By Anna Von Reitz
First, don't worry about Biden's pardons. Biden had no office or power to pardon anyone --- with the possible exception of the first three days he was in office.
Without going into the details of exactly why this is true, Federal Pardons only extend to Federal jurisdictions and corporations and offenses under Federal Law. They do not extend to action undertaken by the actual States under State and Public Law, and don't provide any shield or defense against charges of genocide.
So don't let the charlatans provoke you and cause you to worry and fret and think that these criminals are going to get away with anything. They aren't.
Second, the first and most direct power of the State Assemblies is to direct the State of State Legislatures and State Trust organizations (which they are also erroneously calling "assemblies") what your priorities are within the borders of your State.
Third, when you have finished outlining your priorities for your State regarding issues within your borders, it's time to expand your gaze and boot up your International Business Assemblies and start collaborating with your neighboring States concerning larger scale issues that impact all of you --- for example, electromagnetic and atmospheric pollution that crosses State borders, the pollution of underground aquifers, etc.
You can, through your International Business Assembly, form multi-state coalitions to deal with these problems on a regional level or start an initiative to enact a Public Law effective in all fifty States.
Fourth, the assets of the Municipal Corporations that have been named after us individually and collectively, belong to us along with their franchises; we have claimed them and international agreement has been obtained in favor of the living people of this country and their sovereign governments as the ultimate beneficiaries and recipients of these resources. Bear in mind that we bore the expense of these corporations and their operations for many years; we were their preferential and priority creditors, and this is why these assets belong to us.
All the High Courts and 196 nations have agreed to settle all Municipal Corporation assets in favor of the living people.
Fifth, the British Territorial Government is attempting to intervene and receive the assets of the Municipal Corporations and has been assuming a position of receivership "for" us, which we have corrected and objected to. Their position is that they are the administrators of British Territorial Seaman's Estates named after us and therefore are the proper recipients under Admiralty Law; our position is that those Estates are Legal Fictions created under conditions of constructive fraud and are based on unconscionable contracts lacking disclosure --- as a result, although actual British Territorial U.S. Citizens exist and while such Estates and Public Trusts related to the Estates of such Citizens may exist, nobody born within the borders of the States of the Union may be presumed to adopt such a political status and character on the basis of purloined birth registrations and clearinghouse certificates.
The most obvious sign of this attempt to intervene and assume a role for themselves in the Municipal Corporation settlement process, was Mr. Trump's recent visit to Canada and his strong-arming of then-Prime Minister Justin Trudeau over the debts and trade deficits of CANADA.
This pernicious Legal Presumption that we all accepted British Territorial Citizenship and voluntarily became British Subjects has also been overturned in the favor of the living people and our Lawful Persons operating on the land jurisdiction. As a result the British Territorial Government must provide credible proof that we were each provided with full disclosure and that we "voluntarily" adopted their citizenship obligations, and that we were competent to make such a choice --- which will be impossible, as they have never provided full disclosure to our parents nor to us, and as the contracts they rely upon were created when we were babies in our cradles --- and are thus unconscionable contracts.
This means that millions of Americans, including members of the military and members of the Federal Civil Service, must be accorded the protections of their natural State nationalities and the protections of the Constitutions, that is, the Law of the Land.
We do not fall under the jurisdiction of any Maritime Court lacking a credible and validated maritime contract being at issue; and we are not generally subject to foreign Admiralty Courts, either; we are the population of sovereign, free, and independent states and we have our own laws, our own courts, and our own jurisdictions established.
Sixth, stand ready in view of the foregoing to rebuff any British Territorial over-reaching or substitution schemes seeking to undermine your position as the State Assembly of your State of the Union. Be watchful and know what you are looking at.
Recently, many "Republics" have been organized by U.S. Citizens, in an attempt to resurrect what would appear to be our State Republic organizations---but aren't and cannot be. We are also seeing State Trust organizations attempting to present themselves as "Assemblies", such as "The California State (Trust) Assembly". These are all foreign organizations developed by people adopting foreign citizenships.
Stand ready to explain the situation and address them appropriately.
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