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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Enough is Enough: How to Deal With Nuisance "Charges" and False Claims and Harassment

By Anna Von Reitz

For MUNICIPAL COURTS – all cases captioned in all COURTS:

Have your BC and your two Witness Testimonies in the Form of an Affidavit so you can establish your ownership of the PERSON and prevent them from seizing control and "administering" YOUR ESTATE without any right to do so. 

1. You walk in.  They ask your name.  You answer with your First and Middle ---- "John Michael" or “Betty Ann” or whatever. 

2. You say, "I wish this to be on the Public Record of the Court.  Are we on the Public Record?"  

3. Once on the record, you say, "I am visiting this court as a Lawful Person." 

4. "There has been a mistake. I have been misidentified and my political status has been misrepresented to the court. I am not acting in the capacity of a United States Citizen nor as a Citizen of the United States.  I am a Texas (or whatever your Birth State was) National and a State Citizen.  I am not subject to the jurisdiction of this court and claim remedy and relief under Federal Law, Title 50, Appendix 7 (c) and (e).  I wish my cargo and my vessels which are permanently domiciled on the land and soil of (Your Birth State) to be released and all charges against them to be eliminated.  I wish the Prosecutors Bid Bond and Performance Bond to be brought forward and paid to me as damages for the false arrest and detainment of my VESSEL in violation of my Article IV guarantees under The Constitution of the United States.” 

Most likely the arrogant #%@@%@ charging you hasn't even bothered to post a Bid Bond or Performance Bond, in which case all charges have to be instantly dismissed and the COURT is “embarrassed” by him and his “incompetent prosecution”.  

If he has posted the bonds, he is supposed to post a minimum of $25,000 per misdemeanor and $1,000,000.00 per felony, and you get paid.  If you claim his bonds two things happen --- you get paid instead of them, and THEIR insurance gets hit for it, and a black mark is applied against him.  Three such faux pas and he loses his license to practice law in their STATE OF STATE and if it is a Public Prosecutor, he loses his job.  Besides the monetary loss this is a very effective punishment for corrupt prosecutors. 

Please note that this gets you not only off the hook, but also punishes the perpetrators.  It is a variation of the process described below which rewards the perpetrators by allowing them to charge your ACCOUNT.  This can be handy if all you want to do is get out of their clutches, but it encourages their racketeering and may lead to them harassing you the same way that dogs are encouraged to beg for more table scraps, which is why I do not generally advocate the solution shown below. 

If a speedy removal is your goal, or you get caught in a situation where you cannot easily retrieve your BC and Witness Testimonies, it may nonetheless expedient and useful for you to execute Steps 1 through 4, but 4 has a different ending variation:

4.  "There has been a mistake. I have been misidentified and my political status has been misrepresented to the court. I am not acting in the capacity of a United States Citizen nor as a Citizen of the United States.  I am a Texas (or whatever your Birth State was) National and a State Citizen.  I am not subject to the jurisdiction of this court and claim remedy and relief under Federal Law, Title 50, Appendix 7 (c) and (e).  I wish my cargo and my vessels which are permanently domiciled on the land and soil of (Your Birth State) to be released.  However, in this instance only, and maintaining my innocence, I accept your charge(s) for Value and Consideration in return for Settlement and Closure of this Case Contract Number (whatever case number is shown on the docket sheet) and will allow the Court to assess its standard charges against my CUSIP and AUTOTRIS. Please use my exemption for full settlement and closure of this sub- account, as it is pre-paid and exempt from levy. I shall sign as Authorized Representative.”

This solution leaves them aghast, and probably staring at you like you are a Talking Horse; they will also, naturally, be alarmed, because they have been sneaking around preying upon people and abusing the individual Public Trusts they are supposed to protect.

They are suddenly presented with the victim being fully aware of what they are doing and they may panic and “need to confer” with each other --- or ---- they may try to deny knowing what you are talking about.  The fact is that some of them know and some of them don’t.  So those that know will be unsettled, those that don’t know will be confused.  For your own information as to who is who, watch their facial expressions.

Nonetheless, stand there on your little flat feet.  You may mildly prompt that the “Court Clerk has the necessary information”.  As the actual Prosecutor and Beneficiary in the case, the Court Clerk’s Office is responsible for preparing the True Bills.  Once the Bills are presented, you sign your Upper and Lower Case Name as the Authorized Representative, All Rights Reserved.

In the Territorial Courts--- Cases Captioned in Upper and Lower Case Courts:

If by chance you get hauled into Territorial Court, your Name will appear as a Legal Person in Upper and Lower Case, and the Court’s Name will also appear in Upper and Lower Case.  The basic schtick is the same, with a few obvious changes to allow for the difference in jurisdiction:

Have your BC and your two Witness Testimonies in the Form of an Affidavit so you can establish your ownership of the Person and prevent them from seizing control and "administering" your Estate without right to do so. 

1. You walk in.  They ask your name.  You answer with your First and Middle ---- "John Michael" or “Betty Ann” or whatever. 

2. You say, "I wish this to be on the Public Record of the Court.  Are we on the Public Record?"  

3. Once on the record, you say, "I am visiting this court as a Lawful Person." 

4. "There has been a mistake. I have been misidentified and my political status has been misrepresented to the court. I am not acting in the capacity of a United States Citizen nor as a Citizen of the United States.  I am a Texas (or whatever your Birth State was) National and a State Citizen.  I am not subject to the jurisdiction of this court and claim remedy and relief under Federal Territorial Law, Title 50, Appendix 7 (c) and (e), The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, Title 28, Sections 1602 to 1611, and The False Claims Act, Title 31, U.S.C.A., Section 3729 (a) (7).  I wish my cargo and my vessels which are permanently domiciled on the land and soil of (Your Birth State) to be released and all charges against them to be eliminated.  I wish the Prosecutors Bid Bond and Performance Bond to be brought forward and paid to me as damages for the false arrest and detainment of my Vessel in violation of my Article IV guarantees under The Constitution of the United States of America.” 

The MUNICIPAL COURTS owe you Due Diligence and Good Faith Service under The Constitution for the United States (no “of America” involved).  The Territorial Courts owe you the same, but under The Constitution of the United States of America--- a different Constitution, but the same basic rules apply.  So reference The Constitution of the United States in MUNICIPAL COURT, and The Constitution of the United States of America in Territorial Court.

Always check the court record three days before any scheduled hearing to make sure there are no “in Limine Motions”.  These are Pre-Trial Motions to exclude “prejudicial testimony”—such as testimony about the victim’s political status or “national security” issues.  Such Motions occur outside the courtroom and prior to any hearings taking place.  In international land jurisdiction cases, they have to be countered by a Pre-Emptive Writ of Prohibition against obstruction of testimony and extra-judicial measures issued at least three days prior to trial or hearing date. 

If you take the time to really think about and memorize this information, you will have the ability to effectively defend yourself and your property assets any time and any place that you may be accused or detained. 


See this article and over 1800 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

For All The Jural Assemblies - 58 Reading the Constitutions Correctly

By Anna Von Reitz

Most Americans have been taught to revere the Constitutions.  Generations of military and civil service workers have been indoctrinated to "defend the Constitution (whichever one they work under) from all Enemies foreign and domestic."  Many Americans mistakenly think that their rights come from the Constitutions, but in fact, the Constitutions merely limit the federal government so that the people can enjoy their freedoms unencumbered by government. 

Most Americans don't know that there are three (3) Constitutions --- the actual Federal Constitution called "The Constitution for the united States of America", the Territorial Constitution called "The Constitution of the United States of America" and the Municipal Constitution called "The Constitution of the United States".  

Many people also assume that everyone in this country is protected under the Constitutions, but this has never been so.  Territorial Citizens known as United States Citizens, and Municipal United States Citizens known as Citizens of the United States have never enjoyed any constitutional guarantees. That's why when you are acting as a "United States Citizen" or "Citizen of the United States" you are told that the Constitution doesn't apply.  It doesn't.  And that's just one reason that "US Citizenship" is not a prized status. 

Another wrong assumption is that the Constitutions are so "special" and "sacred", when in fact, they are just commercial services agreements mandated as part of the settlement of the War of Independence.  If you read The Definitive Treaty of Peace (1783) you will see that exactly the same verbiage is used in the Constitutions.  

When you see the words as in Article 1, Section 2, Clause 2:  "No Person (Legal Person/Municipal Officer -- not acting as one of the People) .... "Citizen of the United States" (Federal Civil Service Employee)..... an inhabitant  (temporary foreign resident) of that State....."  this is all language directly derived from The Definitive Treaty of Peace (1783) and has all the same meanings.  

With these meanings in place, this is how Article 1, Section 2, Clause 2 actually reads: 

"No Municipal United States Officer shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty-five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the Municipal United States, and who shall not, when elected, be a temporary foreign resident of that State in which he shall be chosen...." 

This is telling you the requirements that foreign Municipal United States Officers acting as Citizens of the United States (the Municipal Government) have to meet before they can be elected to "represent" the other Citizens of the United States living on a temporary basis in one of our States of the Union.  

It says nothing at all about us or about us being represented in their Municipal Congress --- nothing about us at all.   It is talking about the internal affairs of the foreign Municipal Government and its citizenry that is on our shores to provide us with the services of the Municipal Federal Civil Service. 

Our States agreed to receive certain enumerated services from the respective service providers doing business as "the" States of America, "the" United States of America, and "the" United States.  These are just doing-business-as names of commercial corporations in the business of providing "essential government services" per Article IV.   They are acting "for" our actual American Government and operating under our delegated power, so they are acting "in our names", but "the" United States of America is not the same as The United States of America, and "the" United States is not the same as The United States.  

The Constitutions apply within their separate jurisdictions.  

The Federal Constitution (The Constitution for the united States of America) which is supposed to be administered by the States of America (the missing Confederation of States) is an international land jurisdiction contract between the land jurisdiction States of the Union (and the People inhabiting those States) and the Confederation of States of States that are supposed to be working for our States of the Union.  

The Territorial Constitution (The Constitution of the United States of America) is an international sea jurisdiction contract between the land jurisdiction States of the Union and the British Territorial United States --- the Queen.  

The Municipal Constitution (The Constitution of the United States) is a global air jurisdiction contract between the land jurisdiction States of the Union and the Roman Pontiff --- the Pope in his Secular Office. 

The only place for these three "principalities" to meet on common ground is on the international jurisdiction of the land, with the Vessels of the Queen being dry-docked, and the Air-ships of the Pope similarly being moored upon our shores. 

You can begin to see why the sudden disappearance of the Confederation doing business as the States of America caused such disruption in the Federal Government.  There was suddenly no established and agreed upon dock, no tie-down to conduct business on the land jurisdiction.  And everyone conveniently forgot that by Operation of Law, all the powers delegated under the Federal Constitution immediately reverted directly back to the States of the Union.  

Nobody told us, the People, what was going on. 

So there was a problem that needed to be fixed, a Confederation of States of States that needed to be "Reconstructed" by the States, but instead of being forthright about this problem, the other contractors closed ranks and chose to use the situation as an excuse to usurp upon our lawful government. 

The British Territorial Government  deceitfully substituted its own Territorial States of States for our Federal States.  That worked out so well for them that eventually the Municipal United States Government also got into the act and substituted its STATES OF STATES for their States of States in order to expedite mutual pillaging and plundering under "presumed" trust agreements. 

They claimed in  Breach of Trust that our government had inexplicably disappeared, was "missing, presumed lost", that our government was "held in abeyance", and most recently, that our entire continent was "abandoned".  

According to them, there were no actual Americans left, just Citizens of the United States and United States Citizens, ready to duke it out on our soil to determine which group of dishonest and disloyal foreign employees would take over our country.  

That is what they had planned--- another big "Civil War" on our soil, with millions of deaths of  innocent Americans, who are their actual Priority Creditors, and billions in profits from reaping life insurance policies placed on their victims, and all the "abandoned assets" up for grabs. 

America would have been just another Banana Republic and the Pope and the Queen would have laughed all the way to the bank, except for the fact that Americans began waking up out of their trusting slumber, reading the history, and raising hell in diplomatic circles, exposing their Gross Breach of Trust and Commercial Contract, exposing a century and a half spent pillaging and plundering the States and People they are supposed to protect. 

The Constitutions are multi-national treaties and commercial contracts which have been severely compromised and undermined by foreign banking and commercial interests.  There is nothing sacred about them but the Public Trust that has been plundered and eroded.  

The Perpetrators of these evils, these lies, these sins of omission, have used and abused our Armed Services to promote wars for profit around the globe. They have used and abused the resources of America to promote their own vicious and self-serving agendas, to profit themselves at our expense, and to promote such criminality worldwide. 

They have promoted the Rule of Law and ignored the Law itself. 

When the Federal States of States failed, the powers delegated to them returned by Operation of Law to the Delegator, The United States of America, its member States, and the People of those States.  All the Federal assets that survived the Civil War also returned to our ownership, but were "retained" by the Office of the Alien Property Custodian and administered by the States of States  and later by the STATES OF STATES as State Trusts.  

Today, the Office of the Alien Property Custodian has been collapsed and the duties have been inherited by the United States Attorney General.  His office has been borrowing large amounts of money against our assets to fund the bail out of the Big Banks that are largely responsible for defrauding Americans and causing the mortgage crisis, racketeering, and embezzlement.  As collateral damage, millions of Americans have been thrown out of their homes by employees of these foreign corporations operating under false legal presumptions on our shores. 

It is more than past time for us to wake up and see the Constitutions for what they are --- blueprints for a government under contract to provide our States with certain essential governmental services --- which haven't properly functioned or been respected by our subcontractors for a century and a half. 

By falsely "presuming" that our American Government is "missing" and by further falsely presuming that our People are all somehow magically transformed (without their knowledge or consent) into either "Confederate Enemies" in a mercenary war that ended 150 years ago, or United States Citizens owing allegiance to the British Queen, or Municipal Citizens of the United States owing allegiance to the Pope--- these Monsters have contrived to excuse their abuse of the People and the States that they are hired and under contract to protect. 

They have prepared to wage yet another Mercenary War on our shores, buying billions of rounds of ammunition and setting up over 800 FEMA (Concentration) Camps, and arming their clueless American Subcontractors to the teeth. They anticipated murdering millions of us and removing our native population off the land our Forefathers won, just as the Queen's filthy government removed the native Irish and the native Americans.  We are facing the Raj on one side, and the Pope's Minions on the other.  

There is power in knowledge and numbers and diplomacy and in exposure of these verminous plots against the American States and People.  There are still millions of good, law-abiding, American State Nationals and American State Citizens and our Government is alive, well, and functioning according to our Common Law which is the Law of Peace and the Law of Love.  There are still billions of good people worldwide, who are willing to help put an end to this criminality which has spread like a cancer throughout the world. 

Read the Constitutions in the light provided by The Definitive Treaty of Paris (1783).  Read them for what they are--- multinational treaties and commercial service contracts that have been breached and undermined by the purposeful inculcation of false legal presumptions about us and our government. 

There is nothing sacred about these documents.  Their only importance is as meal tickets to the federal employees that depend upon them for a livelihood. And perhaps more to the point, these service contracts have been badly breached and dishonored and both the Queen's Government and the Pope's Government are under demand to correct their operations on our shores, and to return our assets as Truth, Honor, and Justice requires --- free of debt or encumbrance.


See this article and over 1800 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

The Golden Goose Speaks About Donations

By Anna Von Reitz

There are now hundreds of hucksters out there selling my work to profit themselves.  They cherry pick and combine my work with other information and they Mix and Match as they see fit from other sources and then they "re-package" this mish-mash as a "Freedom Package" and they sell it.  And then people try to blame me for whatever results they get from buying these packages. 

Nope.  I am not authorizing or reviewing or approving any of these other efforts. I only take responsibility for mine.   

Very early on, the decision was made to make the information coming in from our research available for free.  The reasons for this are simple enough to see.  Number One--- nobody should be denied freedom simply because they are poor.  Number Two --- many of the nation's poorest people are our own veterans, who paid for their freedom and mine, already.  Number Three --- for our efforts to succeed, a great many Americans must be awakened from their deep slumber and anything that restricts or impedes that process is to be avoided. Number Four -- for our efforts to succeed, people have to start working together in a spirit of brotherhood and common cause instead of hiding out in the woods and hoping to avoid contact with Big Brother.  Giving everyone the benefit of the work encourages people to give back whatever they can give in return. That then encourages community spirit and the effort blossoms. 

There is exactly one official source for our work on the web, and that is Paul Stramer's:

When you push the donate button on Paul's website, you are saying "Thank you!" to him for countless hours devoted to keeping the website going and the information flowing despite many obstacles and irritations.  You are saying "Thank you!" to him for forwarding your messages to me when you can't get through any other way.   He uses your donations to keep the website up and running, to make improvements to it, to expand the readership and otherwise advertise and gain exposure for the information.   If there is anything left over at the end of the month, he forwards it on to me and I divvy it up to our non-Bar lawyers and auditors and researchers who are in need. 

Other websites and other purveyors of my information are also presenting you with donate buttons.  It should be understood that none of that money is coming to me. It's going to support those websites and whoever is managing them.  

It should also be understood that I am not involved in those websites and they are just "re-posting" --- and hopefully respecting my copyrights.  

If you want to donate to me and to my team (other than Paul who is very much a part of the team, and simply has his own donate button) I  prefer to receive  donations via Snail Mail at: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.  

Your direct donations enable me  to send support to our guys in the field, the non-Bar Attorneys and researchers who donate their time and energy to this effort for free, but need help covering the expenses of their work.  

Some research requires money -- travel, certified copies, even just plain copies can cost a lot of money, fees of various kinds---- it's not all just a matter of sitting in front of a computer.  Some information requires us to chase it down like a runaway dog. 

Court cases are always expensive.  Always. 100% of the time, THEY ding us for all their fees and copies and bonds and so on and on.  

Some of our researchers are past eighty, living on very limited incomes, and still doing their best.  For them, your donations pay electric bills, copy paper and ink, and other expenses they cannot afford to donate because they are so poor themselves. 

Almost daily I am humbled by the sacrifices so many people worldwide are making to free themselves and regain control of their governments and the legal systems that have run amok.  We can't do this alone. We can only do it as whole communities working together with a common vision.  

Those of you who are reading this, please pause a moment and think about what you can do, what you can contribute.  If it's five bucks or five minutes or thirty seconds to say a prayer, whatever you have that you can give, please remember where all this information is coming from and at what price it is coming.  

And remember that there is only one official website that is connected directly to me: . 


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal or Square buttons on this website.