By Anna Von Reitz
Americans, being Lawful Persons living under a
Public Law that uses The Ten Commandments as its basis, don't take Oaths.
As a quick look in any edition of the Geneva Bible will prove, all the
indictments against "persons" are self-evident, so we instead act as
This does not mean that everyone else worldwide
chose our path and made this distinction: far from it. There are numerous
other governments and indeed, entire jurisdictions of law, that operate
exclusively of, for, and by persons --- not
I have often observed that the International and
Global jurisdictions of law operate exclusively using "persons" - and that even
our Lawful Persons known as People -- with a capital "P" -- are unincorporated
fictional entities. There are no living people of any kind operating in any
international or global jurisdiction.
These are literally the realms of the
Americans, alive or "dead", operating as living
people or as Lawful Persons, either one, don't take Oaths to anything, because
of the Biblical injunctions against it; we offer only Public Acknowledgements
known as "Affirmations of Office" instead, in which a successful candidate or
appointee formally and in public accepts the duties of their office and promises
to discharge the Public Duty to the best of his or her
All the Oath-taking occurs from the other "lane" --
or, if you like to think of it, the other side of the fence, in the realm of our
other public employees, who work for us indirectly via delegation of our Powers
to the British Monarch and the Pope.
British Territorial Merchant Seamen and Admiralty
and Maritime Judges and Military Officers and Inductees of all stripe all take
Oaths to their working contract, The Constitution of the United States of
America, because nothing is more sacred to them than their paycheck and basis of
authority. Because their "law"-- Federal Code -- has nothing to do with
the True God, they willingly take oaths and think nothing of
Ditto the Federal Civil Service. You might
think of them as a third lane on the highway of life and death, with the living
people in the right lane and the dead "persons" running along in the opposite
two lanes. [The way is wide and easy for them. They even have a passing
lane.] They take oaths to their rice bowl, The Constitution of the United
States, and think nothing of it.
Other than being their meal-ticket and source of
their purported authorities, why should they take the Constitutions
They have re-defined and evaded their duties owed
under the Constitutions for years, and successfully bilked their American
Employers for generations, simply by redefining Americans as Federal citizens
and "conferring" such citizenship responsibilities upon the slumbering
Meanwhile, the Americans have slept on unaware of
all the guile and deceit lurking behind the facade of "the federal government"
and have readily accepted the supposed authority of these foreign corporations
and their private courts and their practice of taking vain oaths, falling into
line and pursuing these same practices like so many lost ducklings despite
Matthew 5:34-37.
Hello? All you Christians working for the
"governmental services corporations" out there? Taking oaths, are
It has lately become the rage for all sorts of
well-meaning people to go on YouTube and film themselves taking all sorts of
patriotic oaths.
They are blindly, innocently, reciting the "Pledge
of Allegiance" which is a feudal act of a serf subjecting himself to a liege
lord, -----and in this case, subjecting themselves body and soul to a borrowed
flag being abused by the British Crown Corporation; or, like General Michael
Flynn, reciting the military oath to "protect and defend against all enemies
both foreign and domestic".
Americans acting in their capacity as Americans
don't take oaths.
It's only when they cross over the line and take
service with the foreign governmental services corporations that they take
oaths. And if Americans did take oaths, they would certainly not take
oaths to anything as venal as an employment contract -- that is, to any
Yes, my children, that is really all that a
"Constitution" is.
It's a services for hire contract that sets forth
who or what is providing the service, the limitations they have when providing
that service, and who pays for the service. It's not some sacred cow and
its not the "source" of your rights.
All the rights discussed in the Bill of Rights
attached to the Constitutions don't scratch the surface of your natural and
unalienable rights as a living man or woman and those rights don't come to you
from the hands of men, but from the hands of your Creator, the Living God.
No, the Bill of Rights should be renamed as the
Bill of Guarantees, because this is what is contractually
And you haven't even enjoyed that much of your
inheritance, because your shiftless foreign employees have endeavored to mistake
you as one of them, and to wage surreptitious "war" against you and among
themselves for the better part of two centuries.
Wake up, my dears, wake up. The alarm bells
are ringing. Take no oaths at all and instead commune with the Living God
within you.
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