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Monday, September 16, 2024

A Go Figure Quote from RFK, Jr. and Comment on "Military Gesara"

 By Anna Von Reitz

"The vaccine companies are making $60 Billion a year selling  mandatory vaccines.....They are also making $500 Billion a year selling epi pens, inhalers, anti-seizure medications, diabetes and arthritis meds, etc.  Virtually all the medications they sell are targeted to treat diseases that are listed as side effects of the vaccines on their own manufacturer's inserts.  It's the perfect business model.  They make us all sick and create lifetime customers."  --- RFK, Jr. 

The same logic applies to the Covid Injections which served many purposes: (1) create a new class of humans called "transhumans" who would have no "human rights" or natural rights at all, but would be owned by the mRNA patent holders --- DARPA, which would be able to sell the victims as slaves, use them as lab rats, and dispose of them as property however this evil agency might wish; (2) create a silent surveillance interface to track everything about everyone who took the shot -- their exact location, their biometric markers, their emotions, and to some extent, their thoughts, creating the ultimate invasion of privacy; (3) a cocktail of poisons, nanobots, and harmful drugs calculated to greatly increase customer traffic at hospitals and clinics over the next seven to ten years, and gradually kill two-thirds of our population; (4) invite all sorts of new immigrants to serve as "Americans" and give them the shots as they cross the border so that they also die within seven to ten years and leave their "estates" to the guilty mercenary corporations masquerading as our government. 

Migrants not born on our land and soil could inherit estates, but never come back on the Perps and claim back their reversionary trust interest in the land and soil, because they had no trust interest to begin with.  The Migrants now swarming our Southern Border are thus rendered mere  "vehicles" to transmit American wealth to the Perpetrators, don't know they are being lured here, and don't know they are being injected with slow-motion-poisons and pollutants that will kill them within seven to ten years. 

As an extra "bonus" their suffering and death will provide additional health and disease data and make sure that the for profit medical and pharmaceutical industries remain highly profitable for the next ten years.  

Want a good investment tip?  Invest in body bag and coffin manufacturers, crematoriums, cemeteries, mortuaries, and anything else associated with death and burial services. New medical tech and patient services, snake oil, miracle cures and unheard of therapies will also be safe bets, especially aimed at the Baby Boomers for the next five years. 

"Clearing out the Baby Boomers" just makes economic sense for the mercenary corporations -- Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street, etc., because the "useful part of their life cycle is completed" and in the view of these cretins, the elderly have "no socially redeeming purpose or value" and represent a drain on resources that could be "better spent on concentrated wellness services for youth and prolonging the lives of tech savvy middle aged individuals".  


So, there you have it.  The Plan is to hasten the death and misery of retirees and fast forward the geriatric population off stage, while milking every possible dollar and resource they have to spend on medical care, drugs, and therapies.  Again, a nice simple business model.  Contain and limit end-of-life expenses owed by the corporations to pensioners, poor-mouth and cut Social Security and Medicare Services while at the same time, profiting the for-profit medical and pharmaceutical industries. 

We've seen it and we know it, and so do all of you.  

As for this new concept called "Military GESARA" --- the whole NESARA effort was started by one good man, a retired General named Roy Schwasinger.  He fought the Vermin all the way to the Supreme Court only to be told that the Court could grant no relief, because the banks and the government corporations he sued for redress were all bankrupt.  

The next idea was NESARA -- the idea that Congress could voluntarily provide the victims with remedy via legislation as an out-of-court settlement with the ranchers and farmers that had been harmed and entrapped by phony mortgages and "loans" and who were claimants in the Farm Union Cases.  

The NESARA proposal was laughed out of the Beltway, and so was the lone Congressman courageous enough to propose such a "novel idea". 

These banks and corporations have been bankrupt by definition for decades and can remain in various states of bankruptcy forever, because all the Perps have to do is keep on transferring assets and dreaming up new names for new corporations. They can boot up new corporations in less than fifteen minutes, reassign assets, and go right on skating --- which will be their escape plan and answer to all questions and claims forevermore if they are allowed to continue doing this. 

In the words of one smart aleck working for the Treasury Department ----  "Oh, dear, we are bankrupt again, and all our expenses are just going to result in more Public Debt, and BTW, you are the "public" paying for this, so you are better off not petting the skunk."  

Skunks, indeed. Raccoons, possums, long-tailed rats.... 

In a sense, then, simply because the brave men who put up the fight in the Farm Union Cases were former military officers, NESARA has always been a "military" cause and issue.  

We were not surprised by reports that a Delta Team held Bill Clinton hostage and forced him to sign NESARA into law just prior to the 2000 bankruptcy.  No doubt Slick Willie was happy to do it.  He knew that within hours yet another "federal corporation" bankruptcy would take effect and the paper he signed would be useless both because it was signed under duress and because the "law" he signed would be attached to a defunct corporation--- sort of like tying a row boat to a Super Tanker that is being scuttled on the High Seas. 

Thanks, Delta Force; your hearts were in the right place, but you had a lot to learn about law and just how slippery William Jefferson Clinton really was.  

"That man would put a greased pig to shame. He was slicker than a castor oil compress on a banana peel."  

In the years since then NESARA has been a celebrated cause among our Faithful Defenders in all branches of the Service; perhaps because it was an issue near and dear to them as  Americans --- one that touched their hearts and their homes. General Roy's  courageous and righteous action continued to inspire new generations, and the smug way the little snot-nosed legal pricks evaded justice and threw their debts on the victims, continued to rankle and fester.  

Yes, NESARA and now, on a much broader scale, GESARA, has always been a Military Issue, and it's one that has to be a Military Issue, because there is literally no other recourse.  

The courts have failed us, the Law has failed us, the banks have failed us, the corporations have failed us, and the Congress has failed us --- every single institution that should have protected and defended the American people from these Euro Trash Swindlers has fallen through, every avenue that should have provided remedy and justice has been two-blocked. 

We are left wondering what the proper penalty should be for impersonating an actual United States Congressman?  Or an American Justice? Or an American President?

Our Armed Services may be reduced to function as cheap mercenaries, but at least they remember who hired them, and when the chips are down, it is possible that the military will remember their actual job and see justice done. It's possible.

No doubt the vast majority of the original claimants in the Farm Union Cases are dead and gone, along with their farms and ranches, swept away by the all-devouring bank and securities fraud that has stripped this country and its people bare for the past hundred years and more.

To hear the Brits tell it, you'd think we were all involved in and all lost the so-called American Civil War, but then, to hear them tell it, they single-handedly won both World Wars.  

General Roy died many years ago.  My Mother died in 2016. Just about everyone but Willie Nelson and the Farm Aid boys have joined the Angels and gone to greener pastures.  And me, a young kid back then, a mostly-silent Witness who is now an old woman, I am still here and still waiting to see justice done in America. 

People keep calling me and saying, only a few more days, only a few more days.... and I keep saying, I've been waiting fifty years. 

That's a long time to wait for popcorn. 

People keep sending me Hopium messages and long lists of actors and politicians who have purportedly been tried and either executed or left to serve out life in prison for their crimes against humanity.  I read the lists and shrug. Maybe so. Maybe not. 

I am admittedly jaundiced and jaded.

I wonder inane things late at night, like, what did Demi Moore have to do with the price of beans in China?  Why would anyone bother to kill her or Ellen Degenerate?  Or a Wonder Dweeb like Ben Afleck? 

We are left to suppose that they knowingly drank adrenochrome, participated in pedo parties, ritual "sacrifices", and all the filthy blackmail scenes deemed necessary to make it in Hollywood. Being an accomplice to murder can still count as a capital crime, but not treason.  How does any of that add up to treason? 

It's other actors that come to mind --- foreign actors, undeclared foreign agents, imposters and impersonators, people who have sat in our courthouses and our capitol buildings, actors who have worn black robes and pretended to be our judges, actors who have terrorized and robbed us under color of law while wearing state-of-state uniforms, actors who have stolen our identities, hacked our credit, forced us to pay their taxes and mortgages, evicted us from our homes, illegally confiscated our assets, and purloined our credit. 

They turned buying a home into a future lease purchase agreement.  They unlawfully converted our native political status and illegally subjected us to foreign law and foreign citizenship obligations.  They acted as privateers and rampaged all over this country, extorting goods and services in inequitable exchange for I.O.U.s while pretending to be our public officials.  

We could go on and on and on. 

These, in my mind, are the actors who committed treason. 


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here:

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What Christians Don't Know

 By Anna Von Reitz

Nothing among all the many shocks that have come my way through a long life of observation can compare with my own original ignorance about the Christian Church and Christianity in general, despite (for many years) being a card-carrying Lutheran, a Protestant, to the extent that Protestants exist and still object to the venal finagling that too often accompanies the secular administration of the Roman Catholic Church. 

I attended Church and Sunday School and Confirmation Classes in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Black River Falls, Wisconsin, from the age of 7 until I left for college.  Even at college, I attended the Norwegian Lutheran Church on campus and later was a regular member of the Lutheran Church in Juneau, Alaska.  

Like most people, I enjoyed the music and camaraderie, accepted what I was told, loved the teachings of Yahshua, and pretty much went along for the ride.  It wasn't until later and darker times when I stopped and looked around a bit closer at what was going on in those Church services and sacraments, that I got the familiar "nose twitch" and prickle up the back of my spine. 

The first thing that jutted out was that the Church was engaged in celebrating its own version of pagan holidays and I was left to wonder what magically changed pagan holidays into Christian holidays?  Did we just sandpaper-off the orgies and change the names of things, like a corporation rebranding a product? 

This was rather troubling, as was the leering red-cheeked, red-nosed "elf" in the ridiculous red and white suit, known as Santa Claus.  If you just step back, he's a dead ringer for any common drunk up to no good on a Saturday night, only dressed up in a weird costume. Why? What was that all about?  It could hardly escape my notice that "Santa" can be rearranged to render "Satan Claus" --- or, to put it straight, "Satan Claws".  More nose-twitching and skin prickling. 

Certainly the enforced commercial gluttony surrounding December 25th has more to do about sustaining merchants through the winter than it does about love made manifest in this world. 

There was little doubt in my mind that the lies people tell their children about Santa Claus break down a child's natural trust in their parents -- and that lies, even lies told in jest, or to promote a belief in miracles -- are to be avoided like the plague.  The real miracles of life are with us day to day, right in front of our faces, and don't come out of boxes arrayed around dead trees tatted up for some unimaginable purpose.  

Think about it.  We kill the tree. We stick it in water like a bouquet. We string lights around it, hang baubles from every branch, festoon it with ropes of beads and garlands of tinsel --- we take God's creation and think we make it better and more beautiful by doing this?  Or do we just cheapen it and make it glitter and forget that it was alive and that we killed it?  

Always, it is the same sin.  We kill what we cannot give life to.  Always, we have no right to do so. 

A Third Party looking at this Christmas tradition from the outside would think we had all lost our minds, and I would be forced to agree with them, as my own misgivings took deeper roots and more unanswerable questions came to mind.  

Like the name "Jesus" which is a literal way of saying, "I Zeus" ---just like  "Me, Tarzan; you, Jane."   

We are worshiping Zeus?  Who knew? But wait, "Jesus" said we weren't supposed to worship him at all, but rather to worship the Father who sent him.  So, none of this makes sense. 

There's a pagan underlayment, like the edge of a petticoat showing. 

Christians certainly aren't supposed to be worshiping the gods of the old Greek pantheon, but there you have it: "I Zeus" is the meaning of "Jesus". 

I am shaking my head.  I am studying the stubborn, seedy, superstitious character named Martin Luther.  Well, he had a point, in fact, he had ninety-five good points against the Roman Catholic Church administration, all neatly organized and nailed to the door of the local cathedral like a Bailiff's Eviction Notice. 

Then one day as I was mindlessly repeating The Apostle's Creed, it occurred to me -- like a thunderbolt --- hey, this is an Oath. And we are not supposed to take oaths!  "Let your yes be yes and your no be no."  Once again, the sickening twitch of the nostrils as if smelling dead fish.  Once again, the prickle of cold up the spine. 

The next thought was worse: "It's not just an Oath, it's a Blood Oath!"  Oh, the stomach churning confusion and the quick stumble away from the Communion rail!  But isn't it obvious?  Wasn't it always obvious?  

You recite, en masse, that dreary recap of all Christian dogma known as The Apostle's Creed, then you kneel down and "drink the blood" and "eat the body" of Christ, in a cannibalistic rite, seemingly binding "him" inside of you and you inside of "him". 

But then, is this anything more spiritual or meaningful than eating a potato?  Do I become a cow by eating a cow?  Do I believe in the cannibalistic doctrine that we become what we eat?  Do I become my enemy by eating his brain? 

Do I, even for a moment, believe the Doctrine of Transubstantiation, which teaches Catholics that the Communion wine magically transforms into the blood of Jesus in the Communion cup?  

We could make communion with Yashua much more meaningful, if every time we ate bread or drank wine, we stopped and blessed it and thought of Yashua and his teachings --- but that isn't what we do.  That isn't what the Church teaches us to do. 

The Church teaches us that Communion is necessary for salvation and that only they can grant the solace of Communion.  

But is that true?  Or can you commune in your heart with God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, all at once, in the quiet of your closet or your prison cell?  What does the Bible actually say? Go into your private place and seek your God and you will find him. 

That's what it actually translates as -- "your private place" -- and what do you think that means?  Your "closet" as King James has it, or the chamber of your heart?  

By this point in my long journey away from conventional Christianity I became highly motivated to dig out the truth, and some of the truth was downright frightening.  

Did you know that the modern Roman Catholic Church derives directly from the Church that was established by Simon Magus, and which became very popular in Galilee during the first and second centuries BCE -- taking over the local synagogues and preaching the Gospel, albeit, with Yashua portrayed as golden-haired Zeus?  And the Bishops running prostitution rackets on the side to fill the communal coffers?  

The ruins of these churches are all over northern Israel and Lebanon, plain to see to this day.  

Did you know that King James I, the sponsor of the King James Bible translation, wrote a book on Demonology, seeking to prove to Christians that demons exist and can be summoned by arcane spellwork?  He should know.  Elizabeth I's chief counselor, Dr. John Dee, was intimately acquainted with the Enochian calls used to summon demons.  It was no big secret to James I and members of his family. 

James I also made no excuses for his translation of the Bible, and the more than 20,000 changes made from the Vulgate and the Geneva Bible, both, to give his Bible a decided slant in favor of obeying Caesar instead of God, taking Oaths, and dabbling with magic arts.

There is a reason that the King James Bible is termed "the Bible of the Sea" and the Geneva Bible is officially the Bible of the Land.  Despite the towering beauty of the language of the KJV, the meaning is often twisted, like the sweet words of a faithless lover. 

There is a reason that the actual United States Congress chose the Geneva Bible as their official Bible and Bouvier's Law Dictionary as their official law dictionary; there is also a reason that the British Territorial U.S. Congress chose the KJV and used Black's Law Dictionary instead. 

The land is immutable, substantive, manifest in truth; the sea is changeable as wind, fluid, and veiled in suppositions about what lays under the waves. 

And all of this makes sense and hangs together as a common fabric, once you observe it, and the unstated logic of it takes hold. 

So when I talk about the Blood Oath, I am talking about Christian Communion and The Apostle's Creed, and calling them for what they are.  

When I described myself as the "left hand of Amenhotep" I was speaking to Cardinal George as an equal, as one well-versed in the Law and drawing attention to the fact that Monotheism was birthed in Egypt, not Hebrew tradition, and came to the Sons of Jacob through Joseph who married the daughter of the High Priest, Potipher.

Women are the "left hand" of the "body of God" and men are the "right hand" in this unknown, untaught, but still accepted and acted upon Christian theology.   This is also the source of the "right hand" and "left hand" paths of ritual magic. 

Just like the Roman Catholic belief in reincarnation, it's accepted, but never taught.  The Doctrine of the Godhead embodying both male and female is also acted upon but never taught. It is the primary basis for the all-male priesthood, but then, the hypocrites fail to follow through and give the women their rightful role as caretakers and nurturers and arbiters ---Fiduciaries--- of the material world.  

Instead, these men try to second-guess God and keep all power and authority centered in themselves, refusing to honor the role of women, and making a dreadful mess of things when they try to substitute their mental gyrations for the wisdom of the heart. 

I was, at once, bringing the Cardinal's attention to the fraud and the lies and the financial wrong-doing so explicit and self-evident in the Church's misadministration of the Municipal United States Government --- and calling him out on the even greater misadministration caused by the failure to honor the God-given role of women. 

I was reminding Cardinal George about this particular hypocrisy within the Roman Catholic Church leadership, and making my demand to be recognized as the true and rightful Fiduciary for all things material.  I am the Mother.  I am the Primal Creator's instrumentality in this world.  What right does any man have to say otherwise? I am made manifest.  I am here, in the truth and glory of my wisdom, as mandated by the True God.  

In Roman Catholic dogma, inherited from the Egyptians, the "body of God" is the Church incarnate, and women are supposed to be the Fiduciaries responsible for caring for and nurturing the material body of the church and the world, while men are supposed to be the leaders in the realm of spirituality and reason.

Until this is honored, everything will be upside down and inside out, just as it is now, with doctors promoting disease to make profit, and lawyers promoting conflicts to make money, and servants stealing the place of their masters, educators dumbing-down their students, children disrespecting their parents, parents parasitizing their children, honorable soldiers turned into mercenaries, and an entire world gone mad, all because the Roman Catholic priesthood is stuffed on itself and in rebellion against the Natural Order of God --- which they have cause to know. 

Most people are never taught the rightful roles and importance of men and women, but those priests who rise to the rank of Cardinal have cause to know, so yes, I shoved it straight up Cardinal George's unrepentant rectum.  And would do so again, if I thought it would serve the halcyon purpose of recalling the proper role of women into the collective consciousness of the western world. 

There is also no recognition in Catholic doctrine of any other Church. They are all Catholic and part of the Universal Church.  

And this view is given actual teeth, given the fact that all the Protestant Churches have succumbed to a 40/60 shared ownership interest in all the souls baptized "in the name of Jesus".  

By now, you are wondering, right along with me, what "Christ" is and what it means?   

Christ means "the anointed one" -- but it is physically identified as the golden oil that bathes the spinal cord, and enables the miracle of individual consciousness and the cyclical regeneration ("resurrection") that is accomplished each lunar cycle.  We are each anointed by "the Christ" every month of our lives. We are all anointed ones. 

This is knowledge that comes to us from the Ancient Hindus, and like the wisdom of the Egyptians, was passed on to us --in part-- by the Christian Church, but also obscured and hidden by the same Church, which IMHO, has been doing more to obscure the wisdom of prior ages than teach it.  

It has only been by the most extreme, dangerous, and arduous effort that I have gained my knowledge of these and other arcane topics that shed light on the current condition of the Earth and our man-made world as well.  In my own great-grandmotherly way, I have been forced to become Indiana Jones, so please, folks, don't imagine that you know what I know or that you are even supposed to know what I know.  Quite the contrary.  You were never meant to know one tenth of what I have taught you and which I continue to teach you. 

All the legions of demons and all the magicians in the High Courts cannot stop one word of what I teach you for your own good. 

Don't have faith in any Church made by men, nor any Government made by men, either.   Have faith in the true communion that you have with your Maker and with the Earth, and in the true words of love that have been --- at great cost --- brought home to you. 



See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: Red Alert -- Fraud in Motion

 By Anna Von Reitz

Today, September the 15th 2024, is an important date for the international banksters.  It's the day that they think they can sew everything up and claim to own an "abandoned" world.  

Our words and our bodies and our blood and all the records pertaining to this gross Breach of Trust, Fraud, and Breach of Contract will stand against them and every lie they promote and popularize via the additional criminal misuse of our public broadcasting systems.  

Our land and soil jurisdiction is not abandoned and it does not belong to any corporations now or in the past. 

It belongs to us, to our living selves, and no other entity, being, or creation in the Universe has any greater or longer standing or more compelling claim to our physical and material assets than we do, as the living and breathing inheritors.  

Probate is a funny thing.  Like fraud, probate has no statute of limitations attached to it.  The heirs of an estate can always return and claim it, as we have done.  And estates themselves are funny things, in that they don't require any majority interest. 

There may be 320 million Americans who are eligible inheritors of their birthright estates, but it only requires two (2) from each State of the Union to stand up and claim their State.  We have far surpassed that meager representation of our living population and more people come home to the land and soil jurisdiction every day. 

Thanks to the mobilization of our international recording process, virtually all other countries on this planet have re-established their land and soil jurisdiction and produced at least two members of the population having the lawful standing to preserve their national heritage and traditional governments.  

In our earlier transmission today, we exposed the deep rot that has infested the world for the past 300 years, and covered the highlights of how the Great Fraud was implemented in Breach of Trust and Violation of Contract, using impersonation, identity theft, bank and securities fraud, credit fraud, racketeering under color of law, and other known means to promote a foreign -- and crooked -- banking system known in prior centuries as the Phoenician Bank System. 

What it boils down to is that privately owned gold, land, and other physical assets have been "borrowed" by the Perpetrators once they exhausted their resources by investing in wars for profit, and now, they don't want to pay their debts. 

In some sense, they can't pay their debts, as these debts have been purposefully inflated and supplemented by dishonest bookkeeping, so as to be insurmountable. 

Privately owned gold and silver and other physical assets were loaned out to 63 central banks administered by the Bank for International Settlements.  The member banks in the central bank system used these physical assets to generate credit under the so-called "fractional reserve banking" scheme, which allowed them to issue seven to ten times more credit than the total value of the assets on hand.  

This is exactly like kiting a check and hoping that new payments coming in will cover the arrears in time to prevent an overdraft. 

But it's actually worse and more criminal than kiting a check, because the credit they are lending in this fashion doesn't even belong to them.  It belongs to the physical asset owners, whose assets are generating the credit in the first place. 

All of these banks are bankrupt by definition and have been bankrupt for decades, yet they have been allowed to continue to operate under these conditions and to benefit from successive "public" bankruptcies, even now, after the actual living owners have returned home and caught them at it. 

There can be no excuse.  Not fire from the sky, not reptiles underneath, not any aberration of the weather caused this; pure unadulterated ego and self-service and criminality has caused this. 

These banks owe the physical asset owners an honest accounting of the assets themselves and the credit assets generated, and this is no news to them.  These banks have been using these private assets and quietly disrespecting and abusing the actual owners of the assets they depend upon to conduct business since the 1940's. 

These same banks have abused these private assets on loan to them to raise their own armies and to pay mercenaries and develop vast warfare capabilities -- all in pursuit of never having to render a reasonable accounting of their "services".  

They are using other people's money to do this and putting other people at mortal risk for their own benefit, which is more than enough reason for us, the actual Preferential Creditors and Shareholders, to shut them down and demand the forfeiture of their charters and facilities, and the return of all our assets and credit to our own management and use. 

Not some other Third Party Middleman horning in on this situation and using our credit to fund their operations. 

We have foreclosed and we have built our own financial system from the bottom up.  

Our chosen bank system is Bilateral, allowing it to function in both International Trade and Commerce; It is clean and based on carriage accounting and is tracked using absolute block chain transactions that go directly from vendor to customer without undue interference or private surveillance of business transactions, gifts, and other interactions that people normally engage in. 

With more than 350 million members globally, we are fully funded and engaged in peaceful non-discriminatory self-help and long term community organizing for a far better future.  The Perpetrators of this "Other" System are welcome to turn tail on it, be done with the evil it represents, and join us ---- or be recognized as willful criminals. 

Our actual American Government is at peace, minds its own business, and does not promote war for profit.  We realize that this may be Big News to the rest of the world, as we have been misrepresented and manipulated for decades by foreign Federal Subcontractors, who have usurped far beyond any authorized powers vouchsafed to them, and surreptitiously embarked on a dark and hidden agenda of war-profiteering abroad and racketeering under color of law within our borders. 

The Perpetrators of this humongous National Identity and Credit Theft Fraud are presently holed up together and prodding NATO to attack Russia by proxy, using the Zelensky puppet regime in Ukraine to do the actual dirty work.  The people responsible for this situation and the banks responsible for extending our credit against our wishes in support of these and other activities that are antithetical to continued life on this planet, must be stopped by all means and at all costs. 

Any military leader who continues to promote war with Russia or any other country is to be arrested as a threat to our national security. 

Any banker who extends a penny of credit derived from this country or our people in support of these Interlopers is a criminal by definition and must be removed.  

Any politician promoting war of any kind, including any "Mercenary Conflict" is to be removed and tried for treason.  The only form of expenditure authorized by the American Government is for the direct and actual defense of this country, a fact that stands upon the Public Record preserved as both The Constitution of the United States of America and The Constitution of the United States. 

These same Perpetrators have knowingly and with malice aforethought polluted the genome of mankind and condemned two-thirds of our population to death within seven to ten years of receiving these "experimental" injections under the False Pretense that these were vaccinations against diseases that the injections themselves cause.  

This genocide is in itself more than ample demonstration of the reckless, demonic, and even insane character of those now engaged in trying to back-pedal and find excuses for themselves and their rapacious, uncaring, and inhumane behavior toward this country and every other country they have illegally occupied under False Pretenses. 

It's time for all the "empires" built on fraud and inland piracy and corporate feudalism to collapse and never be reborn --- and equally, it is time for a new system from completely different service providers to be born.  

We are done with carrot and stick politics and good-cop v bad-cop. Done with Hollywood. Done with polarization based on race, religion, politics, nationality, or anything else. 

BRICS might be just another brand name for the same old evil for all we know --- we note that Great Britain joined and was allowed to join, which is not a good sign in view of the British complicity in all the foregoing crimes including crimes against humanity; so, while we can't and won't form a judgment of BRICS at this point, we can only be sure that our own Bilateral Prosperity System and the Global Family Bank Charters we have issued are totally purged  and clean and ready to serve the needs of 8 billion people.  

To that end, we have opened the door for everyone to come home to the land and soil jurisdiction of their native countries, leave behind the criminality and strife, and discover the prosperity and abundance that are part of their natural heritage.  The international Land Recording and Publishing System (LRPS) is at the service of everyone worldwide.  Go to: and look for the Land Recording and Publishing System link. 

You are not a thing.  Not a corporation.  Not a hue-man.  Not a trans-hue-man, either.  You are a living breathing unique man or woman and this is your time to rise and shine.  

We cannot stop the criminals from being criminals, but we can hold ourselves to higher standards.  

We cannot fix evil.  Evil is what it is.  We can't change it, but we can leave it behind.  

We cannot stop them from telling us humongous lies, but we can stop listening to them and believing them.  

We can't stop them from claiming authority over us, but we can boycott their authority and shrug it off. 

The Perpetrators are doing their best to create chaos and confusion and are driving people hither and thither like herds of sheep or cattle, creating and promoting mass exodus on one hand, and creating massive refugee problems on the other.  

All this forced homogenization isn't working, but they don't care. 

They are making money hand over fist by creating new American franchises for themselves, but at the same time, they are vaccinating all these new Americans as they come over the border --- which means they will all die in seven to ten years and leave their estates behind.  The Perpetrators, these evil banks, will stand ready to seize their estates as Creditors. 

The immigration crisis is just a rewrite of the same old fraud scheme---- create bogus corporation franchises, seize the assets and labor value of the people impersonated, copyright their names, have them declared legally dead --- or otherwise ensure that actual outcome, seize upon their "abandoned" estates.....yada, yada, yada.   

Evil doesn't end on its own.  We have to choose. 

All these immigrants are being lured to their deaths and lied to, just as we were all lied to about the injections.  Evil self-perpetuates via self-interested lies and "legalization" of crimes. It lies in wait for the moment our tongues tell a lie, the moment we are distracted from the goal, the moment we are blind to our own humanity. 

So dust off your feet and leave evil behind, now, for good, forever. 

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

September 15th 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: The Phoenician Bank System

 By Anna Von Reitz

Long prior to the Dutch East India Fleet, and the Templars, the Phoenicians similarly rose to power and vanished overnight.  

We remember asking about this mysterious nation that vanished, except in name, and the hand-waving we received from our school teachers, who described the Phoenicians as a "lost" civilization that once thrived in and around Portugal.  

Just like the Ten "Lost" Tribes of Israel, the Phoenicians rose and became a powerful force, and then vanished without a trace.  This is a leitmotif that goes much further back in history and spans the globe, yet all these frequent disappearances are as phony as the rest of the narrative and can be accounted for in straight forward ways.  

The Phoenicians never disappeared, neither did the Dutch East India Company, nor the Templars.  The Trojans are still with us.  It only takes ears to hear and eyes to see.

The Phoenicians impersonated themselves as Portuguese, the Dutch East India Company became the British East India Company, the Templars became the Freemasons, the Trojans became the Romans.... and so it goes.  The crookedness is uncovered, and the evils suppressed, only to pop back up in another form, often after a long period of time during which the particular perversions have been spreading underground like a mushroom mycelium.  

The most recent flare up of this pernicious malady has, once again, involved the Phoenician Banking System, which had its start in Babylon where the idolatry of money and concepts of interest and usury got their start.    

Let's say from the beginning that there is no very good reason for usury -- that is, the practice of charging extra money as profit or reward for making a loan, in addition to the repayment of the loan itself.   

The excuse is that interest payments make up for the opportunity cost that the Lender suffers from deploying his money for the sake of another for a period of time, but there are plenty of examples both ancient and modern where usury was not a part of banking.  It was once far more common for people to simply lend each other resources and return them as a personal favor, like brothers borrowing each other's bicycles. 

The Hebrews, for example, were specifically forbidden from charging interest on loans made to other Hebrews; they could only charge interest on loans made to Gentiles.  Christians were also forbidden from practicing usury and charging interest on loans to anyone -- a prohibition imposed on Christian Monarchs until the Renaissance saw the renewal of the practice of usury, primarily in Italy, but later extending wherever ships could sail.  

Soon, every shoreline ("bank") had a customs house and a money-exchange and "the bank" was enabled to make loans at interest, first to sailors and shippers, and later, to farmers and land-based business enterprises ---- so, usury emerged again, alive and well after a general hiatus that lasted hundreds of years in the western world, and by the year 1700, the barn doors were swung wide open for a Devil's Holiday with the signing of the Treaty of Utrecht, which allowed the accompanying evils of personage and incorporation of businesses benefited by public bankruptcy protections. 

The bankers, who benefited royally from usury, began to grease the palms of church leaders and politicians and senior bureaucrats and fiscal managers and within a hundred years, 1700-1800, the corrupting influence of usury had done its work.  A complex network of commodity rigging, sovereign debt, public debt, securities exchanges, clearinghouses, insurance houses, taxes and tariff systems, were put in place --- all as handmaidens of usury.  

The old Phoenician Banking System was set up and ready to roll by the 1820's, and by 1840, when Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha married Queen Victoria, all the parts and pieces were in place -- except one: enfranchisement of living people as "persons", that is, corporations.  

Under the influence of Benjamin D'Israeli, the Lord of the Exchequer and later, Prime Minister, an aging Queen Victoria bereft of her Prince, succumbed to the idea of "enfranchising" the British Working Class--- and using the assets thus purloined from the poor and the middle classes, to financially back the conquest of India by the British Raj.   Queen Victoria would become Empress of India, D'Israeli would, under False Pretenses, become a hero of sorts, and the one voice raised in opposition, Sir William Gladstone -- certainly an unlikely champion of the working people -- would be relegated to history as a hopeless Fuddy Duddy and would-be protector of private property rights standing against progress. 

What Gladstone was standing against was not actually progress -- a fact that he sensed but was never able to properly explain to others; what was happening was a severe regression, and a return to the ancient Phoenician Banking System.  

Gladstone knew and others would subsequently learn that being "enfranchised" and able to "vote" was a means to a subtle and criminal end -- the attachment of private property assets to pay sovereign debts which would become public debts -- what we have been taught to call "National Debts". 

Enfranchisement took living people with untrammeled claim to their land and homes and businesses, their sovereign money, and their other assets, such as their labor and their time on Earth, and unlawfully converted them into "persons" without the benefit of disclosure.  

The "right to vote" their proxy in private shareholder elections -- but not actually control anything -- was supposedly the equitable exchange paid for the lifelong loan of all their private property assets and their own enslavement to the Queen, the Pope, and the British Crown.  

Thus, enfranchisement and the "right to vote" was a Trojan Horse, a false benefit, foisted off on the people without full disclosure from the outset; it denigrated the lawful status of living people to a merely legal political status as a "person" --- a corporation franchise. 

In America, this process of denigrating the political identity of men and ultimately, women, to the status of "hue-mans" was expedited via the use of  purportedly voluntary registrations --- beginning with Baptismal Registrations and Voter Registrations in England, and later being expedited via Birth Registrations worldwide.

The foundational Federal Code supporting this heinous and secretive conversion,  which, strictly speaking, applied only to British Territorial U.S. Citizens residing in this country, is found in the Acts of the 37th Congress, Second Session, Chapter 49, Section 68. 

Times being what they were and the Brits and Romans being endlessly gluttonous little pricks, it wasn't long after the passage of the Sheppard-Towner Act in the early 1920's, that millions of American babies were being registered as British Territorial U.S. Citizens, and caught up in the Phoenician Bank System as new franchises of the British Crown. 

None of this ever applied to any American -- neither the Federal Code cited nor any Public Law applying to British Territorial U.S. Citizens has ever applied to Americans; rather, their codes and private corporation "laws" have been misapplied accidentally-on-purpose to millions of Americans ever since the 1920s, as a means to illegally latch onto our private and public assets as collateral backing the public and sovereign debts of the British Crown and the British Monarch, respectively.  

This is not just the crime of the century.  It's the crime of the millennium, and it has finally come home to roost in the Roman Municipal city-state of Washington, DC, and the halls of Whitehall. 

So let's take a look at the Phoenician Bank System from a bird's eye perspective.  

The Phoenician Bank System enfranchises men and women, which redefines them as mere "humans", traffics them into the international jurisdiction of the sea, and unlawfully converts their political status into that of a mere thing --- a corporation, and latches onto their identity by copyrighting their Given Name, and then uses that as a means to latch onto the value of their public and private property assets including their labor.  

This is done, obviously, without any disclosure to the victims. 

With that scenario of broad spectrum identity theft and commercial fraud based on undisclosed and largely unconscionable contracts misapplied to Americans firmly in mind, let's look at the Phoenician Bank System on steroids, and how it has developed since 1946. 

Following the Second World War, the War Banks were fat and sassy at least on paper, while both the people and the sovereign governments of Europe were ruined and skint.  That isn't to say that the War Banks that financed the whole Mercenary Conflict that we mistakenly call the Second World War had any money -- they had loaned all that they could loan with malice aforethought to the same out-of-pocket sovereign governments.  

What to do?  Bretton Woods and the Marshall Plan which leveraged assets belonging to Americans to rebuild the rest of the world, without the nicety of telling the Americans the details. 

The Plotters adopted the Double Accrual Accounting System pioneered by Easy Eddie O'Hara, who was Al Capone's accountant, and enforced it on the Government Accounting Office in 1946.  

This allowed them to separate streams of income into "budgeted" and "non-budgeted" revenues, or as they would come to say, public and private (corporate) revenues.  This would allow them to hide vast amounts of income from the public and provide the Perpetrators with funds for payola and "investment" outside the purview of the General Public.  It would also promote tax evasion via the use of offshore and private estate accounts by allowing them to cashier excess non-budgeted revenues in these accounts --- they only had to claim the public budgeted amount as income.  

The non-budgeted income slid by under the table, and the clueless American Public picked up the tab for the rest each time these foreign corporations in the business of providing "essential government services" went bankrupt at our expense, based on the supposition that we were all duly registered U.S. Citizens or citizens of the United States (Corporations) and therefore the "Public" responsible for paying their debts off when they go bankrupt. 

Millions of Americans have been illegally conscripted to serve as British Territorial U.S. Citizens, when we have no lawful or legal obligation to adopt this foreign and inferior political status, and have instead been entrapped and human trafficked via misapplied and undisclosed registrations and enrollments and inductions of various kinds --- all enforced under color of law by undeclared foreign agents who in fact owe us good faith service. 

This scheme was (and is) additionally supplemented by allowing the banks involved in all this to directly tax our earnings (redefined as corporate income) on a private basis --- which could not be applied to Americans, but could be applied to Americans redefined as British Territorial U.S. Citizens or Roman Municipal citizens of the United States. 

Thus the misidentified Americans were made to pay both going and coming -- to accept the public bankruptcy debts of these foreign corporations as if we were part of their "public" and also to pay a substantial part of their current public spending bill via the collection of bogus income tax debts -- at least, that is how this profiteering started out, before the banks' demands for interest on the so-called "National Debt" ate up this surplus income harvested from imposing a kick back payroll tax on purported government employees--- millions of whom never received a dime from Uncle Sam. 

Uncle Sam equals Samuel P. Chase, Lincoln's Secretary of the Treasury, who was the Bank of England (Rothschild) king-maker who put all this fraud and more in motion by pioneering the use of private scrip issued by private corporations --- known as "Greenbacks" during Lincoln's Administration and as "Federal Reserve Notes" now -- in lieu of actual money issued by a sovereign government. 

As we can see, much of the Phoenician strategy was to undermine the sovereign governments for private profit, which required them to substitute phony-baloney legal tender issued by them for actual lawful money issued by the respective governments.  

Failing to gain control of the actual United States silver dollar, the Rothschild Agents substituted their own paper scrip for it via enforced inequitable exchange, and achieved their desired result -- despotic control of the economy, and ultimately, the people dependent on the economy.  

Nobody could trade with the Americans without using Federal Reserve Notes, which required buying these Federal Reserve Notes from the Perpetrators of this scheme, and then secondarily using these "Notes" to buy commodities in a rigged commodity market also controlled by these same thieves and their Phoenician Bank System. 

This was not the fault or choice of the still-clueless Americans.  The victims were not told a whisper about any of this nor a great many other things undertaken via British and Roman Agents "in our names" but without our knowledge, without our permission, and without our consent, without a contract authorizing them to act for us in any number of capacities, and without us realizing any specific benefit or individual profit from any of this skullduggery. 

From our standpoint, the debts they have accrued are all Odious Debts --- debts created by some artifice or fraud (like misrepresented birth registrations and undisclosed enfranchisements) without the knowledge of the victims and without their knowing participation and benefit.   

We feel that nicely sums up the forced acceptance of Federal Reserve Notes in inequitable exchange for silver dollars, land, grains, steers, or any other physical commodity, and also the entire system of forcing us to "extend our credit" to these Bunko Artists, without the nicety of even asking our permission.  

So, in essence, we are dealing with an identity and credit theft of unimaginable proportions, coupled with bank and securities fraud on an even more stunning scale.  This is impacting the entire world. 

Let's peer into another aspect of the Phoenician Bank System and what happened after 1946.  

As we've seen, after WWII, most of the planet was ravaged in one respect or another, the banks were skint, though rich in debts owed to them for extending credit to sovereign governments, which were also underwater.  So neither the banks nor the governments affected had any money to pay debts or raise credit at the end of what we call the Second World War, but ought to call the Second Great Mercenary Conflict. 

All they had to trade on was the debt purportedly owed by the "citizenry" to the government and by the government to the banks.  

As we were also functioning as the Priority and Preferential Creditors of the banks and the governments involved, this meant that we were pushed into a double-sided obligation (another form of bank and accounting fraud) that had to be represented by different "persons" -- that is, corporations.  

We were forced to pay ourselves back for Third Party debts incurred "in our names" by these Pikers. 

They created millions of non-existent British Territorial U.S. Citizens via the undisclosed and unconscionable birth registrations that misidentified Americans as U.S. Citizens, and then, they bankrupted these Persons, leaving them as civilly dead legal entities. 

Their initial deliberate mis-registration of Americans as British Territorials created intestate American "infant decedent estates" for each one of us, that they controlled and managed as "presumed" executors and caretakers/guardians, using their own licensed and obligated British Bar Attorneys to do their dirty work.  As these initial estates were included in the General Bankruptcy, they were subsumed as abandoned property and labeled as civilly dead entities. See James Trafficant's comments on this situation entered in the Congressional Record. 

Meanwhile, their Roman counterparts running the Municipal Government corporations, were pulling their own version of this scheme by seizing upon the "dead" British Territorial U.S. Citizens and creating Federal Municipal ESTATE trusts in their names -- which just happen to be identical to our Given Names -- and which they, the Roman Municipal Subcontractors, used and abused in the same basic way, subjecting these entities created under City of Washington, DC codes to their foreign Municipal Law, and representing them as "citizens of the United States" and as corporations in Global Commerce.  

See Washington, DC Statute, Vital Statistics, Chapter 2, Section 7-201, paragraph 11, 1995 Edition, to see how they pulled this off and created --- entirely on paper, a Federal Dual Citizen named after each and every  American --- a "dead" British Territorial U.S. Citizen Estate operating under our Given Name, and a Federal Roman Inferior Estate Trust, operating under our Given Name styled in all capital letters, as a "citizen of the United States".  

The truth of the matter is that none of this was ever authorized by nor agreed to by any American under conditions of full disclosure. It was all accomplished in strict secrecy and self-service by the corporations involved and the foreign Principals responsible for the operations of these corporations. 

This was all undertaken in predatory fraud and Gross Breach of Trust by foreign commercial and municipal corporations engaged to provide us with "essential government services" per Article IV of both The Constitution of the United States of America and The Constitution of the United States. 

So why was all this convoluted legal fraud necessary?  See the above-referenced "double-sided obligation fraud" -- they needed two (2) parties to pull it off, one to act as the Debtor and one to act as the Creditor.  

So they used the British Territorial Person -- or rather, their Estate, as the Creditor, and the Roman Municipal Trust PERSON to act as the Debtor.  

We, Americans, were forced to pay the debts of the Roman Inferior Trust PERSON which then paid "their" debt to the British Territorial (U.S. Citizen) Person's Estate,  and the Persons representing our "abandoned estate" sucked it all up and spent it, on the presumption that we were clueless and would never wake up and never claim our "reversionary trust interest" in our birthright.  

Inconveniently for them, we did precisely this in 1998. 

Please bear in mind, none of this craziness was authorized by us, none of this fraud was known to us, nobody could acquiesce to it without knowledge of it, because it was all done in great secrecy and never disclosed to us or our parents or our grandparents or great-grandparents.  This was institutionalized fraud and illegal mercenary activity taking place over six generations.  

None of the profit from all this institutionalized fraud ever found its way back to us.  It stands on the Autotris Account System and is catalogued by the SEC and the Federal Reserve Banks as individual Bond Accounts managed by companies like Fidelity and Goldman-Sachs as gigantic Slush and Investment Funds that have been used to promote unprecedented corruption, as the criminals responsible for all this have invested in drugs and pornography, mind control technologies, organ harvesting, bioweapons, and other evils without restraint and without public observation of their misuse of our assets and our credit. 

There are no "aliens" involved; it is time for people to wake up. These same perpetrators call us, Americans, "non-resident aliens" in their tax codes.  The only aliens are not the UFO kind.  The aliens they are referring to are the mundane sort used in immigration law, and nobody in their right mind should ever take them at their word or believe anything they say, especially when it involves "alien ownership" claims and lizard people acting in Hollywood-style movies pumped onto our airwaves.   

We know who we are and what we are.  We know the entire history. 

So the "White Hats" and the "Black Hats" can both do their worst and accomplish nothing but embarrassing themselves and destroying whatever small scrap of plausible deniability they might still claim to have. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

September 15th 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here:

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