By Anna Von Reitz
The demands our States make upon us when we act as State Citizens preclude being able to act in any "foreign" capacity at the same time.
So when we take up our Public Duty in a foreign jurisdiction, we bump into the same limitations as Federal Employees hired by the incorporated federal subcontractors.
We are working in an unincorporated capacity versus them working in an incorporated capacity, but we are still operating in a foreign international jurisdiction when we act as Post Masters or Continental Marshals.
So, for the duration of international service, we are limited so far as our home State is concerned, to acting as State Nationals; we are eligible to return to our State Citizen status once our international service is completed.
So what does being a "State National" mean for the men and women who are undertaking Public Duties in international jurisdiction?
Here is how I recently explained this for an Assembly Coordinator:
"I guess the way to put it is that State Nationals--- and that includes Continental Marshals --- are public members of the Assemblies, and State Citizens are the private business managers of the "State's Interest" who take the official responsibility for State affairs.
State Nationals are guaranteed all the Constitutional Guarantees just like State Citizens. They have the right to attend public meetings and voice their needs and opinions. They have the right to attend and participate in all public functions of the Assemblies --- educational events, BBQ's, public speaker events, and public elections, for example.
But they do not have the rights and obligations of State Citizens to conduct the business affairs of the State, fill the State Offices, run the State Courts, staff the State Assembly Militias, etc., etc., etc.,
With rights come responsibilities and with responsibilities come rights. In the case of the Continental Marshals they give up one set of responsibilities (that of State Citizenship) in order to take up other equally important responsibilities --- that of peacekeeping enforcement for the international land jurisdiction.
Perhaps I should pause a moment to reflect that the absence of the Continental Marshals prior to this has been keenly felt --- because they are the ones responsible for preventing human trafficking, drug running, interstate insurrection, interstate bank and securities fraud, counterfeiting, mail fraud, unlawful conversion of assets, kidnapping across state lines, inland piracy, and a host of other heinous crimes that our States have suffered from in recent years because the Federal Marshals program was deliberately defunded by the rats.
They defunded our peacekeepers the better to pillage and plunder our people.
The responsibilities that these men and women take on are considerably greater than the Average Joe State Citizen and they deserve our support and great respect as they struggle to resurrect and restore the Federal Marshals program and take up the mantle and serve in international jurisdiction."
Those of you who remember the Federal Marshals will remember them with great fondness and respect, and will be comforted that despite the Bad Faith and Misconduct of members of Congress acting to defund their service and leave their jurisdiction wide open to criminal infiltration, the actual government of this country has acted to reinstate, rename, and re-commission the Marshals.
We have been asked why the change of name from "Federal Marshal" to "Continental Marshal" and if this name change also changed the nature of the duties or jurisdiction?
Certainly, in a sense, this is a newly commissioned Service apart from the old Federal Marshals program. It occupies the same jurisdiction and undertakes prevention of the same crimes, but does so under the direct authority of The United States of America, instead of being an adjunct program funded through Federal Subcontractors.
We changed the name in token of this administrative change, and also in an effort to increase public awareness of the differences between land jurisdiction and sea jurisdiction. It was felt that many, perhaps most, people-- had forgotten that "Federal Marshals" always occupied a different slot and acted under different law than "US Marshals".
By naming our new Service members "Continental Marshals" we hope to draw public attention to the difference between land and sea forces, and make an unequivocal distinction between the two.
The misuse and abuse of the word "Federal" by applying it to such private organizations as the "Federal Reserve" and the ease of confusing the popular use of the word "Federal" to denote all Federal Employees with the more specific (and correct) use of the old "Federal Marshal" moniker made the change to "Continental Marshal" desirable.
A Continental Marshal thus occupies the exact same jurisdiction and addresses the same crimes as the now-defunct and defunded Federal Marshals program, but does so under the direct and unincorporated and non-delegated authority of our Federation of States, The United States of America.
As such, our Continental Marshals must be further recognized as public peacekeeping officers, not any form of private law enforcement officer operating under any presumed delegated authority.
In practical terms, this means that our Continental Marshals have returned to their proper standing and authority, and when standing on the land jurisdiction of this country, they outrank all other federal officers and agency personnel engaged in statutory law or code enforcement, including State of State police, FBI, BATF, IRS, and so on.
The Continental Marshals Service itself has been commissioned since May 22, 2015; there are currently two Chief Marshals, Deloy Meechum serving the Western States, and Bella Haywood serving the Eastern States.
All Continental Marshals work within designated Postal Service Areas (called Postal Districts by the District Government system) that typically include three or more geographically defined States.
You will find them hard at work in every corner of America, learning the ropes of the jurisdiction they are heir to, and addressing the large roster of international and interstate crimes that were left without enforcement in breach of trust.
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