By Anna Von Reitz
This week in previous International Public Notices we have exposed and discussed numerous readily observable practices that reveal the extensive use of semantic deceit, personage, and fraudulent "mirroring" to steal the identity of the actual American Government and misrepresent it as an incorporated entity.
A few moments of sober consideration should satisfy anyone that an incorporated entity cannot function as a sovereign government. How would an incorporated entity be independent of its Incorporator?
Equally, logic should dictate that no sovereign government is eligible for public bankruptcy protection, which would require incorporation of said government and render it incompetent to act as a sovereign government. (See above.)
These two facts alone are sufficient to set aside any notion that our country is or ever was "bankrupt" and also any idea that our actual government has ever been incorporated.
What has been incorporated and repeatedly and deliberately bankrupted at our public expense is a look-alike, sound-alike set of foreign corporations, the United States, Inc. and the United States of America, Inc. operating variously as British Crown Corporations and as Roman Municipal CORPORATIONS, both acting as Federal Subcontractors exercising delegated powers.
If our Lawn Services provider is incorporated and goes bankrupt, does that imply that we have gone bankrupt?
No, and the only way that this has been made to appear otherwise, has been via the deliberate use of deceitfully similar names: the use of "the United States of America, Incorporated" to impersonate our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America, for example, or "the UNITED STATES, INC." to stand in "for" and impersonate The United States.
These deceits, substitutions, and impersonations have led to what can only be described as a double-sided national-level identity theft scheme.
For the benefit of all the lawyers in the room, we are going to cite California Government Code Section 100. California was enrolled as a State of the Union prior to the so-called Civil War, and like all the other States enrolled prior to this illegal Mercenary Conflict, it retains these inconvenient codified references that demonstrate the identity theft and usurpation and redefinition of "public" that occurred:
The sovereignty of the state resides in the people thereof, and all writs and processes shall issue in their name.(b)
The style of all process shall be "The People of the State of California," and all prosecutions shall be conducted in their name and by their authority.
Right about now, every Prosecutor in California is drawing a rapid, short breath, because no Prosecutor since about 1965 has ever prosecuted a case like this. Ever.
The courts they practice in haven't used writs for anything in over fifty years, and the "people" referenced in part (a) as the possessors of the sovereignty of the state, have been quietly made to disappear via foreign citizenship registrations misapplied to American babies under conditions of deceit and non-disclosure.
The British Territorial birth registration process has appeared to depopulate California of all the living people known as Californians and served to leave the sovereign state vacated -- or so it appears on paper.
As the living people (small "p") were unlawfully converted into British Territorial U.S. Citizens one by one and as their elders died off one by one, the land and soil of California was gradually vacated; as a result, there were no longer any sovereign people (on paper) left in possession of the sovereignty or the state.
So, while they admit that the sovereignty belongs to the "people", they were busily stealing the identity of the people and converting them into British Territorial "persons" instead.
Let's look at part (b) and look at it and read it very carefully to find the loophole expediting this gigantic constructive fraud:
"The style of all process shall be "The People of the State of California," and all prosecutions shall be conducted in their name and by their authority."
So, if everything were honest and hunky-dory in California, "all process" ---every single summons, warrant, charge, or claim entered by every Prosecutor in California, would name "The People of the State of California" as the Plaintiff, and we can self-evidently and easily affirm that this never appears on any process served in California.
Why not?
To be correct, such service would have to be rendered on behalf of "The People of California" instead; however, if there are no "people" anymore in California, there cannot be any "People" -- that is, the Lawful Persons of living people -- either.
Even if we were to indulge the idea that "The People of the State of California" refers to our employees, the foreign "citizenry" of the British Territorial entity doing business as "the State of California", they could still never bring suit in a Lawful Court, for lack of a Lawful Person.
It takes "people" to create "People".
"People" are the Lawful Persons of living people, and as we have seen, the undisclosed registration of babies in California had unlawfully converted almost all Californians into British Territorial U.S. Citizens, who are foreign Legal Persons by definition.
We now come to the crux of the matter which is the unlawful conversion of our people into the political status of foreign persons, the tandem unlawful conversion of our State Courts into foreign State-of-State Courts, the evasion of their Constitutional obligations by our public employees using this ruse, and the constructive fraud standing on the books as "California Government Code Section 100".
There are and can be no "People" of the British Territorial corporation doing business as "the State of California" and that is why nobody can remember any common court process, much less "all process" being brought in the name of "The People of the State of California".
This is more evidence of the gargantuan constructive fraud and unlawful conversion scheme --resulting in the identity theft of entire nations-- being perpetuated by our foreign Federal Subcontractors and the various corporations they have named after our countries, our governments, our political subunits, and our people.
What was the endgame of all this?
First, and most obviously, to convert and subject Americans to the status of British Territorial Subjects. Then, acting under those Legal Presumptions, to latch onto their personal assets, both public and private, and "disappear them" individually, one by one, from the ranks of the American States' population.
Eventually, all the Americans would appear to vanish from the public records and the Vermin could claim that this entire portion of the North American Continent had been abandoned. Not a single Wisconsinite, Virginian, or Californian in sight --- all trafficked "over the sea" by the respective Britannic Majesties involved in this criminal activity since 1925.
The Perpetrators could then make a Claim on Abandonment to literally own this country and leave the dazed American people mischaracterized as stateless paupers in their own country --- precisely the fate that Thomas Jefferson foretold if we ever relaxed our vigilance.
Thankfully, there were always some of us who did not relax our vigilance and who observed the lawfare being practiced against us by our erstwhile Federal Subcontractors, and so, by the same means that they sought to use against us, they have been brought to ruin themselves. Their fraud, violence, dishonor, criminality, breach of trust, violation of their service contracts, and lack of standing have been fully described and documented before the High Courts of the world.
We won. They lost. Thank God.
Unfortunately, there is some attendant chaos. We have the job of restoring and restructuring our government -- 160-plus years late, but doing it nonetheless.
Today, we had the duty to inform Judge Juan Merchan that the corporation he was working for and all its franchises are defunct; their assets now belong to us, and their debts are our credits.
This means that there is no corporate tribunal for Judge Merchan to operate against any franchise named after or derived from the estate of the American baby named Donald John Trump, nor any Municipal ESTATE of the same NAME, nor any derivative CORPORATION, like DONALD J TRUMP or TRUMP, DONALD J.
The same news is being conveyed to thousands of other corporate tribunals as we speak, impacting millions of Americans who have been mischaracterized as foreign citizens and railroaded in foreign courts under False Legal Presumptions.
There are no "Fourteenth Amendment citizens of the United States" just like there are no "People" of "the State of California".
The Municipal United States Government Corporations are under new management, and the British Territorial United States Government Corporations are next in line, as the Great Fraud is being unraveled step by step.
We have long ago (more than ten years) seized upon all Land Titles issued by the British Territorial United States Government. We will be rolling up all these deceptive "land descriptions" misapplied to purported "public trust" property and returning them to the lawful owners posthaste.
This reform is worldwide.
All the bogus "National Debts" are being cancelled.
A special note to the living people of China -- for the last several weeks and days you have been crying and in despair, watching a phony housing investment "bubble" collapse, fearful of attacks, fearing unemployment and starvation and other critical lacks, but your tears will be turned to laughter.
The people of China and Russia and all the other nations will be cared for and blessed and your culture and nation will be honored. No more war for profit. No more criminality. No more lies.
Let the people of the so-called United Kingdom rejoice. The end of over 300 years of larceny, fraud, and violence are at an end. No more will your young men perish in wars for ignoble ends, no more will your young women be spinsters whose young men died, misled and used as cheap mercenaries by these monsters.
And you, long-suffering people of the Middle East, rejoice, knowing that the day of your deliverance is dawning. Your scattered kinsmen will be coming home and home will be a safe place, a loved place, a beautiful place again. Abundant water will flow for you. Your animals will have rich pastures. Your orchards will not fail. Peace, not war, will be your inheritance.
We love you, living people of the Earth. We love all the plants and animals that Nature's God created. We hold you in our hearts and minds, so do not be afraid. A mighty shield stands over you, and all that's left is for everyone to wake up from this bad dream and get organized and work together.
We called this Notice "The End of the Deceit" to be polite; the end of the British attempt to establish Corporate Feudalism and usher in One World Government (theirs) using corporations, lawfare, and deceit to do so, deserves more pithy comments, but we are too grateful for and too humbled by the support that we have received from all the other nations and people throughout the world. Today is not a day for pithy comments.
Today is a day to give thanks.
Take a moment and breathe.
When what is true comes, what is false must pass away.
So it must be, and so it is.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
January 5th 2025
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