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Monday, July 16, 2018

Prisons For Profit Run by Foreigners

By Anna Von Reitz

25 million Americans are in jail tonight.
On a percentage basis, that is a wildly larger percentage of our population than any other major country on Earth.
The majority of these Americans are in jail for non-violent white collar crimes like kiting checks (----why don't they arrest the Federal Reserve for doing the same thing?), marijuana use, abuse of prescription drugs, alcoholism, mental and emotional illness, trespass, homelessness, vagrancy, and thought crimes.
Virtually all of these are "victimless" crimes.
And probably 95% of these people aren't actually federal territorial or municipal citizens. They aren't actually subject to statutory law or municipal legislation, but they have been kidnapped and solicited and human trafficked into the foreign jurisdictions, summoned, enticed, railroaded, and prosecuted under false legal presumptions ----for one reason: profit.
The vermin responsible make big bucks charging us thousands of dollars per month to keep each one of these people in jail. Six dollars for an aspirin.
Reminds me of the solid gold toilet seats the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE was requisitioning for certain generals a few years back.
For starters, these foreign courts make $25,000 per misdemeanor they bring in, and over a million for every felony, guaranteed. Some felonies fetch as much as $25 million per charge. Let's just say that these teams of privateers operating under color of law are "highly motivated" to arrest people on any pretext at all.
The only crime that prosecutors are supposed to address in our system are cases of murder or disability wherein the injured party literally cannot speak for themselves.
And it is well-established Federal Law that the "federated" State of State Courts should be following, too, that attorneys are not allowed to act as injured parties or give testimony concerning events and circumstance they have no direct first-hand knowledge of (see Trinsey v, Pagliaro).
So how is it that every day and in every one of these courts in America, attorneys are acting as injured parties, being allowed to enter testimony as witnesses to events they never saw or heard, and otherwise trample on any standard of evidence and Due Process?

House Joint Resolution 192 and Congressional "Intent"

By Anna Von Reitz

I have been asked to comment on HJR 192 and the whole subject of Congressional Intent.

A "Joint Resolution" is like a New Year's Resolution. It has no force of law, but it does clearly express the intent of a Congressional Body.

Which "Congressional Body" is expressing their intent in HJR 192?

It's the Territorial United States Congress acting in the wake of FDR declaring "the" United States of America, Inc. insolvent.
And they are attempting to meet their obligations owed under the Hague Conventions by saying, oh, yes, if anyone wants to, they can reclaim their "reversionary trust interest" in the actual United States as remedy for us taking title to their assets and using their assets as collateral backing our debts.

What they are doing is -- to put it bluntly -- expressing their intention to provide remedy and thereby legalize their crime. The rats had to provide remedy in the form of an escape clause or go to jail and have no ability to enforce their false claims.

This is how they claimed (and continue to claim) that we are all paying federal income taxes voluntarily, and paying off their mortgages taken against our property voluntarily, and licensing our right to travel voluntarily, and subjecting ourselves to their statutory codes and rules voluntarily ---- when we all know that none of this has ever been fully disclosed to the American People, is unconscionable, non-consensual, and enforced under color of law.

But it was, and it still is, and it is only now --- twenty years after the 1933 Bankruptcy settled --- that people are waking up and beginning to realize that: (1) HJR 192 exists and (2) why it exists and (3) what to do in response to the circumstance.

What is perhaps more important is that people are beginning to wonder--- WTH? Why is the Territorial Government in charge here, as if we were all a bunch of Puerto Ricans?

Page 2: False Claims by World Bank and IMF

By Anna Von Reitz

I gave you the first part of Ms. Hudes' explanation to Japanese officials alleging that the Secondary Creditors (World Bank and IMF) had superior claims to control our country, our land, and our assets than we do, as the Priority Creditors and Donors of all Delegated Powers.  

And now, as Paul Harvey would say, page 2 of her Letter to LTC Okubo dated October 31, 2016...... in which she alleges that General Dunford was engaged in "treasonous and corrupt activity" and an "attempt to steal the world's monetary gold reserves".

Quote Hudes -- "The Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF have authorized me to exercise the voice and vote of the United States of America during this interregnum in the legitimate government of the United States until the Constitution of 1789 goes back into effect under an Article V Convention." 

Point of information --- it's the Constitution of 1787 that counts.  And beyond that, no delegated power holder is greater than the donor of that power, which in this case is The United States of America [Unincorporated] and our member States: Wisconsin, Iowa, Maine, Florida, et alia. 

Second point of information --- nobody died and left the "Board of Governors" of the World Bank and IMF parties responsible for our "Federal" Government or for us.