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Monday, June 7, 2021

Additional Issues for The Court of International Justice -- Blood Money 25 -- Legacy Trusts

 By Anna Von Reitz

Among the more odious excuses that we have heard from the criminally-minded among us is the excuse that people have "died" to their inherent political status and "voluntarily" adopted both political statuses and conditions which were never disclosed to them. Despite this, we are not deceived and do not fail to object.
Let it come to the Notice of all Justices and Magistrates that the creation of GMO Humanoids by the injection of foreign genetically engineered mRNA has already been outlawed in this country as of January 1, 2020 and that this continuing assault against humanity must be brought to an abrupt and permanent halt.
Nobody who has accepted these injections was given full disclosure. In fact, they were deliberately deceived by WHO and other complicit criminal organizations that collaborated to change the meaning of "vaccine" to include an experimental genetic engineering protocol harmful to human life.
Those responsible are below the benchmark of sanity and they must all be rounded up and held accountable without regard for nationality or political status.
Each and every corporation functioning as a national government is responsible for the harm they have caused their employers.
This includes the deliberate spreading of false information and propaganda. The Media franchises of these so-called National Corporations must be prosecuted as accomplices and the Medical Doctors who have allowed and promoted this genocide as defined by Territorial Law -- see 18 USC 1091 -- must be held accountable.
The banks and commercial corporations that have sought to benefit themselves by claiming that people are rendered Genetically Modified Organisms by this heinous injection process, and as such, are patented property, subject to disposal---- must be liquidated. Immediately. Summarily.
This excuse by which they seek to legalize genocide must be recognized for what it is. --- a heinous and unjustifiable excuse, unlawful, immoral, and illegal to the core.
These outrages must be answered decisively and swiftly and without any further misinterpretation of civil law.
Despite any upheaval or confusion caused by The American Civil War, the First World War, or the Second World War or any self-serving legal definitions offered by the Perpetrators of these crimes against humanity --- herein rebutted--- the actual civil law pertaining to the estates of these people and their nature is already spelled out and has been for a thousand years:
Resoluto jure concedentis, resolvitur jus concessum: by the extinction of the right of the grantor, the right granted is extinguished.
Res nullius naturaliter fit primi occupantis: the property of no one naturally becomes that of the first occupant.
As we have observed, all right, title, and interest in our Delegated Powers and all property interests invested by delegation returned to the Delegator, our unincorporated Federation of States, The United States of America, by Operation of Law -- and that includes all custodial interest vested in or presumed to exist or to be exercised by any instrumentality of the Queen or the Pope -- upon their bankruptcy.
As this is true for the nation as a whole, it is also true for the Lawful Persons of our nation.
Thus, for example, the loss of our Title IV Flag by a bankrupt instrumentality of the Pope returns that version of our flag to our custody, and not to the custody of any Third Party.
The bankruptcy of any instrumentality of the Queen has no impact upon the actual ownership of private property including property trusts belonging to Americans.
We call for immediate corrective action and determined disciplinary action against the British Crown Corporation and the Government of Westminster and the Roman Curia and their corporations in sum total for allowing these predatory, inhumane, and war-like practices and False Legal Presumptions to continue against their employers---- and failing that, we call for their immediate and permanent liquidation as corporations, and expulsion from the world community as organizations or governments of any kind.
We hereby provide Notice to The International Court of Justice, the Court of the Lord High Steward, and the Vatican Chancery Court, that all of this wrong-doing has occurred in the realm of commerce and has merely extended its reach into the territorial realm via constructive, so-called discretionary non-enforcement of the actual Public Law via another constructive fraud -- the purported existence of Special Admiralty provisions allowing the usurpation of the jurisdiction of the sea upon the land.
There are no such provisions in our Treaties with these Principals.
The actual Public Law is not subject to discretionary enforcement by any employee, trustee, or representative. The Public Law is a mandatory enforcement obligation of all trustees, employees, administrators, officers, and officials pretending any authority or association with the actual Government of this country and is an obligation of all Principals under both The Constitution of the United States and The Constitution of the United States of America.
The above-described attempt to legalize genocide by these madmen is only the most recent example of their drive to mischaracterize living people and to thereby deprive and defraud them of their natural standing, so as to unlawfully seize upon their property assets and dispossess them as the natural owners of their Proper Names, bodies, businesses, and homes.
It is the responsibility of the Popes to immediately liquidate the offending corporations and return the purloined rights, titles, interests, and assets to the victims of these charlatans. The Roman Curia is in particular the organization responsible for the existence and definition of these corporations and is held to account for them.
As a result of earlier similar attempts to mischaracterize and defraud the living people by corporate entities, more than 5,000 so-called institutional Legacy Trusts holding most of the gold and silver and other assets of the world, have been presumed to exist and to belong to the Perpetrators of these schemes acting as "representatives" and "agents" of the actual owners --- without the knowledge or permission of the actual owners.
These convenient institutional Executors de Son Tort are nonetheless guilty of all the errors, omissions, and unlawful standing of all such Persons, whether individuals or instrumentalities, institutions or Principals.
We call for the immediate return of all such Legacy Trusts to the actual owners and depositors, including the return of all such primary asset deposits -- gold, silver, jewels, etc., owed to The United States of America and to all American depositors, without any pretense that they are or have been missing, whereabouts unknown.
The tax records of the Perpetrators of this scheme more than adequately demonstrate that the whereabouts of the actual owners, like the whereabouts of the actual heirs, have been known throughout this debacle, and have been deliberately obscured in order to promote fraud against the victims of these schemes.
All deposits of our assets on a worldwide basis are subject to our wishes and we wish for a full accounting from all the banks responsible.
With a worldwide corporation-sponsored genocide underway against the living people and with the Priority Creditors being mercilessly targeted by such international criminals as Anthony Fauci, M.D., and William Gates III, there is no time to be lost in lengthy deliberation by the High Courts.
We wish for the issuance of International Arrest Warrants for the immediate arrest of Dr. Anthony Fauci and William Gates, III, their collaborators, and associates, involved in this massive crime spree. We do not recognize any claim of contrary authority or non-participation by the United States or any of its corporations.

Both the Roman Civil Law and the Territorial Code are clearly stated, and there can be no doubt that these above-named Persons and Parties are in criminal violation of both.


See this article and over 3100 others on Anna's website here:

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Administrative Leave Imposed Effective Immediately


Eric Brian Dingis will no longer be acting as Director of the Peacekeeping Task Force. Effective immediately, Susan Hauck will be Acting Director. Eric will be on Administrative Leave until further notice and completion of a training course.
The simple fact that the Continental Marshals are commissioned directly by The United States of America, our unincorporated Federation of States, has been consistently misinterpreted by various parties.
This is not only a mistake, any such misinterpretation of the Marshal's position and authority results in a dangerous commingling of jurisdictions that would lead to prosecution of the individual Marshals and to the organization as a whole.
The States, acting individually, have no say in the administration or deployment of the Continental Marshals and never have had any such authority.
Any attempt to undermine the authority of The United States of America in this matter is an attempt to undermine the structure of the American Government as a whole and must be recognized as an immediate threat to all concerned.
Please inform all Marshals and Peacekeeping Task Force Members and conduct your operations accordingly. Eric is asked to immediately report himself and his activities to our Federation Liaison Officer and to stand down pending further investigation.

James Clinton Belcher, Head of State
The United States of America

It's Not a Vaccine, People

 By Anna Von Reitz

What have we learned about the Liars Club?
Their entire modus operandi is to deceive, deceive, deceive. First, last, and always, their mouths are twisted. Their thoughts are twisted. Everything about these Devotees to the Father of All Lies ---- is twisted.
They are at fault, so what do they do? They blame the victims of their evil.
They did something awful, so what do they do? They accuse innocent Third Parties or the victims of their evil of doing the same thing.
The Truth and the Law is against them, so what do they do? They rename and relabel things to have different meanings.
And this is a case in point.
They have changed the definition of "vaccine" and presented something that isn't a vaccine as a "vaccine" under this new definition of the word.
A lie by any other name is still a lie.
So it is not a vaccine, and it's not even a virus.
The issue is that foreign mRNA is being injected into your body, just like foreign mRNA is injected into a corn plant to create a genetically modified organism (GMO).
And just as genetically modified corn produces its own pesticides, you are being altered to produce foreign proteins that attack the lining of your arteries and veins.
Is this illegal? Yes.
Is this immoral? Yes.
Is this unlawful? Yes.
Should everyone involved be prosecuted? Yes.
Are they being prosecuted? Yes.
And if anyone attempts to coerce you into taking this "vaccine" are you entitled to sue them? Yes.
If anyone offers to vaccinate you by force, are you enabled to respond with deadly force? Yes.
If anyone tells you that you have to be vaccinated as a condition of employment are you enabled to invoked Federal Law, including 18 USC 1091? Yes.
If anyone fires you from a job or discriminates against you in the workplace on the basis of whether or not you have been vaccinated, can you file a complaint against that employer with the State Labor Board? Yes.
If any business refuses to serve you based on whether or not you have been "vaccinated" or not, do you have the right to sue them for violation of Federal Law? Yes.
If anyone tells you that you have to shut down your business now or ever as a result of "public health concerns" to you have the right to tell them to leave your premises and not return? Yes, you have that absolute right.
The only contracts that Americans have with either one of these foreign commercial corporations are very explicit and easy to read.
The Constitution of the United States is your only contract with the US CORP in any form.
The Constitution of the United States of America is your only contract with the USA, INC. in any form.
Neither one say a single word about health concerns. Your health and public health alike are private concerns of the American People, and are not left to the discretion or interference of our employees or their dependents.
Be not like dumb driven cattle.

Look, listen, learn, and defend yourselves from these monsters in suits.


See this article and over 3100 others on Anna's website here:

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Incorrigible Corrupt Judges and Other Matters

 By Anna Von Reitz

Today, I was asked --- is Public Law the same as Common Law?
We've gone around and around and around about this and nobody was getting it.
I finally said--- the Public Law is ice cream. The Common Law is the kind of ice cream.
I am not sure if that went over some heads or not, but really, people need to understand that "common law" is a catch-all phrase used to describe many forms of law that use prior cases and their results as the basis for deciding current cases.
In a fundamental way, that's all that the phrase "common law" means, and so you can have civilian common law of various kinds, ecclesiastical common law, even military common law.
The actual magic is the Public Law, which is meant to apply equally to everyone at all times. It is this "commonality" of the Public Law that so many people are searching for, and mistaking for "common law".
Some forms of common law are dreadful. For example the Spanish Law of the Inquisition is perfectly sound Common Law ---- it uses all sorts of former decisions as the basis for decisions today, but that in no way suggests that those decisions were ever wise or humane or just to begin with.
So instead of mucking around trying to herd squirrels, let's just focus on the endgame. What is it that you are actually searching for?
And common law is no guarantee that justice will be served, as we just demonstrated --- enshrining and perpetuating bad decisions and prejudices is an inevitable danger of common law of all kinds, so it behooves us to be sure that the kind of "Common Law" that we are searching for and taking refuge in, is our own Public Law.
Public Law in this country assumes the obligation of justice for all. Private law assumes no such thing. Both can be executed in the form of "common law".
As so many people have learned, you can have chocolate flavored ice cream or chocolate flavored pickles, and you should never leave it to a judge in one of these foreign courts to divine which one you are asking for.
In America, you need to stand on your feet as an American and invoke the Public Law. Don't let these crafty judges weasel around and interpret your calls for "common law" to mean, for example, military common law. Or Arabian common law. Or Noahide common law.
Also, remember, particularly in Mortgage cases:
(1) The actual mortgage and paperwork never leaves the hands of the original Lender, so don't let them substitute a Third Party Bill Collector as any real party of interest. You don't have a contract with that Third Party. Say so. Demand to see any contract between the "Servicing Agent" and you. Always drag the original "Lender" into the proceedings by naming them as a the True Party of Interest.
(2) Always go directly to the bank CFO acting as "Lender" and tell that executive in no uncertain terms that his bank has misaddressed you as a Municipal CITIZEN of the United States, and it is his responsibility to make correction. You are in fact exempt from Municipal debts and presumptions and you wish for the entire matter to be corrected and any mortgage debt to be discharged in your favor through the Fed Window. He can lose his licenses and credit ratings if he messes around trying to defraud you.
(3) Tackle the State Judicial Council (Territorial) and, if there is one in your State, the State Banking Commission and Judicial Commission. Tell them all in no uncertain terms that you are an American, not a Municipal CITIZEN and not a Territorial U.S. Citizen, either one, and you are being deliberately misaddressed. Send your complaint with copies to your State Secretary of State, the head Clerk of Court, the Department of Public Safety and the State of State Governor.
And take no Low Ball Offers.
We've seen Sharpies like Black Rock, Inc., come in, buy up bonds that are worth billions of dollars, and come around and offer the people those bonds actually belong to a $10,000.00 "settlement". These are rapacious, ugly, mean-spirited, greedy, power-hungry corporations, and the only thing they deserve is liquidation for criminal activity.
Tell your friends and neighbors the same. Beware of any and all "settlement" offers, and accept any hand-outs as gifts. Keep on your toes.

Some of the rats are saying they are going to give you back "as much as" $70,000.00 out of the billions they owe every average American. Tell them to go pound sand.


See this article and over 3100 others on Anna's website here:

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