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Thursday, August 22, 2024

International Public Notice: Writ of Error and Notice of Liability

 By Anna Von Reitz

As we have adequately explained to the world in two earlier International Public Notices sent to all the appropriate Principals and Agents, the British Territorial United States. and its personnel known as U.S. Citizens, do not represent us in any substantive capacities related to our physical and material assets apart from serving as: (1) our Trustees on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways when we actually put to sea; (2) those responsible for the Territorial duties outlined under the Northwest Ordinance; (3) those designated to regulate the interstate manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms.  

It follows that they do not represent us as the Receivers or Beneficiaries of the UNITED STATES bankruptcy, either.  

As usual, they went behind our backs, misrepresented themselves as our "representatives" in these matters, did not provide notice of the bankruptcy or otherwise "fully inform" their employers, and continued to operate as rogue entities.  

Everyone in receipt of this International Public Notice has cause to know that we are Americans and are State Nationals --- not U.S. Citizens --- and that our Government is in Session.  

Everyone in receipt of this Writ of Error and Notice of Liability has cause to know that  their proposed settlement of the UNITED STATES bankruptcy in their own favor is a constructive fraud attempting to defraud the actual Parties of Interest and the Lawful Inheritors/Beneficiaries of both (1) the British Territorial "Persons" --- corporate franchises of the United States of America, Inc., created under the False Registration scheme that misidentifies American babies as U.S. Citizens, and, (2) subsequently,  the "US PERSONS" that were derived from the purported Estates of these British Territorial "Persons" who never actually existed. 

What begins as fraud, ends as fraud. 

The Perpetrators have again outsmarted themselves. 

They thought that by  secretly seizing upon American babies and changing their political status to that of British Territorial "U.S. Citizens" and by later listing our names as "lost at sea, presumed dead" ----and having these fictional entities declared legally dead, they could separate us from our lawful and legal interest in our own names and assets, and prevent us from claiming back our "reversionary trust interest" and dissolving these fictitious British Territorial "Persons" named after us.  

But we've done so, just the same. 

They also colluded with the Holy Roman Empire service providers to establish third party Municipal franchises in our NAMES, which purportedly held the Estates of these fictional British Territorial U.S. Citizens--- which would, in theory, allow them to claim all the assets held in these federal municipal ESTATE trusts, if any such British Territorial U.S. Citizen ever existed, or was ever "lost at sea". 

But having failed the First Cause, they have also failed the Second Cause. 

There never was any actual British Territorial U.S. Citizen named Anna Maria Riezinger, and my Mother lived long enough to record her Testimony in the form of an Unrebutted Affidavit that stands on the Public Records of Jackson County, Wisconsin, repudiating any claim or supposition that I was ever a US Person or U.S. Citizen, either one.  

Like millions of other Americans, I have been the victim of a complex clandestine identity theft scheme resulting in human trafficking on paper --- both known crimes.  

Both fictional entities, the civilly dead U.S. Citizen named after Anna Maria Riezinger, and the federal municipal trust, ANNA MARIA RIEZINGER purportedly containing "her" assets, have to be dissolved as if they never were.  

I am owed back all right, title, interest, and substance attached to my Good Name and national sovereignty, including any and all beneficial interest in the federal Cestui Que Vie Trust established under my name, and likewise, any and all right, title, interest, and substance thought to be vested in any prior fictional British Territorial Person, a U.S. Citizen "franchise" merely named after me.  

As I am alive and have proven that I am both alive and am the adult woman, Anna Maria Riezinger, who was born on June 6th 1956, in Neillsville, Wisconsin, and have a Medical Doctor's Affidavit to prove it, there can be no contest over any aspect of my claim.  My Mother's Witness seeming to agree that I was ever a U.S. Citizen is firmly rebutted and the similar Witness of Dr. Robert Krohn is also contraindicated by the signed Testimony/Affidavit of Dr. Ilona Farr.  A similar roster of evidences applies to my husband, James Clinton Belcher. 

So there you have it, two lies do not make a single truth.  

Two fictional identities attached to a single baby in an attempt to latch onto her and her lawful estate, remain two big fat fraudulent self-interested lies that have been handed back to the Perpetrators responsible for the existence of these fictional foreign "persons" named after me, together with a claim against their Usufructuary Duty to hold me and my estate harmless from any charge or ill-effect resulting from the existence of either one of these foreign franchise corporations. 

The entire enchilada is owed back to me, unharmed, made good, and intact ---- and in my proper ownership, too, under my proper sovereignty. 

I was the "presumed donor" at the head of the line, first in time, that was misrepresented as a British Territorial U.S. Citizen franchise, dba "Anna Maria Riezinger, Inc."

This British Territorial franchise corporation was named after me and created while I was a baby in my cradle.  The citizenship contract allowing this was totally undisclosed to my Mother and unconscionable to me, and so, was invalid from the start. 

When this fictional British Territorial "Person" named after me was declared bankrupt and civilly dead,  I was already the  inheritor and beneficiary of the municipal Cestui Que Vie ESTATE trust identified as ANNA MARIA RIEZINGER that resulted from "her" death, as well as my purportedly "waived" estate as a Wisconsinite.  

I didn't voluntarily waive my birthright as a Wisconsinite and neither did my Mother on my behalf.  We did not create an infant decedent estate for the benefit of the Queen.  We did not knowingly or voluntarily participate in any of this and we claimed back my reversionary trust interest(s) via Unrebutted Affidavit that has been standing on the Public Record for over twenty years. 

Any Pretense or self-interested Presumption notwithstanding, I am the Naked Owner of my estate(s) and nobody and nothing comes between me and the Living God.  

And the same is true of 320 million other Americans.  
Our States of the Union have always been Third Parties with respect to the combatants in the so-called American Civil War, which was in fact an illegal and immoral Mercenary Conflict staged by States-of-States business organizations that were service providers and subcontractors of States.  

There isn't an excuse in this world or the next, for any Pretense that "I" fought on either side of this purported "war" or that any combatant therein has any material interest in my Estate/ESTATE, is owed any war reparations, or is my custodian. 

The persons making these absurd claims are my Employees and I have not given them any authorization to represent me in these matters.  

The Officers of the Joint Chiefs and the Officers of the International Courts and the Bank for International Settlements and all other responsible Parties in receipt of this communication are fully liable and informed and must take immediate action to correct this situation on my behalf and on behalf of 320 million other Americans who have been attacked and defrauded by these British Bunko Artists.

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

August 22nd 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:

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A Note to American Catholics

 By Anna Von Reitz

It has been -- wrongly -- alleged that I "hate" Catholics.  This is not true. 

I have cause to know the core values that sincere Catholics hold dear, and however I differ in doctrine, I can respect and appreciate the many contributions that the Roman Catholic Church has made to the progress of civilization and the cause of "organized compassion".  

Knowing the good and even great side of the Church does not overall persuade me to approve of the terrible things that have been done in the name of its secular administration --- things like the Inquisition. 

Perhaps I am naïve, but I believe that a large proportion of modern Catholics would disapprove of the Inquisition and its methods and stand with me in opposition to the use of cruel and unusual punishments to enforce what are, in the end, religious beliefs and doctrines.  

Similarly, I believe that a large percentage of modern Catholics would not approve of the issuance of Baptismal Certificates as Clearinghouse Certificates representing warehouse receipts for "souls" being trafficked as commercial commodities. 

For that matter, I can't imagine many modern Catholics approving of the sale of Indulgences, which are basically, a license to sin.  

Throughout its history, the Church's secular administration has acquired a tainted reputation for graft, deceit, and abuses ranging from breach of trust to racketeering to human trafficking and worse. 

This is, most likely, the result of entrusting the Church's financial affairs to Sephardic Jews who are Talmudic Levites.  

Though these individuals are very accomplished in their craft and competent to deliver profit, they view their customers with the same contempt they hold for all Christians, and appear to take pleasure in investments and business practices that embarrass and defame the Church. 

So what is the Talmud and what is a Talmudic Levite and why should doing business with these Jews be any different than doing business with generations of Jewish traders and bankers ever since the Roman Empire?  

The Talmud is a collection of rabbinical teachings and analysis of the actual scripture, the Torah; it began being collected during the Middle Ages and serves as a Commentary --- a written discussion about the meaning and the practice of the Laws presented in the Torah, that is, the first five books of the Bible. 

Unfortunately, the Talmud gives vent to the personal feelings and prejudices of the rabbis who wrote this commentary, and encourages not only Jewish elitism, but an active and cruel contempt for what the Talmud calls "the Goyim" -- the Gentile people of the Earth, including Catholics. 

"Talmudic Levites" -- a name they gave themselves -- use the Talmud apart from the Torah, as a source of law, and not just an interpretation of the Laws of God and Moses contained in the actual scripture.  Thus you have rabbis who teach the Torah, those who teach the Talmud, and those who teach both. 

This is how we have the Law of the Land, known as The Ten Commandments, and the Law of the Sea, known as the Noahide Laws, all "interpreted" by the writers and practitioners of the Talmud.

Catholics need to examine the situation and ask themselves and their priests --- is it wise to leave our assets under the management of Jews who earnestly believe that we are lower than cattle in the realm of creation?  

That it is fair for them to murder us, in extremely nasty ways, simply because we are Christians?  

You should be asking yourselves, what would such men do with our Church's money?  Money that is supposed to spread the Gospel and comfort the sick and the poor?  

Would you be surprised to learn that it is instead being invested in glitzy new high-rise office buildings, luxury condominiums, and Disney movies preaching normalization of transgenderism and homosexuality?  

What can you expect?  These men have contempt for you and everything you stand for.  They believe that God gave them the right to do anything they want to do to you --- rape, pillage, and plunder, disgrace, disserve, cheat, lie, murder, enslave --- whatever it takes to slake their lusts and fill their plates. 

Not all Jews believe these evil things, but Talmudic Levites do.
They think they are the Chosen Ones, the only ones with any rights, the only ones to be served, the Lords and Masters of all they survey, to nurture or to destroy as they see fit.  They have no respect or care for anyone outside their group of True Believers, and you can now see the results of that whole mindset playing out in Gaza.  

The so-called Palestinians, who were labeled as such by the constantly meddling British, won the jackpot.  They had clear and easy access to the Eastern Mediterranean Oil Basin right off their coastline in Gaza.  

So the Talmudic Levites contrived a False Flag and paid the Hamas Mercenaries to stage an "incursion" into Gaza.  They even laid down their own border defense perimeter to expedite this incursion, which was their own excuse to attack the Palestinians living in Gaza.  

They are cold-bloodedly murdering these people in Gaza to steal oil that would otherwise belong to "Palestinians" --- but which will now belong to the State of Israel, Inc., the latest franchise corporation of the USA, Incorporated.  While they are bombing and excavating Gaza and its people into oblivion, they are building the oil refineries and pipeline infrastructure to extract and ship the oil --- and all while playing the victim of Palestinian aggression. 

These same people moved the "New York Stock Exchange" to Tel Aviv, where they endlessly manipulate world commodity and stock markets.  

Do you, as Christians, as Catholics, want to be affiliated -- through your Church investments -- with this filth and violence and elitism and corruption?  Do you want your money backing this?  

We want a completely different, honest, peaceful world. So we are "voting" with our feet and lifting our voices, and no longer paying attention to the authorities who have misled us.  We've created our own banking system, issued our own asset-backed currency, and are developing our own network of people worldwide who want peace and decency --- and want to invest in that, instead. 

I learned a long time ago that I can't change anyone else, and that includes changing the way they think, what they spend their money on, and what they believe.  I also learned that I can't fix evil. 

So I don't try.  And I don't waste my time or energy on hate. 

I will simply invite you to look at who you've got investing your money and what they are investing in.  I will invite you to join our new banking network, if you want a better world. 

If not, you can see what you've got. 


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:

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"When the Crisis Hits, Buffett Will Buy Gold" Mike Maloney

In this eye-opening video, Mike Maloney delves into the looming financial crisis, describing it as a “financial Supernova.” He explains the hyperbubble in asset classes, fueled by unprecedented levels of debt worldwide.
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International Public Notice: The Great "Mischief"

 By Anna Von Reitz

This may come as news to many, but there has always been a "British Territorial United States".   This is clearly indicated in the Definitive Treaty of Paris (1783) concerning that entity and its doing-business-as-name, "the United States of America" (Incorporated) as opposed to "The United States of America" -- our unincorporated Federation of States.   

These very similar names, separated only by the Definite Article, which is included as part of the name of the Federation and excluded as part of the name of the British sound-alike entity, have proven to be a fertile bed for confusion and fraud.  

Likewise, the British have, by omitting to mention that they are talking about the British Territorial United States and simply referring to their operation as "the United States", have succeeded in confusing their operations with the Federal Republic that existed from 1787 to 1861, and also with the Municipal United States, and ultimately with our country, The United States. 

Despite their continuing efforts to impersonate us, and to bring False Claims against our assets and interests, they have been fully discovered and exposed for what they are and what they are attempting to do. 

The Treaties of Paris series represents Treaties at Sea and in the Territorial domain, while the Treaties of Versailles are Treaties on Land and in the International domain.  

Thus,  from the very start, the remaining interests of the British in The United States after The War of Independence, are identified as: (1) Territorial; (2) Corporate; and (3) Strictly limited. 

The Vatican Chancery Court, the International Court of Justice, and even the British High Court, to say nothing of the United States Supreme Court and Supreme Court of the United States, as well as many foreign governments, know or have cause to know, that what we are saying is true and verifiable and has been standing on the international public records for many decades.  

It's not a matter of opinion or conjecture. 

Early on, we contracted with the British Government via The Constitution of the United States of America, to receive specific "essential government services" --- specifically the protection of our merchant shipping on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways by the British Navy, an arrangement that made the British Monarch our Trustee in those domains.  

That is the total extent of their relationship to our government, aside from their role providing the services associated with The Northwest Ordinance, and regulation of interstate manufacture, sale or transportation of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms.  

The locus of this "British Territorial United States" is within the United States Territories and Possessions and the District of Columbia, where they established their District of Columbia Municipal Corporation in 1790. 

This is, indeed, very old news --- yet it hasn't been taught to American schoolchildren in over a hundred years; neither average Americans nor the rest of the world can be blamed for not knowing these facts, for the British have done everything possible to blur the lines and impersonate us.    

We still regularly encounter people who, based on the existence of the British Territorial United States, believe that America is still a British Colony.  

We bring this forward and to the attention of the Public, so that people have a grasp of the facts and the confusions that result from using similar names for disparate things. 

The United States of America is the name of our unincorporated Federation of States, while the United States of America (Incorporated) is the name of a British Territorial Municipal Corporation.   

The British never like it when we require them to say, "Incorporated", and to distinguish the difference between their "United States of America" and ours.  

They like it even less when we require them to stipulate that they are talking about the British Territorial United States --- not our Federal Republic, not the Municipal United States, and not our country, The United States, when they refer to, "the United States".  

Nonetheless, they are a foreign government under contract to serve the States of the Union and our Federation of States and are not the "same as" the Federation of States and do not occupy the same jurisdiction nor do they have the same powers as the Federation of States. 

Likewise, while we acknowledge the existence of the "British Territorial United States" and have not mistreated them or their people, they are a foreign government, and a separate nation which operates under foreign law, and exist in a separate "strictly limited" Territorial jurisdiction.  

With this situation clearly focused in your minds, turn your attention back slightly more than a century to the very early 1900s (1900-1904) and a series of British Territorial U.S. Supreme Court cases known collectively as the Insular Tariff Cases.   

A Tariff is a form of tax.  The word "Insular" refers to the "Insular States" --- the Territories and Possessions of this country.  

These cases, including Downes v Bidwell,  and most famously, Hooven and Allison v Evatt, lay the groundwork and provide the permissions necessary to set up a separate taxation system within the Territories and Possessions, the so-called "Insular States" and to levy foreign taxes on U.S. Citizens --- including British Territorial corporation franchises --- according to different standards than the standards required for Americans which are stipulated in The Constitution of the United States of America.  

This reveals another motive that the British have had to misrepresent us as part of their citizenry --- they claim the right to "enfranchise" their U.S. Citizens and create corporate franchises named after their U.S. Citizens, which they can then tax and abuse as they please, without regard for the restraints of The Constitution of the United States of America.  

British Territorial U.S. Citizens are not protected by the limitations imposed by the Federal Constitutions, so promoting the False Registration of American babies allowed these criminals to evade their contractual obligations owed to those same babies. 

The Insular Tariff Cases allowed for the arrival of the "Federal Reserve Act" which was supposed to only apply to the British Territorial United States and U.S. Citizens ----not Americans, as discussed yesterday in our International Public Notice: The Dutch, the IRS, and Us.  

At the time of the Insular Tariff cases, Justice Harlan issued his dissent and voiced his fears that these cases would be used for nefarious purposes and "mischief".  

Indeed, it has, as the Brits have continued to omit such necessary words as "Incorporated" and "British Territorial" from their communications about their version of "United States of America" and their version of "United States" --- so as to confuse everyone but the actual Americans, and induce the delusion that "they are us"---when they are definitively not. 

They continued to serve this deliberate and venal deceit by secretly registering American babies as British Territorial U.S. Citizens.  

They are now engaged in making False Claims in Commerce and trying to attach importance to their Agent's actions in 2010, in which these same British Territorial U.S. Citizens issued a "Declaration of Sovereign Intent" and notably failed to send a copy to the actual American Government, which raised its hand in 1998, and let the rest of the world ---including Her Majesty--- know that we are still here and still minding our own business. 

This was done a full twelve years before these British Bunko Artists issued their "Declaration of Sovereign Intent" and it was followed up in 2015 by a formal re-issuance of our Sovereign Letters Patent in cooperation with the American Indian Nations.  

To drive the point home and to provide Notice, we published our  letters to Queen Elizabeth II, giving Her Majesty our mailing address in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania --- in case she lost her address book.  We also notified the United Nations of our Federation of States' continuing presence and our Member's much-prior claim to the American States of the Union and all land assets of this country.  

As a result, the British entity calling itself "The Republic of the United States of America" has no valid "claim on abandonment" and the people promoting this entity have no standing.

British Territorial U.S. Citizens cannot "restore" anything American "for" us and have no granted authority to act for us in any capacity related to our land and soil jurisdictions.  They commit treason against us and against our country by making any such claims for themselves.   

It should be obvious that they are and have always been duplicitous, dishonorable, conniving, self-interested promoters of confusion and that the present circumstance is just more proof that what Shakespeare called "perfidious Albion" is just as perfidious as ever.  

This is the Great Mischief that Chief Justice Harlan foresaw, that the British Territorial United States Government would, under the pretense of governing itself, attempt to govern us --- and by venal guile accomplish what they could never accomplish by force of arms. 

All such Pretenses and the source and motivation for these Pretenses have now been cut to the bone before the Perpetrators and the members of the High Courts of the world.  

These people, including Donald Trump, are not acting as Americans while they are adopting British Territorial U.S. Citizenship.   

Our claim to our American States, our land and our soil, remains, as we ourselves remain, internationally declared, recorded, and published nationals and citizens of our States of the Union, still operating our lawful American Government and in international venues, still operating our Federation of States doing business as The United States of America.  

That should be all that needs to be said or explained in refutation of the claims of The Republic of the United States of America, and in exposure of its foreign nature and criminal objectives, which are acts and claims made in insurrection and treason against our actual American Government to which they all owe good faith and service. 

Including Donald Trump. And Joe Biden. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

August 22nd 2024 


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

Thoughts on Administration

 By Anna Von Reitz

The Federation of States is sometimes (not often) called upon to conduct investigations related to the operations of State Assemblies, and at this stage of things, the actions of Coordinators who are supposed to be acting as go-betweens, bringing forward questions that the Assemblies have and bringing back answers to expedite the process and ensure that everyone is working from a common template that will yield good results.  

The customary Assembly template requires that four functions, which we refer to as "pillars", are organized in each Assembly and that the functions and services performed by those "pillars" are present, working correctly, and serving everyone as they should.  

These four pillars include the General Assembly, the International Business Assembly, the Militia, and the State Courts.  

This is a lot of work for people to wrap their heads around and organize themselves to accomplish, even when the proportion of the task is kept in measure and relative to the numbers of the people in each Assembly.  

The Coordinators are not experts in any one of these functions when they start and are American State Nationals like everyone else, yet, by virtue of being identified as a "leader" of some sort they inherit the burden of many assumptions carried over from the Corporate Government.  

Sometimes even they get confused and fall back into the old indoctrination and start abusing "power" and taking actions which are neither appropriate nor fair.  

Americans have lost sight of the American Way and must find it again. 

Similar to mistaking Coordinators for CEOs, there has been a tendency to think that every disagreement ends in litigation in a "court" of some kind and that rules of Due Process apply to business relationships which are really as simple as hiring and firing and not subject to this sort of legalistic process. 

When the Federation has to spend the time and money to investigate wrong-doing at the hands of a Coordinator, we don't do it for fun or on a whim. We do it to protect the interests and rights of the members of the Assembly and to honor our responsibility as the Summoning Authority.  

Recently, more than two dozen members of The Michigan Assembly contacted us with serious allegations of wrong-doing and denial of their basic rights: free speech being censored, cronyism, denial of the basic right to participate in their own government, profiling of members, arbitrary use of time-outs and false accusations of disorderly behavior. Other similar complaints have been made in other States.  

It seems that we become what we hate. 

Simple coffee klatches have been mischaracterized as "public meetings", and public meetings have been mischaracterized as private meetings.  A miasma of ignorance, partisan politics, and self-service ---- and fear, of one kind or another, hangs over all these similar ugly circumstances. 

When I was growing up I had the opportunity to see, first hand, that those who seek offices are seldom those who should be in office.  Too often, they seek office because they are afraid or because they are self-interested, and neither one of these motivations can result in good performance. 

Other times, people accept offices when they shouldn't --- when they really don't have the time or the interest or the skills or lack some other basic "piece" of personal stability --- but they resolve to try their best anyway.  

I have sympathy for these folks and am grateful for their efforts, but again, when you are pinch-hitting with half a deck, and are distracted by other issues, it's hard to do the job and do it right.  It also becomes far more stressful than it should be. 

Under stress, then, people often say and do things in desperation that they shouldn't.  They lose patience. They "pop" off and adopt a "my way or the highway" attitude toward people who are their equals and lose sight of the communal nature of the American Government. 

It may be a cry for "Help!" but when that cry is expressed as a Mute Button or an arbitrary "Time Out" or in extreme cases, telling people that they can "never" be a member of their own State Assembly and have a voice in the public government in this country --- the rest of us must be forgiven for taking offense. 

The perfect candidate for any position in any State Assembly is a stable middle-aged person who is not currently at odds with the corporate government and not fond of politics or gossip -- someone with life experience and skills related to the job. 

We don't always have the largesse of perfect candidates, but we can try our best to get good people and get them into the right jobs.  

Personal stress, and trying to do jobs that require more patience, or different skills, are the three top reasons that Assembly Officers and Coordinators fail.  

We don't blame them for failing or not fitting or just getting it wrong, but when a Coordinator is denying the basic rights of Assembly Members to speak, to participate, to disagree, to ask questions --- and do all the other things necessary to reach consensus, we first try to correct the erring behavior; if they continue in this behavior, we investigate; and if they still persist in acting in an autocratic fashion and disrespect the equal rights of other members, we fire them. 

From our perspective, there is a well-defined job to be done and we either get it done or we don't. 

Part of the Coordinator's job is to uphold and teach and model the principles of the American Government. Some of those principles are clearly stated, as in the Bill of Rights, and others are built into the structure of our government. 

From time to time, and for whatever reasons, a Coordinator may not know the Basics of what I call the "American Way", or, when under stress, may fall back on the autocratic indoctrination we have all suffered at the hands of the corporate government. 

They may abuse powers that they don't actually have, and deny others the same rights that they cherish for themselves. 

The Federation doesn't choose Coordinators.  We work with those who volunteer from each State.  We do, however, have the power to remove Coordinators who unreasonably trespass on the equal rights of others, or otherwise fail to perform the work required.

We don't do this lightly or without misgivings, and we do not do it with any pleasure or arrogance; we do it after thorough investigation, and we do it only when it is absolutely necessary. 

We don't divulge the identities of our investigators, which would ham-string their efforts --- and they are not the "accusers" --- all and any accusations of wrong-doing arise in the Assemblies themselves. 

To the extent possible, we wish for each State to build Coordinator Teams, and encourage Assemblies to develop multiple Coordinators who can share the work. 

Simply having more than one or two Coordinators helps break the indoctrination of centralized "power"--- and helps prevent the politicking and bottle-necking that can otherwise stifle the growth of an Assembly and the joy of self-governance. 


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:

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