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Tuesday, March 12, 2024

International Public Notice: Take This to Heart

 By Anna Von Reitz

THEY have made you believe that their patented poisons are medicine. 

THEY have taught you that law meant for their corporations is your law. 

THEY have given you their indoctrination and called it education. 

THEY have promoted their useless propaganda as news. 

THEY have told you that everyone who knows better is your enemy. 

So who are THEY?  For-profit foreign corporations in the business of providing government services. 

Now they are trying to argue that the etymology of the word "government" from Old French is incorrect and doesn't reduce down to this:

Govern (Old French) = to direct,  plus Mentis (Latin) = mind,  doesn't add up to "mind control".  But you can see for yourself that it does. 

And always has. 

Any doubts?  Consider the BBC motto: "Listen and obey." 

Whether in church or in government, if they could control your mind, they could control you and direct what you do, for good or evil. 

Thus they actively seek to control your thoughts, your attention, and the information you have access to. 

If they can control these three things-- thoughts, attention, and information, they can control your emotions and your actions, too.  

Recently, they have secretly injected nanotech antenna arrays into the human body, already encoded with undisclosed MAC addresses, turning us into so many "electronic devices".  

Their intention?  To direct broadcast their ideas and beliefs and objections into our minds, in a way that is indistinguishable from our own thoughts. 

It's just the latest government technology being deployed to enslave you and invade your privacy.

Oh, and did we mention?  It gives them an easy way to interfere with your body's internal electrical circuitry and kill you. 

Everyone who has been vaccinated has been harmed, except for a small "control" group that received saline injections. 

There is strong evidence that all vaccines are harmful and always were. 

There is strong evidence that "polio" was caused by the use of a neurotoxin as a pesticide and that the polio vaccine was the cover story to avoid liability on the part of the manufacturers of the pesticide --- while selling another new useless and potentially dangerous product to the gullible public.   
The recent reappearance of Phosgene Gas, another industrial poison in autopsies worldwide, suggests more grotesque wrong-doing by the governments and their defense contractors. 

DARPA needs to be liquidated now, so does MICROSOFT, so does DOD, so does UN CORP, so does ALPHABET and MINDBOX and PFIZER and MODERNA, JOHNSON AND JOHNSON, ASTRAZENECA, SERCO,  and a whole bunch of noxious private trusts dedicated to bad ideas -- notably, the Wellcome Trust and the Pirbright Institute. 


See this article and over 4700 others on Anna's website here:

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Fluoride is a Poison.

 By Anna Von Reitz

It causes yellowing of the teeth. 
It causes low IQ.
It causes sterility, adrenal failure, immune system failure.... 

It has been outlawed in Europe for decades. 

So why is it still "legal" and being done to the public --- at public expense --- in America? 

Why was it ever added to our drinking water? 

The cover story is that Fluoride saves your teeth. 

The backstory is that the Aluminum Industry was going broke to responsibly dispose of the Fluoride that is a poisonous by-product of Aluminum manufacturing.  

So, the "government" corporations that own the Aluminum manufacturing sector as a National Security Investment (aircraft need aluminum) found this one aforementioned benefit of Fluoride ingestion and sold it heavily to the licensed dentists who are under their thumb anyway, told this partial truth to the public, and that is how they turned the cost of responsibly disposing of a noxious industrial by-product into a saleable commodity and profit-maker for the Aluminum manufacturers and the foreign "government" investors.  

This was done to us, without our consent, at our expense, literally and health-wise, too. 

Yes, Fluoride does kill the bacteria that cause dental caries; so does chewing a couple whole cloves a day.   Unlike the cloves, which selectively kill bad bacteria and parasites, Fluoride kills a lot of other things and poisons our whole system. 

It's like telling you, "Eat this apple, it won't kill you."  

Not right away.  

"Drink this fluoridated water, it'll help preserve your teeth." 

It will also preserve you--- like a fish in vinegar. 

Now we have a wonderful new resource available to medical professionals and consumers of medical services -- a huge database crunching service that 
gives you the actual research and facts about Fluoride and a gazillion other health topics.  

Use it to "fully inform" your public servants about the very dangerous downsides of fluoridated and chlorinated water, but first, fully educate yourself and your neighbors and family members.  

As always the Truth will be uncomfortable, and you won't want to believe that "your government" did this to you and your family for decades, but as you read research paper after research paper it will dawn on you that, yes, they did knowingly put poison in our drinking water.  

And yes, they did it to increase the profitability of Aluminum manufacturing. 

Their bottom line meant more than your health and it still does -- to them.  

You have to ask yourself -- what matters more to you? 


See this article and over 4700 others on Anna's website here:

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