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Friday, June 14, 2024

International Public Notice: The Source of This Evil

 By Anna Von Reitz

It's a strange list of books that on the surface seem to have nothing much to do with our daily lives, but in fact, these resources tell the tale of how our country has been overtaken by guile and corruption, who (and what) is responsible for this outrage, and they suggest --- if only by logical extrapolation --- what to do about it. 

The first insight involves the formation of a separate  government in a separate jurisdiction of the law, by foreign, for-profit corporations; and, a still-functioning British Secret Society founded by Cecil Rhodes for the purpose of creating and expanding the colonial British Empire worldwide: 

Carroll Quigley: The Anglo-American Establishment
Carroll Quigley: Tragedy and Hope

Gerry Docherty and Jim MacGregor: Hidden History - The Secret Origins of the First World War

The second important insight that Americans desperately need is an understanding of the source of the Overpopulation Myth and the evils of both the Committee of 300 and the Club of Rome: 

Dr. John Coleman: The Story of the Committee of 300 

Dr. John Coleman: The Rothschild Dynasty

Get your feet wet with a video: 

Through these works you will finally understand where the evils of the present era have been born, nurtured, and foisted off on us --- by whom, for what reasons, and how. 

The politicians were bought off by the Committee of 300 and, the Club of Rome, acting as a storefront for evil elements within the Committee of 300, put it all in motion specifically to destroy the middle class of this country and to promote an agenda of global genocide. 

The primary requirement to restore sanity in this world is to: seize the ancestral wealth of the specific criminals responsible so that the more unsavory members of the Committee of 300 and Club of Rome are prevented from using payola  and grants as a means to pursue these insane genocidal objectives. 

Just how much payola to the employees of the NIH has recently been disclosed by --- they were individually motivated by no less than $170 Million, while the sop to the institution topped over a billion dollars. 

The second requirement is to arrest these criminals and throw away the key -- en masse.  These heirs of the British East India Company and their Club of Rome pals all need to face charges for genocide, piracy, unlawful conversion, and more.    

The third requirement is to expose everything they have done to destroy, steal, murder, maim, and control entire nations, usurp national governments, and corrupt every aspect of life on this planet. 

We don't need the United Nations protecting the UN CORPORATION and WHO, nor do we need corrupt politicians operating a phony corporate government in a "territorial capacity".  

We don't need False Narratives of any kind.  

We have a complete picture of the Evil in our midst, where it came from, who promoted it, how they have funded it, and most important -- who they are.  

May all their malice, greed, arrogance, uncaring, and criminality be reflected harmlessly away from their victims and may we all join in washing away the blood and misery that has been the legacy of the British East India Company, their heirs forming the Committee of 300, and their foot soldiers in the Club of Rome. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

June 14th 2024  


See this article and over 4800 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: The Reason

 By Anna Von Reitz

It has been endlessly enumerated that in our research, the British have always been "at the bottom of the dogpile".  

Their ubiquitous presence in every scrap, every illegal trade, every bank fraud, every diplomatic disaster, and every war for the past three hundred years --and especially during the last hundred and fifty years-- has been a cause for comment and wonder. 

It begs credibility to assume that any one People on the face of the Earth could, from their relatively diminutive homeland, innocently stumble into the ground floor of every evil enterprise and situation with such utter consistency, if they were not the Causative Agent. 

It turns out that unraveling the gigantic Mercenary Conflict and fraud known as "the American Civil War" requires looking at the English Civil War that rocked the world less than a hundred years prior. 

It was as a result of the English Civil War and the Treaty of Utrecht that followed during the reign of Queen Anne, that a Trading Company known as Great Britain was formed, and as a further result, the Office of the British Monarch operating as "King of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales" -- in Territorial Jurisdiction -- was also created. 

How many Brits, much less Americans, Aussies or Frenchmen, ever knew that "Great Britain" was a company, not a country?  

And that a British Monarch was the equivalent of a Company President or CEO on steroids? 

Finally, who knew that this "Monarch" functioned entirely in International -- that is, Territorial -- Jurisdiction?  

This "territorial government" comprised a secondary and secret government, engaged in a realm of endeavor quite divorced from normal public cognizance and operating outside the normal law.

Finally, we have the reason why, in both Britain and America, people constantly prattle about "democracy" ---which has never been the form of government in either country.  

England is supposed to be a Constitutional Monarchy and America is supposed to have a "republican form of government" under its own Common Law.  

There isn't a word about "democracy" anywhere in any founding document, except in this hidden realm of so-called Territorial Jurisdiction, which is international in nature. 

This, the end result of the English Civil War, is where the problem started.  It created an entirely different level and kind of government operating outside the normal law of England, Ireland, Scotland, or Wales. 

The deceit involved in forcing Territorial Rule on the sleeping General Public, via a process of impersonation, denigration, legal chicanery, inland piracy, and fraud, required linguistic acrobatics. 

The word "person" would mean "corporation" for Territorial Government purposes; the word "enfranchisement" would have a double meaning involving both the creation of a franchise corporation and conferring the ability to vote for corporation officers, instead of electing public officials. 

The living people might have a Constitutional Monarchy, but soon, everyone would be legally defined as being "dead at Law", and existing only as a franchise corporation of Great Britain, a Trading Company, run as a democracy under Territorial Code. 

This is precisely the illegal, unlawful, and immoral means that has been used to kill -- on paper -- half the world's population, and create the most ruthless, criminal, and hidden business conglomerate in world history. 

Of course, this did not happen overnight and it did not occur in a vacuum with nobody knowing about it. 

A substantial number of senior government officials certainly knew about the switch to Territorial Jurisdiction and the evasion of the government's contracts owed to the people. 

The compartmentalized public employees implemented the parts and pieces of the transition scheme, knowingly or not; the bankers funded it, and the lawyers planned it out so as to take advantage of it for themselves.  

What started with the English Civil War, the War of the Spanish Succession, and the Treaty of Utrecht, has ended with the flaming compost heap currently consuming the world's economies and threatening all of us with nuclear war. 

"Great Britain" along with its "British Empire" may no longer be operating with impunity, but the aftermath of its understated demise and its attempts to redefine itself -- and keep on operating -- have resulted in the current Mess.  

It is apparent that having suffered the backlash of world opinion for the oppressions of the British Raj in India and for its Colonial Empire and its abuse of the Commonwealth Countries, the British Government made an outward show of reform, but in fact, doubled-down and replaced Colonialism with a worse and even more destructive form of Corporate Feudalism. 

We suppose that having pulled the Old Switcheroo from National to Territorial Jurisdiction, and having successfully redefined the Social Contract to the disadvantage of the average members of the Public, the Perpetrators imagined that they could simply do another change of jurisdiction and transfer their government operations to the global Jurisdiction of the Air without anyone being the wiser. 

Once enfranchised under the veil of commerce and commercial law, everyone (but them) could be enslaved and denigrated down another rung, deprived of more rights, and forced to live under the Uniform Commercial Code generated by faceless and unelected attorneys.  

Of course, Public Law, Nationalism, and Populism are all anathema to these guilty criminals operating in Gross Breach of Trust and Contract. 

Their very lives depend on the Public not waking up and not holding them to account for the things they have done "in the name of the government" -- without actually being the government and without acting under the contractual constraints of the government owed to the living people. 

Their only plea can be that the people "volunteered" to do this to themselves and to their own government by signing private service contracts and enfranchising themselves, giving up their private property rights and their ability to elect their own public officials, purportedly in exchange for corporate benefits. 

There are a number of problems with this legal defense, most especially the stickler that all these supposed enfranchisement contracts were undisclosed, unconscionable, and still not recognized by the victims themselves. 

There's also the issue that no rational man or woman presented with the loss of all their private property and fundamental rights would agree to exchange them for paltry and arbitrary benefits funded by their own work. 

Any valid contract in any jurisdiction requires full disclosure and the governments involved in this gigantic crime spree against their own people could never afford that.  

Full disclosure of the actual deal, "New" or otherwise, would mean its immediate and permanent rejection by the Public, so it all had to be done under conditions of strict secrecy.  

Here we have an excerpt taken from the first Will composed by Cecil Rhodes, stating that his estate legacy was to be used for: 

"The establishment, promotion, and development of a Secret Society, the true aim and object whereof shall be for the extension of British rule throughout the world, the perfecting of a system of emigration from the United Kingdom, and of colonization by British subjects, of all lands wherein the means of livelihood are attainable by energy, labor, and enterprise, and especially the occupation by British settlers of the entire continent of Africa....the whole of South America....the whole United States of America, as an integral part of the British Empire and, finally, the foundation of so great a Power as to render wars impossible, and promote the best interests of humanity." 

While Rhode's closing statement clothes his criminal intent with some flavor of philanthropy, the ruthlessness of his own actions and the abuses that his British South Africa Company visited upon South Africa during its tenure as the "government" of that country, speaks volumes for itself. 

Under Rhode's command, the vicious practice of racial Apartheid was enforced, brutal domestic concentration camps were used to subdue the native population, and British elitism reached a new zenith of despotic asset-stripping snobbery. 

If the British are elite, they are elite criminals, distinguished apart from the rest of humanity by their uncanny ability to lie, cheat, steal, debauch, and betray trust without a backward glance or qualm of conscience, while maintaining a sanctimonious and hypocritical belief in their own superiority. 

We don't recognize this behavior as anything superior; we recognize it as garden variety criminality and we call the British Government --- the Monarchy and Westminster --- out for it. 

This world-spanning criminality has been promoted by the Secret Society envisioned by Cecil Rhodes, and it initially included Rhodes, Lord Nathan Rothschild, Lord Esher, Lord Rosebery, Lord Salisbury, Alfred Milner, and the publicist William Stead.  They would later be joined by Lord Pirbright (Henry de Worms-Rothschild), Henry Wellcome (an American pharmaceutical giant) and other highly placed individuals, who would foster British Imperialism into the modern age. 

These men, long dead, used their personal power and fortunes to promote evil ideas and actions which have continued long beyond their own physical tenure. 

In addition to eugenics, concentration camps, racial purity, and numerous other sick and repugnant ideas promoted by this small and ruthless cadre, we have them to thank for the First World War, the Russian Revolution, the Second World War, the Spanish Civil War, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, Gaza, and all the other minor wars and encroachments that have made the world unstable and miserable since the formation of this group in 1891. 

This is the "small and ruthless" secret society that President John F. Kennedy spoke about just a few days before his assassination.  

The Rothschilds, in particular, the British branch of Rothschilds, have been up to their necks in government influence intrigues and information manipulation since the Napoleonic Wars and simply merged some of their activities and resources with Rhodes and his group for their mutual benefit.  

The only serious competition offered against these British Elitists has come from the Society of Jesus --- the Jesuits, who have embraced such concepts as murder for Jesus, in pursuit of world peace through world dominance--- the same quasi-philanthropic excuse offered by Rhodes himself.  

We can safely assume that the recent attacks against the Roman Catholic Church and the Jesuit Order in particular, and such acts of terrorism as the burning of Notre Dame, have been promoted by the current version of this same evil and self-serving British Crime Club. 

Neither one of these groups have ever once seriously considered that the ends do not justify the means and that world domination is not part of the natural order of things.  

Whether priests or demagogues, captains of industry or world-spanning financiers, all these men have served a common evil in the name of doing good.  

Good can never come from lies, force, and fear; any benefit attained by these means is born tainted and can only wither and become more corrupt with time. 

This is precisely what we observe in the Halls of Academe, in the Courts, in the Churches, in the Militaries, and in what passes itself off as Government. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

June 14th 2024 


See this article and over 4800 others on Anna's website here:

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