By Anna Von Reitz
Nothing among all the many shocks that have come my way through a long life of observation can compare with my own original ignorance about the Christian Church and Christianity in general, despite (for many years) being a card-carrying Lutheran, a Protestant, to the extent that Protestants exist and still object to the venal finagling that too often accompanies the secular administration of the Roman Catholic Church.
I attended Church and Sunday School and Confirmation Classes in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Black River Falls, Wisconsin, from the age of 7 until I left for college. Even at college, I attended the Norwegian Lutheran Church on campus and later was a regular member of the Lutheran Church in Juneau, Alaska.
Like most people, I enjoyed the music and camaraderie, accepted what I was told, loved the teachings of Yahshua, and pretty much went along for the ride. It wasn't until later and darker times when I stopped and looked around a bit closer at what was going on in those Church services and sacraments, that I got the familiar "nose twitch" and prickle up the back of my spine.
The first thing that jutted out was that the Church was engaged in celebrating its own version of pagan holidays and I was left to wonder what magically changed pagan holidays into Christian holidays? Did we just sandpaper-off the orgies and change the names of things, like a corporation rebranding a product?
This was rather troubling, as was the leering red-cheeked, red-nosed "elf" in the ridiculous red and white suit, known as Santa Claus. If you just step back, he's a dead ringer for any common drunk up to no good on a Saturday night, only dressed up in a weird costume. Why? What was that all about? It could hardly escape my notice that "Santa" can be rearranged to render "Satan Claus" --- or, to put it straight, "Satan Claws". More nose-twitching and skin prickling.
Certainly the enforced commercial gluttony surrounding December 25th has more to do about sustaining merchants through the winter than it does about love made manifest in this world.
There was little doubt in my mind that the lies people tell their children about Santa Claus break down a child's natural trust in their parents -- and that lies, even lies told in jest, or to promote a belief in miracles -- are to be avoided like the plague. The real miracles of life are with us day to day, right in front of our faces, and don't come out of boxes arrayed around dead trees tatted up for some unimaginable purpose.
Think about it. We kill the tree. We stick it in water like a bouquet. We string lights around it, hang baubles from every branch, festoon it with ropes of beads and garlands of tinsel --- we take God's creation and think we make it better and more beautiful by doing this? Or do we just cheapen it and make it glitter and forget that it was alive and that we killed it?
Always, it is the same sin. We kill what we cannot give life to. Always, we have no right to do so.
A Third Party looking at this Christmas tradition from the outside would think we had all lost our minds, and I would be forced to agree with them, as my own misgivings took deeper roots and more unanswerable questions came to mind.
Like the name "Jesus" which is a literal way of saying, "I Zeus" ---just like "Me, Tarzan; you, Jane."
We are worshiping Zeus? Who knew? But wait, "Jesus" said we weren't supposed to worship him at all, but rather to worship the Father who sent him. So, none of this makes sense.
There's a pagan underlayment, like the edge of a petticoat showing.
Christians certainly aren't supposed to be worshiping the gods of the old Greek pantheon, but there you have it: "I Zeus" is the meaning of "Jesus".
I am shaking my head. I am studying the stubborn, seedy, superstitious character named Martin Luther. Well, he had a point, in fact, he had ninety-five good points against the Roman Catholic Church administration, all neatly organized and nailed to the door of the local cathedral like a Bailiff's Eviction Notice.
Then one day as I was mindlessly repeating The Apostle's Creed, it occurred to me -- like a thunderbolt --- hey, this is an Oath. And we are not supposed to take oaths! "Let your yes be yes and your no be no." Once again, the sickening twitch of the nostrils as if smelling dead fish. Once again, the prickle of cold up the spine.
The next thought was worse: "It's not just an Oath, it's a Blood Oath!" Oh, the stomach churning confusion and the quick stumble away from the Communion rail! But isn't it obvious? Wasn't it always obvious?
You recite, en masse, that dreary recap of all Christian dogma known as The Apostle's Creed, then you kneel down and "drink the blood" and "eat the body" of Christ, in a cannibalistic rite, seemingly binding "him" inside of you and you inside of "him".
But then, is this anything more spiritual or meaningful than eating a potato? Do I become a cow by eating a cow? Do I believe in the cannibalistic doctrine that we become what we eat? Do I become my enemy by eating his brain?
Do I, even for a moment, believe the Doctrine of Transubstantiation, which teaches Catholics that the Communion wine magically transforms into the blood of Jesus in the Communion cup?
We could make communion with Yashua much more meaningful, if every time we ate bread or drank wine, we stopped and blessed it and thought of Yashua and his teachings --- but that isn't what we do. That isn't what the Church teaches us to do.
The Church teaches us that Communion is necessary for salvation and that only they can grant the solace of Communion.
But is that true? Or can you commune in your heart with God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, all at once, in the quiet of your closet or your prison cell? What does the Bible actually say? Go into your private place and seek your God and you will find him.
That's what it actually translates as -- "your private place" -- and what do you think that means? Your "closet" as King James has it, or the chamber of your heart?
By this point in my long journey away from conventional Christianity I became highly motivated to dig out the truth, and some of the truth was downright frightening.
Did you know that the modern Roman Catholic Church derives directly from the Church that was established by Simon Magus, and which became very popular in Galilee during the first and second centuries BCE -- taking over the local synagogues and preaching the Gospel, albeit, with Yashua portrayed as golden-haired Zeus? And the Bishops running prostitution rackets on the side to fill the communal coffers?
The ruins of these churches are all over northern Israel and Lebanon, plain to see to this day.
Did you know that King James I, the sponsor of the King James Bible translation, wrote a book on Demonology, seeking to prove to Christians that demons exist and can be summoned by arcane spellwork? He should know. Elizabeth I's chief counselor, Dr. John Dee, was intimately acquainted with the Enochian calls used to summon demons. It was no big secret to James I and members of his family.
James I also made no excuses for his translation of the Bible, and the more than 20,000 changes made from the Vulgate and the Geneva Bible, both, to give his Bible a decided slant in favor of obeying Caesar instead of God, taking Oaths, and dabbling with magic arts.
There is a reason that the King James Bible is termed "the Bible of the Sea" and the Geneva Bible is officially the Bible of the Land. Despite the towering beauty of the language of the KJV, the meaning is often twisted, like the sweet words of a faithless lover.
There is a reason that the actual United States Congress chose the Geneva Bible as their official Bible and Bouvier's Law Dictionary as their official law dictionary; there is also a reason that the British Territorial U.S. Congress chose the KJV and used Black's Law Dictionary instead.
The land is immutable, substantive, manifest in truth; the sea is changeable as wind, fluid, and veiled in suppositions about what lays under the waves.
And all of this makes sense and hangs together as a common fabric, once you observe it, and the unstated logic of it takes hold.
So when I talk about the Blood Oath, I am talking about Christian Communion and The Apostle's Creed, and calling them for what they are.
When I described myself as the "left hand of Amenhotep" I was speaking to Cardinal George as an equal, as one well-versed in the Law and drawing attention to the fact that Monotheism was birthed in Egypt, not Hebrew tradition, and came to the Sons of Jacob through Joseph who married the daughter of the High Priest, Potipher.
Women are the "left hand" of the "body of God" and men are the "right hand" in this unknown, untaught, but still accepted and acted upon Christian theology. This is also the source of the "right hand" and "left hand" paths of ritual magic.
Just like the Roman Catholic belief in reincarnation, it's accepted, but never taught. The Doctrine of the Godhead embodying both male and female is also acted upon but never taught. It is the primary basis for the all-male priesthood, but then, the hypocrites fail to follow through and give the women their rightful role as caretakers and nurturers and arbiters ---Fiduciaries--- of the material world.
Instead, these men try to second-guess God and keep all power and authority centered in themselves, refusing to honor the role of women, and making a dreadful mess of things when they try to substitute their mental gyrations for the wisdom of the heart.
I was, at once, bringing the Cardinal's attention to the fraud and the lies and the financial wrong-doing so explicit and self-evident in the Church's misadministration of the Municipal United States Government --- and calling him out on the even greater misadministration caused by the failure to honor the God-given role of women.
I was reminding Cardinal George about this particular hypocrisy within the Roman Catholic Church leadership, and making my demand to be recognized as the true and rightful Fiduciary for all things material. I am the Mother. I am the Primal Creator's instrumentality in this world. What right does any man have to say otherwise? I am made manifest. I am here, in the truth and glory of my wisdom, as mandated by the True God.
In Roman Catholic dogma, inherited from the Egyptians, the "body of God" is the Church incarnate, and women are supposed to be the Fiduciaries responsible for caring for and nurturing the material body of the church and the world, while men are supposed to be the leaders in the realm of spirituality and reason.
Until this is honored, everything will be upside down and inside out, just as it is now, with doctors promoting disease to make profit, and lawyers promoting conflicts to make money, and servants stealing the place of their masters, educators dumbing-down their students, children disrespecting their parents, parents parasitizing their children, honorable soldiers turned into mercenaries, and an entire world gone mad, all because the Roman Catholic priesthood is stuffed on itself and in rebellion against the Natural Order of God --- which they have cause to know.
Most people are never taught the rightful roles and importance of men and women, but those priests who rise to the rank of Cardinal have cause to know, so yes, I shoved it straight up Cardinal George's unrepentant rectum. And would do so again, if I thought it would serve the halcyon purpose of recalling the proper role of women into the collective consciousness of the western world.
There is also no recognition in Catholic doctrine of any other Church. They are all Catholic and part of the Universal Church.
And this view is given actual teeth, given the fact that all the Protestant Churches have succumbed to a 40/60 shared ownership interest in all the souls baptized "in the name of Jesus".
By now, you are wondering, right along with me, what "Christ" is and what it means?
Christ means "the anointed one" -- but it is physically identified as the golden oil that bathes the spinal cord, and enables the miracle of individual consciousness and the cyclical regeneration ("resurrection") that is accomplished each lunar cycle. We are each anointed by "the Christ" every month of our lives. We are all anointed ones.
This is knowledge that comes to us from the Ancient Hindus, and like the wisdom of the Egyptians, was passed on to us --in part-- by the Christian Church, but also obscured and hidden by the same Church, which IMHO, has been doing more to obscure the wisdom of prior ages than teach it.
It has only been by the most extreme, dangerous, and arduous effort that I have gained my knowledge of these and other arcane topics that shed light on the current condition of the Earth and our man-made world as well. In my own great-grandmotherly way, I have been forced to become Indiana Jones, so please, folks, don't imagine that you know what I know or that you are even supposed to know what I know. Quite the contrary. You were never meant to know one tenth of what I have taught you and which I continue to teach you.
All the legions of demons and all the magicians in the High Courts cannot stop one word of what I teach you for your own good.
Don't have faith in any Church made by men, nor any Government made by men, either. Have faith in the true communion that you have with your Maker and with the Earth, and in the true words of love that have been --- at great cost --- brought home to you.
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There is NO reincarnation, but there are Four Last Things, Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell
the particular judgment;
heaven, or eternal happiness;
purgatory, or the intermediate state;
hell, or eternal punishment;
the approach of the end of the world;
the resurrection of the body;
the general judgment; and
the final consummation of all things.