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Friday, April 1, 2022

Alex Tallon Doesn't Know Who He Is Anymore

 By Anna Von Reitz

It has come to our attention that a well-known fraud artist is again plying his wares and misleading various groups of people who either believe his story or who wish to promote his narrative because they believe they can make use of him to further their own agendas.
The crimes of impersonation and barratry have reached a fever pitch, as you will see, and must be addressed by the High Courts responsible for the administration of courts worldwide.
Alex Tallon Doesn't Know Who He Is Anymore
We first met Alex Tallon in the aftermath of Ferdinand Marcos' retreat to Hawaii. My memory is fuzzy because it's a long time ago, about forty years by my reckoning, but if I remember the basics correctly, Alex was Ferdinand Marcos's butler or driver or security guard or something of that sort, and after Marcos fled, Alex helped himself to a lot of documents left behind.
These were skillfully altered so that his copy of a document says what he wants it to say and so that his photo and thumbprint and signature appear; it all looks official enough.
However, those same documents were distributed all over the world, and his copies don't match all the other copies, including the ones I have.
It turns out that Alex Tallon was not content with pretending to be Ferdinand Marcos's son, Tiburcio Villamor Marcos, but, also tried to pass himself off as King Anthony Santiago Martin -- another one of the multitudinous would-be heirs, some of them honest good people trying to help out in a bad situation, some outright charlatans scamming for Big Bucks.
My best guess is that Alex simply doesn't know who he is anymore. Is he Chinese? Is he Filipino? Is he a New Yorker? A "Seven Star General" in some Buck Rogers drama? A U.S. Citizen? A Municipal UNITED STATES CITIZEN? Does he have a "Last Name" or just a nom de guerre? Or a trademark, like me? What the.... and who can blame him, if he is confused?
As crazy as all these con artists and fraudsters made the world, darn near everyone is confused. Sorting the imposters and the nut cases from the false identities and Legal Fiction Persons and LEGAL FICTION PERSONS and all the rest of it leaves the open question --- who are you?
If everyone else has forgotten who they are, you can all come home to Grandma and I'll do my best to tell you: you are all beloved children of the Living God --- not the dead "god" of money, the Living God who orders every cell in your body, every element, every breath, in perfection and love from the moment you enter this world, until your physical death.
THAT is who you are.
You each have your own totally unique self, but names are just names --- they are called "utilities" for a reason --- and they are "gifts" as in "given names" and they are tools, like hammer or saw, that you can use to do certain things. But names are not you -- never were and never will be until the time that your Creator names you.
THEN you will have a name that will last forever and be forever yours.
Until that time, honesty is the best policy and maintaining one identity is the true course of wisdom. When Alex Tallon tries to become Tiburcio Villamor Marcos and Anthony Santiago Martin and.....well, who else? --- all he does is confuse things more. He doesn't change the truth.
I am sorry to cause such discomfiture in so many areas of the world, but there is this much to be said for the Truth --- in the end, the Truth is all that exists. It is the only firm bedrock we have. So even though it hurts sometimes, the truth is what we need. And the truth is that Ferdinand Marcos couldn't give what he never had.
He was an attorney for the actual heir and comptroller of the Code FLAT accounts. He was, as President of the Philippines Government, the Trustee over the American gold that was transported there by the U.S. Navy "for safe-keeping".
President Kennedy had to deal with Marcos as the Trustee and had to secure agreement from Marcos to be able to access our assets there, because Kennedy was operating as a British Territorial United States U.S. Citizen while holding the Office of Commander-in-Chief --- not as an American.
Our Federation of States and our Fiduciary has no such disability, because we are the presumed Donors of the assets that were placed in trust. We can simply request an accounting from the Central Bank of the Philippines and dissolve the trust relationship without causing any damage or entering into any agreements about this with anyone.
The American assets both public and private are owed to the American States (Public Interest) and the American people (Private Interest) and they are claimed and due to be returned to the control of the actual American Government. That's good news. That's the way it should be.
We have already claimed over a million metric tons of American gold that was returned from the Philippines and more gold that was returned to from the Vatican and as we go, we will continue to sort out our far-flung assets and work on returning the assets of other countries to them, too.
We have also discovered a massive gold stockpile that belongs, apparently jointly, to the Kingdom of Prussia (which still exists) and to Russia, the country. We anticipate finding similar stashes of assets that belong to other countries and returning those resources to them for their benefit.
There are also very large quantities of pre-paid credit on the books, which can be safely deployed as pre-paid credit to pay any remaining public debts as we transition on a worldwide basis to a fully funded world economy.
What do I mean by that? I mean that there will be no need for taxation ever again. The entire apparatus of taxation can be safely dismantled and done away with. The income from government investments when applied to actual costs of government, are more than sufficient to pay for all government services and personnel and even expand the quantity and quality of such services without taxes of any kind.

So, there is no reason for anyone to pretend to be a Marcos relative or try to scam their way into a non-existent King of the World position. There is one king of this world, the Living God who created it and who sustains it. The sooner we all accept that and the sooner we embrace each other and stop the madness, the better.
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary                                         The United States of America


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Bread and Good Reminders While You Are Keeping Your Mind

 By Anna Von Reitz

Like all the other Big Lies that have been used as weapons against the sleeping people of this planet, please take note of the following Big Four:
1. The problem isn't a build up of atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, the problem is a loss of atmospheric Oxygen. If we have sufficient oxygen, it naturally binds carbon dioxide. We've lost 5% of the Oxygen in the past hundred years, and were already slowly losing oxygen for the past several thousand years as a result of desertification and loss of natural forests worldwide and death of the ocean flora.
2. The death of the Coral Reefs is not generally caused by pollution or warming. The death of the Coral is because of dams that block the natural renewal of minerals from tidal silt going into the oceans. Check out the Great Barrier Reef. Where the rivers are blocked up, the Coral Reef is dead. Where the rivers run free into the ocean, the Coral Reef is just fine. Without all the trace minerals and elements, Coral can't live. Neither can people.
3. Cholesterol is absolutely necessary for your health and functioning. Your body makes a small amount of cholesterol, but not nearly enough to meet your needs. Share these Flying Factoids like wildfire to all your senior friends: your brain is 75% cholesterol by weight, and the myelin sheath covering your nerves (the coating on your "electrical wires") is 100% built of cholesterol. The hormones that control many of our bodily functions are 95% cholesterol. Should we get a clue, here? Elders have been misinformed and steered away from foods that they desperately need.
4. People who think the world is overpopulated can't do math, as the Chinese Government is now discovering to its dismay and as the German Government has already discovered. All the drastic actions to limit procreation to "One Child" per couple in China has led to an upcoming disaster for their economy and their biology. Well-intentioned as their efforts were given the skewed information offered by the United Nations --- we are all facing a population collapse, instead. God knew what he was doing when he said, "Go, be fruitful and multiply".
Next all the stupid governments will be advocating public orgies in hopes of correcting their last mistakes, so I am advising everyone to be on guard against institutionalized idiocy and interference in our private lives from now on. Full stop.
Thanks to my friend, Margaret. who recently reminded me of things I had forgotten and taught me things I never knew, and made me think again about the "game plan" published in The Book of Isaiah that the Israelites used against their Babylonian captors --- denaturing the water (with fluoride and chlorine) and leaching the nourishment out of bread (bleaching flour).
So why would anyone considering themselves to be a modern day "Israelite" unleash such tactics on the unsuspecting American Public? Since when did we ever enslave or force anyone into peonage?
Answer: we didn't. We were victimized ourselves.
It was the British Territorial United States Government that reduced everyone to indentured servitude and the Pope's Municipal United States that reduced everyone to slavery.
Not the American Government.
So while you are considering how horribly you have been lied to and misdirected on so many levels, and as you start to include eggs and other sources of cholesterol into your diet, and start thinking about trace minerals and their overall "gatekeeper" importance for the biosphere and your own physical body ---- consider what we can do to increase the oxygen levels and also consider learning how to make your own "Artisan Bread".
So-called "Artisan Bread" called "Spoon Bread" in the South, is old-fashioned peasant bread of the kind our ancestors made. It's yeast bread usually made with a mixture of different kinds of grain flours, yeast, water, sugar, and salt. You stir it up in a bowl with a spoon (hence the name "Spoon Bread") to make a very soft dough. You put the dough in a large plastic covered container and let it rise, punch it down, and then you can set aside enough to rise again in a traditional bread pan or form into round loaves to bake right away ---- and put the rest in the refrigerator, where the yeast will continue to work at a very reduced rate, ready to warm up and let rise another batch the next day or so, as needed.
I first became alarmed at the condition of our bread supply back in the 1970's when one of my roommates left a loaf of "Dunderbread" in the cupboard while she went on summer break for two and half months. When she came back, it was still sitting there like a marshmallow, not a trace of mold, not even dried out. It had achieved immortality and was dead as a doornail. Even the bacteria, fungi, and molds wouldn't touch it.
This made me think: If the fungi and molds won't touch it, should I?
And the answer was a resounding, "No!"
For many years after that, I have made bread for myself and my family as much as possible. If you need carbohydrates, let them be high quality carbohydrates with plenty of fiber to stall the conversion into sugar---which is one of the mistakes we make that contributes to insulin stress. People like super soft sweet bread, and I am guilty of that as anyone else, but overall, this is not good for you unless you offset this by including lots of fiber in your diet at the same time.
Homemade bread doesn't last as long as store bought for two reasons --- it tastes better, and if you do leave it on the shelf for a few days friendly molds will begin feasting on it, too --- but bread that you make yourself from fresh ingredients has the outstanding advantage of being good for you. The majority of store bought bread is not.
Oh, and the reason that an "Apple a day keeps the doctor away"? ---unless you buy applies that are full of pesticides, or GMO's (which amounts to the same thing) --- is that apples contain both large amounts of pectin and large amounts of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Pectin helps replenish your collagen levels and fiber acts as a buffer to sugar and carbohydrate metabolism, slowing it down so that your pancreas gets a break from large "surge demands" for insulin.

Until the scientists among us can focus on beneficial advancements to actual science instead of politically motivated "scientism" --- let's not give them the time of day. Next time there is an egg scare, a bacon scare, a gluten scare, or any other kind of Food Fad Scare, consider the source.


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Nanny State or Granny State? Chapter 5

 By Anna Von Reitz

As you are beginning to pick up here, life is an adventure that takes place in your mind as well as within the parameters of your physical world.  

The "Nanny State" referred to is the state of a baby requiring help and assistance at every moment, not knowing what words mean, having no ability to properly discern logic and truth, not knowing one's own name and history, not being able to defend oneself, being utterly dependent on the kindness and largesse of others, being constantly told what to do or being physically manipulated to perform in some way.  

Just think of Mom rolling you over and changing your diapers.  That's the Nanny State.  And some people are content to lay on their backs and be served and cared for and instructed by others and fed by others, supported by others, and content to have their decisions made for them for all their days.  They don't want to grow up and take on the responsibilities of adulthood, so they accept the Nanny State --- that is, the Nanny State of mind.  

It doesn't occur to them that they are themselves responsible for anything, and their decision-making capability remains rudimentary -- reduced down to simple "Either Or" choices.  

In their world, you are either a Packers Fan or a Vikings Fan.  It never crosses their plate to question the other options, or to ask --- "Do I like football at all?"  Am I a "fan" at all?" 

Similarly, in their world, you are either a Republican or a Democrat, that is, a "Conservative" or a "Liberal" --- whatever those labels really mean.  

They take it for granted that you have to be one or the other, and that you should vote in their elections, too.  It never occurs to them that their elections aren't meant for you.  

If you tell them that you are an Elector, not a Voter, they will cock their heads and look at you funny, like a horse eyeing a strange object in their pasture, nostrils flaring, whites of the eyes showing.  

They simply don't understand what you are talking about, just as a baby doesn't understand algebra, but they sense that they should know --- and perhaps that is the most hopeful part of this situation. 

It's not their fault.  Those who benefit from keeping them in this truncated state of mind spare no expense and miss no opportunity to use both fear and ignorance to control them.  That's the whole point.  

That's why John Adams and Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson all agreed that our republican form of government cannot be maintained by an ignorant and uneducated populace. 

When a government goes AWOL and runs amok, the first thing they do is attack the education system, so that they raise people in the Nanny State and keep them there, and limit the reach of their minds, so that they can control their bodies, too.  

For America, this attack on our educational system started in the early 1900's and went full-bore in 1976, when Jimmy Carter, a Southern Democrat, created the US DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, ostensibly, to educate Municipal citizens of the United States.  

It was under Carter's administration that education in this country was reduced to an education fit for slaves, because that is what Municipal citizens of the United States are. 

Slaves don't have to know much.  Maybe basic reading and writing, physical education, shop classes, typing, hygiene of a basic nature, a little math so they can add, subtract, multiply and divide, and as for history, Carter deemed that all they needed to know was a gloss-over version of their own United States History--- no American History at all. 

When your Grandma (okay, maybe Great-Grandma) went to school, she studied both United States History and American History.  They were separate books and separate subjects, as they ought to be, because they describe the travails of two different governments --- our American Government and the United States (Federal) Government.  

As a result, she learned about the American Government with its Three Branches --- the Union, the Federation, and the Confederation.  She learned that her nationality derives from the sovereign State where she was born --- in her case, Wisconsin.  

Grandma learned that each State is owed its own republican form of government, and "republican" in this case does not refer to any political party.   It is talking about a form of government that arises from the bottom up, from you and your family, to your community, to your county, to your State, and then your State --together with the other States of the Union -- tells the Federation of States what to do internationally and tells the Confederation of States (Confederate "States" are States-of-States) what to do in the global sphere of commercial relations.  

So why do so many Americans think that their government is a Democracy?  

It's because all that they have been taught is a curriculum fit for slaves and indentured servants.  All they know is the foreign history of the "United States" Government and nothing about their own.  

Those who benefit themselves in terms of power and money from Public Ignorance, are content that it should be this way.  They want you to stay in the Nanny State forever.  In fact, they don't want you to know that the Nanny State exists, that it is purposeful, and constructed to your detriment.  


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Election Watchdog Finds 137,500 Ballots Unlawfully Trafficked in Wisconsin