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Thursday, February 16, 2023

How They Fake the "Pandemic" and Everything Else

 By Anna Von Reitz

They perform theater, just like their phony courts. 

They make up these preposterous lies and pay actors and tell the people that this is some kind of community preparedness event and they give them hush money and that's that. 

It's all just theater designed to push political agendas. 

Right now they are saying that the Number One Killer of Children is Guns--- a huge, huge lie that would make Josef Goebbels proud.

This year the Number One Killer of Children is a fake Pandemic unleashed on us by commercial corporations seeking profit.  

We have lost 118,000 young people in the past year and not to guns --- to phony mRNA "vaccines" promoted by the WHO, INC. and our own dear Department of Defense, Inc. 

These people are Liars.  Nothing but Liars.  Children of Satan who want to live in Hell and make sure that all the rest of us do, too. 

All I have to say is that it is past time to liquidate these corporations for cause and arrest the members of the fake Congresses and "Legislatures" responsible for this treason against this country and its people.  

We are being attacked from within by corporations intent on making profit from various kinds of disaster. 

Take a good look at what they are doing:  How They Faked the "Pandemic" --- and this is how they fake mass shootings, too. 

Now also get a real good look ( in two minutes and thirty seconds flat) at how the "Department of Defense, Inc." in collusion with WHO, INC., have weaponized medicine.  

Weaponizing medicine is the worst possible kind of Satanic bullcrap; we used to hang snake oil salesmen who went too far, and it is apparently time for history to repeat itself.  

This behavior has been outlawed for generations, but now, all of sudden, they think they can get away with this.  Time to get up, people, and stomp these corporations and their banks and their employees back into the dirt where they belong. 


See this article and over 4000 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Abortion cost over 5,000,000 children this last year.

  2. Talk Patton,Butler,othe not so high profile getting whacked.
    McAuther and Patton busted up a occupy Wall Street lead by Jewish homosexual David Niles .
    Niles swore to Mc Author he would get him .
    And actually lived in the FDR White House. FDR had a second secret Jewish cabinet and the ordered McAuthor to cut the military by 50% McAuthor fought back and FDR backed down see when Jews want to overthrow a government they don’t want loyal military standing in their way like the Swiss guard who fought to the death defending the Christian king Louie and Marie.
    Or imperial guard who defended czar Nicholas and his family.
    McAuthor wanted to go around all the boobytrap Japanese islands like French Magonot line.
    But the Jewish secret cabin ordered him to take every island causing the death of 60 thousand marines.
    We need to learn our hero military like these Butler,Patton,McAuthor.

  3. There are no military heroes. Just cheap mercenaries. No honorable soldiery exists.

  4. Go watch the movie WAR INC

  5. Smith-Mundt Act: What is the Smith Mundt Modernisation Act?
    Mundt (R-SD) in January 1945 in the 79th Congress. It was subsequently passed by the 80th Congress and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman on January 27, 1948. An Act to promote the better understanding of the United States among the peoples of the world and to strengthen cooperative international relations.


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