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Friday, November 18, 2022

Let's Make This Super Simple

 By Anna Von Reitz

Their Territorial and Municipal States are not our States. 

Their "States" are actually State Trusts and State-of-State business organizations.  

They aren't our physically defined States of the Union at all. 

Never have been.  Never will be. 

Their "States" are what are called "inchoate" or "incomplete" States, lacking physical substance of their own.  

When the Insular Tariff Laws were decided in the very early 1900's it occasioned the observation by Justice Harlan that they would lead to mischief --- mischief based on interpreting United States Possessions as a viable land and soil jurisdiction basis to launch a competing government. 

The present attempt to subourne the actual States of the Union using inchoate "States" and "United States Possessions" as an end run around the actual American Government is precisely the kind of mischief Justice Harlan could foresee. 

These inchoate "States" are doing their best to bust the world on a wooden nickel, but a lie is a lie and it remains a lie, no matter how you try to hide it and deny it.  

A State Trust is not a State. 
A State-of-State organization is not a State. 
A United States Possession is not The United States. 

Anyone who cares to search can find the speech where Former President Obama speaks of "our 57 States".  

He is referring to the inchoate States, the Insular States, and the US Possessions as "States".  All fifty-seven of them are constructed as State Trusts and State-of-State Business Organizations, and none of them have anything to do with our States and our people at all. 

Their legislation does not apply to us. 
Their mandates and requirements do not apply to us.
It stands forever on the Public Record that our Government consists of republican States, not democratic States, not theocratic States. 

So it should be fairly easy for any thinking man or woman to conclude that when they speak of "States" they are speaking in code, referring to their States as if they were our States, when in fact their States are nothing but corporate franchises of various kinds, and our States are physically defined, with rocks, trees, water, landmarks, and borders. 

It should also be a slam dunk in the minds of any thinking Jurist that the living people in our States of the Union are not subject to legislation produced by and addressed to our public employees and their dependents. 

So the agreements of the G20 regarding VAX "Passports" in no way affects the rights of the living people who are not government Persons or PERSONS  to travel freely, to use our own money, administer our own land and soil under our own power and pay no attention to "laws" that are addressed to corporations and their franchises and their officers and employees.  

The Mischief -- or what I call The Great Fraud -- is at an end. 


See this article and over 3800 others on Anna's website here:

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Popular, But Wrong Theories

 By Anna Von Reitz

There has been a lot of scrambling over recent weeks as millions of alarmed Americans try to make sense of the world.  I am reminded of myself thirty years ago -- the sudden alarm, the feeling of helplessness, the anger, the denial, the acceptance, the commitment. 

Finding out the truth about America's condition is like a sock in the gut.  And many people are feeling their way forward, unaided by much more than their own observation that, "Hey, something's wrong!"

See our book, "You Know Something's Wrong When....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause" by Anna Maria Riezinger and James Clinton Belcher. 

If everyone read that one source, they'd have a solid, simple, and readable recount of what's wrong and why.  Complete with great cartoons.

It wouldn't answer every question, but it would set the stage for understanding where we are and how we got here. Like identifying the illness you have, it is oddly reassuring to define the problem and begin grappling with it. 

I've asked every State Assembly to develop a library of resources for their members to use, so there should be "loaner" copies available.

Absent that kind of common grounding, various groups have sprung up around the country and some of them are greasing their wheels by making outlandish claims about me and espousing theories we've already explored and debunked. Here's a sampling: 

1. The Union States Theory.  The Union States form the Union of States called The United States.  They are the true sovereign Nation-States.  Every one of our Union States has  three components: the land, the soil, and the people.  The people comprise the nation, and the physical land and soil comprise the state. 

So far, so good. Everyone is in agreement. 

However, the theory then goes that because these are the true sovereign states, they are the logical place to start the recoupment of our country. 

There is one big problem with this theory, and that is mistaking where we are.  

The people have been impersonated and human trafficked off their native land and soil.  We've been deliberately and cruelly transported by our own employees into the foreign international jurisdiction of the sea.  

Proponents of the Union States Theory assume that we can just instantly step back onto the soil and reclaim the Union States because the registrations and other legal practices that unlawfully converted our political status are based on fraud. 

It's a fine theory, but there are some problems with it.  Most of all, in our opinion, it allows the rats to escape.  Certainly, organized crime and fraud have been practiced against us, but if we deny that it happened, we have no basis to complain or reclaim anything. Perhaps worse, we are obliged to live in a "State of Denial" rather than a State of the Union. 

It did happen. We were impersonated and human trafficked by our own employees.  We were defrauded and mischaracterized, robbed, beaten, jailed under false pretenses, subjected to laws and bills of attainder, and not a small number of us were murdered.  These are facts. 

So, we accept the facts and deal with them as they lay.  

We come back to our native birthright via the land, moving from the international jurisdiction of the sea to the corollary international jurisdiction of the land, and from the land jurisdiction we reclaim the National soil jurisdiction and repopulate our Union States one county at a time.

Now there can be no doubt that we have "returned" and all aspects of logic and provenance have been satisfied.  We don't propose to just spring up like mushrooms after rain and try to ignore the two clearinghouse receipts that would otherwise bind us. 

2. The World Trust Theory:  This theory holds that we are lost (and those subscribing to this theory may be) and that whoever finds us and rescues us, owns us.  This is akin to the traditional idea that if someone saves your life, you owe them your life. 

A more sober examination proves that all our lives emanate from an unknown and miraculous source and that we all owe our lives to that source apart from any other circumstance; any incidental salvation provided by men is only an affirmation of the life that we jointly and severally share, and carries no obligation of servitude. 

Gratitude yes, servitude no. 

Examination also proves that all such "salvage" was self-interested and unnecessary on the part of the British Crown and the World Trust.  

Imagine that someone claims that you were having a heart attack, pounces on you, knocks you out, calls an ambulance, takes you to the hospital, and then hands you the bill for all this service --- when in fact you were perfectly fine and weren't having any difficulty at all.  

That's the kind of salvage operation that has been taking place in this country for over a century and a half.   

Again, think of it this way, the Creator owns you.  The World Trust and the various Governments are the equivalent of "people rustlers" just like cattle rustlers; they want to change your brand and claim that they own you instead.  

Seeing this, and seeing what they were trying to do via the use of their pernicious language and paper boondoggle, I employed their own tools against them, removed myself and took my proven "title" and claimed up all assets of this country, rolling everything into my private estate trust as Fiduciary for The United States of America --- our unincorporated Federation of States. 

In this way, they are deprived of their prey and our claims against them are preserved.  We are God's children, not the creatures of their imaginations.  

I have published my Irrevocable Will returning the same property grant back to every other American who reclaims their birthright.  

So yes, I methodically reclaimed and fought the fight in every jurisdiction of the law, in the air, on the sea, on the land, and brought it all back to the soil --- repopulating the Federation and the Union States, both. 

We are all, purportedly, donors of our property and estates to the World Trust, and when we act as donors instead of trying to act as beneficiaries, we each regain control of the situation and dissolve the Trust.  

It melts away like the Wicked Witch of the West.  

People hearing all this for the first time don't know who to believe and naturally fear what is unknown.  The good news is that I returned all right, title, and interest to the living people of this world; the "bad" news is that you must impose your will on your public employees and learn to self-govern.  

You have to run your own boat.  You can't just leave it on autopilot. 


See this article and over 3800 others on Anna's website here:

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