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Monday, September 16, 2024

A Go Figure Quote from RFK, Jr. and Comment on "Military Gesara"

 By Anna Von Reitz

"The vaccine companies are making $60 Billion a year selling  mandatory vaccines.....They are also making $500 Billion a year selling epi pens, inhalers, anti-seizure medications, diabetes and arthritis meds, etc.  Virtually all the medications they sell are targeted to treat diseases that are listed as side effects of the vaccines on their own manufacturer's inserts.  It's the perfect business model.  They make us all sick and create lifetime customers."  --- RFK, Jr. 

The same logic applies to the Covid Injections which served many purposes: (1) create a new class of humans called "transhumans" who would have no "human rights" or natural rights at all, but would be owned by the mRNA patent holders --- DARPA, which would be able to sell the victims as slaves, use them as lab rats, and dispose of them as property however this evil agency might wish; (2) create a silent surveillance interface to track everything about everyone who took the shot -- their exact location, their biometric markers, their emotions, and to some extent, their thoughts, creating the ultimate invasion of privacy; (3) a cocktail of poisons, nanobots, and harmful drugs calculated to greatly increase customer traffic at hospitals and clinics over the next seven to ten years, and gradually kill two-thirds of our population; (4) invite all sorts of new immigrants to serve as "Americans" and give them the shots as they cross the border so that they also die within seven to ten years and leave their "estates" to the guilty mercenary corporations masquerading as our government. 

Migrants not born on our land and soil could inherit estates, but never come back on the Perps and claim back their reversionary trust interest in the land and soil, because they had no trust interest to begin with.  The Migrants now swarming our Southern Border are thus rendered mere  "vehicles" to transmit American wealth to the Perpetrators, don't know they are being lured here, and don't know they are being injected with slow-motion-poisons and pollutants that will kill them within seven to ten years. 

As an extra "bonus" their suffering and death will provide additional health and disease data and make sure that the for profit medical and pharmaceutical industries remain highly profitable for the next ten years.  

Want a good investment tip?  Invest in body bag and coffin manufacturers, crematoriums, cemeteries, mortuaries, and anything else associated with death and burial services. New medical tech and patient services, snake oil, miracle cures and unheard of therapies will also be safe bets, especially aimed at the Baby Boomers for the next five years. 

"Clearing out the Baby Boomers" just makes economic sense for the mercenary corporations -- Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street, etc., because the "useful part of their life cycle is completed" and in the view of these cretins, the elderly have "no socially redeeming purpose or value" and represent a drain on resources that could be "better spent on concentrated wellness services for youth and prolonging the lives of tech savvy middle aged individuals".  


So, there you have it.  The Plan is to hasten the death and misery of retirees and fast forward the geriatric population off stage, while milking every possible dollar and resource they have to spend on medical care, drugs, and therapies.  Again, a nice simple business model.  Contain and limit end-of-life expenses owed by the corporations to pensioners, poor-mouth and cut Social Security and Medicare Services while at the same time, profiting the for-profit medical and pharmaceutical industries. 

We've seen it and we know it, and so do all of you.  

As for this new concept called "Military GESARA" --- the whole NESARA effort was started by one good man, a retired General named Roy Schwasinger.  He fought the Vermin all the way to the Supreme Court only to be told that the Court could grant no relief, because the banks and the government corporations he sued for redress were all bankrupt.  

The next idea was NESARA -- the idea that Congress could voluntarily provide the victims with remedy via legislation as an out-of-court settlement with the ranchers and farmers that had been harmed and entrapped by phony mortgages and "loans" and who were claimants in the Farm Union Cases.  

The NESARA proposal was laughed out of the Beltway, and so was the lone Congressman courageous enough to propose such a "novel idea". 

These banks and corporations have been bankrupt by definition for decades and can remain in various states of bankruptcy forever, because all the Perps have to do is keep on transferring assets and dreaming up new names for new corporations. They can boot up new corporations in less than fifteen minutes, reassign assets, and go right on skating --- which will be their escape plan and answer to all questions and claims forevermore if they are allowed to continue doing this. 

In the words of one smart aleck working for the Treasury Department ----  "Oh, dear, we are bankrupt again, and all our expenses are just going to result in more Public Debt, and BTW, you are the "public" paying for this, so you are better off not petting the skunk."  

Skunks, indeed. Raccoons, possums, long-tailed rats.... 

In a sense, then, simply because the brave men who put up the fight in the Farm Union Cases were former military officers, NESARA has always been a "military" cause and issue.  

We were not surprised by reports that a Delta Team held Bill Clinton hostage and forced him to sign NESARA into law just prior to the 2000 bankruptcy.  No doubt Slick Willie was happy to do it.  He knew that within hours yet another "federal corporation" bankruptcy would take effect and the paper he signed would be useless both because it was signed under duress and because the "law" he signed would be attached to a defunct corporation--- sort of like tying a row boat to a Super Tanker that is being scuttled on the High Seas. 

Thanks, Delta Force; your hearts were in the right place, but you had a lot to learn about law and just how slippery William Jefferson Clinton really was.  

"That man would put a greased pig to shame. He was slicker than a castor oil compress on a banana peel."  

In the years since then NESARA has been a celebrated cause among our Faithful Defenders in all branches of the Service; perhaps because it was an issue near and dear to them as  Americans --- one that touched their hearts and their homes. General Roy's  courageous and righteous action continued to inspire new generations, and the smug way the little snot-nosed legal pricks evaded justice and threw their debts on the victims, continued to rankle and fester.  

Yes, NESARA and now, on a much broader scale, GESARA, has always been a Military Issue, and it's one that has to be a Military Issue, because there is literally no other recourse.  

The courts have failed us, the Law has failed us, the banks have failed us, the corporations have failed us, and the Congress has failed us --- every single institution that should have protected and defended the American people from these Euro Trash Swindlers has fallen through, every avenue that should have provided remedy and justice has been two-blocked. 

We are left wondering what the proper penalty should be for impersonating an actual United States Congressman?  Or an American Justice? Or an American President?

Our Armed Services may be reduced to function as cheap mercenaries, but at least they remember who hired them, and when the chips are down, it is possible that the military will remember their actual job and see justice done. It's possible.

No doubt the vast majority of the original claimants in the Farm Union Cases are dead and gone, along with their farms and ranches, swept away by the all-devouring bank and securities fraud that has stripped this country and its people bare for the past hundred years and more.

To hear the Brits tell it, you'd think we were all involved in and all lost the so-called American Civil War, but then, to hear them tell it, they single-handedly won both World Wars.  

General Roy died many years ago.  My Mother died in 2016. Just about everyone but Willie Nelson and the Farm Aid boys have joined the Angels and gone to greener pastures.  And me, a young kid back then, a mostly-silent Witness who is now an old woman, I am still here and still waiting to see justice done in America. 

People keep calling me and saying, only a few more days, only a few more days.... and I keep saying, I've been waiting fifty years. 

That's a long time to wait for popcorn. 

People keep sending me Hopium messages and long lists of actors and politicians who have purportedly been tried and either executed or left to serve out life in prison for their crimes against humanity.  I read the lists and shrug. Maybe so. Maybe not. 

I am admittedly jaundiced and jaded.

I wonder inane things late at night, like, what did Demi Moore have to do with the price of beans in China?  Why would anyone bother to kill her or Ellen Degenerate?  Or a Wonder Dweeb like Ben Afleck? 

We are left to suppose that they knowingly drank adrenochrome, participated in pedo parties, ritual "sacrifices", and all the filthy blackmail scenes deemed necessary to make it in Hollywood. Being an accomplice to murder can still count as a capital crime, but not treason.  How does any of that add up to treason? 

It's other actors that come to mind --- foreign actors, undeclared foreign agents, imposters and impersonators, people who have sat in our courthouses and our capitol buildings, actors who have worn black robes and pretended to be our judges, actors who have terrorized and robbed us under color of law while wearing state-of-state uniforms, actors who have stolen our identities, hacked our credit, forced us to pay their taxes and mortgages, evicted us from our homes, illegally confiscated our assets, and purloined our credit. 

They turned buying a home into a future lease purchase agreement.  They unlawfully converted our native political status and illegally subjected us to foreign law and foreign citizenship obligations.  They acted as privateers and rampaged all over this country, extorting goods and services in inequitable exchange for I.O.U.s while pretending to be our public officials.  

We could go on and on and on. 

These, in my mind, are the actors who committed treason. 


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