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Friday, May 17, 2019

Enough is Enough: How to Deal With Nuisance "Charges" and False Claims and Harassment

By Anna Von Reitz

For MUNICIPAL COURTS – all cases captioned in all COURTS:

Have your BC and your two Witness Testimonies in the Form of an Affidavit so you can establish your ownership of the PERSON and prevent them from seizing control and "administering" YOUR ESTATE without any right to do so. 

1. You walk in.  They ask your name.  You answer with your First and Middle ---- "John Michael" or “Betty Ann” or whatever. 

2. You say, "I wish this to be on the Public Record of the Court.  Are we on the Public Record?"  

3. Once on the record, you say, "I am visiting this court as a Lawful Person." 

4. "There has been a mistake. I have been misidentified and my political status has been misrepresented to the court. I am not acting in the capacity of a United States Citizen nor as a Citizen of the United States.  I am a Texas (or whatever your Birth State was) National and a State Citizen.  I am not subject to the jurisdiction of this court and claim remedy and relief under Federal Law, Title 50, Appendix 7 (c) and (e).  I wish my cargo and my vessels which are permanently domiciled on the land and soil of (Your Birth State) to be released and all charges against them to be eliminated.  I wish the Prosecutors Bid Bond and Performance Bond to be brought forward and paid to me as damages for the false arrest and detainment of my VESSEL in violation of my Article IV guarantees under The Constitution of the United States.” 

Most likely the arrogant #%@@%@ charging you hasn't even bothered to post a Bid Bond or Performance Bond, in which case all charges have to be instantly dismissed and the COURT is “embarrassed” by him and his “incompetent prosecution”.  

If he has posted the bonds, he is supposed to post a minimum of $25,000 per misdemeanor and $1,000,000.00 per felony, and you get paid.  If you claim his bonds two things happen --- you get paid instead of them, and THEIR insurance gets hit for it, and a black mark is applied against him.  Three such faux pas and he loses his license to practice law in their STATE OF STATE and if it is a Public Prosecutor, he loses his job.  Besides the monetary loss this is a very effective punishment for corrupt prosecutors. 

Please note that this gets you not only off the hook, but also punishes the perpetrators.  It is a variation of the process described below which rewards the perpetrators by allowing them to charge your ACCOUNT.  This can be handy if all you want to do is get out of their clutches, but it encourages their racketeering and may lead to them harassing you the same way that dogs are encouraged to beg for more table scraps, which is why I do not generally advocate the solution shown below. 

If a speedy removal is your goal, or you get caught in a situation where you cannot easily retrieve your BC and Witness Testimonies, it may nonetheless expedient and useful for you to execute Steps 1 through 4, but 4 has a different ending variation:

4.  "There has been a mistake. I have been misidentified and my political status has been misrepresented to the court. I am not acting in the capacity of a United States Citizen nor as a Citizen of the United States.  I am a Texas (or whatever your Birth State was) National and a State Citizen.  I am not subject to the jurisdiction of this court and claim remedy and relief under Federal Law, Title 50, Appendix 7 (c) and (e).  I wish my cargo and my vessels which are permanently domiciled on the land and soil of (Your Birth State) to be released.  However, in this instance only, and maintaining my innocence, I accept your charge(s) for Value and Consideration in return for Settlement and Closure of this Case Contract Number (whatever case number is shown on the docket sheet) and will allow the Court to assess its standard charges against my CUSIP and AUTOTRIS. Please use my exemption for full settlement and closure of this sub- account, as it is pre-paid and exempt from levy. I shall sign as Authorized Representative.”

This solution leaves them aghast, and probably staring at you like you are a Talking Horse; they will also, naturally, be alarmed, because they have been sneaking around preying upon people and abusing the individual Public Trusts they are supposed to protect.

They are suddenly presented with the victim being fully aware of what they are doing and they may panic and “need to confer” with each other --- or ---- they may try to deny knowing what you are talking about.  The fact is that some of them know and some of them don’t.  So those that know will be unsettled, those that don’t know will be confused.  For your own information as to who is who, watch their facial expressions.

Nonetheless, stand there on your little flat feet.  You may mildly prompt that the “Court Clerk has the necessary information”.  As the actual Prosecutor and Beneficiary in the case, the Court Clerk’s Office is responsible for preparing the True Bills.  Once the Bills are presented, you sign your Upper and Lower Case Name as the Authorized Representative, All Rights Reserved.

In the Territorial Courts--- Cases Captioned in Upper and Lower Case Courts:

If by chance you get hauled into Territorial Court, your Name will appear as a Legal Person in Upper and Lower Case, and the Court’s Name will also appear in Upper and Lower Case.  The basic schtick is the same, with a few obvious changes to allow for the difference in jurisdiction:

Have your BC and your two Witness Testimonies in the Form of an Affidavit so you can establish your ownership of the Person and prevent them from seizing control and "administering" your Estate without right to do so. 

1. You walk in.  They ask your name.  You answer with your First and Middle ---- "John Michael" or “Betty Ann” or whatever. 

2. You say, "I wish this to be on the Public Record of the Court.  Are we on the Public Record?"  

3. Once on the record, you say, "I am visiting this court as a Lawful Person." 

4. "There has been a mistake. I have been misidentified and my political status has been misrepresented to the court. I am not acting in the capacity of a United States Citizen nor as a Citizen of the United States.  I am a Texas (or whatever your Birth State was) National and a State Citizen.  I am not subject to the jurisdiction of this court and claim remedy and relief under Federal Territorial Law, Title 50, Appendix 7 (c) and (e), The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, Title 28, Sections 1602 to 1611, and The False Claims Act, Title 31, U.S.C.A., Section 3729 (a) (7).  I wish my cargo and my vessels which are permanently domiciled on the land and soil of (Your Birth State) to be released and all charges against them to be eliminated.  I wish the Prosecutors Bid Bond and Performance Bond to be brought forward and paid to me as damages for the false arrest and detainment of my Vessel in violation of my Article IV guarantees under The Constitution of the United States of America.” 

The MUNICIPAL COURTS owe you Due Diligence and Good Faith Service under The Constitution for the United States (no “of America” involved).  The Territorial Courts owe you the same, but under The Constitution of the United States of America--- a different Constitution, but the same basic rules apply.  So reference The Constitution of the United States in MUNICIPAL COURT, and The Constitution of the United States of America in Territorial Court.

Always check the court record three days before any scheduled hearing to make sure there are no “in Limine Motions”.  These are Pre-Trial Motions to exclude “prejudicial testimony”—such as testimony about the victim’s political status or “national security” issues.  Such Motions occur outside the courtroom and prior to any hearings taking place.  In international land jurisdiction cases, they have to be countered by a Pre-Emptive Writ of Prohibition against obstruction of testimony and extra-judicial measures issued at least three days prior to trial or hearing date. 

If you take the time to really think about and memorize this information, you will have the ability to effectively defend yourself and your property assets any time and any place that you may be accused or detained. 


See this article and over 1800 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. "they have to be countered by a Pre-Emptive Writ of Prohibition against obstruction of testimony and extra-judicial measures issued at least three days prior to trial or hearing date."

    Can we get a sample of this Writ?

  2. Can this apply to "failure to appear" cases when a bench warrant was issued? .........
    Is there a statute of limitation on these issues when they concern traffic code violations?.........

    1. It is my understanding that failure to appears has nothing to do with claiming the bid bond. But you have to have all your paperwork in place and you can claim it going back three years.

    The UN is already operating all over this nation and in many others under the guise of 'governments'
    All these entities supporting this plan don't give two shits about the common man this is a world wide take over of all resources to be managed by this totalitarian mob
    Need to address the interdepence declaration
    Want to see how free we are (have been) LIES LIES LIES
    And they've done it all with the enemy the UN sitting in New York harbor
    All comments made without prejudice and all rights reserved

  4. World wide mob
    According to this blogger killing behind the scenes in hospital, elderly homes, etc etc etc\
    Refers to all of us as an audeience reduced to cattle
    All comments made without prejudice and all rights reserved

  5. Having trouble locating Title 31, U.S.C.A., Section 3729 (a) (7)


  6. And if you're wondering how they taking the land and working to create the climate change narrative look no further - alos fulfilling revelations from the Bible
    This is how they flooded out the gulf, the crops in the middle of the country, how they creating the drought in California
    World wide weather warfare brought to you by NASA add the red tongue and rearrange the letters you get Satan
    In plain site they've been stealing billions upon billions of dollars killing us with weather warfare while brainwashing the masses that they went to the freaking moon
    All comments made without prejudice and all rights reserved

  7. Weather warfare and the coming planned collapse of the orville dam
    See the wildlands project and how they planned for the removal of people from these lands by collapsing dams, taking over all waterways etc etc etc
    Largest land grab in world history - EPA!
    Chemtrails and depopulation along with vaccines
    FEMA detention camps fully staffed and awaiting prisoners
    All comments made without prejudice and all rights reserved

  8. This sounds great but does not work when you actually do it in court as I have here in California. They will arrest you and order you to have mental evaluations. I was forced to eat my words to the psych doctor in order to get released. I stood my ground as long as I could but I needed my little bit of so-called "freedom" back....and forget about getting anything on the record, I ordered transcripts and they had been altered when I received them and later destroyed from their system. Not saying this won't work in some COURTS, but It did not help me. It only made them increase the length of my sentence I was given later because I put up a fight. This was 2 years ago. I brought my certificate of assumed name to court as well as all of Anna's books. The arresting sheriff dept. employees were actually nice and interested in Anna's work. One asked where he could purchase the books but it didn't matter what he thought. The only benefit to being incarcerated for 10 months was sharif th truth with hundreds of fellow inmates. I believe we all really need to reach out to the victims of all these courts. Most are incarcerated for petty theft or drug crimes, all related to money. These are the people that are truly fed up with all the fraud and realize something is wrong. I am glad I was incarcerated just because I was able to see how bad it truly is in there and I would have never found out about any of this if I was never harmed with the crime in the first place. It was actually the best thing hat ever happened to me because I found out the truth! But, the truth doesn't matter when he paperwork doesn't work. How can we fight these crooks after the fact for trespassing?

    1. Lien them, a commercial lien. Everybody involved. It is apparently deadly when done right and it is pre-judicial which I recall means the paperwork can be done without a lot of fanfare without a judge. I forget a lot of the details now. Winston Shrout talked about it in depth in one of his videos.

  9. When you state to be on and for the record and do this properly EVEN if the court pushes you through standing your ground = respectively you have a WONDERFUL appeal that proves PREJUDICE once you have been to the appellant court with ALL the NOTIFICATIONS that are on the record and your recorded paperwork to back your claim they leave you alone....

    1. In Texas my friend was arraigned and it eased NOT on the record so this wouldn't have helped. Check out Robert Fox teaches the Law on Youtube - 6 videos. He beat Texas 11 times out of 11 using Affidavits vs. "Motions" that he filed "Sui Juris". See the videos by "Immafreeman" who published the videos for Fox's estate. Imafreeman iis EXCELLENT and learned under Fox and you can find his blog, referred to in his videos, which includes an example Affidavit, among others, that Fox used to challenge a Texas Attorney's right to "Represent" their client. I'm using that affidavit now in a country case filed as Plaintiff in which the Defendant Corporation's "Attorney" Removed my "win" in Smail Claims Court to a District Court, where i have to face him before a Federal Judge this coming December. So, using Fox's Affidavit Process, I'm Challenging the Attorney to prove he had authority to represent the Corporation by forcing the Court to order him to appear and show his"License" to practice law to the Court. He can not do that, of course, because there IS no such animal as a "License to Practice Law".
      Also, thr Affidavit challenges the Attorneys to respond to the charges it contains, within 21 days and after 30 days an intern hired Affidavit stands as Truth in law, so once they fail to respond by sworn Affidavit (they NEVER respond because they will NOT expose themselves to Perjury charges that way!) they can no longer oppose you in Court because yojr Unrebutted Affidavit stands as the Truth, by Law, and you win!
