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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Comment on Fulford Report of October 3, 2016: FED v. IMF

By Anna Von Reitz

I have been inundated with people wanting to know what I think about Fulford's report yesterday on the Federal Reserve.  There seems to be some confusion over what his report means.

It means that the Federal Reserve was involved in a gigantic counterfeiting scheme and that the United States Army is for reasons unknown (but which we can guess) standing around letting the Federal Reserve shred the evidence.

The facts as Fulford presents them are these--- a relatively small gold hoard's actual asset value was grossly inflated and then translated into "dollars" by the Federal Reserve.  This had the affect of counterfeiting 23 trillion dollars based on negligible assets.

Advantages of Just Saying----No! -- and Boycotting the Election

By Anna Von Reitz

In a few weeks Americans will be asked to choose between Hillary and Donald.

This is like being asked to choose between Capone and Gambizi.

No matter what you do, it's wrong.

I stopped voting years ago when I realized that their foreign corporation made it a crime for me (or any other American State National) to vote in their elections as of 1868.  Read the 14th Amendment.  Read it carefully. 

Nine million Americans were disenfranchised at that time, including my Great-Grandparents and Grandparents. 

It's a good thing I wised up and rescinded my "Voter Registration" because it is one of the major adhesion contracts they use to claim that you are a "United States Citizen" or a "citizen of the United States" and subject to every whim and demand they care to make.

If you really want to be free and stand in honor, you can't vote in their elections for the simple reason that it is a foreign corporation.  What business does a Spaniard have electing Irishmen?  None, right?

COLB's, Social Security, RV's, Gold Hoards and Ponzi Schemes

By Anna Von Reitz

Every week I get several inquiries from people wondering how to collect on their own "Certificate of Live Birth Bonds"--- known as COLB's.  They go online and check the amount attached to their NAME and are usually stunned to see sums in the millions of dollars.  They do a little quick math and think, "Hey!  I am a millionaire!" 

That's not what all this implies.

Let's begin with the fact that a bond is a promissory note --- an I.O.U. 

That means that all those millions attached to your NAME represent debt owed by good old JOHN MARK DOE and future generations of his children. Oh, there was money obtained, all right---- by the governmental services corporations using you, your labor, and your private and public property as collateral to back their debts.

They got the money and spent it, not you.  And now they are busily trying to shrug and point at you as their "surety"---- the one responsible for paying their debts off.  Those millions attached to your NAME represent credit extended to them  and debt and interest accrued against YOU.

This is done by "hypothecation"---- a nice name for making fraudulent claims  against another person's property without their knowledge or consent.  Think of it of in terms of being "presumed" to have co-signed a car loan for your irresponsible Cousin Bubba, only in this case, it's Uncle Sam. 

This is the biggest Ponzi Scheme on Earth, and you are the victim of it.