By Anna Von Reitz
For several days I have been getting this photo lobbed at me, as if it was any huge surprise, and as usual, the people sending it to me have jumped to the mistaken idea that "America" was sold to these Billionaires:

The only things sold were foreign corporations "doing business as" the United States (Inc.) and the United States of America, (Inc.) ----- British Territorial and Municipal corporations in the business of providing "essential governmental services" --- not our country. That is the key fact you have to know and stick to and realize that while corporations can be bought and sold and go bankrupt, etc., this actual country and the people who live here are not eligible nor in need of any "bankruptcy protection". We are, in fact, immune from bankruptcy of any kind. Period.
So when you see things like this --- step back, remember your history. What was happening in the 1920's? The Internal Revenue Service was brought ashore as a Delaware Corporation in 1925, the stock exchanges were be bought up and up and up in preparation for the Big Bust in 1929, just two years after this report. We are in the midst of the Roaring Twenties and these are five of the Robber Baron Families benefiting from all the graft and identity theft and "false titles" being issued by "the" United States of America, Incorporated.
If you own a house and you have a Lawn Service and a Housekeeping Service and they both act crazy and abuse your credit without you knowing or approving and then they go bankrupt ---- what happens?
Well, the bankruptcy and the credit theft is their problem and the problem of the banks issuing the credit ---- not yours. And as for the rest, it doesn't matter if they stay in business or go out of business after the bankruptcy, because it has nothing to do with you as their Employer.
You can cluck, you can duck, you can offer help, you can ignore the whole situation and deny them as much as access to a single penny of all the credit that is owed to you. Why? Because they are all incorporated entities, separate from you in nature and in fact, and the most that you really have to do is look around for other organizations that can mow your lawn and swab your kitchen floors.
See this article and over 2100 others on Anna's website here:
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