By Anna Von Reitz
There have been innumerable land claim frauds since the 1920's when all this dirt began in earnest.
These frauds have run a full gamut from Teapot Dome to the National Parks and the Public Lands Acts, the Reservoir Authorities like the Tennessee Valley Authority, Real Estate Titles, Property Taxes, Zoning, Public Interest Estate Taxes, Eminent Domain, Federal Land Management Units, Soil and Water Conservation Districts, Railroad, Highway, and Public Utility Easements, Public Access Takings, Non-Cadastral Surveys, Abandoned Public Records, arbitrary and punitive taxation, Federal Land Leases, Federal Environmental Acts and Regulations, and the list goes on into seeming infinity.
The roots of all these burgeoning fraud schemes and many more had their genesis in the 19th century in the British Commonwealth and Colonies. Britain has always been at the bottom of the dogpile and never more than in the realm of land grabbing and land fraud schemes.
The Brits wrote the book and have been defrauding land owners and landlords alike for the past four hundred years. This is what led to the late-Queen being the largest (apparent) landowner on Earth -- while paying no taxes at all on most of it.
It would actually be more correct to use the word "landholder" as the late-Queen didn't actually own or possess in her own right a very large percentage of what her Territorial Government honchos claimed for her. This was especially true of her "vast holdings" in America.
To actually own land in America, you have to be American.
So the Queen's men set up a National Trust for the British Territorial United States to hold the Real Estate Titles representing the property interests of British Territorial U.S. Citizens deployed throughout the country under the provisions of the Residence Act.
None of this has anything to do with actual Americans at all. Americans own their land -- all of it -- from rock bottom up.
But remember, the natural political status of Americans was being secretly and unlawfully converted by the Queen's Undeclared Foreign Agents; the Licensed Medical Doctors were busy entering False Claims to the effect that all these American babies were British Subjects.
As all these Americans were presumed to be British Territorial U.S. Citizens, and grew up and acquired or inherited land "as" purported U.S. Citizens --- pop! Their land holdings, inherited or acquired, went into the British Territorial National Land Trust and were held by the Queen (or King).
So the identity theft and political conversion swindle described in prior Notices also resulted in the British acquiring a purloined controlling interest in vast swaths of American land, which they used as collateral for the Queen (or King) to borrow against.
The British Way is to donate all land assets to the Queen or King, and let the Royals hold it all in trust for future beneficiaries, while good old Maude and Rocky back home slave their lives away to pay the taxes and mortgages caused by past Royal spending.
It's said that when men die, their debts die with them. All sins are paid.
But nearly everyone in the British Realm is either a human or a slave, and when "humans" die, they die as indentured servants, still owing investors for their grubstake on Earth. That unearned portion has to be paid somehow, so enter the mortgage business.
People think that when they pay a mortgage they are paying money they owe to buy a house, but that isn't it at all, because it's not the American System, it's the British System we are dealing with as a result of being "mistaken" for British Territorial U.S. Citizens.
A mortgage represents the money accrued as debt by the government. You have to pay off the government's debt to free the property for sale. That is why a mortgage is called a "future lease purchase agreement". It's never a sale. It's a tenancy. And after three decades or so of paying off every month, you can actually become a Leasor and lease the property from the National Trust.
But it is never yours, you never actually own it. What you acquire after slaving all those years is a "title" enabling you to live on National Trust Property, held by the King. So for all the Americans out there, "real estate" means "royal estate", and a "real estate title" is a land description of the sort we described yesterday, like Sir Sagramore, it's just a made up name someone attached to your property while you weren't looking, without your permission, under the False Presumption that you are a British Subject.
Take in the view:
A sleazebag doctor does what he is told, mostly unaware of what his actions portend, and presto! By fraud and guile, you are changed into a British Subject rated as a "human", using a totally unconscionable citizenship contract called a "Registration".
Next, the British Crown has cheek enough to copyright your American Given Name and proposes to own you and your assets, based on copyrighting "you".
To "legalize" this, which means, "fictionalize" this, the Vermin issue a "Birth Certificate", the equivalent of a coat check, so you can, if you wise up, collect yourself from being "deposited" like a loose dollar in a bank account you don't know exists.
No wonder the Brits are the most unhealthy and among the most miserable people on Earth, and also no joke that they spread their misery around and share, share, share with everyone else, while believing that they've got the best system of governance ever dreamed of.
The British people, like the American people, seem unaware of just how miserable they are, how much alcohol they consume to get away from the nasty facts, and how difficult it really is just to live their lives. Having not figured out the source of their miasma they keep calm and muddle on. And make do. Always make do.
When Queen Victoria and Benjamin D'Israeli set up the British Raj scheme in India, it was quickly followed by Lord Pirbright's scheme to use Cecil Rhodes' British South Africa Company to rule the country of South Africa -- the first ever upfront example of overtly Corporatist Government in world history. Regrettably, not the last.
Corporate Feudalism is their current scheme for ruling the whole world, by placing it all under the control of British Banks and British Corporations -- a system of cradle-to-grave Nanny State Management to maximize profit while exercising complete monopoly interest.
All these schemes are built on fraud. They are all Stings, Con Games, Rackets, Bunko. Impersonation. "Privatization". Sneak Thief Exercises. Movies. Scripts. False Claims in Commerce. Identity theft.
The money frauds are so bad that people are like rats in a maze, pushing a lever to get a kernel of corn, and even the kernel of corn is fake.
Being unconscionable contracts, those birth registrations aren't worth the paper they are written on and never were; neither are all the resulting debts and obligations, the mortgages, the so-called property taxes, the addition of your land to the "National Trust" --- its all bogus, but they have gotten away with it for a long time, and they don't want to give it up.
They won't give it up until the eyes of the whole world are wide open and turned on them, and their complete, utter, disgusting self-service, hypocrisy, and breach of trust is glaringly evident --- not only to the British people and the Americans, but to everyone else on the planet, too.
The Americans saved the British Government's bacon through two (2) World Wars and countless mercenary scuffles and this is how the British Government has repaid us.
A snake in your bosom is too kind as an analogy, and it is a snake that has bitten absolutely everyone, family, friend, and foe alike. Apparently, it just bites to bite, and its gluttonous appetite has no end.
So taking a very large garden hoe to it is the only answer. Cut it up in pieces and let the sun go down on the British Empire. Let it rise no more forever. We will all be better off and so will the British people.
Years ago, we extracted the land belonging to our States of the Union from the Municipal United States and from the British Territorial United States and from the State Trusts. We took it all and rolled it into our unincorporated non-statutory American Common Law Trusts.
So all the grifters and grafters can just go home and give up on trying to pull off any schemes like the one we described yesterday --- trying to incorporate a bogus British Territorial "County" and front a claim against our house and land based on making up a street name and number and attaching it to the road easement running in front of our house.
They are doing the same thing all over America, Britain, France, Germany, anywhere they've been able to install a "Real Estate Title System". They are selling off their copyrighted description of your land and pretending their tiny dab of creativity -- their name and number for your house -- magically transfers the value of the house and land itself, not just the value of their name and number for the road easement in front of it, which by any practical count, is nil.
This is just another example of trying to expand their asset base by "legalizing" --- which means, "fictionalizing" ---everything. If they give a name and number description to a segment of public road easement, that's an asset they can copyright and sell. It's virtually worthless hot air, unless, of course, they can confuse people into thinking that their copyrighted description of a nearby road easement gives them a claim on a neighboring house.
If they can pull that schtick off, they stand to make a very tidy profit for almost no investment.
Let's demonstrate:
We are re-naming the utility easement in front of Buckingham Palace at 12 PM GMT tonight and hereby place the new name under our private international and worldwide copyright and seal: our name for the public utility easement in front of Buckingham Palace is "101 Fucking Pigs Palace", which is the actual honest meaning of "Buckingham" and what it used to be called, too. We wish to preserve the historic meaning and association of this place. This new prime piece of real estate interest is for sale to the highest bidder at public auction, time and location to be announced."
The entrapment, labeling, and substitution schemes aren't going to work anymore, because the Americans and a lot of other people woke up.
The Hired Jurists are now evaluating just how much their lives are worth, and who to blame, because just like the doctors and their part in the pandemic, the members of the Bar Associations and the Judges sitting snug in their corporate offices, while pretending to be in Public Offices, instead, have had their part in this.
This is not a movie. Not a drill. We won't be trying to rip your psyches apart with Hollywood Horror Story narratives eight hours long. But we will bring you the truth and it will set you free.
Generations of Americans have had their homes and lands illegally seized upon and illegally sold out from under them based on this same British Bunko.
The lawful possessions of Americans, including the value of their labor and their lives, have paid for British "Royal" Debt and British Crown Debt --- none of which we owed.
It's the same story, all around the world.
The $950T in "Life Force Value Annuities" collected by Prince Philip from the GOVERNOR OF OTTAWA three days before he retired from Public Life in 2017 could make a start paying for the miseries these people have caused us and the entire rest of the world, but they can never make up for the good faith lost, the breach of trust, and the lives they truncated, made miserable, maimed and sacrificed.
The land frauds are not a mistake, either.
This is what you get when you stand back and let greedy, weak-minded criminals run "your" government.
Don't watch their movie; make your own.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
February 4th 2024
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