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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

An Unacceptable Threat and Unacceptable Proposal

 By Anna Von Reitz

Date: 13 March 2022
To: UN Secretary General Guterres
From: Anna Maria Riezinger-- Fiduciary
The United States of America
Dear Mr. Guterres:
You have been in receipt of numerous communications from this Office and from our Office of the Head of State for The United States of America, our unincorporated Federation of States. While we are a Federation of independent and sovereign states, we are nonetheless present in international and global jurisdictions--- and while we are not Signatories of the United Nations and not possessions of the UN Corporation, we keep abreast of the most obnoxious and repugnant actions of your organization and hereby lodge our objection and protest against another such mindless overreach of authority. We refer to the attached United Nations Directive 001, The Start of the New World Order, etc.
Let us make this explicit: the opinions of incorporated franchises of any corporation, however much that corporation and its franchises may be involved in providing governmental services, are not binding upon the people or the assets of any sovereign nation. Period. Ever. At all. This applies to decisions of the UN Security Council as much as it applies to opinions issued by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Please get this concept firmly in mind: The opinions of the incorporated entities don't count. The opinions of the owners of those incorporated entities and the Treaties and Contracts governing those owners are what count. The owners and employers of all those corporations are speaking to you now, so you can forget about what our misguided and misinformed employees have been doing behind our backs.
You can also forget about the misrepresentations of the Central Banks and the UN CORPORATION, which have colluded to create the idea that our countries are bankrupt and that our countries are deeply in debt. Neither claim happens to be true.
In fact, no sovereign state is eligible for bankruptcy protection by definition. None of our countries have ever been bankrupt. None of our countries have ever been incorporated as franchises of any other country. All our sovereign states enjoy state immunity and post indemnity bonds to cover our operations; the indemnity bonds are based on the debts already owed to us. Thus, there is no profit to be made by bringing claims against sovereign entities and no other avenue available to resolve charges against sovereign entities.
Another common misunderstanding is the idea that our countries are in debt to the UN CORPORATION and to the Roman Catholic Church, a misunderstanding that has been promoted by funky bookkeeping on the part of the Central Banks. These banks have kept track of the debt side of a ledger and have applied interest to the debt side of that ledger to promote the idea of "National Debt", however, those same banks have failed to balance the books by applying the equal and opposite "National Credit". Their excuse has been that nobody with the authority to commit the National Credit resources has given the order.
I have been given the authority over the Code FLAT resources and hold the American US Trust Resources, both, to straighten out this mess and I have informed the governments of the world that: (1) they don't have a National Debt because they have equal National Credit that simply wasn't applied; (2) we have given the necessary Order to clean up this little misunderstanding as the first step of transitioning out of the World Bank matrix and into the new Bilateral Banking System.
Because no country on this planet is actually in debt, does not mean that they automatically have credit in the new system --- which will be properly monitored to prevent any more chicanery. To obtain their pre-paid credit and access the full spectrum of banking, financial, and currency services available in the new system, each country will need to resume operation of their Public Government and establish their own Bilateral Bank. All Bilateral Banks exist under the same simple 12-page charter and connect to each other via a 1-page Bank Treaty.
Banking is no longer going to be a mystery nor is it going to be used to defraud and control the masses. Private corporations in the business of providing governmental services will no longer be running wild and seizing upon authorities and exercising powers that don't belong to them. And you can be sure and you can tell your bosses and your United Nations members, that The United States of America will not be called "the former United States of America" nor will it be called "America Area 0002".
The so-called service corporations have to drop this nonsense, or the United Nations and the UN CORPORATION will simply be called "Out of Business" and the persons involved will be serving lengthy jail terms or be facing execution for conspiracy against their own national interests. As for the banks, all the central and commercial banks are already bankrupt and in receivership. You will shortly receive your copy of the second World Bank transition directive.

Anna Maria Riezinger-- Fiduciary
The United States of America


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Second Sunday in Lent (Reminiscere)

Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

The Introit of this day's Mass, which begins with the word Reminiscere, from which this Sunday derives its name, is the prayer of a soul begging God's assistance, that she may sin no more:

INTROIT Remember, O Lord, Thy compassions and Thy mercies, which are from the beginning, lest at any time our enemies rule over us: deliver us O God of Israel, from all our tribulations. To Thee O Lord, have I lifted up my soul: in Thee, O my God, I put my trust; let me not be ashamed. (Ps. XXIV.) Glory be to the Father, etc.

COLLECT O God, who seest us to be destitute of strength, keep us both inwardly and outwardly; that we may be defended in the body from all adversities, and cleansed in our mind from all evil thoughts. Through our Lord, etc.

EPISTLE (I Thess. IV. 1-7.) Brethren, we pray and beseech you in the Lord Jesus, that as you have received of us, how you ought to walk, and to please God, so also you would walk, that you may abound the more. For you know what precepts I have given to you by the Lord Jesus. For this is the will of God, your sanctification; that you should abstain from fornication; that every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honor; not in the passion of lust, like the Gentiles that know not God: and that no man over-reach nor circumvent his brother in business; because the Lord is the avenger of all these things, as we have told you before, and have testified. For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto sanctification; in Christ Jesus our Lord.

EXPLANATION From these words we see, that the great Teacher of Nations as carefully showed the Christian congregations the sanctity of their calling, as he labored to lead them from the blindness and abominations of heathenism.

ASPIRATION Grant, O God, that I may live an honest, chaste and holy life in accordance with my vocation, and go not after earthly and carnal pleasures, as the heathens who know Thee not.

GOSPEL (Matt. XVII. 1-9.) At that time, Jesus took Peter, and James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into a high mountain apart: and he was transfigured before them. And his face did shine as the sun, and his garments became white as snow. And behold, there appeared to them Moses and Elias talking with him. Then Peter answering, said to Jesus: Lord, it is good for us to be here; if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles, one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias. And as he was yet speaking, behold a bright cloud overshadowed them, and lo, a voice out of the cloud, saying: This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him. And the disciples hearing, fell upon their face, and were very much afraid. And Jesus came and touched them, and said to them: Arise, and fear not. And they lifting up their eyes, saw no one, but only Jesus. And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying: Tell the vision to no man: till the Son of Man be risen from the dead.

Why was Christ transfigured in the presence of His apostles on Mount Thabor?

To permit them to see the glorious majesty of His divinity; to guard them from doubts when they should afterwards see Him die on Mount Calvary; to encourage the disciples and all the faithful to be patient in all crosses and afflictions, for the bodies of the just at the resurrection will be made like the glorified body of Christ. (Phil. III. 21.)

Why did Moses and Elias appear there?

That they might testify, that Jesus was really the Saviour announced by the law and the prophets, and that the law and the prophets received fulfillment in Him. The former was represented by Moses, the latter by Elias.

Why, did Peter wish to build three tabernacles there?

The delightful sweetness of the apparition in which Jesus made him participator so enraptured him, that he knew not what he said, not considering that glory can be attained only through sufferings, the crown through fight, joy through crosses and afflictions.

ASPIRATION Draw us, O Jesus, to Thee, that by the contemplation of the sacred joys awaiting us, we, by Thy grace, may not be defeated in the spiritual contest, but conquer through Thy grace and carry off the unfading crown of victory.

Weapons of Mass Destruction --- Found at Last!

 By Anna Von Reitz

As I write this, the Russian Government is presenting definitive proof to the Security Council at the United Nations, that "the" US and various NATO Allies were heavily engaged in producing illegal, unlawful, and immoral biological weapons in over a dozen well-funded laboratories in the Ukraine.
The current Ukrainian Government allowed this activity and posed a threat to the entire population of this planet, just to make a buck and line their own pockets.
At the same time, Ukrainian Whistle-blowers have brought forward massive proof of the collusion and criminality of Joe Biden and his family members and their activities in Ukraine.
It's not just "the" US involved in this repugnant activity, it's NATO, too. The rot has spread until there is nothing but rottenness left. This is why Putin told the world that he was taking out the garbage. God knows, somebody had to, and once again, it fell to the Russians.
We are engaged in cleaning up our "garbage" too, which we recognize as a matter of gross criminality, not a political issue at all.
With corporations illegally substituting themselves for our lawful government, and employing private security personnel as police to protect themselves at our expense, this country needs the assistance of its own citizenry organized in their own lawful State Assembly Militias, and we also need the assistance of the international community to bring enforcement powers to bear on these criminals.
Recognizing these facts, we have issued a Special Grant of specific and limited jurisdiction as a Non-Signatory State to the International Criminal Court and the Office of the Prosecutor, allowing them to investigate and bring charges in international jurisdiction against US individuals and corporations and officers of these corporations that are involved in international crimes, including criminal Breach of Trust and Commercial Contract, human trafficking, unlawful conversion, inland piracy, conspiracy against the constitutions, press-ganging, enslavement, peonage, genocide, and crimes against humanity.
These corporation officers have been claiming Sovereign Status and State Immunity from such investigation and prosecution, based on their exercise of our Delegated Powers and our State Sovereignty. We have now formally rebutted any such assumptions and opened the door for them to be tracked down, arrested, and prosecuted. We do not intend for America to be a safe haven for pirates and criminals engaged in crime for profit.
Our investigations have affirmed those of the Russian Government concerning involvement of the US and NATO in offshore bioweapons production and the promotion and issuance of criminal patents by SERCO in its mis-administration of the United States Patent and Trademark Office, which have self-evidently been used to accomplish crimes such as the September 11th disaster and the disappearance of the Malaysian airliner and yes, the current genocide-by-vaccination.
Along with the Special Grant of Jurisdiction we have provided the Office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court with specific "smoking gun" patents which demonstrate how the criminals have protected and enriched themselves via the indiscriminate and illegal issuance of Patents protecting criminal activities amid false claims of "National Security Interest". These Patents blatantly describe the means with which these infamous crimes have been accomplished, who created these evils, and their intended purpose.
We've also provided video depositions of expert witnesses having first hand evidence and eye-witness testimony of the development of the Covid-19 agenda and the development of the polluted mis-named "vaccines" which have been foisted off on the unsuspecting public without disclosure and without respect for human life.
As we speak, the madman, Bill Gates, is working feverishly on the development of a "vaccine" --- that's what he calls a bioweapon --- that will infect people like a disease and with the same effect. Gates has gone utterly off his rocker and needs to be arrested and taken off the street as soon as possible. The same can be said for various members of the Intelligence Community and NATO Generals who have mindlessly participated in this horrific experiment.
More than 4,500 Allied Troops have been forcibly injected with known biological weapons -- engineered smallpox, hantavirus, HIV, HIN1, Ebola, Hemorrhagic Fever, etc., to "test" the effectiveness of these biological warfare agents. These men were given no disclosure, no choice. Many of them have already died.
This is what the filthy pigs think that they can demand and do without opposition and without respect for the Public Law, as a "condition of employment".
It's time that these out-of-control foreign commercial mercenary operatives were prosecuted as pirates, keel-hauled, gibbeted, or hung, as the Admiralty Law requires.
It is also time that the corporations responsible for these activities were dissolved, their assets seized, their Boards of Directors and Officers prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Public Law.
I personally believe that Bill Gates III is criminally insane and needs to be apprehended and restrained and hospitalized under psychiatric examination as a Public Danger. He was already responsible for the deaths and maiming of thousands of innocent people throughout Africa and India before he successfully launched the Covid-19 pandemic and sought to profit himself by selling bioweapons redefined as "vaccines".
This behavior is deeply psychotic and this murderer needs to be arrested and prosecuted without further ado. Likewise Klaus Schwab and any other members of the World Economic Forum, the UN Corporation, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Committee of 300, the Club of Rome, the Roman Curia, the Skull and Bones Fraternity, the World Health Organization, the World Bank, and all others who have knowingly participated in and promoted these events to profit themselves and their political agendas via inflicting genocide and unlawful conversion of the victims into Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs)--- which is already illegal and unlawful in this country, no matter what the Territorial United States Supreme Court may opine.
We've had crazy people in command for lack of determination and interest from the General Public to oversee its own government and direct its own affairs, but our Public Government, our unincorporated Federation of States, is now standing on its own flat feet and taking appropriate action. Enough Americans are awake now and declared and recorded.

Please visit the Documents Section at to see the jpeg pages of the Special Grant of Jurisdiction issued to the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the Office of the Prosecutor.


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The "Story" of Kim Goguen --- and Ben Fullford, Too?

 By Anna Von Reitz

No doubt, if you have been hanging around long enough, you have heard of Kim Goguen and her claim to be the inheritor of the known world -- and also the organization that she and her supporters have fronted as "Life Force International".
Though, so far as I know, Kim has not published her relationship with the CIA, I have photos that show her with a core group of Operation Officers based in North Carolina --- other people who initially approached me to try to involve me in some kind of Sting that would have given the CIA access to large amounts of money through physical asset "off ledger" accounts.
It was a complex, multi-layered con game and even I fell for it, to an extent, at first; but not to the degree and in the way that would ultimately allow their plan to succeed. In the course of that contact, I learned various things -- like the fact that Kim Goguen has been set up to act "as" an heir to the Romanovs.
This claim, like many others she has made, isn't true. It's just more fluff and nonsense from The Liars Club Internationale, aimed at laying claim to physical assets for their Unjust Enrichment.
The past several weeks of investigation have disclosed why anyone would want to claim that they were heirs of the ill-fated Romanov Dynasty ---those engaged in making such claims have been assuming that gold left on deposit with the Bank of England by Tsar Nicholas belonged to the Romanov family, and they are busily trying to cobble together False Claims based on purported familial relationship to the martyred Royal Family, so they can justify a claim on ten billion metric tons of gold otherwise presumed to be "abandoned".
These guys are great at making presumptions that benefit themselves and also handy at making claims on abandonment----usually when assets are not in fact abandoned, and when the actual heirs simply haven't been given full disclosure.
Unfortunately for Kim and the CIA Black Ops she is implicated in, there are records and there are receipts and memos adequately demonstrating that the gold Tsar Nicholas left on deposit with the Bank of England is a combined stash of gold reserves actually belonging in part to the Russian government and in part to the still-existent Prussian government.
As a sidebar, it turns out that technically, Kaiser Wilhelm II couldn't abdicate the Office of the King of Prussia, because he had already abdicated it. Thus, the Crown Prince was the King of Prussia already and his administration was not invalidated by his Father's second and permanent abdication of the Office.
Thus, none of that gold is "abandoned". Not a gram of it.
The Russian government under Vladimir Putin still exists. The Prussian government under Georg Friedrich von Hohenzollern still exists. They simply didn't know about the gold and in the case of Prussia, they didn't know that their battered Kingdom stumbled through by the Hand of God, and their gold reserves were preserved by the ill-fated Tsar Nicholas in what would appear to be the least-likely bank on Earth.
Getting back to Kim and her bizarre Ooky-Spooky claims, she is a CIA Player with a criminal record for fraud, no matter what Ben Fullford says and no matter why he would give her a bully pulpit to spread more manure.
I understand that there are many groups and many interests that quail and quake at the thought of Prussia coming back on the world stage, and others who react similarly to the prospect of Russia being further empowered by receiving their inheritance from the Tsar.
I don't fear these outcomes and I want to explain why I don't fear these outcomes to the American People.
The actual American Government has a Treaty with the Russian Government which the Russians have always honored. While the Pack of Liars infesting the U.S. Government would have you believe in "the Russian Threat" and "the Chinese Threat" --- the fact is that the Russians have repeatedly saved our ungrateful bacon and waited for us to wake up and smell the java.
The further truth is that in over 5,000 years of recorded history, the Chinese have proven to be in-the-main far more interested in making love and products to sell their neighbors, than in making war. The only time the Chinese are a threat to our world is when they have been: (1) misinformed; (2) commandeered by foreign interests seeking to employ them as mercenaries; (3) or when they have been forced to be aggressive out of sheer desperation.
The real threat to peace is vested in the hypocrites in Washington, DC, who have pretended to represent us, while lying to, misinforming, and racketeering against us.
So if you are going to be afraid of anything, or fear any Evil Empire, don't look at Russia. Don't look at China. Look in your own backyard and see what is lurking there under its own foreign flag. Don't believe it? Look up the flag of the Municipality of Washington, DC --- purportedly an independent international city-state, though it has no permission from us to act as such on our shores, and its' actual Special Use perpetual lease with Maryland and Virginia is voided because of it.
Those who fear empowering Russia and Prussia by simply returning their own assets to them need their heads and sense of justice examined. The gold on deposit with the Bank of England is an inheritance owed to the people of Russia and the people of Prussia -- not Kim Goguen, not Ben Fullford, not the CIA, not Joe Biden, not you, not me. It's theirs.
How would you feel if you were the heir of a beautiful estate and all the money you needed to take care of it, and someone cheated you out of it, for no better reason than that they were afraid of what you were going to do with your money? Who made them the arbiter of what you do with your money, right?
Maybe Westminster and the United States are afraid because of their own guilt, the lies they have told, the crimes they have committed. Maybe they think that if the Russians and the Prussians are "allowed" to have control of their own inheritance, it will be payback time. God knows, with all the lies they have told and all the crimes they have committed, including crimes against their own people, the cretins of Westminster and "the" US deserve payback. They know it, too.
But there is a radically different pathway open for all of us, one of truth, fairness, mutual respect, and trust. We don't have to let the past dictate the future. We don't have to be driven like cattle by lies spewed from mouthpieces like Kim Goguen. We can do the right thing, the same thing that we would all want, if it were us and our inheritance as a nation was sitting in the Bank of England vaults "appearing to be" unclaimed.
It's their gold. Give it back to the Prussian government that survived. Give it back to the Russian government of today. Let everybody know that we, the actual Americans have been at peace since 1814, and we prefer it to be that way. We all have more than enough resources of all kinds to make the Earth bloom again and make the biome healthy again and make it safe for our children again.

Let it be so.


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