By Anna Von Reitz
Today, September the 15th 2024, is an important date for the international banksters. It's the day that they think they can sew everything up and claim to own an "abandoned" world.
Our words and our bodies and our blood and all the records pertaining to this gross Breach of Trust, Fraud, and Breach of Contract will stand against them and every lie they promote and popularize via the additional criminal misuse of our public broadcasting systems.
Our land and soil jurisdiction is not abandoned and it does not belong to any corporations now or in the past.
It belongs to us, to our living selves, and no other entity, being, or creation in the Universe has any greater or longer standing or more compelling claim to our physical and material assets than we do, as the living and breathing inheritors.
Probate is a funny thing. Like fraud, probate has no statute of limitations attached to it. The heirs of an estate can always return and claim it, as we have done. And estates themselves are funny things, in that they don't require any majority interest.
There may be 320 million Americans who are eligible inheritors of their birthright estates, but it only requires two (2) from each State of the Union to stand up and claim their State. We have far surpassed that meager representation of our living population and more people come home to the land and soil jurisdiction every day.
Thanks to the mobilization of our international recording process, virtually all other countries on this planet have re-established their land and soil jurisdiction and produced at least two members of the population having the lawful standing to preserve their national heritage and traditional governments.
In our earlier transmission today, we exposed the deep rot that has infested the world for the past 300 years, and covered the highlights of how the Great Fraud was implemented in Breach of Trust and Violation of Contract, using impersonation, identity theft, bank and securities fraud, credit fraud, racketeering under color of law, and other known means to promote a foreign -- and crooked -- banking system known in prior centuries as the Phoenician Bank System.
What it boils down to is that privately owned gold, land, and other physical assets have been "borrowed" by the Perpetrators once they exhausted their resources by investing in wars for profit, and now, they don't want to pay their debts.
In some sense, they can't pay their debts, as these debts have been purposefully inflated and supplemented by dishonest bookkeeping, so as to be insurmountable.
Privately owned gold and silver and other physical assets were loaned out to 63 central banks administered by the Bank for International Settlements. The member banks in the central bank system used these physical assets to generate credit under the so-called "fractional reserve banking" scheme, which allowed them to issue seven to ten times more credit than the total value of the assets on hand.
This is exactly like kiting a check and hoping that new payments coming in will cover the arrears in time to prevent an overdraft.
But it's actually worse and more criminal than kiting a check, because the credit they are lending in this fashion doesn't even belong to them. It belongs to the physical asset owners, whose assets are generating the credit in the first place.
All of these banks are bankrupt by definition and have been bankrupt for decades, yet they have been allowed to continue to operate under these conditions and to benefit from successive "public" bankruptcies, even now, after the actual living owners have returned home and caught them at it.
There can be no excuse. Not fire from the sky, not reptiles underneath, not any aberration of the weather caused this; pure unadulterated ego and self-service and criminality has caused this.
These banks owe the physical asset owners an honest accounting of the assets themselves and the credit assets generated, and this is no news to them. These banks have been using these private assets and quietly disrespecting and abusing the actual owners of the assets they depend upon to conduct business since the 1940's.
These same banks have abused these private assets on loan to them to raise their own armies and to pay mercenaries and develop vast warfare capabilities -- all in pursuit of never having to render a reasonable accounting of their "services".
They are using other people's money to do this and putting other people at mortal risk for their own benefit, which is more than enough reason for us, the actual Preferential Creditors and Shareholders, to shut them down and demand the forfeiture of their charters and facilities, and the return of all our assets and credit to our own management and use.
Not some other Third Party Middleman horning in on this situation and using our credit to fund their operations.
We have foreclosed and we have built our own financial system from the bottom up.
Our chosen bank system is Bilateral, allowing it to function in both International Trade and Commerce; It is clean and based on carriage accounting and is tracked using absolute block chain transactions that go directly from vendor to customer without undue interference or private surveillance of business transactions, gifts, and other interactions that people normally engage in.
With more than 350 million members globally, we are fully funded and engaged in peaceful non-discriminatory self-help and long term community organizing for a far better future. The Perpetrators of this "Other" System are welcome to turn tail on it, be done with the evil it represents, and join us ---- or be recognized as willful criminals.
Our actual American Government is at peace, minds its own business, and does not promote war for profit. We realize that this may be Big News to the rest of the world, as we have been misrepresented and manipulated for decades by foreign Federal Subcontractors, who have usurped far beyond any authorized powers vouchsafed to them, and surreptitiously embarked on a dark and hidden agenda of war-profiteering abroad and racketeering under color of law within our borders.
The Perpetrators of this humongous National Identity and Credit Theft Fraud are presently holed up together and prodding NATO to attack Russia by proxy, using the Zelensky puppet regime in Ukraine to do the actual dirty work. The people responsible for this situation and the banks responsible for extending our credit against our wishes in support of these and other activities that are antithetical to continued life on this planet, must be stopped by all means and at all costs.
Any military leader who continues to promote war with Russia or any other country is to be arrested as a threat to our national security.
Any banker who extends a penny of credit derived from this country or our people in support of these Interlopers is a criminal by definition and must be removed.
Any politician promoting war of any kind, including any "Mercenary Conflict" is to be removed and tried for treason. The only form of expenditure authorized by the American Government is for the direct and actual defense of this country, a fact that stands upon the Public Record preserved as both The Constitution of the United States of America and The Constitution of the United States.
These same Perpetrators have knowingly and with malice aforethought polluted the genome of mankind and condemned two-thirds of our population to death within seven to ten years of receiving these "experimental" injections under the False Pretense that these were vaccinations against diseases that the injections themselves cause.
This genocide is in itself more than ample demonstration of the reckless, demonic, and even insane character of those now engaged in trying to back-pedal and find excuses for themselves and their rapacious, uncaring, and inhumane behavior toward this country and every other country they have illegally occupied under False Pretenses.
It's time for all the "empires" built on fraud and inland piracy and corporate feudalism to collapse and never be reborn --- and equally, it is time for a new system from completely different service providers to be born.
We are done with carrot and stick politics and good-cop v bad-cop. Done with Hollywood. Done with polarization based on race, religion, politics, nationality, or anything else.
BRICS might be just another brand name for the same old evil for all we know --- we note that Great Britain joined and was allowed to join, which is not a good sign in view of the British complicity in all the foregoing crimes including crimes against humanity; so, while we can't and won't form a judgment of BRICS at this point, we can only be sure that our own Bilateral Prosperity System and the Global Family Bank Charters we have issued are totally purged and clean and ready to serve the needs of 8 billion people.
To that end, we have opened the door for everyone to come home to the land and soil jurisdiction of their native countries, leave behind the criminality and strife, and discover the prosperity and abundance that are part of their natural heritage. The international Land Recording and Publishing System (LRPS) is at the service of everyone worldwide. Go to: and look for the Land Recording and Publishing System link.
You are not a thing. Not a corporation. Not a hue-man. Not a trans-hue-man, either. You are a living breathing unique man or woman and this is your time to rise and shine.
We cannot stop the criminals from being criminals, but we can hold ourselves to higher standards.
We cannot fix evil. Evil is what it is. We can't change it, but we can leave it behind.
We cannot stop them from telling us humongous lies, but we can stop listening to them and believing them.
We can't stop them from claiming authority over us, but we can boycott their authority and shrug it off.
The Perpetrators are doing their best to create chaos and confusion and are driving people hither and thither like herds of sheep or cattle, creating and promoting mass exodus on one hand, and creating massive refugee problems on the other.
All this forced homogenization isn't working, but they don't care.
They are making money hand over fist by creating new American franchises for themselves, but at the same time, they are vaccinating all these new Americans as they come over the border --- which means they will all die in seven to ten years and leave their estates behind. The Perpetrators, these evil banks, will stand ready to seize their estates as Creditors.
The immigration crisis is just a rewrite of the same old fraud scheme---- create bogus corporation franchises, seize the assets and labor value of the people impersonated, copyright their names, have them declared legally dead --- or otherwise ensure that actual outcome, seize upon their "abandoned" estates.....yada, yada, yada.
Evil doesn't end on its own. We have to choose.
All these immigrants are being lured to their deaths and lied to, just as we were all lied to about the injections. Evil self-perpetuates via self-interested lies and "legalization" of crimes. It lies in wait for the moment our tongues tell a lie, the moment we are distracted from the goal, the moment we are blind to our own humanity.
So dust off your feet and leave evil behind, now, for good, forever.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
September 15th 2024
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