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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Fake "Pandemic" Over

By Anna Von Reitz

As my Readers already know --- there are a lot of things you can do to protect yourself and your family from any kind of bacteriological or viral illness, and also a lot of ways to protect yourself from the harmless effects of raw Electromagnetic Radiation including 5G. 

We need to do a better job of promoting basic hygiene knowledge and do a better job of keeping our own bodies and homes clean and healthy.  We need to become more informed and proactive about EM sickness and what causes it and spread the word.  Yes, all the above. 

That said, the coronavirus is being vastly misrepresented and over-hyped. 

For example, the Big News Story today is that seven people have died from it in Washington State so far.  They don't tell you that the outbreak was in a residential care facility for people who were already very elderly, sick, and infirm to begin with, did they?  The same group that would have naturally been at great risk even from the common cold or flu. 

Speaking of flu, did you know that 74 people have died of plain old flu in Washington this year?  Didn't hear a word about them, did you?

This current coronavirus scare amounts to is another False Flag and end run attempt by the known promoters of the Cabal to achieve multiple objectives at the same time, and we are fools if we let them get away with it.

We now know that the virus and the vaccine for it were both developed by one very British corporation: Quinetiq.   The Brits at the bottom of the dog pile again.

We now know that the Bill and Melissa Gates Foundation (the crackpot Microsoft chief who believes that killing people is a good idea) helped fund it. 

What more do we really need to know? 

We know who is responsible for it.  We know who to charge for every death, worldwide.  We know who to charge for every delayed shipment, every dip in the stock market, every business failure ---- all of it. 

Let's do so.  The claims should bankrupt Bill Gates, his Foundation, and any interest he has in Microsoft by the end of next week.  He should be embroiled in so many damage claims he will never know a moment of peace again in this lifetime.  And the same for the Queen.  Address all your claims to: ELIZABETH II. 

We've already told them that we are charging one trillion dollars per American who dies or is maimed by their actions.  Since money is all that these cretins appear to understand, let them feel the pain.

Maybe next time when they are sitting around on their duffs thinking up ways they can "scare the sheep and cause trouble" --- they will realize that the trouble has consequences for them, too.

If I were China, I'd spend my last dime to make sure of the pay back. 

Meanwhile, I agree with Robert David Steele:


See this article and over 2300 others on Anna's website here:

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By Anna Von Reitz

When we first put out the call and launched the alert for all Americans to declare their birthright political status and come together in their State Assemblies, we didn't know how many would answer the call.

At first, there was so much confusion.

It was so hard to explain the situation to people who had been indoctrinated to say they were citizens of the United States ----without, however, stipulating which "United States" they were talking about.
There was so much of our own history that we no longer were taught in public schools, so many "sins by omission" committed by our Public Servants, it seemed well-nigh impossible to fill in all those blanks for so many people.

What we should have been learning in twelve years in school, and what we should have been busy addressing as a Body Politic, was studiously avoided by those who were benefiting themselves at our expense.

How to tell 320 million defrauded, disenfranchised, disillusioned, overworked, underpaid, dumbed-down Americans the truth?

How to find our way back to our beloved country?

These have been very hard issues to address and the outcomes have been uncertain.

But this past weekend, we came together once again, at an event sponsored by the Arizona Assembly, and it was wonderful. We had guests from all over the country, sharing what they had learned, excitedly greeting new friends, and standing together from sea to shining sea.

From Delaware, from California, from Louisiana, from Michigan..... all over this country, Americans came to Arizona. They came to learn the truth about all those Birth Certificates and Land Patents. 

And now, our Gideon's Army has dispersed to all corners of this great country, bearing this precious knowledge with them.

One by one, place by place, people are waking up and saying, "I'm an American...."

Soon there will be American Travel Cards and Passports to replace Driver Licenses and US Passports. Soon, there will be American money available and American mercantile banks and credit unions. Soon, nobody will have to be afraid of their own Public Employees anymore.

As more and more Americans wake up and recognize how our own employees have been misdirected and used to stage a coup against our self-governance, often without even knowing that they were acting in such a manner, things will be put right again.

The only cautionary word is that this miraculous change is one we have to make for ourselves. Nobody can or will do it for us. It's our responsibility and self-governance is admittedly hard work. It was so heartening to meet and greet the many other Americans who are stepping up to the task!

Yes, it was a very humbling experience. I don't cry easy, but there were tears of joy in the corners of my eyes, looking out at the crowd.

The Americans are coming home at last.


See this article and over 2300 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. 

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Joe's Hamburger Shop

By Anna Von Reitz

If you never share anything of mine but this, if you never understand anything of mine but this---- let this be "the one" that goes viral to all Americans and to all living people in every country of the globe, because the information is basically the same everywhere. 

This is a simple little tale everyone can understand, about Joe, the owner of a hamburger joint.  His story is your story.  And it's not hard to fill in the blanks.
I am going to cut out all the history and the excuses that the Popes have made, and just explain the basic "pedal to the metal".

I walk in with a “Federal Reserve Note”—- a promissory note, and give it to Joe in exchange for a hamburger. 

What has actually happened? 

I have given Joe a paper I. O. U. for an actual hamburger. 

So I still owe a debt and Joe is owed a credit for the exact same amount. 

The debt is being tracked by the Federal Reserve Note, but there is no formal paper tracking the credit owed to Joe, except that we know that the credit is exactly the same amount as the debt. 

The National Credit always equals the National Debt in such a system. 

It’s just bad bookkeeping that makes it appear otherwise. 

The reason for the bad bookkeeping is embezzlement. 

What the rats did was simply not to give Joe Credit for his hamburger. 

This gave the appearance of a constantly increasing “National Debt” with no answering "National Credit" in evidence.  

Meanwhile, the National Credit actually owed to all the “Joes” in America was being sequestered— “blocked”— and Joe was not allowed to access his own credit. 

This circumstance resulted —over time—in the accumulation of a giant credit Slush Fund that the banks and politicians and “military-industrial complex” used and abused for their own purposes. 

This is not the way it was supposed to work. Read Federal Title XII.

What was supposed to happen was that Joe was supposed to be able to access his credit directly via a Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemption, a MOCEE.

And Joe was supposed to have free access to his “Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemption”—- meaning that whenever “Joe” was presented with a bill addressed to “JOE” — he was supposed to be able to claim his exemption from paying it, and apply his already earned credit instead. 

So, Joe has a $5 credit owed to him because he gave me a hamburger.  He gives a lot of people hamburgers, so after a while, he is owed $1,000.00.  

Okay? That’s simple enough. Joe has earned a thousand dollars worth of credit.  It's pre-paid.  He didn't get anything for nothing. He is owed credit for all those hamburgers.

When he gets a bill for $120.00 addressed to “JOE” from the Tax Assessor or the Electric Company or for a car loan, etc., Joe is supposed to have the right to “claim his exemption” and apply his already earned credit to “offset” any such debt.

In this way, the National Credit is always supposed to Offset the National Debt. 

The “private credit” owed to Joe is always supposed to Offset the “public debt” owed by “JOE”, and it probably would stay relatively in balance if Joe were ever told about this arrangement or given any instructions how to claim his exemption and apply his earned credit, but he wasn't. 

(This is what all this talk about "private side" and "public side" is about.  Joe is owed credit on "the private side" and JOE owes debt "on the public side".)

But instead, the Vermin responsible kept mum and made up excuses to “block” Joe from having access to his credit. 

They pretended (and cobbled up falsified records to “prove”) that Joe wasn’t Joe, so that they could use his credit instead.  

Meantime, of course, bills addressed to “JOE” kept coming, and unaware that he was owed Offset Credit, “Joe” kept on paying all these bills addressed to “JOE”. 

So, not only is Joe not getting the Offset credit he is owed, he is being forced to pay all the new bills on top of it. 

Back at Scam Central, the rats are in charge of the gigantic Credit Fund owed to Joe (and all the other Joes in America) and they are busily investing it “for” Joe, who they pretend is “missing”.  

Using Joe’s earned credit, they buy up everything in sight.  They buy majority interest in the Fortune 500.  They buy up foreign currencies and create the “Exchange Stabilization Fund” so that they can mess with the value of every other country’s money by manipulating the supply of that country’s currency.  They do all sorts of crap in Joe’s name and they bilk Joe to do it. 

THAT is what has gone on here, in a nutshell. 

Having discovered all the lies and excuses being used by these criminals to deny Joe his identity and abuse his credit, we have exposed their racket and are demanding remedy for Joe.

We are demanding access to his credit for him, and we are demanding that the rats provide simple, straight forward means for Joe to claim his exemptions and apply his credit to Offset any debts owed by “JOE” on a continuing basis. 

A remedy is not a remedy if access to remedy is obstructed or denied or made inaccessible or deliberately obscured—- and that is exactly what has happened here. 

Joe was never told he had Offset Credit available to pay bills addressed to “JOE” and he was never given any instructions or means to access his exemptions. 

Even the people collecting all these bills addressed to “JOE” were kept ignorant of Joe’s exemption and continued to harass Joe for payment. Even the IRS Agents and electric companies and others issuing bills to “JOE” continued to presume that Joe owed those bills and refused to apply the Offset Credit Joe had already earned. 

And now, all that has to come to a stop and all those banks and corporations and government agencies have to come to heel and do what they should have done ever since 1934. 

They are going to give Joe access to his exemption to offset any bill, including Tax Bills, from now on.  

And they are going to make it easy for him to access his Offset credit Exemption. 

And if they don’t they will be recognized and prosecuted as international criminals engaged in identity theft, unlawful conversion, credit fraud, racketeering, and numerous other crimes against Joe. 

Has this explanation of the circumstance finally hit home? Does everyone understand that Joe has literally been paying bills that Joe had the right to Offset?  Mortgages, college loans, car payments, utility bills....

The smug bankers and politicians and bureaucrats have been denying Joe (and you) access to pre-paid credit that has already been earned by you and your parents and your grandparents and your great-grandparents, ever since the so-called Civil War.   

All this credit you are owed is pre-paid credit, just like when you buy a pre-paid credit or gift card at Walmart. 

Only in this case, the rats didn’t give you a card or other means to access what you and Joe already paid for. 

So here’s the message from Joe concerning “JOE”——

It’s payback time.

Pope Frances, IMF, Federal Reserve, BIS, World Bank, Vatican Bank, Queen Elizabeth II, Mr. Trump—- you owe Joe for a hamburger and a whole lot more.

We expect the “US Trustees” and the “US Treasury” and the “IRS” to cough up those offset credits with no further delays or excuses. 

This "discussion" has been ongoing since 1998.  The Principal most responsible is Pope Frances.  This is because the bogus mercenary "war" that has been ongoing between the British Territorial United States Government and the Municipal United States Government is a total sham, and both sides are actually owned, operated, and controlled by him.

This is because Queen Elizabeth II is the Pope's Overseer of the Commonwealth, and the British Territorial United States is a Commonwealth.

As a result, the British Territorial United States is indirectly, through the Queen, controlled by the Pope. 

And the Municipal United States Government is directly controlled by the Pope because it is chartered under him. 

So no matter how you want to cut this, all roads lead to Rome.  We have been disgracefully mistreated, deceived, cheated, gulled and cullied by the Pope and his Officers, and the Queen and her Officers (albeit, under the command of the Pope), at the same time that they have been: (1) under our National Trust Indenture to provide "good faith service" to us and to our States; (2) under commercial contract to provide this good faith service; (3) taking their paychecks from our pockets. 

Both the Queen and the Pope are complicit and responsible for this deplorable mistreatment of rank and file Americans, who were never parties to any mercenary commercial "wars" that they have illegally and in Breach of Trust staged on our shores. 

You, Joe, and all other Americans who have been the victims of this scam need to declare your correct birthright political status as American state nationals and, if you are willing to serve, as American State Citizens.  You need to put this squarely on the Public Record for all to see.  You need to join your State Assembly and join with others to enforce the Constitutional Guarantees you are owed and to claim the pre-paid credit you are owed.

Go to: for more insight into this whole situation, and to  to connect to your State Assembly.

And now, just a closing note: who else but our Team has ever explained any of this to you? Who else but our Team has organized the lawful correction? Who else has claimed and fought for the pre-paid credit to be made available to you?  Who? Where? 

I'll tell you the truth--- nobody else has taken up the work to hold the Pope and the Queen accountable to dear old Joe.  Mr. Trump couldn't --- he's an employee of the British Territorial Government and the Municipal United States Government.  He can't tell his bosses what to do. 

And at the beginning of this process, neither could you, because you had been deliberately and wrongly mis-identified both as a British Territorial U.S. Citizen and as a Municipal "citizen of the United States" --- anything and everything but what you are: an American state national or American State Citizen owed your pre-paid credit.

Our Team has pioneered the method and means to rebut these false claims and enabled you to reclaim your birthright --- and all the Offset Credit -- that is owed to you.  Who else came to your rescue, except us, literally---- your Fellow Americans?  Nobody, that's who.

The rats in Washington, DC, were either happy to see you screwed for their benefit, or claiming that, as U.S. Citizens, their hands were tied. 

Our hands are untied and we are holding fast to the contractual obligations of both the Pope and the Queen ---and keeping the door open for you to come home. 

When we ask for your support, for your time and whatever you can send as donations, we have already earned our keep---- just like Joe.  We've come to work, unpaid, every day since 1998.  And so have many others, who have joined our Team since then.  Lives and fortunes have been sacrificed and vast amounts of time and professional skill have been donated to bring us this far.

So donate what you can.  Give thanks to God above that we were here.  And join us.  Come to the aid of your country as we have.  A lot of people talk about defending America from all comers, both foreign and domestic.  A lot of people talk about their rights.  A lot of people fail to walk the walk. 

Send prayers and donations to: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652, or PayPal to to promote the work that is ongoing all over this country.


See this article and over 2300 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

One of the best reports I have seen on this Coronavirus scare.

Coronavirus: “Cures” Worse Than the Disease

CORBETT REPORTFEB 28, 2020, 7:23:52 PM

My conclusion from reading this article is the same as it always was. Get prepared and stay prepared. And for myself, if they try to come at me with their poisoned needle, I will consider it a deadly weapon and respond accordingly.