By Anna Von Reitz
Anyone with two brain cells and a logic circuit left should be able to guess that living people are not naturally subject to the laws that govern corporations.
To make living men and women subject to corporate law requires denigrating them to the status of a corporation franchise, which is being done by the undisclosed and unconscionable registration of babies.
This venal practice is now being exposed as a serious international and global crime.
In the same vein a new scheme has been deployed to "redefine" those already illegally latched upon and denigrated to the status of a "human" with Human Rights — a scheme to inject the victims with a scrap of patented mRNA and then claim that this pollution of their genome renders them a "transhuman" — a genetically modified organism owned by the patent holder and lacking even Human Rights.
The self-interested U.S. Supreme Court allowed the Perpetrators to advance these repugnant claims in Biden v Missouri.
This too is being exposed as a serious international and global crime.
If, indeed, Donald Trump was duped into playing his part in this commercial and international crime, it's high time he stopped sharing laughs with Mr. Obama and Mr. Gates and Mr. Zuckerberg and Mr. Fauci — and also stopped ordering billions of doses of other mRNA "vaccines".
Our country has already put in place Public Law preventing enforcement of this criminal drivel and ordered the sacking of the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
Along with this identity theft and redefinition comes a vast array of personage and barratry crimes , including impersonation, misrepresentation, human trafficking, privateering, racketeering, and inland piracy.
Just as individuals suffer identity theft and substitution schemes as a result of this entrenched criminality, organizations can suffer the same manipulations and dishonest misrepresentations.
Observe that both "District" and "Municipal" Assemblies have passed themselves off as our State Assemblies and now additional entities are attempting the same kind of substitution fraud schemes.
Actual State Assemblies operate under very simple names styled like this: The Florida Assembly, The California Assembly, The New Hampshire Assembly, and so on.
But suddenly we have organizations promoting themselves under similar-sounding names like this: The Florida State Assembly, The California State Assembly, The New Hampshire State Assembly, etc.
These are foreign State Trusts set up by the British Territorial Interlopers after the Civil War and used to illegally cashier the assets of Americans.
These are not American States, not State Assemblies, and yet they are impersonating us to the best of their ability and confusing people here and abroad.
Note the difference:
The California Assembly (an American State Assembly populated by Californians).
The California State Assembly (which should read "the California State (Trust) Assembly, inhabited by U.S. Citizens residing in California).
See the difference? One kind of Assembly is organized by living Californians, the other kind is organized by British Territorial U.S. Citizens. One is an actual State Assembly, the other is a foreign legal construct confusing itself with our State Assembly.
These State Trusts have illegally and immorally and unlawfully latched upon the assets belonging to American babies. They have operated as criminal organizations on our shores and easily 80% of their trust assets need to be liquidated or forfeited or otherwise simply returned to the Americans who are the rightful owners.
Please be aware of this ongoing fraudulent misrepresentation and confusion and do whatever you can to put a stop to it. Also be aware that there have also been "District Assemblies" and even "Municipal District Assemblies" pulling similar tricks on the American Public and the rest of the world.
These "State (Trust) Assemblies" are not State Assemblies and should not be confused with actual State Assemblies.
Similarly, various "State Republic" organizations run by U.S. Territorial Citizens have appeared in recent months, trying to confuse people and pass themselves off as our long-lost State Republics.
Our American Republics were State-level organizations involved in administering and directing the operations of our American Federal Subcontractor.
Each of our States had two State Republic organizations styled like this: The Texas Republic (land issues) and The Republic of Texas (sea issues).
These organizations were staffed and run (in the example, by Texans—- not U.S. Citizens. They existed and operated from 1787 to 1861.
The organizations now popping up and calling themselves "Republics" are trying to confuse themselves with these historical State Republic organizations, but again— they aren't us.
Our American Federal Subcontractor, known as "the Federal Republic" operated under The Constitution for the united States of America from 1787 to 1861, and these historical State Republic organizations provided oversight and instruction and support.
Both the Federal Republic and the associated State Republics were American enterprises; they never belonged to and were never run by British Territorial U.S. Citizens then, and can't be "restored" by U.S. Citizens now.
It's just another Bait and Switch scheme seeking to substitute British Territorial organizations for American organizations, so as to substitute themselves for us and our business enterprises.
This continual malfeasance and misrepresentation and the confusion it causes is a distraction and irritation that is promoting fraud upon the American Public.
We call upon the living people of every nation in every country that has been impacted by this British Territorial Corporate "Raj" System to help put an end to their schemes and misrepresentations.
We are the living people of this country, Americans native to one of fifty nation-states and holding their nationality as Virginians, Wisconsinites, New Yorkers, Texans.... The people of these free, independent, and sovereign states are not British Subjects, not U.S. Citizens, not citizens of the United States, not representatives of any corporation and not choosing to be incorporated, enfranchised, or press-ganged to serve any foreign government.
Our States of the Union are now in Session and have been in Session since 2019. Our Federation of States which serves as our States' instrumentality in international jurisdiction and which can also serve in global jurisdiction has been in Session since 1998. Our venerable institutions and our standing with regard to these substantive issues of ownership and identity cannot be denied by our Federal Subcontractors and public employees.
We bring these attempts by the British Territorial Subcontractors to pull off another round of substitution fraud schemes to the attention of the Perpetrators and the rest of the world.
We don't know what "United States" Donald Trump is "President" of, we heard no swearing in nor affirmation of his new office on the Bible, we observe that he is saluting the Title IV Flag as a Commander in Chief of a British Crown Corporation Commercial Vessel, not standing with his hand over his heart. We suspect that sometime in late December, Donald Trump, like many of his Predecessors, accepted knighthood and became a Vassal and property of King Charles III and the only fact mitigating against that dolorous outcome, is that the Throne of England is vacated and any such proceedings would be rendered null and void for fraud—- again.
It's time for the British Territorial Government to come clean with us and with the rest of the world— and stop the efforts to pull another Bait and Switch substitution fraud scheme.
Two brain cells. One logic circuit. The law we owe ourselves, the law of the living people, American Common Law, is invoked upon land and soil. Not "Special Admiralty". Not "Equity Law". Not a Scottish rendition of Roman Civil Law. Not Municipal law.
Our Law, the Law of the Land and soil, the Law owed to the Lawful People and living people of this country is invoked and declared. Our courts are open. We do not expect our people who have declared their nature and intent to be misaddressed or misrepresented by any public employees or members of any oxymoronic "civilian military" ever again.
Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger— Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
January 21st 2025
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