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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Friday, June 14, 2019

The Irony and the Elephant

By Anna Von Reitz

We have made tremendous progress.  We can finally talk, openly, about the "elephant" in the middle of the room.  Strangely, it was this way about the issue of American Independence, too.  For the longest time, people couldn't or wouldn't discuss it.  

Part of this was loyalty to England.  Many Colonists were originally from England and they continued to have fellow-feeling for their homeland, even several generations removed from British soil.  

Part of this was fear, because the British were nasty landlords, and had a habit of knocking heads and sending out squads of soldiers whenever the least bit of controversy was heard concerning the latest Acts of Parliament.  

Both sentiment and fear of unpleasant consequences dictated the silence then, and so it has again been the same way in America today, for the same causes, only the names have changed.  

Many Americans continue to have a misplaced sense of loyalty toward the foreign commercial corporations that have been providing them with "essential government services" and have not only accepted, but have been clinging to, a mistaken identity as "US Citizens"---- never realizing how disadvantageous this political status actually is.  

They don't want to face facts and admit that the IRS terrifies them and steals large amounts of their yearly earnings--- a greater percentage by far, than serfs had to pay in the Middle Ages.  

They don't want to see that the courts are utterly corrupt. 

They don't want to fully understand that the "political parties" are actually "political lobbies" engaged in fighting over who gets to deliver the biggest piece of pie to their members --- completely without regard for the good of the country.  

Many Americans desperately want to believe in "their" government, complete with brass bands and fireworks, and many still don't realize that their government has been gradually undermined and usurped upon, until it is a pitched battle for volunteers to keep it alive and rebut claims that it has been "abandoned". 

And as in the days leading up to the Revolution, many Americans are afraid to speak up. They hope, by keeping their heads down and paying large portions of their earnings to "the government", to have a little modicum of peace in their lives.  Still, whenever they think of the IRS or a traffic stop, they sweat. 

So between ignorance and fear, it has been relatively rare for anyone to actually talk about these facts and many more.  Those with the good sense to realize that something is drastically wrong have been labeled and marginalized as Tin Hats and Conspiracy Theorists.  Those who have done anything about the situation, have been mis-characterized as "violent" and "unbalanced" and called names like "sovereign citizen".  

The police, with a rare combination of bovine stupidity and bull-like violence, have been keeping the peace via violence and armed theft of their employers' assets.  Most of them don't even know that they are acting as private security personnel and are not bonded, not public officials, and have no special authority to ram around in military surplus vehicles and flak jackets bullying and robbing the rest of us under color of law.  

But now at last, the actual situation can be talked about.  Indeed, it can be openly addressed.  The fact is that we are the Priority Creditors and Employers of these Yahoos, all of them, and they are in extremely deep debt to us. 

They have plotted to kill us off precisely because of that fact.  

They have mis-characterized us and labeled us and told outrageous lies about us because of that fact.  

And now the truth comes out.  The "US" National Debt is owed to the Americans.  The elephant in the middle of the room can be talked about.  

The reason that it can be talked about and is being talked about --- and the reason that the push is on to not only save the lives of the innocent people, but to get them relief that they are owed --- is that we, The Living Law Firm and The American States Assemblies --- have brought it all forward.  

Others have also brought the circumstance forward, but they didn't have standing to do so, and for the most part, they brought it forward because they were trying to chisel-in and secure special advantages for themselves.  

The Living Law Firm held the line.  The People have assembled.  

Otherwise, the charlatans would have declared bankruptcy again and left us on the hook as their "presumed" secondaries to pay their bills for them. 

Otherwise, all the assets and land would be (according to them) "abandoned" and up for grabs by any Tom, Dick, or Daniel from whatever foreign countries wanted to show up here and claim what you and your ancestors fought and died for.  

So now the tide is turning and the actual facts may be discussed in the open, in front of God and Everyone.  This miracle is made possible because millions of people worldwide are waking up, are admitting what is right in front of their faces, and are taking action to change, to restore, to reform, and to correct. 

Yes, Virginia, there is an elephant in the living room.  And a St. Bernard on the front porch, too.  You are not imagining it.  

The irony of all this is that while Americans stand to regain trillions of dollars worth of assets and credit that they are owed because of The Living Law Firm and The State Assemblies, nobody pays them.  It's all volunteer.  The Living Law Firm, including the historical researchers, the paralegals and auditors--- lives or dies on the basis of your donations.  The State Assemblies, too, can't make it without you donating your time and talents and money. 

More times than I can count the last three years we have been down to running on fumes, and we are getting close to that again.  Every time it happens, we get just enough in to keep our noses in the black.  I mean, literally, just enough--- maybe ten or twenty dollars to spare.  It is so close each time,  that it's like God is poking me in the ribs and making sure that I know where this is coming from and how all this is actually being accomplished --- by His Spirit and Grace.  

None of this is according to the wisdom of men.  Not one little iota.  And at the end, the only credit we can give, is not to ourselves.  A far greater wisdom has guided us and a far greater love has sustained us every step.  This work has not been done, and these aims have not been pursued, by mere mortals. It is God in us that makes this possible. 

If you are called to help, please answer the call today.  Everyone can pray.  Just stop and ask for help for yourselves and for us.  I have learned the hard way, that you have to ask.  And sometimes keep asking for as much as thirty days. 

Let this, the 14th of June, be the beginning of a thirty day prayer effort.  Once a day, for thirty days, pray for the peace of our planet and for the abundance of life and grace and love we need to carry us onward.  Pray for wisdom to guide us and for the skills and tools and resources we need to do the work before us.  

The Atheists can snicker and pooh-pooh all they like.  It still takes faith to move mountains. 

Those of you who can help financially, we survived last month with a small reserve which is now close to being spent. Even when we recoup everything and have funding from other sources, there isn't a "line item" for Grandma and The Living Law Firm and the peculiar work we do.  

If you have been blessed and wish to bless others -- my PayPal is the same as my email address: We take Snail Mail donations to: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.  I act as the conduit and comptroller to parcel out resources to all the others involved, except for Paul, who has his own donate button. 

We've come a long way.  The correct issues are finally under discussion and the correct People --- the Heirs and Beneficiaries of our States of the Union, are present and accounted for.   If your State Assembly  is still looking for a Coordinator and you have your paperwork reclaiming your birthright political status recorded, don't wait another day.  Hear the call and say the prayer and do what you can do. 


See this article and over 1800 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

The National Credit Redemption

By Anna Von Reitz

When we are afraid of someone -- and have cause to be -- it's hard to communicate with them in a rational, factual way.
Most of us retain a quite child-like response pattern when we are confronted with our own wrong-doing as adults: avoidance, excuses, lies to to try to escape, blaming third parties, and so on.
We know its wrong. We know in our heart of hearts that our excuses and explanations aren't going to work. We are scared and we are wondering, oh, no, what happens now?
That's the position that the bankers are in. They've been caught red-handed, and their crimes go back at least 150 years. So, first they blame the colluding governments, and next they blame the military, and then it's the regulatory agencies fault and then, it's the victim's fault.
We've suffered through all these various stages of denial, excuses, and explanations, all the blaming and gaming. What it comes down to is this: the bankers are afraid, and to some extent, they have cause to be.
This makes it hard for them to think straight and have a sane conversation with me.
When we make a deposit of an actual asset --- silver, gold, etc., -- with a bank, it is called a "Special Deposit".
Special deposits are loans to the bank and are carried on the bank's books as a liability, because (1) the banks have to pay back these Special Deposits, and (2) they have to pay some reasonable amount of interest on these Special Deposits, which they are using as the basis of making loans to other people throughout their "fractional reserve" banking system.
What this means in microcosm is that when I give them a ten pound bar of gold, they accept that as a Special Deposit and put it on their actual assets ledger as a bank liability owing whatever the going price of that much gold is. The actual assets ledger is separate from the credit ledger. The bank then issues seven to ten times the value of my actual asset on deposit with them as loans of credit to other parties, and sits in the middle of this situation.
Please note that credit is a separate and different thing than an asset. When banks issue a credit, it becomes a debt for whomever accepts it. Until the debt is paid, including the interest on it, the bank has to stand good for it.
In the case of my gold bar, the bank owes me my actual asset back, plus interest. They are loaning credit based on the value of my asset to others and making money off of my assets, so that is only fair. The bank is dependent on other people pay their debts to the bank in order for the bank to be able to pay me.
The bank itself has no assets to loan. It is acting entirely as a middleman and "trading off" of other people's assets.
Please note that even though my asset stays in the bank the whole time, it has been "monetized" --- used as the basis to issue fiat "dollars" as credit.
As others pay back the loan of credit, the bank recoups what it owes me in terms of credit, but credit is not an actual asset. It's just a debt countering the debt that the bank already owes me.
This is called expunging an asset loan.
The bank is working to pay back what it owes me already, plus interest, from loaning out seven to ten times the actual value of my asset to others as credit at interest.
Because bank loan interest is moderated by law, they have to loan out this same value several times merely to recoup what they already owe, but at a certain point, they break even and begin making pure profit which they don't share with me, the original Special Depositor.
But they are still making loans based on my Special Deposit. Therein lies the rub. They didn't stop and let well-enough alone. They "pooled" my asset with other assets of the same kind and continued to use it to issue more credit and generate more loans.
Now instead of ten loans based on my asset, there are two hundred loans partially based on my single asset and it is impossible to tell which two hundred loans my asset is supporting and for how much, but it is apparent that some of those loans are going to fail and the bank is going to be on the hook for it. It is also apparent the bank is going to try to get off the hook for this and pass the pain on to whom? The Depositors, who are in fact the bank's own Creditors.
And the Depositors for the most part, don't even know what is going on or how confused and bad this situation is. They just trust that the bank is going to return their gold bars whenever they need them.
So, imagine that your ancestor made a Special Deposit to a bank (or the US Federal Reserve, for example) a hundred years ago....because the bank hasn't paid back the Special Deposit and hasn't paid the interest on that Special Deposit in a hundred years, what happens when you walk in the door and say, "I am Joe Schmoe, here's my Deposit Receipt and ID. I'd like to withdraw my grandfather's gold which has been on deposit here since 1819."
I'll tell you what happens: sheer, blind panic and denial of the, "This can't be happening!" kind.
Those deposits have been there so long, sleeping so peacefully, and have been used to "back" so much debt, that the bankers are thrown into complete disarray. Suddenly, they are faced with not only having to cough up the gold that was deposited, but all the interest on the gold. And they can't do it.
They know that they are facing the loss of the Special Deposit base that lets them loan credit and without that initial deposit, they have no basis to make more loans --- therefore, no way to recoup.
All it takes is innocent Joe Schmoe walking in and wanting to take his asset somewhere and do something else with it.
So the bankers wig out. They go to the government. They go to the military. They say its a matter of "National Security!" And then they all make up various kinds of stories to excuse them from honoring the plain fact that the Depositor's property is owed back to him or her, plus interest.
I think that in the past ten years I have heard every excuse possible for the banks to hold onto control of Special Deposits that are in fact owed to living people who are the legitimate heirs of those deposited assets.
And it is all Bushwah. 100%. Of course, they can't show any actual contract giving them permission to do any of this, so they just lie their rumps off and make up all sorts of fanciful excuses for not returning the actual assets to the actual owners.
Most of these excuses are the "dog ate my homework" kind. Here's an example: the depository fees haven't been paid.
Oh, but wait a minute, I never agreed to pay any "depository fees" and you didn't ask for any at the time the deposit was made. Besides which, you've been making money on my asset for thirty years and have to pay me interest, so why haven't you taken the "depository fees" out of what you already owe me as interest?
Uh, oh, well, uh....
We all know how this is supposed to work. You place your gold bar on deposit with a bank for safekeeping. They are supposed to return your gold bar whenever you have need of it. If they don't, something is drastically wrong, and a crime is happening.
Simple as that.
In recent years, the banks and the Municipal Government --- the one run as a franchise of the Holy See by members of Congress--- have gotten even more creative and sought to cover their butts by claiming that you are an incompetent ward of their State of State organization, a pauper left as a baby on the doorstep, so that all your assets including your body and good name, are all in the keeping of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and are chattel properties backing "US" debts.
Did you get that? You were purportedly "donated" to "the" United States's Commonwealth of Puerto Rico as a baby.
Uh-huh. Except that nobody told your Mother any of this, and they sure as hell didn't tell you this cock and bull story. It's all just a tremendously Big Lie, foisted off by the members of "the" United States Congress--- the Municipal Government Corps' Board of Directors.
Now, I know that, and the bankers know that, so they are scared to death of me and spend their days making up stories about me. I must be crazy. I must be up to something. I must intend to crush them all. I must be involved in some nefarious plot to harm millions of people. Why else would I show up on their doorstep and flash my Deposit Receipt?
And, once they do--- somehow--- scrape together the means to pay me back, what am I going to do with all that money and credit?
Let me suggest to you that nobody is served by destroying the economy or harming trade.
Neither is it just or fair that Depositors be deprived of the use and enjoyment of their own assets. If I want some of the credit that is owed to me as interest, I should be able to access it.
For some reason, the banks are trying to paint me as an irresponsible madwoman, who would jerk all the Special Deposits out of the banks and mix them around and destroy some banks and favor others and create all sorts of terrifying disruption --- and this is the story they peddle, when in fact, all I am asking for is: (1) an accounting, and (2) reasonable access to credit that is already owed and long overdue.
Right now, the issue is access to the National Credit that the American States and People are owed.
We have been owed credit for our work and our goods for over a hundred years. We were simply left in the dark, mis-characterized, and not told how to access the Mutual Offset Credit Exchanges we have been owed all along.
So, let's deal with that issue first. The credit is on the books. We know where it is, we know basically how much it is.
Three offices buried in the IRS maze are not going to be able to process the volume of claims using red rubber stamps, so we suggest hiring a lot more staff, and developing a special National Credit Redemption Card that can be used for specific expenses, including mortgage payments, medical and dental expenses, utility bills, and school loans.
That's a start. Let's start there and get some actual practical relief to those who deserve it most.
As for my other request, I have already bluntly stated that I don't even believe in money. None of it. Not credit. Not coin. None of it. I am pleased to hear that the Vatican finally honored my request and set up my Fiduciary Account, but not pleased to hear all the scuttlebutt gossip and ideas about what I am going to do with it.
I am going to do exactly what I told you all that I was going to do with the Fiduciary Fund.
What I care about is the actual, factual world --- about the people and the animals and the Earth. I am not likely to pursue any pie-in-the-sky ideas, nor likely to waste any resources.
My car may be a BMW, but it is sixteen years old. Left to myself, God willing, I will still be driving it ten years from now. My house is nice, but it is small, and needs some petty, mostly cosmetic repairs. Have you all got the picture? I live this way because I am not a consumer at heart. I have no debt. My car is paid off. My house is paid off. No credit cards. The only things "cluttering" my house are books, houseplants, two dogs and a cat.
Why, then, would I suddenly go crazy and spend, spend, spend on nonsense and luxuries? All those that are clacking their jaws and spreading that fear can just go home and soak their heads.
There is a need for an organizational nexus to connect Americans to the rest of the world. There is a need for a valid, lawful, local authority which is competent to enforce the Public Law of this country. Here we are.
We are the Priority Creditors of the banks and no mistake about that. We aren't going to be bought off with beads and trinkets. We aren't going to mistake credit for actual assets---much less our own actual assets.
And we are not "lost at sea".
Now that we have all that cleared up, plainly stated, and on the table for everyone to see, can we get started cleaning the rest of this Mess up?
I brought my mop and bucket.


See this article and over 1800 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.


Found Here:

Pay special attention to the censorship issue that prompted this whistleblower to speak out.

It was the Pinterest censorship of pro life sites like Live Action that pushed him to blow the whistle.