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Tuesday, October 31, 2023

International Public Notice Concerning Our Great Seals and Seal of Saint Peter

 By Anna Von Reitz

The Great Seals of The United States and The United States of America were stolen in October of 1865 and last seen in the Office of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Banks.  They have since been reported in the possession of the President of the Philippines.  

We are the actual Owners of these Great Seals and we have never authorized any of these Third Parties to possess or use these Great Seals. 

Possession by pirates does not change ownership and we hereby request and require all men and women of goodwill and all honorable Officers to return our stolen property. 

Likewise, we are Witnesses to the fact that Pope Benedict XVI did entrust the Seal of Saint Peter to James Thomas McBride, an American, and did instruct James Thomas McBride to open the storehouses of the Lord for the protection, sustenance, and care of the living people worldwide. 

We are likewise Witnesses to the fact that Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigations did fall upon James Thomas McBride in ambush and did falsely arrest him and did take the Seal of Saint Peter from McBride and did not return it.

We call upon Pope Francis as a loyal Jesuit to honor the instructions of Pope Benedict XVI referenced above; we ask him to require the Federal Bureau of Investigations, Inc., to return the Seal of Saint Peter to us as James Thomas McBride's Fiduciaries recovering property belonging to the Holy See, to be used for the purposes expressed by Pope Benedict XVI.  

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger
                 In care of: Box 520994
                 Big Lake, Alaska 99652

October 31st 2023


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Media Whores or Gagged Victims?

 By Anna Von Reitz

In answer to the many inquiries I have received about the silence of American Media: 

The U.S. Army has been in control of this country since 1863, and has imposed gag orders on the newspapers and radio since 1917.  They simply expanded their gag orders to television as it began to be popular, and now, they've gagged the internet. 

This has resulted in many decades during which America has been deliberately dumbed down and left isolated, unable to rightly assess what is going on in the rest of the world.  This has been done deliberately to manipulate and control public opinion in this country.  

Americans who knew the truth about Quadaffi's effort to form an African Union and enable the countries of Africa to have a common gold-backed currency-- that is, to do what we did ourselves back in 1776-- would never support the unprovoked attack on Libya and the murder of their leader.  

We wouldn't send our sons and daughters to do such a thing.  We wouldn't condone the use of our credit for such purposes.  We'd shut the crooked bankers and war contractors and corrupt generals down.  

If we knew.  

So it has become their business to keep us ignorant and manipulate us into believing or assuming things that simply aren't true, and also to keep us from knowing anything about what goes on in the larger world. 

Right now, there are 22 hot wars engaged worldwide, most of them in Africa, which is being systematically raped by mercenaries hired by the old colonial and corporate powers.  Reports put the death toll in Ethiopia alone at 800,000 people -- that's twelve Vietnams in less than a year, but we haven't heard a word about this mammoth continent-wide carnage from any major news source. Not a word. 

Since Dubbyah got away with his ridiculous and clearly disproven claim of Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, public employees have been lying non-stop about nearly everything. Michael Hayden, former CIA Chief, came out and bragged about it on PBS.  

What more do you need to know?

These men who claim to represent you, are worthless Sons of Satan, lying their rumps off for fun and profit. And proud of it, too.  They have no moral compass, no common sense, and day by day and year by year, they have disgraced themselves and this country with ever-increasing audacity and contempt for the American people. 

The Apologists for all this criminality, the lies, and the senseless wars for profit, will tell you not to worry your pretty little head. It's all for your own good.  You don't know how the world works.  

This is coming from the same brigands who have usurped against your lawful government and made it their business (literally) to keep you dumbed down and clueless. 

It will come as a surprise to many people to learn that the same Directed Energy Weapons that were "tested" on Paradise, California and on Maui, Hawaii, have also been unleashed to destroy Acapulco:

And we haven't heard a word about it.  No rescue efforts have been mounted.  No humanitarian assistance is on its way.  

When first asked why this is, I replied that the Media is gagged --- and they are, but, people need to understand the greater scheme of this. 

All the corporations are owned, ultimately, by the Pope.  Anyone who works for a media corporation is gagged by the Pope's hired mercenaries as a condition of employment. 

They've bought all these corporations in your names and managed them "for" you.  You've paid the taxes for them. And been abused by them. 

It's the Pope's duty under Ecclesiastical Law to liquidate all corporations that are operating unlawfully, and we have brought the claim to the Vatican Chancery Court to enforce against the offenders, but meanwhile, new offenders appear like dandelions in May. 

Francis, if he is still alive, knows that the clock is ticking. The cards have been called. 

The point is that this same control structure operated by False Trustees impacts corporations of every kind.  They are all publicly owned (in your names, no less) but privately managed, and therein lies the rub. 

People incorporated their businesses willy-nilly, without being fully or honestly informed about the pros and cons.  So they gave away their control and ownership interest in their own businesses and their private assets to the attorneys who were the ones advising them to incorporate in the first place. 

This gross unjust enrichment and usurpation of authority has taken place right under our noses and has impacted every corporation and every industry and every resource since it got started under FDR in the 1930's.  

It's not "just" the monster media corporations that are under gag orders. Every corporation you can name or think of, has come under the same gun.  And right about now, the members of the World Economic Forum are getting the same bad news. 


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 By Anna Von Reitz

Population, as a subject for public consideration and debate, entered the arena in 1798 when Thomas Malthus, an English (it's always the Brits) Economist wrote a little tract called "An Essay on the Principle of Population".  

In this essay, Malthus supposed that population growth was exponential and growing by powers of 2 endlessly multiplied, while the expansion of food production was arithmetic in nature and bound to always fall behind demand, thereby causing poverty and starvation. 

Thus, Malthus opined, population growth was a problem and reproduction must be strictly curtailed. 

This subtle idiocy has stood as the excuse for poverty, cruelty, and scarcity in the midst of abundance ever since, and more than two hundred years later, Malthus's ideas continue to dominate discussions about population simply because nobody bothers to observe that his theory has been disproven. 

So have the embroideries of his students, the infamous authors of The Population Bomb, a reiteration of Malthusian Theory spiced up and reissued in the 1960's, been disproven.  

If the theories of Thomas Malthus were correct, or the additional suppositions of his students, either, we would all be living on top of each other and eating Salted Straw and Dirt Kabobs for supper.  

This predicted theoretical result is directly and observably absent more than two hundred years later, so the Sane Man concludes that Malthusian ideas about population are rubbish, and he may or may not trouble himself to poke around and discern why they are rubbish.  

In either case, the Sane Man does not continue to use Malthusian Theory as the cornerstone underlying public policies concerning population --- which suggests that the members of the EU Parliament and members of the US Congress and the members making up the entire Chinese Government have all lost their minds. 

The Earth is observably not overpopulated and our ability to feed ourselves and our brethren worldwide is only limited by our own stupidity, selfishness, and overall refusal to invest in better means of waste management. 

China, which actually instituted a draconian policy of population reduction called the "One Child Initiative", is now completely undermined and facing a population collapse.  

The one resource that China had in great abundance was its labor force, and they suicided that resource, killed off an entire generation of Chinese girls, and left an entire generation of Chinese men without wives.  The consequences of this are just now being realized in Beiijing and people in governments worldwide are standing around like dumbfounded fools coming to terms with the fact that Thomas Malthus was wrong!  

He's been wrong for over two hundred years, but who's counting?  

Tragically, for the Chinese, they took the bait and shot themselves in the foot and now the cynical Brits have them in a lose-lose economic headlock, which is no doubt why the Brits and the Vatican have been at such pains to sell Malthusian Tripe to the Chinese and everyone else. 

Overpopulation is such a plausible lie, especially when it is washed down with quasi-scientific mathematics and graphs. 

Without their people, the Chinese lose their labor force, and without their labor force, they lose their economic engine, and without their economic engine they are ripe for precisely the starvation and misery they hoped to avoid by reducing their population --- and perhaps more to the point, these sufferings lead inexorably to regime change.  

Western regime change. 

With the Brits in Shanghai running HSBC and the Brits in Taiwan holding the money bags and dictating everything to the Chinese, they are set to make their Big Move. The parasite is preparing to take over their new Host, which they hope will be less troublesome than the awakening Americans.

Within ten years, the Chinese will be paralyzed, as most of Western Europe already is.  The politicians responsible for this debacle will be hiding and making excuses, scuffing their feet and trying to avoid public discussion regarding their failed population policies. 
And Thomas Malthus. 

One can only imagine the backdoor "corrective" processes that these same politicians have been invoking, such as trying to move vast numbers of refugees from Africa, the Middle East, and South America into the stricken developed countries whose natural population resources have been decimated by four generations of "population control". 

The public policy failure that this represents in terms of economics and culture can hardly be assessed, but one thing is certain --- most of the Western World is facing a population collapse right along with China. 

Meanwhile, those responsible, the Cynics in Whitehall, are counting the gold purloined from the dead simply by touting another plausible lie that nobody should have believed in the first place. 


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About the Texas Situation

 By Anna Von Reitz

Texas is the second largest State in the Union and we love her.  We don't want to see anything bad happen to Texas or the people who live there, so we work hard to prevent that. 

Texas also needs to protect itself, because there's just so much the Federation of States can do. So listen up--- we, the States of the Union, are in a use it or lose it situation.  

We form up our State Assemblies, stand up our courts, round up our militias --- or we don't.  

If we don't, our States cease to exist.  

Our States will disappear from the map like Czechoslovakia and get absorbed into the "North American Union" --- a globalist regional government consisting of Mexico, the "US" --- which isn't the American United States, BTW, and Canada. 

George W. Bush did this to you, so if you're mad as hell, he's your pin cushion. Don't blame the rest of us. And we will try not to blame you, either. 

Today, I suspended and removed the two Texas Coordinators who have been trying their best to get The Texas Assembly organized and keep your State on the map.  They have been trying, but they need more education and they need help. A lot of help. 

We need additional Coordinators to serve a State the size of Texas, upwards of a dozen people are needed. Those people need to be trained and get their questions answered, and we all need to stop flopping around here.  

It's not The Texas Assembly that has been suspended. It's your Coordinator team. These ladies have been struggling along, but they flat-out need more training and more help. 

So they are going to get it and if you care about your future and your rights and your lives, it's time to boot up. 

The Republic of Texas was a member of the old original Confederation of States, but both are long gone now.  All that remains of the original government is the State -- Texas.  It's the only boat afloat and you have to use it to get home. 

So stand firm and get your bearings. I haven't done this in spite. I have done it because Texas needs a whole lot more hands at the wheel and a lot more public education about what has gone on in this country since the Civil War.  

You need to learn what to do and then, you need to do it.  

Nobody outside Texas can do this for you. You have to save your State -- or not -- and now it's up to you.  


See this article and over 4400 others on Anna's website here:

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Populating Your Counties as You Populate Your States

 By Anna Von Reitz

Please generously share this article with all the Coordinators and anyone else who needs to know what we are doing and how we are doing it and why. 


Populating Your Counties as You Populate Your States

There are two ways to populate the soil jurisdiction Counties in your States. 

The Founding Fathers started with the Counties and organized them first, and then organized the States. This was orderly and sensible, given that they were organizing in the wake of a land war and everyone in America was then standing on the land and soil. 

We, however, face a far different prospect.  Nearly everyone in America has been individually and purposefully trafficked off the land and soil jurisdiction and into the foreign jurisdiction of the sea.  We've been shanghaied and misidentified as British Territorial U.S. Citizens -- as if we were all born in Puerto Rico. 

So we are coming back home from being at sea ---which is a distinctly different position and starting point. We have to re-enter the country via the International Jurisdiction and move from the sea to the land, and then from the land of the State to the soil of the County. 

There seems to be a lot of confusion about this, but this is just common sense. You retrace your steps, or in this case, the steps taken "for" you without your knowledge or consent, to get back home.   

As each American arrives back home and records their birthright state nationality and notifies their State Assembly, they automatically populate the County they live in, too.  

It only takes two people living in each County to populate each County. 

So just keep on bringing people home and through the door of the State Assembly and all the rest of it sorts itself out.  

Also, ignore all the foreign organizational overlays that have been so generously applied by our run amok public employees -- the "Game Management Units" and "Soil and Water Districts" and "Boroughs" and so on.  

Every State including Alaska has Counties, whether those Counties were formally occupied prior to this or not. It's time to occupy them.  We do that the same way that all the other Counties are populated --via repopulating the State Assembly and one by one dropping into place in each of the Counties we live in.

We were removed from the land and soil on a one by one basis, via unlawful conversion and undisclosed registration practices. We have to return one by one, too. 

This is the Maxim of Law that applies: "As a thing is bound, so it is unbound." 

We are coming home from over the sea, one by one, by a different route than our Forefathers, but our old three-masted wooden Ship of State is still afloat and we are bearing for home port. 

We, the long-lost Americans, are coming home.  


See this article and over 4400 others on Anna's website here:

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Lord Love Jon Rappoport

 By Anna Von Reitz

Back in the Dinosaur Days (prior to 1965) we still had a reasonable number of American Journalists, but since then the numbers have dwindled steadily toward extinction. 

Please meet Jon Rappoport, one of the last of this notable Endangered Species. 

One of Jon's hallmarks is his uncanny ability to logically plow through the meat and guts of the topic under his scrutiny, and then--- deliver the shining one-sentence coup de grace that sums it all up.  

I am going to give you that one-liner from one of his recent articles about vaccines: 

"There is no way to differentiate antibodies against the virus from antibodies against the adjuvant."

The adjuvant is whatever carrier fluid they use to make the dead virus or bacteria (or nanoantenna assembly or plasmid or scrap of mRNA) injectable. 

So, antibodies are formed no matter what foreign material you put in your body, and the more foreign material you inject, the more antibodies are formed.

There is no way to tell if the antibodies were triggered by a dead virus or the adjuvant carrying the dead virus. 

You get an antibody response no matter what you inject and it is proportional to the amount of crud you inject, either way. 

So there is no way to measure vaccine efficacy by volume of antibodies in the blood. 

The whole Germ Theory, including the use of vaccines to immunize against viruses, is thus up for grabs. 

If you want to tune up your immune system and produce a lot of antibodies,  you might be better off injecting boiled potato water. 

Here's the whole article from Jon: 

The Vaccine Fallacy That Almost No One Mentions: 

THE fallacy stems from the fact that the viruses vaccines are supposed to protect against don’t exist. The viruses are fairy tales.

I’ve spent much time proving this over the years.

But for the purposes of this discussion ONLY, let’s assume the viruses do exist and do cause disease.

What is vaccination? It’s a rehearsal.

Some fragment or piece of a virus, embedded in the vaccine, will provoke the immune system to mount a defense. Specifically, front line scouts called antibodies will appear.

But the question is, since the rehearsal is successful, why is it necessary at all? We would expect the same positive result (with no rehearsal) when the real thing, the full virus, showed up in real life.

The rehearsal proves the body’s defense system was and is already prepared for the real thing.

This stunner puts the entire vaccine empire teetering on the edge of a cliff.

So the experts have a canned response.

They say the rehearsal is an “enhanced event.” It produces an extra-special magnified reaction from the antibodies, because something has been added to vaccines:

An adjuvant.

Often an aluminum compound, the adjuvant multiplies the antibody response, beyond what it ordinarily would be.

Thus, the rehearsal trains the immune system to mount a magnified attack against the virus when it really comes along, at a later time.

There is, however, a fatal flaw in this argument.

There is no way to prove the enhanced antibody response, during the rehearsal, is against the virus and not against the adjuvant.

There is no way to differentiate antibodies against the virus from antibodies against the adjuvant.

So the experts’ story falls flat. It’s a failure.

Moreover, who in his right mind would risk injecting an aluminum adjuvant into the body? Where is the proof that this is a safe practice? Obviously, nowhere.

Injecting aluminum, or some other metal, or different type of toxin will definitely produce an “enhanced” antibody response. The body is calling for all hands on deck to neutralize a clear and present danger.

This has nothing to do with fortifying the immune system against a virus. It has everything to do with combatting vaccine damage—often labeled “autism.”

The medical establishment will do whatever it takes to avoid calling vaccine damage Vaccine Damage.

Its mandate and oath to protect human life only extends to the people connected to the vaccine empire.

THAT is the war it fights; committing mass war crimes every day.

-- Jon Rappoport