Let everything we do, be done with love.  Let every thought be infused with true compassion.  

Let us see "value" with new eyes, and stop believing that gold and silver are valuable, stop believing that digits in a bank account are valuable. 

When we cut that false belief  in "things" down to size, and really examine it for the flim-flam it is, everything snaps back into place.  

We can all feel ourselves breathing through every cell again.  

See this article and over 2200 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here. 

Third Sunday After Epiphany

Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

INTROIT Adore God, all ye His angels: Sion heard, and was glad; and the daughters of Juda rejoiced. The Lord hath reigned; let the earth rejoice; let the many islands be glad. (Ps. XCVI.1.) 
Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
COLLECT Almighty everlasting God, mercifully look upon our infirmity, and stretch forth the right hand of Thy majesty for our protection. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end, Amen.
EPISTLE (Rom. XII. 16-21.) Brethren, be not wise in your own conceits. To no man rendering evil for evil: providing good things not only in the sight of God, but also in the sight of all men. If it be possible, as much as is in you, having peace with all men; not revenging yourselves, my dearly beloved but give place unto wrath; for it is written: Revenge is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. But if thy enemy be hungry, give him to eat; if he thirst, give him to drink; for doing this, thou shaft heap coals of fire upon his head. Be not overcome by evil, but overcome evil by good.
When are we overcome by evil?
When we wish to take revenge. "Revenge is no sign of courage," says St. Ambrose, "but rather of weakness and cowardice. As it is the sign of a very weak stomach to be unable to digest food, so it is the mark of a very weak mind to be unable to bear a harsh word." "Are you impatient," says the same saint, "you are overcome; are you patient, you have overcome."
What should we do if our reputation is injured?
We should leave its revenge, or its defense and protection to God, who has retained that for Himself. "But as a good name," says St. Francis de Sales, "is the main support of human society, and as without it we could not be useful to that society, but even hurtful to it on account of scandal, we should feel bound, for love of our neighbor, to aim after a good reputation, and to preserve it." We should not be too sensitive about this, however, for too great a sensitiveness makes one obstinate, eccentric, and intolerable, and only tends to excite and increase the malice of the detractors. The silence and contempt with which we meet a slander or an injustice, is generally a more efficacious antidote than sensitiveness, anger, or revenge. The contempt of a slander at once disperses it, but anger shows a weakness, and gives the accusation an appearance of probability. If this does not suffice, and the slander continues, let us persevere in humility' and lay our honor and our soul into the hands of God, according to the admonitions of the Apostle.
How do we "heap coals of fire on the head of our enemy?"
When we return him good for evil, for seeing our well meaning towards him, the flush of shame reddens his face for the wrongs he has done us. St. Augustine explains these words thus: "By giving food and drink or doing other kindnesses to your enemy, you will heap coals, not of anger, but of love, upon his head, which will inflame him to return love for love." Learn therefore, from the example of Christ and His saints, not to allow yourself to be overcome by evil, but do good to those that hate and persecute you.
ASPIRATION Ah, that I might, according to the words of St. Paul, so live that I may be a child of the Heavenly Father, who lets His sun shine on the just and the unjust!
GOSPEL (Matt. VIII. 1-13.) At that time, when Jesus was come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed him; and behold, a leper came and adored him, saying: Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. And Jesus, stretching forth his hand,  touched him, saying: I will, be thou made clean. And forthwith his leprosy was cleansed. And Jesus saith to him, See thou tell no man: but go, show thyself to the priest, and offer the gift which Moses commanded for a testimony unto them. And when he had entered into Capharnaum, there came to him a centurion, beseeching him, and saying: Lord, my servant Beth at home sick of the palsy, and is grievously tormented. And Jesus saith to him: I will come and heal him. And the centurion making answer, said: Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldst enter under my roof; but only say the word, and my servant shall be healed. For I also am a man subject to authority, having under me soldiers; and I say to this man: Go, and he goeth; and to another: Come, and he cometh; and to my servant: Do this, and he doeth it. And Jesus hearing this, marvelled; and said to them that followed him: Amen I say to you, I have not found so great faith in Israel. And I say to you that many shall come from the east and the west, and shall sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven; but the children of the kingdom shall be cast into the exterior darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. And Jesus said to the centurion: Go, and as thou hast believed, so be it done to thee; and the servant was healed at the same hour.
Why did the leper say: “Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean"?
He believed Christ to be the promised Messiah, who as true God had the power to heal him. From this we learn to have confidence in the omnipotence of God, who is a helper in all need, (Ps. CVI. 6. 73. 19.) and to leave all to the will of God, saying: Lord, if it be pleasing to Thee, and well for me, grant my petition.
Why did Jesus stretch forth His hand and touch the leper?
To show that He was not subject to the law which forbade the touching of a leper through fear of infection, which could not affect Jesus; to reveal the health-giving, curative power of His flesh, which dispelled leprosy by the simple touch of His hand; to give us an example of humility and of love for the poor sick, that we may learn from Him to have no aversion to the infirm, but lovingly to assist the unfortunate sick for the sake of Jesus who took upon Himself the leprosy of our sins. The saints have faithfully imitated Him in their tender care for those suffering from the most disgusting diseases. Oh, how hard it will be for those to stand before the Tribunal of God at the Last Day, who cannot even bear to look at the poor and sick!
Why did Christ command the leper to tell no man?
To instruct us that we should not make known our good works in order to obtain frivolous praise, (Matt. VI 1.) which deprives us of our heavenly reward.
Why did Christ send the healed leper to the Priest?
That he might observe the law which required all the healed lepers to show themselves to the priests, to offer a sacrifice, to be examined and pronounced clean: that the priest if he beheld the miracle of the sudden cure of the leper, might know Him who had wrought the cure, to be the Messiah; and finally, to teach us that we must honor the priests because of their high position, even when they do not live in a manner worthy of their dignity, as was the case with the Jewish priests.
What it taught by the centurion's solicitude for his servant?
That masters should take care of their sick servants, see that they are attended to in their illness, and above all that they are provided with the Sacraments. It is unchristian, even cruel and barbarous, to drive from the house a poor, sick servant, or to leave him lying in his distress without assistance or care.
Why did Christ say: I will come and heal him?
Because of His humility, by which He, although God and Lord of lords, did not hesitate to visit a sick servant. Here Christ's humility puts to shame many persons of position who think themselves too exalted to attend the wants of a poor servant.
Why did the centurion say: Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldst enter under my roof?
Because he recognized Christ's divinity and his own nothingness, and therefore regarded himself as unworthy to receive Christ into his house.
From this we learn to humble ourselves, especially when we receive Christ into our hearts, hence the priest in giving holy Communion uses the centurion's words, exhorting those to humility who are about to receive.
Why did he add: But only say the word, and my servant shall be healed?
By this he publicly manifested his faith in Christ's divinity and omnipotence, because he believed that Christ, though absent, could heal the servant by a word.
If a Gentile centurion had such faith in Christ, and such confidence in His power, should not we Christians be ashamed that we have so little faith, and confidence in God?
What is meant by: Many shall come from the east and the west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven; but the children of the kingdom shall be cast into the exterior darkness?
This was said by Christ in reference to the obdurate Jews who would not believe in Him. Many pagans who receive the gospel, and live in accordance with it, will enjoy heavenly bliss with the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who were the most faithful friends of God, while the Jews, God's chosen people, who as such, possessed the first claim to heaven, will, because of their unbelief and other sins, be cast into outer darkness, that is, into the deepest abyss of hell, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Thus it will be with those Christians who do not live in accordance with their faith. Therefore, fear lest you, for want of cooperation with God's grace, be eternally rejected, while others who have faithfully corresponded to the divine inspirations will enter into your place in the kingdom of heaven.
ASPIRATION O Jesus, rich in consolations! grant me the leper's faith and confidence, that in all things I may rely upon Thy omnipotence, and may resign myself to Thy divine will, and may ever honor Thy priests. Grant me, also, O most humble Jesus! the centurion's humility, that for Thy sake, I may compassionately assist my neighbor, and by doing so render myself worthy of Thy grace and mercy.

Lord, if thou wilt. (Matt. VIII. 2.)
Those who in adversity as well as in prosperity, perfectly resign themselves to the will of God, and accept whatever He sends them with joy and thanks, possess heaven, as St. Chrysostom says, while yet upon earth. Those who have attained this resignation, are saddened by no adversity, because they are satisfied with all that God, their best Father, sends them, be it honor or disgrace, wealth or poverty, life or death. All happens as they wish, because they know no will but God's, they desire nothing but that which He does and wills. God does the will of them that fear Him. (Ps. CXLIV. 10.) In the lives of the ancient Fathers we find the following: The fields and vineyards belonging to one farmer were much more fertile and yielding than were his neighbors'. They asked how it happened and he said: they should not wonder at it, because he always had the weather he wished. At this they wondered more than ever: How could that be? "I never desire other weather," he replied, "than God wills; and because my desires are conformable to His, He gives me the fruits I wish." This submission to the divine will is also the cause of that constant peace and undimmed joy of the saints of God, with which their hearts have overflowed here below, even in the midst of the greatest sufferings and afflictions. Who would not aspire to so happy a state? We will attain it if we believe that nothing in this world can happen to us except by the will and through the direction of God, sin and guilt excepted, for God can never be the cause of them. This the Holy Ghost inculcates by the mouth of the wise man: Good things and evil, life and death, poverty and riches, are from God, (Eccles. XI. 14.) that is, are permitted or sent by God; all that which comes from God, is for the best, for God doeth all things well. (Mark VII. 37.) Whoever keeps these two truths always in mind, will certainly be ever contented with the will of God, and always consoled; he will taste while yet on earth the undisturbed peace of mind and foretaste of happiness which the saints had while here, and which they now eternally enjoy in heaven, because of the union of their will with the divine will.

The master of a house should be careful to have not only obedient, faithful, willing, and industrious servants in his home, as had the centurion in the gospel, but still more, pious and God-fearing ones, for God richly blesses the master because of pious servants. Thus God blessed Laban on account of the pious Jacob, (Gen. XXX. 30.) and the house of Putiphar because of the just Joseph. (Gen. XXXIX. 5.) The master should look to the morals and Christian conduct of his servants, and not suffer irreligious subjects in his house, for he must, after this life, give an account before the tribunal of God, and he makes himself unworthy of the blessing of God, often liable to the most terrible punishment by retaining such. Will not God punish those masters and mistresses who suffer those under them to seek the dangerous occasions of sin, keep sinful company, go about at night, and lead scandalous lives? Will not God, one day, demand the souls of servants from their masters? The same punishment which will befall those who deny their faith, will rest upon careless masters and mistresses, for St. Paul the Apostle writes:
But if any man have not care of his own, and especially of those of his house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel. (I. Tim. V. 8.)
Subjects should learn from the centurion's servants who obeyed his only word, that they also should willingly, faithfully, and quickly do every thing ordered by their masters, unless it be something contrary to the law of God. They should recollect that whatever they do in obedience to their superiors, is done for God Himself. Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh, not serving to the eye, as pleasing men, but in simplicity of heart, fearing God. Whatsoever you do, do it from the heart as to the Lord, and not to men: knowing that you shall receive of the Lord the reward of inheritance. Serve ye the Lord Christ. (Col. III. 22-24.)

Russian History

By Anna Von Reitz

I am in a railroad car in the wee hours of the morning and it is very cold outside.  Even with a couple propane heaters you can see your breath inside.  There is one bare light bulb of no great wattage, myself, a middle aged woman, a student desk, and a large Russian man in the middle of a trainload of paperwork, much of which has not been opened for decades. 

This is the history of Imperial Russia and if certain people knew where it was, they would try to destroy it even now. 

What it demonstrates, among many other things, is that both the Russian Tsar and the German Kaiser were honorable men throughout the events leading up to World War I —- and the British King was a rat. 

That is, I suppose, granted all the history we know about, not a surprise by now. 

It is however made clear as a honed knife-edge as we stand here in the middle of the night, knotting our hands against the cold.  

The man is Russian but he grew up in Alaska as a part of a dissident Christian group who came here after the fall of the Berlin Wall.  He reads and speaks Russian fluently and his deep voice  has a bell-like clarity as he slowly reads page after page.  

None of us feel like we can stop. There is a hypnotic quality to the night and the job before us.  The woman who is transcribing stops to wipe her eyes.  She can’t stop crying.  I am aware of the cold in my heart as well as my feet.  I wonder if I can cry anymore? 

Has my long trek to the truth left me with no more tears?  Nothing but a vast emptiness as the digit counters in my mind fall and I tick off the facts.  

The British King owed both his Cousins a lot of money.  His proposal?  That the Russians attack Alaska using a. bogus treaty violation as a provocation and use our land and resources to repay his — the British King’s — debts to Russia. 

This, the Tsar gently refused to do, writing, “As a Christian man and as the leader of my country, I cannot consider such a course.”

Enclosed with this letter is a similar letter from the Kaiser, turning down a similar suggestion that he should attack France and split the spoils with Britain. 

Although Germany did eventually invade France it was clear that the Kaiser was loathe to take any such action and it was only because the British Monarch refused to pay his  debts that Germany was placed in such a bind. 

And ultimately, that circumstance also involved America.  

While we slumbered on, thinking that all was well, a Scottish Commercial Corporation doing business as “The United States of America”—- Incorporated, had borrowed vast amounts of assets from both the Tsar and the Kaiser, and then declared bankruptcy, leaving both Russia and Germany to pick up the pieces. 

It wasn’t the clueless American’s fault.  It was, as the Kaiser said, “A dirty and deceitful business with the hands of British bankers all over it.”

Archduke Ferdinand was an innocent third party trying to negotiate a private settlement. 

The criminality and injustice of his assassination at the hands of British Agents was the final straw for the Kaiser. 

“We have criminals at work in Great Britain, and some of them are our relatives,” he wrote to Tsar Nicholas in November 1910. 

All this had been going on in the background for years before the Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand.  

So if you never understood how the murder of one European Aristocrat could provoke something as egregious as the First World War—— now you know. 

That was just the cherry on the top of the British manure pile. 

Both the Tsar and the Kaiser held America harmless.  They blamed Britain and the Popes for deceitful misadministration and Breach of Trust — which is exactly what it was. 

It is a great and terrible irony that we ever fought against Germany in the First World War and that we did not come to the Tsar’s assistance when he needed our help to alleviate the suffering of Russian workers —suffering caused by the Scottish Commercial Corporation’s default and bankruptcy, while doing business in our name. 

Britain and the Popes used us as the Straight Man and manipulated investments based on our assets, to benefit themselves at the cost of everyone else involved, the Germans and the Russians most of all.  

And there we sat, dumb as steers in a feedlot, chewing our cuds, wondering why the crazy Europeans got so upset over the Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, while the King’s stooge, Woodrow Wilson, sold us even further down the river.

And here they are, again, the same Bad Actors letting crooked bankers have a hey day and imagining that none of this is ever going to catch up to them. 

Nobody is ever going to look into the past hard enough to divine the future. Nobody is going to be smart enough to point the guns at the actual criminal masterminds responsible for all this theft and death and suffering. 

That’s what they think. 

But in a lonely rail car surrounded by wooden boxes bearing the Imperial Seal of Russia, sit two women, one of them crying so hard she can hardly work, one of them staring grimly out into space, and a man, who continues to read line by line, page by page. 

I think I have heard enough for one night. 

I lay a gloved hand on the man’s arm and he stops reading.  I suggest that we’ve done all we can for one night. The others agree.  I reach up, stretching a bit, to turn off the light.  In the cold dark behind me I hear the man opening the heavy door.  The night wind rushes in. 

He jumps out first and I hear the dull thud of his heavy work boots on the frozen gravel. 

The transcriptionist is lifted safely down to the ground together with her briefcase, camera, laptop computer and tape machine. 

It all has the black and white flavor of old newsreel footage.  A vacant grey world. One light bulb inside and one dim yard light outside.

I groan a little, as I swing to one knee and then let both legs dangle before jumping down to the siding.  I think I am too old and pudgy for this.  I think I ought to work out more. But there isn’t time. 

The man shoves the heavy door back into place. I hear it rattle home and then hear the chain securing it. The much younger man asks if I am all right? 

Yes, I tell him, though I am in fact disturbed by the coldness— not the coldness of the night, the coldness within me. I am perfectly calm.

He dips his head and shoves his helmet-like fur hat down over his ears before turning to help carry the recording equipment to the car. 

I turn and walk the other direction, through the silent rail yard, then down a little alley way and turn a couple more corners to the backdoor of my hotel. 

Inside it’s warm and dimly lit. I can smell the faint traces of bygone eras’ cigar smoke still lingering in the grand, faded brocade drapes and ancient Oriental carpet.  My great-great grandfather stayed in this hotel in 1855. 

I climb three flights of stairs and slip into my room. I don’t turn the lights on. The drapes are still open, as I left them, earlier in the day.  The rectangle of the window seems unnaturally bright compared to the darkness.  I realize that I am stiff from the cold and stand a couple minutes by the old-fashioned hot water register looking out at the street below.  

Tomorrow it will warm up. Tomorrow it will snow.  I know I should sleep, but somehow I can’t.  In my own way, I have been touched just as deeply as the weeping Transcriptionist, only I am beyond tears. 

On my desk is a Night Letter and in it, a hard copy of an email from a friend of Tsar Nicholas’s surviving Grandson.  This has been genetically confirmed.  The Romanovs are still alive, not wanting to return to Russia, not unhappy with their lives as ordinary people. 

I smile and I pull off my winter boots. 

I am happy to report that the Romanovs survived and that they are happy.  They deserve to be.  It is a fitting revenge. 

We have a short time in which to wake the world up and short-circuit their plans to stage another economic debacle—- and I want you to remember and share this: 

If you have any trouble with your money— any trouble at all— the problem isn’t with the money.  The problem is with the bankers. And before we let them get away with anything more, we would be wise to simply line them up and march them off to jail, just as the people did in Iceland. 


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Friday, January 24, 2020

Light in the Darkness and Darkness in the Light

By Anna Von Reitz

We briefly discussed the Ancient Religion of Mandamus aka "Magic". 

This Celtic Religion defined things in terms of opposites and balancing of opposites around a Zero Point --- the point of creation balancing the Great Dipole, which is endlessly repeated and which resonates throughout all creation, including within each one of us.  

DNA is not just a pattern of amino acids.  It is an antenna--- a multi-channel trilateral transceiver.  

The messages picked up by this antenna lock and unlock a vast number of epigenetic codes and variations operating at different frequencies and different scales (like musical scales) within your biological and electronic organism.  

You may think of this -- in analogy -- as involving different kinds of media. 

Imagine a machine that can play any kind of media you are familiar with --- CDs and DVDs, Floppy Disks, Cassette Tapes, TV film, MP3s, Live TV,  Radio, 8 Track, USB, you name it, this machine can play it.   Now imagine that you can 
tune this machine into any form of media or source signal you like. 

Your DNA receives signals in the same way as this machine, and sends signals out through the entire network of "Ordered Energy Entities" in the Universe, not just to your organism, that is, your space suit and its electromagnetic field, but to all the rest of the Created Universe as well.  

Make no mistake.  Everything that you see and sense and come to know is created.  Rocks are created.  Elements are created. It's all math, physics, chemistry, electronics, sound dynamics, magnetism----and vast amounts of energy, and it all derives from interactions among simple "dipolar systems".  

Sound (1) or Silence (0) or Neutral (+/-)
Positive (1) or Negative (0) or Neutral (+/-)
Pixel (1) or Anti-Pixel (0) or Neutral (+/-)

You get the idea.  Just as binary computer systems speaks a Binary Language of zeroes and ones, a trinary computer system speaks a Trinary Language of zeroes, ones, and neutrals.  

So, in such a system, there are three states of being --- symbolized by the Maid, Mother, and Crone (one side of the Dipole) and the Boy, Man, and Sage (the other side of the Dipole) and now you come to the "direction" of the energy --- toward the light or toward the darkness--- or as the Celts put it, the "Right-hand Path" or the "Left-hand Path".  

Now depending on how you are talking about this, it can sound like sorcery or it can sound like advanced physics, but not advanced physics as we have been taught in school.  

Notice a couple of things --- (1) this system is set up to maintain an eternal balance, a complete Zero Point overall, and (2) all movement in this system is an illusion.  

What creates the illusion of constant movement in the presence of eternal stillness is a doughnut-shaped "torroidal" electromagnetic field twisted into the form of a Mobius strip.  It's a closed loop with all force vectors zeroed out at the center, but kept in constant flow by magnetic constants. 

Those who are familiar with math will now be slapping themselves: a 3D infinity symbol. Those familiar with physics will also be leaping ahead, but what we want to notice next is what the Ancient Peoples of the Earth noticed. 

The Zero Point is "a time without a time and a place without a place", because otherwise, time is location.   The Zero Point is a portal outside of time and place. 

The other notable take home message is that while in transition from one extreme to the other, light and darkness "pollute" each other to a greater or lesser extent, as they translate one into the other, until they come to a tipping point when they are completely balanced. 

It is that position of neutrality which is the ultimate position of power.  

In terms of the Celtic Wheel,  the Queens of High Summer are ironically the Queens of Death and Cold.  Why?  Because they turn the corner heading into darkness.  Just as ironically, the Queens of Mid-Winter are the Queens of Life and Warmth.  It's exactly the opposite of what you might suppose. 

In the same way, you might think that the position of power within the sequence of Maid, Mother, and Crone would be either the "Maid" in full potential, or the "Crone" unleashing potential ---- but again, it's the Mother who holds the secret to both the "Maid" and the "Crone" and it is the neutral, middle position that guards all the rest, by being able to wield both hot and cold.  

So in the realm of Celtic Religion you begin new enterprises under the New Moon (the Maid) and you finish them under the Full Moon (the Crone) and in between the cycle that mirrors the Great Dipole, is either "waxing" or "waning" as the light grows in the darkness, or the darkness grows in the light -- and that whole process on both sides of the cycle is ruled by the Great Mother, who gives birth and substance to both the light and dark.  

All of this mirrors the physics and math underlying our existence, the same way a fable or a parable reveals an eternal truth.  So however you come to the truth, through the math  or through the parables of an extremely ancient religion, you still arrive at the truth.  

All this has been preserved for us, generation to generation, season to season, by the Ancient Religion of the Celts, and most notably, as it is still practiced in Western Ireland, Scotland, and the Outer Islands. Who knew?  The Secrets of the Universe were hidden in plain view, discussed over tea, and shared by schoolchildren at recess. 


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Playing With A Full Deck

By Anna Von Reitz

It doesn't take rocket science to figure out what is going on in the world, you simply have to step back far enough to observe what is going on.  Don't get lost in the detail.  Figure out who is who.  Then you know what is what. 

Why is China suffering the outbreak of a dangerous 1918 Influenza-type viral epidemic?  It's their payback for signing a new trade deal with Trump--- a love letter from Bill Gates and the other Ubermensch who incubated the virus at Texas A and M and patented it for profit.   

The proof is right there in their patent application, including the "revolving" genetic key that makes the virus mutate at a rapid rate.   A virus, you must understand, is just a small bit of self-replicating DNA that inserts itself into our own cell system DNA and hijacks the machinery to produce nasty side effects. 

They thought they could make the virus mutate fast enough to cover their tracks--- that is, by the time we recovered "the bullet", the ballistics would have changed so as to look like it came from a different source. 

Surprise, surprise, surprise, as Gomer Pyle would say. 

When this sort of thing -- biological warfare -- is carried out by "private" corporations as a mercenary operation in retaliation for trade deals, it's time to shut those corporations down.  

It's time to put an end to the Bill Gates hegemony at Microsoft.  And put Gates in a nice mental hospital.  

Come to that, anyone who believes in "human caused climate change" based on increased carbon dioxide emissions (that "impact" is on 1/300th of one percent of the atmosphere) is mentally unbalanced. 

Bill Gates qualifies as a mental incompetent for buying into that rubbish, but more pointedly, by pulling this caper, he qualifies as an emotional and moral incompetent, too.  

The corporations of the world are allowed to exist "for any lawful purpose" --- not "any legal purpose".  

This means that when they cross the line and start killing innocent people and causing vast property damage here, or in any other country on Earth, they forfeit their right to exist.  

And, as I pointed out the Pope Francis, hiding the old evil behind new names is no longer an option.  These imaginary THINGS called "corporations" that cause misery on Earth need to be dismantled, and the men behind them and responsible for them, need to be punished.  

This is as pure and simple and self-evident as rain falling. 
We cannot allow criminals to rampage around --- whether in the guise of corporations, or in the guise of armed gangs.

The men directing the criminal actions of these corporations can't be held harmless and allowed to turn around and spin off new corporations to continue their activities, either.  

They need to permanently lose their ability to participate in corporate affairs of any kind, and their personal fortunes need to be docked for the damage they cause.  

If they can't think things through for themselves, the rest of us will have to do their thinking for them.  


See this article and over 2200 others on Anna's website here:

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