By Anna Von Reitz
1. This thing calling itself "the Global Monetary Authority", is just another legal fiction, another unauthorized and illegal and unlawful attempt by "military service providers" to usurp the actual authority of the national governments.
2. The same Vermin are currently trying to mislead and fleece American currency speculators as a presumed-to-be captive audience, telling them that they have to do whatever these thieves tell them to do, in order to exchange their Zim Bonds and other commercial currency assets through these "volunteer brokers" who intend to steal somewhere between 88 - 100% of the investment value.
3. According to their logic and propaganda, fifty trillion dollars in Zimbabwean mineral asset-backed bonds, is suddenly worth only $50 million of their Federal Reserve Notes. And the value of all American land and gold and other assets is also magically reduced to about 7% of their actual market value --- apparently magic, and British Flim-Flam abounds.
4. They are trying to recapitalize their Federal Reserve Notes on the backs of American currency speculators, long after it has been proven that the Federal Reserve "assets" backing the Federal Reserve Notes were assets criminally derived from the peonage and enslavement of free people who didn't owe a dime. These Perpetrators presenting themselves as the Global Monetary Authority are the debtors, not the money managers.
5. The actual asset owner is owed the asset plus any credit based upon his asset.
6. The criminal source and malfeasance and misadministration of the assets backing the Federal Reserve Notes is the issue, and the further issue is the ownership of all the American assets that were purloined as a result of the British Territorial unlawful conversion scam, which was all based on unconscionable contracts.
7. We earlier addressed the means by which American land assets were "mistakenly" added to the British Territorial National Trust as a result of unconscionable contracts used to latch on to the American victims of this scam.
8. Americans are not rendered British Territorial U.S. Citizens no matter how many lies are told or how many birth registration cards are produced, because all of this finagling was undisclosed to the Americans and all these citizenship contracts were unconscionable.
9. The parents were not given disclosure and the babies were not conscious yet, resulting in totally unconscionable contracts misidentifying Americans as "U.S. Citizens".
10. We wish for worldwide recognition of the evils that these British Territorial Governments and British Crown Corporations have done.
11. All fictional entities must stand down. All humans return to their stations. All slaves stand in your chains.
12. Only men and women have anything to say about their actual assets. Not any fictional Global Monetary Authority.
13. We and our assets are the value, the only value that exists, and the only value creating all other values, too.
14. We have not given away, nor have we entrusted our assets, nor have we abandoned our authorities related to them. We are victims of crime and in no way is our ownership changed or impeded as a result of crime.
15. Observe the Maxim of Eternal Law: ownership is not changed as a result of possession by pirates; these mercenaries acting under conditions of deceit are engaged in acts of inland piracy carried out under color of law. This has been the condition since this situation began.
16. We are in lawful possession of all American assets belonging to The United States; those assets include all the Americans who have been victimized by the British Territorial Government's undisclosed induction and registration activities, and all their property assets, too.
17. These Americans must be given full disclosure and the restitution of their assets and credit.
18. We hold superior concurrent general jurisdiction over this country and we are telling the central banks and their administrators and their agencies and all incorporated entities and personnel in total to stand down from any presumption of authority related to us and our assets.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
February 5th 2024
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