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Saturday, November 12, 2022

How They Worked It

By Anna Von Reitz

Recent days have brought the focus steadily to bear on the British claim to have had a legitimate British Territorial Protectorate here since the 1860's. 

Most Americans would be astounded by that news.  It wasn't published at the time and it surely hasn't been published since then.  No, it's all been under a "cloak of secrecy".  

We say they have been illegally occupying our land and soil and using our own paid-for military forces to do it since the 1860's.  We say that they have acted in gross Breach of Trust and in violation of their commercial service contracts for a hundred and sixty years. 

They say that this is the result of the "absence" of our government, and that we have been in an "interminable interregnum" ever since--- what they misrepresent--- as The American Civil War. 

We say----how would they know anything about our government?  It's foreign to them. We don't follow their practices or their law on our land. We have no obligation to fit their expectations. We made that clear in 1776. 

We say that there is no evidence that any actual war was ever declared, but plenty of evidence that the illegal Mercenary Conflict referenced as The American Civil War was started and promoted by Undeclared Foreign Agents working a fraud and substitution scheme against their Employers. 

There is plenty of evidence that no Congress in this country ever declared any civil war.  There is plenty of evidence that Abraham Lincoln acted as the "President" of a foreign British Crown corporation merely calling itself "the United States of America, Incorporated" and was never The President of The United States of America.  There is also evidence that the resulting illegal Mercenary Conflict was resolved so far as our Land Jurisdiction is concerned, by a Public Contract issued by Lincoln's Successor, Andrew Johnson.  

Admiralty and Maritime Law are the forms of law that the Brits generally stand under in international jurisdiction, but unlike the Brits, the Americans conduct our courts under American Common Law and Public Law known as United States Statutes at Large.  

Also unlike the Brits and denizens of the Holy Roman Empire, Americans don't acquire citizenship obligations at birth. Americans have to freely choose to serve their government, or not, as adults. 
We have no lifetime obligation to continue that service. 

The vast bulk of Federal Code (over 90% of it) is ostensibly meant to apply to British Territorial U.S. Citizens and just as generally speaking, is not supposed to apply to us, the American General Public, at all. 

In the confusion that followed the end of armed hostilities in the so-called American Civil War, the U.S. (Territorial) Congress established an otherwise unauthorized and illegal Military District Court System, beginning in May of 1865.  

The Territorial Congress set up ten such Military Districts in eleven States of the Union, and proceeded to run these infamous "Carpetbagger Courts"--- the so-called District Courts ---  as private collection agencies operated under color of law.  

Each such District was placed under the supervision of a General of the Union Army of at least Brigadier rank. The Perpetrators claimed that this was necessary as an "emergency measure" though there is no provision for any such "emergency powers" anywhere in any of our agreements with our Subcontractors.  

These British Territorial (Military) District Courts were used to illegally collect "war reparations" from Municipal citizens of the United States -- Federal Civil Service workers and Negroes in the beginning --  who fought with the Southern Confederacy.  This was illegal because the "war" wasn't a war, it was itself an illegal Mercenary Conflict, and because no Peace Treaty mandating reparations exists. 

This has resulted in illegal confiscation, plundering and pillaging, in Gross Breach of Trust by Undeclared Foreign Agents (Bar Attorneys) working as Privateers. 

These (Military) District Courts were then and are now illegally confiscating private property under color of law and plundering illegally constructed individual UCC Contract Trusts gratuitously defined as Municipal citizens of the United States under Federal Code Title 28, using the infamous "Diversity of Citizenship Clause". 

Under the actual Federal Constitutions there is no provision for the establishment of any permanent or semi-permanent system of Military Districts anywhere in The United States.  

The District Government is supposed to be limited to the District of Columbia and the Municipal Government is supposed to be limited to the physical confines of the capitol city, Washington, DC. 

Since 1922, the "governmental services corporations" responsible for all this fraud and graft have been profiting themselves by unlawful conversion--- that is, by impersonating their employers, and then human trafficking the resulting "franchises" offshore, into their own watery jurisdiction.

This process was initiated via the registration of babies under the Shepherd-Townsend Act and should never have been applied to American babies at all, but again, using their corporate policy of cloaked silence and therefore, non-disclosure, they used their civilian "Uniformed Officers" as defined under Federal Code Title XXXVII and XI to do the dirty work of Unlawful Conversion. 

Blackstone's Commentaries very clearly describe the British practice of conscripting civilians to act as "Uniformed Officers" and describes two such classes of officers --- Medical Doctors and Attorneys.  The Medical Doctors uniformly outrank the Attorneys. 

The paperwork used to register the babies as British Territorial "Persons" and Franchises of the British Crown is signed by two Witnesses, the clueless Mother acting without benefit of disclosure, and the Medical Doctor who attests that the baby is a "U.S. Citizen".  This attestation by a Superior Officer then provides the Attorneys with all the excuse they need to seize upon the "cargo" and register a copyright of the victim's Proper Name as a chattel franchise belonging to the British Crown.

In our research, very few American Physicians who have been "licensed" as Medical Doctors have had any inkling of the evil they have been perpetuating; most have been completely unaware of the way their signatures have been used to excuse and implement this  crime, which is recognized as a capital crime under both the Hague and Geneva Conventions, as well as more generally, under Public and International Law. 

Those of you who are familiar with cattle rustling will recognize this as people rustling --- changing the brand from American to British Territorial.  

Unlawful conversion, personage, barratry, purloined "witness" from a clueless Superior Officer operating under conditions of non-disclosure, all have been systematically used to mischaracterize and rob and abuse average Americans under color of law in (Military) District Courts that should not exist and which have operated as implements of international crime for over a hundred and fifty years.  

This entire circumstance also allowed the Perpetrators to evade their obligations under the actual Federal Constitutions, because misidentifying Americans as U.S. Citizens or citizens of the (Municipal) United States, either one, strips them of their Constitutional Guarantees and property rights.  

It's clear that a small group of highly skilled international attorneys set this scheme up and they planned ahead for the Medical Doctors to take the fall for them, when and if the details of this outrage came to light. 

This was all done some years before the Tribunals at Nuremberg concluded that "following orders" was no excuse for crimes of genocide and armed theft against civilians. 

Additional insight into how they, the Perpetrators, have worked this criminal scheme, can be observed in much more modern times. 

Immediately after the destruction of the buildings at the World Trade Center, and the disappearance of the gold earmarked to pay off the Brady Bonds, and Donald Rumsfeld's announcement (the prior day) that the Department of Defense had "lost" six trillion dollars, the Municpal Congress and Territorial Congress jointly endorsed the "Authorization to Use Military Force" otherwise known as the "AUMF". 

Obviously, this tome was written well in advance and was ready to go, providing additional circumstantial evidence that the September 11th debacle was pre-planned as a smokescreen for criminal activities on our shores and also an excuse for criminal military actions abroad. 

So let's look at this "AUMF" and the "Security Cooperation Authorities" it established.  The worst of it can be found codified at Sections 127(e) and 333 of Title 10.  

The New York University School of Law Brennan Center for Justice has just released a scathing report proving that the Department of Justice has been covertly allowed to wage illegal wars.  

Read "Secret War: How the U.S. Uses Partnerships and Proxy Forces to Wage War Under the Radar".  

And note, that, once again, the DOJ Attorneys are at the bottom of the dogpile, acting as the Teflon Flak Jacket of the British Crown Corporation(s) responsible for all these atrocities. 

The "Security Cooperation Authorities" created under the AUMF are essentially acting as storefronts for the DOD/DoD -- proxies being used to fight wars in the same way that "Agencies" have been used to promote crime against Americans on our own shores.  

Let's run through a couple domestic examples of this.  

The Federal Reserve Board of Governors made an illegal demand that all American cars and trucks be registered so that they could exercise the resulting ownership interest and use our cars and trucks as chattel to back their debts.  They had to legalize this illegal demand by providing remedy and exemption, so they published Regulation Z. However, the DOT doesn't see Regulation Z published in its version of the Federal Code, and their Subcontractors, the DMV and now, the private subcontractor, UMV, are certainly not aware of any remedy owed to the Public. 

So, those who are supposed to provide service to us are left totally unaware of the remedy we are owed, and when we request remedy, they laugh at us. The total effect is that we are denied remedy that we are owed, by Subcontractors of Subcontractors who are deliberately left in the dark.  The Federal Reserve acquires an ownership in our cars and trucks via forced registration and nobody is the wiser --- almost. 

The Proxies, DOT/DMV/UMV, are left not knowing what is going on, so they can't be blamed for denying or not providing remedy for the crime, which remains "unabated".  

They do the same thing with our babies by registering them as Crown Property.  The hospitals and Medical Doctors are left ignorant of what they are doing, and the Mother's are certainly not given disclosure.  The victim is too young to remember anything. As a result, the remedy, hidden as a one-liner in Federal Code Title XII, 95 (a), is not only totally obscured and left unsupported by any published process, no normal person would be motivated to look for the remedy to a crime they are unaware of. 

Again, we find the same pattern -- the Medical Doctors are being used as ignorant proxies to implement the crime, and the hospitals operating as incorporated franchises of the parent corporations are acting as partners --knowingly or unknowingly.  And the victims are left in the dark, both regarding the crime and the remedy. 

So, now, let's look at the non-domestic application of the same modus operandi in the AUMF.  

Foreign organizations like ISIS and Hezbollah and the PLO, are hired or deliberately created as proxies and funded to do the bidding of the Vermin; they are left in ignorance and often as the Fall Guys, the convenient Scapegoats who do the Dirty Work for the DOJ and are blamed for what these endlessly criminal commercial corporations do. 

It's an open question as to whether or not the DOJ itself is being left in the dark, as another layer of Scapegoat.  

As a result, the DOJ is currently engaged or has been recently engaged in covert war operations in: Iraq, Cameroun, Egypt, Kenya, Mali, Mauritania, Somalia, Niger, Nigeria, Lebanon, Tunisia, Yemen, and Libya --- and the American Public is none the wiser. 

What, you say?  Our tax dollars are being commandeered to pay for all this and we are "at war" ---- commercial mercenary war, that is --- in all these much smaller countries?  And the Department of Justice is running all this crap?  Just like the CIA?   Yes. 

One can only surmise that the DOJ has taken over the role formerly played by the CIA, and the CIA has been merged with SERCO. 

The excuse given by the members of the renegade Territorial and/or Municipal Congress is that these actions are too small to meet "statutory reporting requirements" --- requirements which they set for themselves ---  which means these cretins are engaging in illegal commercial mercenary warfare "in our names" and using our money and our resources, our sons and daughters, for their own corporate profits, and they are using proxies and other "Security Cooperation Authorities" to keep their own hands clean and unaccountable. 

 All of this, absolutely all of it, bottom to top and side to side, is crime-for-profit.  

This has nothing to do with any form of law, though it has plenty to do with the purposeful misapplication of law. It has nothing to do with political tensions, nothing to do with race or religion.  It has nothing to do with any "national interest" or any "security concern".  It is plain old-fashioned conspiratorial crime, piratical plundering and looting exercised on a vast scale, so vast and from such unexpected sources, nobody could easily comprehend it. 

The purveyors of law have been used as the purveyors of crime. The purveyors of medicine and health have been converted into purveyors of illness and death.  The guardians of the public's trust have been reduced to mean-spirited, ugly little criminals in suits, claiming powers they do not have and authorities they do not have any right to exercise. Our public elections have been replaced with private corporate shareholder elections.  Even our Sheriffs and the local police have been reduced to private, for-hire "law enforcement agents" in fear for their lives and their jobs if they uphold our Constitution and the guarantees that the people of this country are owed. 

Most of all, our Armed Forces, sworn to protect us and paid by us to protect us against all enemies both foreign and domestic, have been reduced to cheap commercial mercenaries, at the beck and call of Drug Lords, Child Traffickers, Smugglers, International Arms Dealers, Oil Companies, Mining Operations, Foreign Potentates, and any petty criminal who stumbles their way into Congress. 


See this article and over 3800 others on Anna's website here:

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National Rat Watch Day

 By Anna Von Reitz

With the Marine Corps celebrating its birthday on November 10, and Veteran's Day on November 11, it just seems like we ought to make it a Trifecta and declare November 12 as National Rat Watch Day. 

My Grandmother and Mother got started rat-watching just after the Nixon-Kennedy debate, but even prior to that, they had noticed a pattern. 

The nastiest legislation coming out of Washington, DC, including the Federal Reserve Act, always seemed to center around the holidays from Halloween to Christmas, when people were distracted by the harvest and Church and community events.    

So that's the time slot when these two American women decided to watch Congress; and year after year, decade after decade, it became a family tradition. 

While everyone else was being Holly Jolly and baking cookies, my Mom and Grandma baked their Christmas Cookies with one ear cocked, listening to the news coming out of DC. 

This might seem to indicate that my forebears were politically inclined, but that is not the case.  

My Grandmother likened politicians to different colors of pigs at a trough (prove her wrong) and my Mother, though keenly interested in the local township and county doings, considered Congress "a growing annoyance" worthy of attention simply because of the trouble they caused. 

Rat Watch has now become a phenomenon and though we continue our vigil each year through the holidays, Rat Watching has become popular throughout the year.  We have Rat Watch embroidered patches and cloisonné pins, and I hope to see a Rat Watch vest and baseball caps this year.  

Though there is a wry bit of humor involved and lots of artistic talent around the country, rat-watching is serious business. It's the civilian side of our Public Duty to watch the government and keep it in line. 
We can best do this --- not by going to the polls once every four years --- but by keeping the heat on the politicians all the time. 

It's hard to imagine that our country could have drifted so far off course, if more people had been rat-watching and keeping score on voting records. 

This just-past election cycle saw the end of a political dynasty in Alaska.  U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski will be looking for a new job, possibly replacing Jackie Purcell as the Channel 2 Weather Person. 

Lisa, whose Mother was a Gore, as in Al Gore and the Chicago Daley Clan, would have done perfectly well as a Democrat. That's what she always was.  The problem is that she disguised this and ran as a Republican instead, and even worse, the Republicans let her. 

Our little Rat Watch group in Alaska tracked Lisa's Voting Record --- not what she said, but what she did --- for almost twenty years, and year after year, we pointed out the glaring discrepancy between what Lisa said during campaign season and how she actually voted in DC. 

This is a concern with all politicians these days, and it's largely our fault, because we don't have enough people on Rat Watch, sounding the alarm and holding them accountable.   

The Democrats began running as Republicans about thirty years ago, and now, the Republicans have begun running as Democrats, and neither political party maintains a solid platform, so the Voters are stuck buying pigs in pokes. 

Lisa's favorite excuse was that she was "independent".  Some people would consider that a synonym for "deceptive" coming from someone who didn't run for office as an Independent. Call me fussy.

She also liked to talk a lot about "working across the aisle" and "building bipartisan support" but the plain fact is that: (1) she was part of a famous Democratic family, the Gores and Daleys, and (2) she voted with the Democrats consistently for three terms--- as a Republican. 

When I first started pointing this out to Republican friends, you would have thought I killed the family cat.  How dare I?  Me, a woman who doesn't vote in their foreign corporation elections, and who isn't a willing shareholder, either? 

Well, I dare, because I watch the rats and because they work for me, albeit, in a different sense than they work for the voters.   

I know their voting records. I investigate their backgrounds. They can't tell me one thing and then do another. Nobody gets a free pass that allows them to misrepresent their actual agenda and lie to the Public. 

Not when I'm on Rat Watch. 

So the news that Lisa Murkowski will no longer be "representing" Alaska comes as a relief for many in this State.  

The Voters didn't buy the reasoning that her seniority in Congress was too important to lose. Who knows?  Maybe they will seize upon the joy of electing someone new every six years, instead of empowering more of what nobody wants, and thinking that's desirable? 

Maybe, too, the "Special Electors" have also begun to realize the importance of a U.S. Senate seat, and the need to have honest people in that position. 

Someone who will lie about who they are, what their politics are, and how they will vote on issues impacting you and your State, is not honest by definition.  Whatever else they are, they are liars, and that's a good part of how we've gotten into this Mess -- by electing people who are liars, and then not checking up on them and holding them accountable. 

Bear in mind that we are talking about a British Territorial Corporation operating as a "Congress" of State-of-State franchise owners, getting together in Washington, DC, and arguing about their share of the take. 
This is not the actual Congress of the People.  

Nonetheless, as Subcontractors, all these yahoos do work for us, and the things they do, do impact our lives.   

That's why we Rat Watch and report on what they do.  That's why we analyze their legislation, too.  We may not vote them into and out of office, but we can hold them accountable as a group and as individuals. 

Another Holiday Season is upon us.  Their mid-term elections are just behind us.  Washington, DC, stands deserted.  A ten-foot fence was erected around the Federal Reserve Building over the weekend.  

Seasoned Rat Watchers know why these things are happening, so join the crew and learn the ropes.  And celebrate November 12 in memory of all the Rat Watchers who have gone before you, and all those who will take up their civilian Public Duty in days to come.  


See this article and over 3800 others on Anna's website here:

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