By Anna Von Reitz
Long prior to the Dutch East India Fleet, and the Templars, the Phoenicians similarly rose to power and vanished overnight.
We remember asking about this mysterious nation that vanished, except in name, and the hand-waving we received from our school teachers, who described the Phoenicians as a "lost" civilization that once thrived in and around Portugal.
Just like the Ten "Lost" Tribes of Israel, the Phoenicians rose and became a powerful force, and then vanished without a trace. This is a leitmotif that goes much further back in history and spans the globe, yet all these frequent disappearances are as phony as the rest of the narrative and can be accounted for in straight forward ways.
The Phoenicians never disappeared, neither did the Dutch East India Company, nor the Templars. The Trojans are still with us. It only takes ears to hear and eyes to see.
The Phoenicians impersonated themselves as Portuguese, the Dutch East India Company became the British East India Company, the Templars became the Freemasons, the Trojans became the Romans.... and so it goes. The crookedness is uncovered, and the evils suppressed, only to pop back up in another form, often after a long period of time during which the particular perversions have been spreading underground like a mushroom mycelium.
The most recent flare up of this pernicious malady has, once again, involved the Phoenician Banking System, which had its start in Babylon where the idolatry of money and concepts of interest and usury got their start.
Let's say from the beginning that there is no very good reason for usury -- that is, the practice of charging extra money as profit or reward for making a loan, in addition to the repayment of the loan itself.
The excuse is that interest payments make up for the opportunity cost that the Lender suffers from deploying his money for the sake of another for a period of time, but there are plenty of examples both ancient and modern where usury was not a part of banking. It was once far more common for people to simply lend each other resources and return them as a personal favor, like brothers borrowing each other's bicycles.
The Hebrews, for example, were specifically forbidden from charging interest on loans made to other Hebrews; they could only charge interest on loans made to Gentiles. Christians were also forbidden from practicing usury and charging interest on loans to anyone -- a prohibition imposed on Christian Monarchs until the Renaissance saw the renewal of the practice of usury, primarily in Italy, but later extending wherever ships could sail.
Soon, every shoreline ("bank") had a customs house and a money-exchange and "the bank" was enabled to make loans at interest, first to sailors and shippers, and later, to farmers and land-based business enterprises ---- so, usury emerged again, alive and well after a general hiatus that lasted hundreds of years in the western world, and by the year 1700, the barn doors were swung wide open for a Devil's Holiday with the signing of the Treaty of Utrecht, which allowed the accompanying evils of personage and incorporation of businesses benefited by public bankruptcy protections.
The bankers, who benefited royally from usury, began to grease the palms of church leaders and politicians and senior bureaucrats and fiscal managers and within a hundred years, 1700-1800, the corrupting influence of usury had done its work. A complex network of commodity rigging, sovereign debt, public debt, securities exchanges, clearinghouses, insurance houses, taxes and tariff systems, were put in place --- all as handmaidens of usury.
The old Phoenician Banking System was set up and ready to roll by the 1820's, and by 1840, when Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha married Queen Victoria, all the parts and pieces were in place -- except one: enfranchisement of living people as "persons", that is, corporations.
Under the influence of Benjamin D'Israeli, the Lord of the Exchequer and later, Prime Minister, an aging Queen Victoria bereft of her Prince, succumbed to the idea of "enfranchising" the British Working Class--- and using the assets thus purloined from the poor and the middle classes, to financially back the conquest of India by the British Raj. Queen Victoria would become Empress of India, D'Israeli would, under False Pretenses, become a hero of sorts, and the one voice raised in opposition, Sir William Gladstone -- certainly an unlikely champion of the working people -- would be relegated to history as a hopeless Fuddy Duddy and would-be protector of private property rights standing against progress.
What Gladstone was standing against was not actually progress -- a fact that he sensed but was never able to properly explain to others; what was happening was a severe regression, and a return to the ancient Phoenician Banking System.
Gladstone knew and others would subsequently learn that being "enfranchised" and able to "vote" was a means to a subtle and criminal end -- the attachment of private property assets to pay sovereign debts which would become public debts -- what we have been taught to call "National Debts".
Enfranchisement took living people with untrammeled claim to their land and homes and businesses, their sovereign money, and their other assets, such as their labor and their time on Earth, and unlawfully converted them into "persons" without the benefit of disclosure.
The "right to vote" their proxy in private shareholder elections -- but not actually control anything -- was supposedly the equitable exchange paid for the lifelong loan of all their private property assets and their own enslavement to the Queen, the Pope, and the British Crown.
Thus, enfranchisement and the "right to vote" was a Trojan Horse, a false benefit, foisted off on the people without full disclosure from the outset; it denigrated the lawful status of living people to a merely legal political status as a "person" --- a corporation franchise.
In America, this process of denigrating the political identity of men and ultimately, women, to the status of "hue-mans" was expedited via the use of purportedly voluntary registrations --- beginning with Baptismal Registrations and Voter Registrations in England, and later being expedited via Birth Registrations worldwide.
The foundational Federal Code supporting this heinous and secretive conversion, which, strictly speaking, applied only to British Territorial U.S. Citizens residing in this country, is found in the Acts of the 37th Congress, Second Session, Chapter 49, Section 68.
Times being what they were and the Brits and Romans being endlessly gluttonous little pricks, it wasn't long after the passage of the Sheppard-Towner Act in the early 1920's, that millions of American babies were being registered as British Territorial U.S. Citizens, and caught up in the Phoenician Bank System as new franchises of the British Crown.
None of this ever applied to any American -- neither the Federal Code cited nor any Public Law applying to British Territorial U.S. Citizens has ever applied to Americans; rather, their codes and private corporation "laws" have been misapplied accidentally-on-purpose to millions of Americans ever since the 1920s, as a means to illegally latch onto our private and public assets as collateral backing the public and sovereign debts of the British Crown and the British Monarch, respectively.
This is not just the crime of the century. It's the crime of the millennium, and it has finally come home to roost in the Roman Municipal city-state of Washington, DC, and the halls of Whitehall.
So let's take a look at the Phoenician Bank System from a bird's eye perspective.
The Phoenician Bank System enfranchises men and women, which redefines them as mere "humans", traffics them into the international jurisdiction of the sea, and unlawfully converts their political status into that of a mere thing --- a corporation, and latches onto their identity by copyrighting their Given Name, and then uses that as a means to latch onto the value of their public and private property assets including their labor.
This is done, obviously, without any disclosure to the victims.
With that scenario of broad spectrum identity theft and commercial fraud based on undisclosed and largely unconscionable contracts misapplied to Americans firmly in mind, let's look at the Phoenician Bank System on steroids, and how it has developed since 1946.
Following the Second World War, the War Banks were fat and sassy at least on paper, while both the people and the sovereign governments of Europe were ruined and skint. That isn't to say that the War Banks that financed the whole Mercenary Conflict that we mistakenly call the Second World War had any money -- they had loaned all that they could loan with malice aforethought to the same out-of-pocket sovereign governments.
What to do? Bretton Woods and the Marshall Plan which leveraged assets belonging to Americans to rebuild the rest of the world, without the nicety of telling the Americans the details.
The Plotters adopted the Double Accrual Accounting System pioneered by Easy Eddie O'Hara, who was Al Capone's accountant, and enforced it on the Government Accounting Office in 1946.
This allowed them to separate streams of income into "budgeted" and "non-budgeted" revenues, or as they would come to say, public and private (corporate) revenues. This would allow them to hide vast amounts of income from the public and provide the Perpetrators with funds for payola and "investment" outside the purview of the General Public. It would also promote tax evasion via the use of offshore and private estate accounts by allowing them to cashier excess non-budgeted revenues in these accounts --- they only had to claim the public budgeted amount as income.
The non-budgeted income slid by under the table, and the clueless American Public picked up the tab for the rest each time these foreign corporations in the business of providing "essential government services" went bankrupt at our expense, based on the supposition that we were all duly registered U.S. Citizens or citizens of the United States (Corporations) and therefore the "Public" responsible for paying their debts off when they go bankrupt.
Millions of Americans have been illegally conscripted to serve as British Territorial U.S. Citizens, when we have no lawful or legal obligation to adopt this foreign and inferior political status, and have instead been entrapped and human trafficked via misapplied and undisclosed registrations and enrollments and inductions of various kinds --- all enforced under color of law by undeclared foreign agents who in fact owe us good faith service.
This scheme was (and is) additionally supplemented by allowing the banks involved in all this to directly tax our earnings (redefined as corporate income) on a private basis --- which could not be applied to Americans, but could be applied to Americans redefined as British Territorial U.S. Citizens or Roman Municipal citizens of the United States.
Thus the misidentified Americans were made to pay both going and coming -- to accept the public bankruptcy debts of these foreign corporations as if we were part of their "public" and also to pay a substantial part of their current public spending bill via the collection of bogus income tax debts -- at least, that is how this profiteering started out, before the banks' demands for interest on the so-called "National Debt" ate up this surplus income harvested from imposing a kick back payroll tax on purported government employees--- millions of whom never received a dime from Uncle Sam.
Uncle Sam equals Samuel P. Chase, Lincoln's Secretary of the Treasury, who was the Bank of England (Rothschild) king-maker who put all this fraud and more in motion by pioneering the use of private scrip issued by private corporations --- known as "Greenbacks" during Lincoln's Administration and as "Federal Reserve Notes" now -- in lieu of actual money issued by a sovereign government.
As we can see, much of the Phoenician strategy was to undermine the sovereign governments for private profit, which required them to substitute phony-baloney legal tender issued by them for actual lawful money issued by the respective governments.
Failing to gain control of the actual United States silver dollar, the Rothschild Agents substituted their own paper scrip for it via enforced inequitable exchange, and achieved their desired result -- despotic control of the economy, and ultimately, the people dependent on the economy.
Nobody could trade with the Americans without using Federal Reserve Notes, which required buying these Federal Reserve Notes from the Perpetrators of this scheme, and then secondarily using these "Notes" to buy commodities in a rigged commodity market also controlled by these same thieves and their Phoenician Bank System.
This was not the fault or choice of the still-clueless Americans. The victims were not told a whisper about any of this nor a great many other things undertaken via British and Roman Agents "in our names" but without our knowledge, without our permission, and without our consent, without a contract authorizing them to act for us in any number of capacities, and without us realizing any specific benefit or individual profit from any of this skullduggery.
From our standpoint, the debts they have accrued are all Odious Debts --- debts created by some artifice or fraud (like misrepresented birth registrations and undisclosed enfranchisements) without the knowledge of the victims and without their knowing participation and benefit.
We feel that nicely sums up the forced acceptance of Federal Reserve Notes in inequitable exchange for silver dollars, land, grains, steers, or any other physical commodity, and also the entire system of forcing us to "extend our credit" to these Bunko Artists, without the nicety of even asking our permission.
So, in essence, we are dealing with an identity and credit theft of unimaginable proportions, coupled with bank and securities fraud on an even more stunning scale. This is impacting the entire world.
Let's peer into another aspect of the Phoenician Bank System and what happened after 1946.
As we've seen, after WWII, most of the planet was ravaged in one respect or another, the banks were skint, though rich in debts owed to them for extending credit to sovereign governments, which were also underwater. So neither the banks nor the governments affected had any money to pay debts or raise credit at the end of what we call the Second World War, but ought to call the Second Great Mercenary Conflict.
All they had to trade on was the debt purportedly owed by the "citizenry" to the government and by the government to the banks.
As we were also functioning as the Priority and Preferential Creditors of the banks and the governments involved, this meant that we were pushed into a double-sided obligation (another form of bank and accounting fraud) that had to be represented by different "persons" -- that is, corporations.
We were forced to pay ourselves back for Third Party debts incurred "in our names" by these Pikers.
They created millions of non-existent British Territorial U.S. Citizens via the undisclosed and unconscionable birth registrations that misidentified Americans as U.S. Citizens, and then, they bankrupted these Persons, leaving them as civilly dead legal entities.
Their initial deliberate mis-registration of Americans as British Territorials created intestate American "infant decedent estates" for each one of us, that they controlled and managed as "presumed" executors and caretakers/guardians, using their own licensed and obligated British Bar Attorneys to do their dirty work. As these initial estates were included in the General Bankruptcy, they were subsumed as abandoned property and labeled as civilly dead entities. See James Trafficant's comments on this situation entered in the Congressional Record.
Meanwhile, their Roman counterparts running the Municipal Government corporations, were pulling their own version of this scheme by seizing upon the "dead" British Territorial U.S. Citizens and creating Federal Municipal ESTATE trusts in their names -- which just happen to be identical to our Given Names -- and which they, the Roman Municipal Subcontractors, used and abused in the same basic way, subjecting these entities created under City of Washington, DC codes to their foreign Municipal Law, and representing them as "citizens of the United States" and as corporations in Global Commerce.
See Washington, DC Statute, Vital Statistics, Chapter 2, Section 7-201, paragraph 11, 1995 Edition, to see how they pulled this off and created --- entirely on paper, a Federal Dual Citizen named after each and every American --- a "dead" British Territorial U.S. Citizen Estate operating under our Given Name, and a Federal Roman Inferior Estate Trust, operating under our Given Name styled in all capital letters, as a "citizen of the United States".
The truth of the matter is that none of this was ever authorized by nor agreed to by any American under conditions of full disclosure. It was all accomplished in strict secrecy and self-service by the corporations involved and the foreign Principals responsible for the operations of these corporations.
This was all undertaken in predatory fraud and Gross Breach of Trust by foreign commercial and municipal corporations engaged to provide us with "essential government services" per Article IV of both The Constitution of the United States of America and The Constitution of the United States.
So why was all this convoluted legal fraud necessary? See the above-referenced "double-sided obligation fraud" -- they needed two (2) parties to pull it off, one to act as the Debtor and one to act as the Creditor.
So they used the British Territorial Person -- or rather, their Estate, as the Creditor, and the Roman Municipal Trust PERSON to act as the Debtor.
We, Americans, were forced to pay the debts of the Roman Inferior Trust PERSON which then paid "their" debt to the British Territorial (U.S. Citizen) Person's Estate, and the Persons representing our "abandoned estate" sucked it all up and spent it, on the presumption that we were clueless and would never wake up and never claim our "reversionary trust interest" in our birthright.
Inconveniently for them, we did precisely this in 1998.
Please bear in mind, none of this craziness was authorized by us, none of this fraud was known to us, nobody could acquiesce to it without knowledge of it, because it was all done in great secrecy and never disclosed to us or our parents or our grandparents or great-grandparents. This was institutionalized fraud and illegal mercenary activity taking place over six generations.
None of the profit from all this institutionalized fraud ever found its way back to us. It stands on the Autotris Account System and is catalogued by the SEC and the Federal Reserve Banks as individual Bond Accounts managed by companies like Fidelity and Goldman-Sachs as gigantic Slush and Investment Funds that have been used to promote unprecedented corruption, as the criminals responsible for all this have invested in drugs and pornography, mind control technologies, organ harvesting, bioweapons, and other evils without restraint and without public observation of their misuse of our assets and our credit.
There are no "aliens" involved; it is time for people to wake up. These same perpetrators call us, Americans, "non-resident aliens" in their tax codes. The only aliens are not the UFO kind. The aliens they are referring to are the mundane sort used in immigration law, and nobody in their right mind should ever take them at their word or believe anything they say, especially when it involves "alien ownership" claims and lizard people acting in Hollywood-style movies pumped onto our airwaves.
We know who we are and what we are. We know the entire history.
So the "White Hats" and the "Black Hats" can both do their worst and accomplish nothing but embarrassing themselves and destroying whatever small scrap of plausible deniability they might still claim to have.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
September 15th 2024
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