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Thursday, July 19, 2018

The Nature of the Crime

By Anna Von Reitz

When you crank it all down, the nature of the crime that affects most Americans most immediately and deeply is an insurance fraud scheme.

By misidentifying you as Territorial or Municipal United States "citizens" instead of people native to the actual United States we all think of, they avoid their obligation to indemnify you from loss or damage and also avoid their obligation to compensate you when they seize upon your assets as an occupying army.

For a clear statement of the indemnification you are owed as a civilian non-combatant see Army Regulations AR 27-20, which also explains the reason that you have to hold the Court harmless before the Court can act in your favor.

Once you have corrected the falsified registration and exercised your "reversionary trust interest" in your own estate, Good Name, and other assets, and have "removed and re-conveyed" your Good Name and the Derivative NAMES to a permanent domicile on the land and soil of the actual states, everything changes.


More Ammo in the Territorial United States Code

By Anna Von Reitz

More Ammo in the Territorial United States Code

Thanks to an alert researcher, we have definitively located the "negative enactment" regarding false claims of citizenship.

Everyone please read 18 USC 911.

Bring this forward in Territorial Court and slap the vermin who are bringing false claims against you silly. 
"And by the way, your Honor, in your own Federal Code if I may bring it to your attention, there is the matter of 18 USC 911 to be addressed....."  

Answers to Questions

By Anna Von Reitz

1)  What is the current status of the International Obligation Lien? 

The Lien is there for all to see and it is still standing.

2)   Should we add the authenticated birth certificate as an addendum to the Deed of Re-conveyance?

No, the BC is a private document that you should use in the conduct of your private business.  Some of us who have had cause to act in public capacities have recorded BCs but if you are not in such a situation there would be no reason to do this.

3)  On a show about 6 month ago, you had talked about doing three UCC filings.   Do these still need to be done?