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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Why Not Attack the USA, Inc.?

 By Anna Von Reitz

There's no law against it.  

They unlawfully converted your political status and "redefined" you as a corporation so that they could attack you at will without consequences under the Public Law and the Constitutions. 

Turnabout is fair play. 

So now you know that there is nothing sacrosanct squatting in the halls of our government.  The USA, Inc., doesn't have any state immunity.  Neither do its State-of-State franchises. 

The USA, Inc. is really just another misdirected, unaccountable, lying, cheating, thieving, murderous, racketeering influenced foreign commercial corporation.  

If the UNITED STATES, INC. was still in business I'd say the same thing about them.  

They all deserve what they get.  And more. 

Oh, but they are here to defend us, you say?  Is that what you call it? 

The same military subcontractor that has sat on its rump and let the Department of Defense "weaponize medicine" and deploy bioweapons on our shores?  

The same military subcontractor that has sat on its rump and left our southern border open to millions of people who are being lured here to replace the Americans these same Vermin pretended to own--- and purportedly sold into slavery--- in exchange for advanced laser tech?    
I am just trembling in my boots -- in happy anticipation of being rid of their services, thank you.   

I want to see them liquidated, together with all the other commercial corporations that profit from peddling death and destruction and war and snake oil. 

And lies.  Endless lies. 

I want the CIA and FBI and DOD and DOJ and all the various Agencies sent down the river, too.  

Fired with Prejudice. Not eligible for rehire. 


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Think About What You Are Thinking

 By Anna Von Reitz

If you don't know the actual history of your own country, how could you expect to know the history of the solar system and galaxy you live in?   

Do you realize that the Universal Field Theory was proven back in the 1920s?  If not, that puts your knowledge of physics a hundred years in the past.  

You have been deliberately dumbed down and kept in the dark by people who sought to keep you ignorant and vulnerable to their lies and self-serving misrepresentations. 

And it's not just lapses about American History.  

This planet was built by our Creator, who designed our DNA and everything else needed to define and sustain and care for us. We are all in receipt of a gift, our DNA, which is 13.8 billion years old.   

If you want to begin catching up on the science and planetary history and want a people-friendly teacher and guide, I suggest you begin by studying the material provided by Gregg Braden.

Gregg and a group of researchers at Harvard startled the world by announcing that our DNA contains coded messages that come directly from our Creator. 

This astounding news barely caused a ripple thanks to mainstream media suppression.  

Suffice it to say that The Ancient of Days, God, is no longer a theory or a religious belief. We know his name.  We bear his signature. 

The "book"---our DNA--- whose mysteries were sealed until the End Times, has been opened. 

The Deception and The Great Fraud ultimately goes much deeper than forgetting to tell you the end results of the Civil War. 


See this article and over 4000 others on Anna's website here:

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Weaponization of Space -- or Not

 By Anna Von Reitz

As I have told you, and as is plain on the public record, the two guilty commercial corporations that have been such a problem for our country from the beginning have now extended their mercenary activities to space -- the Secret Space Program -- SSP, Inc., the British Crown version,  and the United Space Service -- USS, INC. Municipal version are colluding to make sure that they rule not only space, but the entire Earth. 

The SSP, Inc. recently acquired an "unstoppable weapon" by disgraceful means and believes that it has the opportunity to take over the entire world.  

They know that they will likely be opposed in this by extraterrestrial forces that have been sent here to make sure that these educated idiots don't destroy the planet and everything on it.  I am being completely serious and accountable.  This is first-hand knowledge.

So the Rats have double-backed their situation with a long term propaganda campaign called "Project Blue Beam" promoted via their Nazi Mouthpiece Werner von Braun.  Where have you heard that name before?  How about Eva Braun?  

Go figure. 

Project Blue Beam is supposed to be a holographic firestorm of illusions and purposeful destruction like the "War of the Worlds" only fantastically advanced beyond that hoax.  

According to WVB, this is the last card in a bid to coerce all the national governments and people of the world to accept a monolithic "world [military] government".  It's that word "military" that they are purposefully omitting so that everyone is caught by surprise. 

Well, almost everyone, Campers.  

Just recall that they lied about the "Atom Bomb" too and scared everyone silly for two decades over that Big Fat One. Scaring you into submission is their stock-in-trade. So don't be scared.  Be angry. 

Shove it back down their skinny Nazi necks and realize that the actual veiled ET Fleet that you can glimpse yourself easily enough if you look up into the sky -- particularly at dawn and sunset -- is here to guard life on this planet. 

That Fleet, particularly the Andromedan Fleet, is here to make sure that the atmosphere of this planet is not destroyed like the atmosphere on Mars, which made the entire planet of Mars uninhabitable 32,000 years ago.  And they have already begun to take action. 

That is the trigger that has set the phony Project Blue Beam claims into motion and prompted the Biden Administration to admit that an "ET Threat" exists --- albeit, it's only a threat to liars and thieves and madmen like the boneheads behind all this evil nonsense.  

The commercial corporations have built a "space fleet" of their own, comprised of 1200 ships at a cost of over $20 Trillion dollars which has all been siphoned off the China Trade and out of our pockets and purloined from our funds originally used to fund the so-called "Marshal Plan" --- another giant military boondoggle. 

No wonder certain generals have enjoyed solid gold toilet seats. 

If necessary, the Andromedans and other members of the Peace Task Force will immobilize all the military equipment on Earth.  Those 1200 ships and the new laser weapons will be stuck as I said, like ants in amber.  

This planet belongs to God; it does not belong to men--- and men have no right to destroy it. 

If you want to see wonders, create some of your own.  You have the inate ability to create whatever you want to create -- so focus your attention away from the military's playbook and concentrate on the world you want to live in.  

You are Co-Creators, so dust off your laurels and create the world you want to live in. Visualize it, see it, taste it, and verbally command it to manifest --- a world that is not ruled by Nazi Thugs, a world which is not dependent on Evil and illusions anymore. 


See this article and over 4000 others on Anna's website here:

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How They Fake the "Pandemic" and Everything Else

 By Anna Von Reitz

They perform theater, just like their phony courts. 

They make up these preposterous lies and pay actors and tell the people that this is some kind of community preparedness event and they give them hush money and that's that. 

It's all just theater designed to push political agendas. 

Right now they are saying that the Number One Killer of Children is Guns--- a huge, huge lie that would make Josef Goebbels proud.

This year the Number One Killer of Children is a fake Pandemic unleashed on us by commercial corporations seeking profit.  

We have lost 118,000 young people in the past year and not to guns --- to phony mRNA "vaccines" promoted by the WHO, INC. and our own dear Department of Defense, Inc. 

These people are Liars.  Nothing but Liars.  Children of Satan who want to live in Hell and make sure that all the rest of us do, too. 

All I have to say is that it is past time to liquidate these corporations for cause and arrest the members of the fake Congresses and "Legislatures" responsible for this treason against this country and its people.  

We are being attacked from within by corporations intent on making profit from various kinds of disaster. 

Take a good look at what they are doing:  How They Faked the "Pandemic" --- and this is how they fake mass shootings, too. 

Now also get a real good look ( in two minutes and thirty seconds flat) at how the "Department of Defense, Inc." in collusion with WHO, INC., have weaponized medicine.  

Weaponizing medicine is the worst possible kind of Satanic bullcrap; we used to hang snake oil salesmen who went too far, and it is apparently time for history to repeat itself.  

This behavior has been outlawed for generations, but now, all of sudden, they think they can get away with this.  Time to get up, people, and stomp these corporations and their banks and their employees back into the dirt where they belong. 


See this article and over 4000 others on Anna's website here:

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