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Thursday, February 1, 2024

International Public Notice: You Ask How Did She Know?

 By Anna Von Reitz

I ran across this film clip of Ayn Rand, the Author of Atlas Shrugged, and the young man asking --- how did she know this in 1959?  The same way we know it in 2024.  She looked. She saw. 

Please note the young Mike Wallace, too, trolling the media line and the socialist mindset. 

Please also be aware that this interview is taking place eighteen (18) years after the money had been put in place as of 1941, to pay for all the expenses of the governments --- all social programs, all infrastructure --- in every country worldwide, so there was no need or reason to tax anyone, except that in the meantime, the Vermin had started another World War. 

So the Generals stole the money intended to be an endowment covering all government expenses and doing away with any need for taxation. They commandeered it under the Marshall Plan and various other initiatives and slush funds.  They used it to rebuild all the damage that they had caused and to buy entire governments and economic sectors in countries all over the world.  

They are still trying to steal and control and contrive to keep hold of money meant to free you all from taxation forever.   

They have tried to deny its existence.  

Then they have tried to pretend that they don't know whose money it is. 

Then they have tried to pretend that it came from criminal sources. 

Then they have tried to pretend that it came from a man who is a slave in their three-tiered slave system.  

And none of this is true. They know and we know exactly where that money came from and what it is supposed to do. 

It is supposed to forever end taxation. 

It is supposed to provide everything everyone needs in terms of government services and infrastructure without taxing people. 

But taxation is a power to destroy that can be used to coerce and bully and terrify and the slimebags don't want to give it up.  

They don't want to honor the wishes of the people who actually produced the wealth in the first place. 

No, they want to use it to buy people off and create more conflicts and more oppression and more ways to kill people, because that is how twisted, small-minded, crooked, and grasping these men really are. 

Here is Ayn Rand telling you the truth about taxation -- but she told people a lot more than this.  

She explained how the Generals used this money to buy controlling interests in all the Fortune 500 Companies, how they gobbled up entire market sectors, how they turned the stock market into a rigged casino, how they terrorized the captains of industry, how they stole and coerced and still do.

Atlas Shrugged is really the simple truth presented as a fictional story.  It was the only way that Ayn Rand could get the truth to you. This is what she personally witnessed in the 1930's, 40's and 50's. 

Like the Wizard of Oz and The Lord of the Rings, Atlas Shrugged is a form of disclosure that exposes one whole segment of the destruction of our world at the hands of crooked generals and government bureaucrats --- the take over of our productive private sector corporations and inevitably, the death of our industrial base.  

Don't wonder how she knew. Wonder why you didn't. 

The recent lesson in economics given to the members of the World Economic Forum by the President of Argentina is a lesson that Argentina, Russia, China, and every other Socialist -Communist- Fascist country has learned. 

These failed socialist political theories have led to poverty and social misery every time and everywhere they have been adopted.  No exceptions. 

If we let the criminals get away with it, they will force these failed ideas onto us and we will be a Third World country; indeed, to the extent that the colluding generals have succeeded, we already are. 

Look at American Standardized Test Scores since Jimmy Carter's Federal Department of Education came into existence in 1976.  

Look at our standard of living plummeting.  

Look at the value of the Federal Reserve Notes being eaten up like bon-bons by engineered inflation. 

Look at America, once loved and respected, being trashed and hated.  

Look at what these political parties and lobbyists have done to this country and ask yourselves, why aren't these special interest groups outlawed? 

Why are corporations able to give almost unlimited amounts of money to political candidates so as to literally buy the government? 

Until the rest of the world recognizes that this thing occupying the Federal Capitol isn't our American Government, that it is the usurping Roman Catholic Municipal "United States, Inc." and the usurping British Territorial "United States of America, Inc." that they are dealing with, the entire world will suffer. 

Likewise, until the world recognizes the difference between the United Nations organization and the UN CORPORATION, there will be no peace, no honesty, no safety for anyone.  

These evil corporate conglomerates will continue to promote war, war, and more war for profit and the corrupt generals will continue to evade and abuse civilian authority, until the banks are cut off at the knees for funding them and hiding their dirt. 

And this is what Ayn Rand knew, too.  

What we are telling you is nothing new; we are simply putting it together in a different way, and shoving it in your faces until you must choke on it. 

In case you missed it, be sure to catch this similarly insightful summation of what happens when for-profit corporations masquerade as governments.  

They kill people and terrorize them for profit. 

To them, it's just another kind of war. 
To them, it's just another "theater". 
To them, it's all for fun -- until they are caught. 

Pay special attention to all the captured film footage of the crazy hospital, nurse, and death/ demon display that was actually part of the London Olympics years prior to the so-called pandemic.  

These are the enemies of mankind, right here on public display, in our faces, dramatizing how they intended to kill us and our children and our elders. And did so, too, using their "Uniformed Officers" -- the licensed Health Professionals, who took the kickbacks and injected everyone with poisons and parasites and experimental gunk. 

Don't forget and don't forgive the corporations and the men and women who did this. 

They killed indiscriminately.  They killed young and old, rich and poor, black and white. They killed for the sake of profit and cashed out the "Life Force Value Annuities" they took out on our lives, in a bizarre reprise of the Bottomry Bonds Scandal. 

So it is time to "kill" them.  Yank their charters and contracts. Sever their licenses. Remove the corporate veil. Void their registrations, copyrights, and patents. Boycott them. And don't believe a word of their narratives. Don't support them in any way. Treat them as you would a plague of rats.
Quit working for them.  Join organizations that will put an end to them once and for all. 

Explain to everyone why this is the right, proper, and lawful response.  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

February 1st 2024


See this article and over 4600 others on Anna's website here:

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Yes, There is a Public Duty

 By Anna Von Reitz

Just as they sit, as properly populated and declared General Assemblies, our fifty State Assemblies, are powerful and enabled to do a lot of worthwhile things and they have already done so. 

They have formally enrolled all the Territorial States that have been formed since the Civil War under the provisions of The Northwest Ordinance -- "States" that were never completed, and which have waited for decades to become full States of the Union.  That was accomplished as of October 2020

They have outlawed forced vaccinations in this country and published the first Public Law in three generations prohibiting commercial claims or patent rights asserting that people are rendered Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) as a result of receiving undisclosed mRNA injections. 

Our General Assemblies have claimed back the property assets of their States and picked up the gavel, learned their responsibilities, rights, and powers. 

Every day more Americans are learning the truth -- that yes, we have the right to self-govern, and with that right comes the responsibility to do so.  

Unfortunately, some people aren't getting the message clearly enough.  When you run for an office in a State Assembly, it is literally a Public Office.  

The State Assembly is the actual Government of your State of the Union.  

Even the State-of-State elected officials understand the necessity of publishing their election results and standing in the glare of public cognizance when you hold --- or in their case, occupy --- a public office. 

Americans accepting State Assembly Offices need to understand the same thing. 

You might not like your State-of-State Governor, but at least he lets you know who he is.  You can write to him or call his office.  He doesn't attempt to wield the power of his office in secret, does he? 

Of course, not.  He's occupying a public office, even if he got there via a private election. And if he has the brass cajones to occupy a public office under those conditions, I really have to question your reluctance to fill an office in your own government? 

Unlike club and secret society offices, public offices owe a duty to the public to be announced. The successful candidates' names are published in the newspapers. Contact information has to be given. 

Numerous Assemblies have somehow thought that they could elect officials to serve in Assembly Offices, but not actually publish the results of their elections outside the venue of their own Assembly. 

Some people have approached me, clearly terrified by the thought of having to admit that yes, they are actually standing up and taking responsibility for their own government, applying the actual law, and enforcing the Constitutions. 

They say, oh, oh, but we aren't ready yet. The Assembly isn't fully seated yet.  We don't have our courts all up and running yet.  

They come up with all sorts of excuses, and here I am, shaking my head. 

Honey, baby, darling, dear.... you are talking to a woman who has had her name and photo and email and telephone number published and distributed worldwide for the better part of three decades, standing here as the Fiduciary of The United States of America. 

Did I have to stand up and divulge who I am to the public? And not just within my State? I've had to face the scrutiny and take the slings and arrows from the whole world. Hello? 

Could I accomplish the work to be done while hiding under a rock?  No. 

What service would I have done or been able to do without the courage and conviction to act?  None. 

You'd all still be sitting at Starbucks, doing the crossword puzzle. 

Your job may be different, as an elected State Official, but it's just as important in its own way, and just as public within your State of the Union. 

So. I've done my public duty by you.  Will you do your duty, or not? 

If you aren't willing to "go public", please don't run for a public office.  

Doing something that is illogical doesn't help and your decision to step down, or rather, never complete the requirements of public office, just creates a lot of drama after the fact. 

The time to contemplate the seriousness of what we are doing is before you run for a State Assembly office, before your neighbors have put their trust in you, and before the Assembly has invested all the time and effort in an election process. 

When I first faced the necessity of acting in Public, I was terrified. I hate politics. I hate public speaking. I am naturally shy.  I don't like sitting at the front of the room.  I don't like the way I look or sound on camera. I am horribly self-critical. 

Of all the people on Earth that could draw this slot, I have to be absolutely the least likely candidate, okay?  

I feel like God is having a good laugh each and every day.  I get up and look in the mirror and think, "Oh, good one.  He's laughing.  He's having a good guffaw...."  

They send their thugs, and he sends Grandma. 

You could not, on a bet, find a less likely candidate to do this work.  

Yet, here I am, out of necessity, because there was nobody else standing there when the moment came, because once I knew about the criminality it was my duty to report it, because once I saw the danger to innocent people, I had to act, and because there was and is no other choice. 

Nobody can do this for us.  Like peeing, running your government is something you have to do yourself. 

So, wherever you are, and whatever challenge you are facing, know that others have had the same and even worse choices set before them, and because they found the courage to go forward, you have the opportunity to reclaim your birthright and restore your government. 

It's just a chance, but it is a precious chance, one that depends on you, but has been paid for by a lot of people over a long period of time, people who sacrificed to do the research and bring it forward, people who overcame poverty, fear, ignorance, and even faced death to make it possible for you to serve as an elected official of your State Assembly.  

If you can't find it in yourself to have your name and office announced in a newspaper, just think about all the people who are depending on you, those who died honorably in the service of this country, and generations of Americans to come. 

What happens if you run away now?  

When that choice came to me, I can tell you it wasn't easy.  I felt hopeless, overwhelmed, and scared.  I did it anyway.  I did it because I knew it was the right thing to do, and if I didn't, I'd never be able to look myself in the face. 

So here I am.  Where are you? 


See this article and over 4600 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: Motives of Genocide

 By Anna Von Reitz

There is no excuse, no lawful basis, no legal basis for what the Biden Administration is doing here in this country or abroad.

Let us make this abundantly clear: Joe Biden is the "President" of the "White House Office, Inc." and nothing else.  He is the President of what remains of the Dutch East India Company, nothing else.  

He is not the President of The United States.  He is not the President of The United States of America. 

He is a con artist, a phony, a fall guy, an actor.  Literally.  And the election process that elected him was phony, too, quite apart from any wrong-doing or voting machine hacking or mail-in ballot fraud.  It was already a three-dollar bill. 

No, the elections in this country have been tainted with fraud since the 1850's.  

This is when the United States of America, Incorporated, the British Territorial Subcontractor, started holding "public private" elections, and poured tons of money into political parties and campaigns and talking up the importance of having the ability to "vote".  

Little did the victims realize that the "enfranchisement" that these British Snake Oil Salesmen were selling was an undisclosed "opportunity" to give up their identity as free men and women and as Americans, for the privilege of adopting the second-class political status of a U.S. Citizen (human) voting in the private corporate elections of a bankrupt British Corporation, so that they could inherit its debts. 

That wasn't ever disclosed to the American Public. Guess you can all see why. 

That's how Lincoln got elected.  And that is the Office he got elected to.  The British Territorial corporation dba the United States of America, Inc. was on the verge of bankruptcy and did go bankrupt in 1863. 

So, how did Lincoln get into the White House?  

The White House belongs to the colluding Roman Catholic Municipal Government. 

They let Lincoln occupy the White House, which in the minds of the gullible American Public, meant that Lincoln must be the right and only President. 

And now, let us observe that it was the Roman Catholics with the emphasis on "Roman" who were seeking a new life in America, a place where religious tolerance would finally allow the Roman Pontiff room to exercise his priesthood.  

The White House-- built in 1792 and the oldest government-related structure in the Federal Capitol,  is named after Jesuit Father Andrew White, SJ, who reportedly said the first Mass in Maryland, which was, obviously, a Catholic Colony named after the Virgin Mary, or, not so obviously, after Mary Magdalene.  

Now, it may not appear to be connected, but only seven years later, the Dutch East India Company (1602-1799) was finally taken over for good by the British East India Company.  

Understand that the Union Dutch East India Company was chartered by the Government of the Netherlands in 1602, and was the first Transnational joint-stock company in the world. 

Understand that the Union Dutch East India Company was one of the key players in the giant Insurance Fraud known as the Bottomry Bonds Scandal that accompanied Queen Anne to the British Throne -- and it was under the charter of Queen Anne's Brother-in-Law, William of Orange; this situation  forced an uneasy collusion between the Union Dutch East India Company and the British East India Company that endured until a fourth lovers' quarrel (British Navy acting as privateers against the Dutch Commercial Fleet) resulted in the formal dissolution of the Dutch East India Company in 1799.  

This was little more than a merger ending a collusive monopoly, to keep the peace and the gilders and the marks and the kroners supporting the British Pound Sterling.  

And who was the British King during all this?  None other than our former liege-lord, George III.  

We have wandered around the block a bit, but the point is to demonstrate that collusive commercial monopolies engaged in shipping and colonization, supported by several Continental Monarchies and the British Monarchy, too, underlie the economies  of modern Europe. 

And the so-called Kings of Britain were already pre-sold out to the Pope. 

Britain, the Company,  took over the shipping and colonization and mercenary forces portion of the operation in 1799, leaving the Dutch to specialize in banking, overland trading, warehousing, and business capitalization. They were still working hand-in-hand and for the same people. 

Now, we come to America and the American version of this same arrangement.  Instead of the Dutch East India Company, we had the United States Trading Company.  Instead of the British East India Company, we had the United States of America Trading Company.  

And although these were all transnational joint-stock companies chartered by European Monarchies, they were all ultimately administered by the British King, and at the end of the day, owned by the Roman Catholic Pope. 

We already went over how Henry the Eighth double-crossed the Anglican Church, and now, we shall hear how Charles the Second, a staunch Roman Catholic, ordered both of his daughters (and heirs) to be brought up as Protestants. 

The British Kings make 40% of the lifetime estimated estate value of Protestants and nothing off Roman Catholics.  So, of course, they were at pains to encourage Protestantism throughout their realm(s), even though they were working for the Pope the whole time and owed their crowns to him.   

Then, and to this day, they make the bulk of their money selling the estates and labor assets of "lost" Protestants --- and of course, by controlling trade routes, war, privateering, colonies, and courts. 

These are all British franchises, and they get a cut off all of it, though the Pope continued to receive his Lion's share. 

They haven't been able to get a good war going for a long time -- or, at least a long time for them.

Between 1776 and 2024 this country, the cheapest and best source of mercenaries for the British, has been at peace for exactly 22 years out of 248. Think about it. Think hard. 

The discovery of the betrayal of the British Anglican Church and all associated Protestant faiths is having an effect on the money train between Rome and London, so they have fallen back on their second most reliable income stream: war.  

They are now desperate to start a war and to make money any way they can.  They don't care if it's a fake civil war in America or a genocide in Gaza or a proxy war in Ukraine.  

The rest of the world is slowly choking them off. 

To make matters worse, the Americans are waking up, including the American military. 

To be blunt, the Transnational Transexual worshipers of Baal, Mammon and Baphomet, had hoped to be out of here and safely away in "peaceful China" selling their wares by now. 

They love war because they make money--- lots and lots of money --- off war, but they always plan to be somewhere safe themselves.  

While the Brits are trying to set America ablaze and trying to provoke the Arab states throughout the Middle East, they are being forced to rely on American Manpower instead of Chinese. 

Quite obviously, the Americans are on to them now and even if they survive in the Middle East, there is no place to come home to.  Not even Britian.  That, above all else, is why they have been trying to clear a path to a new era of Colonialism in Africa.  

They've already lost China as their landing place.

Now they've lost Ukraine.  

Russia sweet-talked and assisted all the targeted countries in Africa --- having been attacked by the Euro-scum and not for the first time, they are now all allied with Russia.   

Read that -- most of Africa is now allied with Russia. 

Russia is already allied with Iran, and if possible, will be allied with Turkey soon -- a Trifecta melding Russian muscle and production capability with Iranian technical and scientific excellence and local knowledge, all meshing with the ferocious and well-equipped million-man Turkish Army. 

This note to the U.S. Military --- color your rumps gone, boys, if you are fools enough to be dragged into this one, and stop guarding your own home. 

President Erdogan of Turkey is suddenly the Belle of the Ball, with Vladimir Putin putting in his visit just in time for the Eastern Orthodox Church money and the F-15 Fighter bribe to wear off.  

Bear in mind, that if a Great-Grandma in Big Lake, Alaska, can see this at a glance, so can a lot of other people worldwide. 

No doubt, Erdogan and his Ministers remember what the Brits did to the Ottoman Empire, even if nobody in America ever read the history.  And that has to be a really good motive for revenge---especially with the perceived value of U.S. Treasuries sinking into the Mariana Trench and the long-term bond market following after.  

It does no good to kill Biden, Pelosi, nor the whole crowd of Leftist tools. The anxious bankers backing the Brits and Israel (because if they don't, their own dirty laundry comes out) will have bought new candidates by morning and made it look like this was an attack on America instead of an attack on "the US". 

No, no, no, no.  It does no good to take out the puppets and addicts and perverts. It's the puppetmasters who have to go. 

Nor does it pay us to talk good, common sense -- like Colonel MacGregor suggests --  tell Israel we don't support genocide, and if this continues in Gaza, we're pulling out. 

That is, in fact, the only solution for us and them. 

Continuing this insanity of attacking Iran means that Israel will be obliterated from the map. 

Even if they somehow coerced or paid every able-bodied man in America to go over to the Middle East and be slaughtered for the White House Office, Inc. and a purloined flag, it would still mean the obliteration of Israel. 

As Colonel MacGregor observes in the film clip below, the only chance that Israel has, is to quit the genocide in Gaza and do it now.  

But Netanyahu, like King Henry the Eighth, has cut his deal. Obviously. That's why he is still alive.  He will willingly betray Israel to its final end, while pretending to lead it to victory and riches. 

Just as Henry VIII acted as Head of the Anglican Church, while selling all his Protestant Subjects into slavery.  Netanyahu is working for the Pope.

The reason that Israelis will be misled and the reason that Netanyahu will betray them is to get rid of the Dome of the Rock and all the evidence that underlies Jerusalem, all the history, all the evidence.  

The Dracos think its time to fold the tent and collapse all the world religions that were headquartered in Jerusalem.  

Even though they participated in creating all these religions, and have used them as tools to divide and conquer, what they want now is to destroy the evidence.  Clean the slate and start over. 

Yes, we are chalk under a giant blackboard eraser to them, but then, the feeling is mutual.  

What we need is a short, sweet multinational declaration concerning the sins of the British Empire against mankind, telling the Brits to stop being puppets of Rome and telling Rome to knock it off -- or else.    

Consider it said, as of 1776.  It's called The Unanimous Declaration of Independence. 

Those interested in saving their own lives should read it and confirm that all the evils that George III visited on the Colonists then have been visited on us again. 

We are not the only ones who have noticed the way that Britain is always at the bottom of the dogpile.  And we aren't the only ones who have tracked them back to their nest in Rome. 

Pinpoint attacks on specific targets would disable the entire Maritime Commercial Banking System and put an end to the puppeteers, the phony Stock Exchange, and the whole bailiwick. 

They know that.  We know that.  

They want us to take out Fleet Street and bomb Telaviv where the "New York Stock Exchange" resides.  They want the BEAST-System computer in Texas destroyed. They want us to destroy the evidence of their crimes.  

We all need to wake up from this bad dream and treat it for what it is: crime. 

It's not about Israel.  It's about money and control. 

It's not about "America".  It's about almost-300 year-old transnational commercial corporations that have been using us all, not just Americans, for sock puppets. 

It's not about innocent civilians in Gaza.  It's about oil that Israel needs but doesn't want to pay for, sitting right under the Gaza Strip. 

Israel wants the oil wealth and energy source for its own growth and development.  So they follow the Pied Piper and call their neighbors "animals" and murder them for their own selfish benefit. 

The "American" oil companies, that aren't really American at all, want to drain every last drop out of the Middle East before opening up the vast American resources. 

Of course, they don't want to pay us for that, either.  Thus both Gaza and the Americans become targets. 

You don't think that Joe Biden is an Oil Company Flunkie?  Think again.   

Just look at what Biden and his Administration have done to shut down domestic oil production using Theodore Roosevelt's same old cynical policy and cover story of "conservation" that benefits his cronies and nobody else?    

No, this about oil, too.  Lots of it. 

So, we think that on the small scale, it's apparent what needs to be done.  The CEO's of certain corporations need to be arrested.  And if that is not enough, entire Boards of Directors. 

For crimes against humanity.  

Please check out these videos for a clear-eyed vision of the world situation right now. 

Colonel MacGregor: 

"Mistakes Were Not Made" -- notice the bizarre floor show of nurses with needles and patients jumping on hospital beds that were showcased at the London Olympics. No mistake. 

Before this ends, the role of the French and Swiss Governments will become apparent, too.  

This is not a show, with a drama written in blood.  It's a horse opera with Russian cowboys. 

Remember: Russia, Iran, and Turkey.  Doesn't really matter what the rest of the region does. Russia has already taken Ukraine and half of Africa.  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

January 31st 2024


See this article and over 4600 others on Anna's website here:

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