By Anna Von Reitz
Okay, Campers -- more insight into the history and the process and the "rest of the story".
What you need to have ready to counter-claim back your Good Name and Estate:
1. Three authenticated copies (or if not possible for your State, certified at the State Secretary of State level) and at least one authenticated at the United States Department of State level copy of "your" Birth Certificate. These are private documents, not to be recorded.
2. Two notarized statements from Witnesses who know you, know your family, and have first hand knowledge that you are "the" person who was born to the parents and at the place and time shown as the actual birth day on the BC.
3. If possible, a "Lineage Treaty" showing that your family has been in this country since before the Civil War. This is just a simple recitation of your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, when and where they were born, when and where they got married, etc.
4. A Revocation of all Powers of Attorney effective the day of your birth. This wipes out your Mother's unwitting donation of your name to their fraud scheme and any applications that gave away General Powers of Attorney---prevents the Bar Attorneys from "representing" you and messing with the so-called "intermediary record" of your estate;