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Sunday, May 29, 2016

Neu Republique II --- Unanswered Letters 19 --- For Nina

by Anna Von Reitz

The so-called "New Republic" is a fraud sponsored by the French Government in an effort to paper over its liability for failure to control and maintain oversight of the IMF corporation which it chartered.  That's why I call it the Neu Republique. 

The IMF was chartered by the French Government and allowed to spin off the UNITED STATES (INC.) which was in turn allowed to run rampant over the American people and the entire rest of the world.  That is the fault of the French Government. 

Now the same guilty French Government has "offered" to create another "government" for us---- in reality, another governmental services corporation---and the only reason they are making this offer is so that they can suppress by force our demands that they be held accountable for their mismanagement of the IMF and the UNITED STATES. 

The Destruction of the constitution

by Anna Von Reitz

RE: Question about Federal Districts and claims that a federal military junta took over the Republic and the states during the Whiskey Rebellion. 

As part of the settlement following the Revolutionary War, King George III was given control of American affairs in international commerce (not trade--commerce) on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways.  

The actual Constitution further refined the details.  

The federal government was given control of certain activities and functions, including the regulation of certain "controlled substances"-----  firearms, tobacco, and fireworks--- as a source of income and to provide for a uniform policy regarding these potentially dangerous substances.  The creation of the Federal Districts overlying the borders of the states marked the creation of administrative units to perform this function. 

Letter to Pope Francis-- Memorial Day 2016

by Anna Von Reitz

Most Beloved Francis, 

The lawyers have been bill collectors for the Roman Pontiff since the second century BC. Please redirect them with respect to their activities on American soil. 

As you can see from our attached Judicial Notice and Order to Cease and Desist forwarded to the World Court - the Hague and the Office of the Special Prosecutor, they have been running private corporate administrative tribunals as if they were lawful public courts, employing Glossa to misrepresent and mischaracterize living Americans as corporate "persons" and otherwise running amok on our soil.  

As the single largest employer of all lawyers and attorneys worldwide as well as inheritor of the copyrights and trademarks of the statutory law, you are uniquely responsible for this continuing situation and the related abuses.

As has already been established by the Vatican Chancery Court, people born on the land of the American organic states are the lawful beneficiaries of the land and no one may claim otherwise. 

How To Use The Glossa Judicial Notice and Order

by Anna Von Reitz

1. Realize that the "United States" is a federation of actual nation-states.  The states of the land not the federal "government" are the actual sovereign nations. You receive your nationality at birth as a Nevadan, Californian, Virginian, etc. Your nationality and your sovereignty cannot be taken away from you or changed unless you willfully throw it away.  The Founders knew this and protected your nationality 

The Naturalization Act of 1802, Seventh Congress, Session 1, Chapter 28, Sections 1-4, April 14, 1802 sets forth the exact requirements necessary for anyone born in an American state to become a United States Citizen.  Period.  

While the "United States" has always allowed Dual Citizenship--- that is, has allowed its "Citizens" to claim both State and Federal Citizenship at the same time, the States of the Union make no such allowance.  From the standpoint of the organic states, you are either out or you are in.  

So you have to make up your mind whether you are a man standing on your native land or a corporate fugitive merely "residing" here in a "Federal State of State" franchise existing only on paper. 

Most of us will agree that we are Virginians standing on the land of Virginia or Wisconsinites standing on the land of Wisconsin, and all of us can ask for proof that we ever completed the steps necessary to become United States Citizens?  

Everyone needs to stop their "wishful thinking"!


All this GCR (global currency reset) stuff being pushed by the likes of Karen Hudes et al., who have always been banking and lawyer insiders, is nothing but a scam.
They keep talking and gullible people keep listening instead of doing something about it. 
They have always used about 90% truth to get their 10% lies believed by the sheeple.
Some of my readers agree. Early on I bought some Iraqi Dinars like many have. I don't really expect to ever be able to see a time where I can exchange them without the cabal trying to steal the proceeds of the exchange, unless we get our country back first and arrest all the banksters and put them behind bars.
That can only be done by enough people WAKING UP!   So I spend all day, every day, pushing true information instead of this GCR crap.