By Anna Von Reitz
Uncle Sam, Inc., is in receivership to China and the actual “preferential creditors” - the Americans - have been ignored.
All the guilty parties are trying to pretend that we don’t exist, but we do.
The Brits are acting as the Paymasters for our military and have been using a Municipal Corporation, SERCO, to issue the checks.
Am I the only one who sees a problem with this? All you West Point geniuses, sitting around with your thumbs inserted, still trying to spin narratives?
And showing so much politically correct concern for our delicate little psyches, you couldn’t possibly actually do anything of practical value.
Australian Defense Forces have been caught injecting Australians with Covid 19 “Vaccines” clearly labeled as Class 4 poisons. And the Aussie nurses and doctors have seen the paperwork, known that they were injecting poisons, and did it anyway.
Go figure. By this standard, Jim Jones was perfectly sane.
Their Leader Down Under took the jab, ended up in the hospital, and now has Bell’s Palsy. He looks like an elderly Freddie Kruger with ugly nose hairs to begin with, and now has his face pulled sideways in a permanent diagonal twitch.
Considering what he has done to others it makes me want to stand up and shout, “Yes! There is a God!”
The Vermin are trying to destroy cash because it is physical evidence of the debt they owe us.
First they gave us paper I.O.U.s for our silver and now they are trying to get rid of the I.O.U.s while nobody is looking.
But we are looking.
They are going to try to replace cash with another fiat note “currency” that can be turned off and on like a light bulb.
If we put up with it, this technology will be used to control who eats and who doesn’t, to dictate political outcomes, and punish anyone who opposes them.
I say, smell my fluffy butt to that prospect. I would rather die now than live in such a world as these monsters have conceived.
Our own grossly lied to and misdirected military is responsible for this situation and has been responsible for it since 1863.
The Pope is taking physical possession of all liquid assets of the Roman Catholic Church by September 30th.
Some event — a False Flag or Natural Disaster or Act of War is expected soon after that date and it can be anything from Planet X to the new Black Plague to War in the Middle East.
It doesn’t matter what the trigger is, they intend to pull it.
For over 2,000 years Rome has been doing the same thing—- developing trade relations, gradually borrowing more and more and more from Trading Partners, then turning on them and killing their Creditors.
America is in that Creditor Hot Seat right now, and so is China.
China has been fed the false idea that “America” owes them money, so they will be avid to collect it from us.
The debt that China is trying to collect is not owed by “America” it is owed by “the US” but like everyone else they have been conditioned to think that “the US” — which is actually a foreign Papist Municipal Government theocracy located in the District of Columbia— is “the same as” America, when it’s not.
This deception paints a target on the back of the unwitting Americans and sets the Chinese against us.
Thus, Rome contrives to get its two primary Creditors to destroy each other, by obscuring the identity of the actual Debtor—- which, at the end of the day, is Rome.
Whether we want to or not, we have to assess the situation for what it is and get moving.
Use your mind and your emotions as your energy weapons against this virulent and ancient evil. Focus on peace and well-being.
Use your voice against the corporations and their puppet politicians. Let them know that we know what they’ve done and see what they do.
Use your consumer choices against the banks and use cash for everything as much as you possibly can.
In the end it does not matter whether they egg the Chinese into attacking us by mistake or they use NATO to attack the Russians in the Ukraine. The result is the same—-the destruction of their Creditors.
Once we see this pattern in the history of Rome there is no going back, and no way to mistake current events.
We can now see the motives and the players who have kept the world in a constant “state of war” for hundreds of years— and used lies and impersonation and the sufferings of others to feather their own nests.
Lesson learned.
The only question is — have we learned it fast enough?
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