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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

International Public Notice: QE2 Fraud Continuing

 By Anna Von Reitz

Most people in the western world see "QE2" and think of Queen Elizabeth II; now she's gone, but the mammoth fraud named after her, Quantitative Easing 2----  continues. 

Quantitative Easing 2 is yet another swindle, as we should expect by now. 

Asked exactly ---how is the second round of Quantitative Easing a swindle?  We must reply that it is a swindle in exactly the same way as the first round was a swindle --- theft. 

That is what we call it when funds go astray, go to a different person or are expended for a different purpose than agreed upon. 

Theft is when banks are given huge amounts of capital for investment with the understanding that this new injection of capital is to be used to make new loans, and instead, the banks use the funds to acquire new assets for themselves, or pay their officers seven figure bonuses, without extending any benefit to the public at all.  

This is doubly outrageous when you consider that the public is the source of all this largesse and provided the funds in the anticipation of this "investment" being an investment in the economy, not in the banks.  

After all, investments in the economy create jobs, fuel additional investments, and kickstart new developments that prime the pump and keep things moving.  

Investments in the bank do nothing but pad the salaries of bankers and give other non-institutional investors the wrong idea -- the idea that the bank must have performed wonderfully and is in such good shape on the balance sheets because of their excellent and prudent management. 

This could not possibly be further from the truth. Like buying back their own stock to give the impression that the market is lively and that their stocks are desirable investments, QE2 is a final Large Lump of Payola for the bankers at public expense, before the curtain comes down and the stage is swept. 

QE2 is a swindle in exactly the same vein as Foreign Aid is a swindle; observe that the money for Foreign Aid is earmarked and allocated for aid to some less developed country to do something like dig more water wells and provide more water pumps, but instead, it gets siphoned off into Administrative costs and Transportation and Site Analysis and 52 other unnecessary things that eat up the entire amount, and distributes all but 2% of it to government cronies.

QE2 is similarly misdirected and misspent on the same crooked parties that caused the mess in the first place --- the banks and the bankers, who lop it up like pigs at a trough, and never even consider what that money was supposed to do for the economy as a whole.  

Economy?  What economy?  What Public?  

They neither know nor care where the money came from or who it belongs to or what it is supposed to do.  

We could complain that those who appropriated these funds had more than enough cause, based on experience with the first Quantitative Easing and its results, to either never entertain such a program again, or to include stringent new requirements to make sure that such a boondoggle could never happen a second time.... but instead, the members of Congress did nothing toward oversight or new requirements, and repeated the same "mistake" almost verbatim.

So we conclude that....

The members of Congress and various Parliaments are deaf, dumb, blind, and currently comatose, or getting such fat kickbacks to their political campaigns and personal pockets that the reality of this theft and the misdirection and siphoning of the funds by the banks and the bank employees escapes their notice; this immense theft will continue until we hold them all accountable for it.  

What can you expect from an organization that has admittedly kept two sets of books since 1946 and never once balanced their accounts?  

An organization that has admitted to "losing" a total of $13 trillion dollars from one (1) department in the past twenty years?

Stop and think about what an investment of $13 Trillion could do for this country?  How many bridges could be stabilized and rebuilt?  How many railroad lines could be extended and how many local services could be restored? How much farmland could be cleaned up and rehabilitated?  How many power plants could be brought up to modern standards?  How many transformers could be protected against EMF attack? 

Instead, it's all pissed out the back door of the Department of Defense and nobody is held accountable for it.  Nobody is even assigned to look for the missing money.  It's just gone. Like a puff of wind. 

As Catherine Austin Fitts has observed, while we were fed sensationalist "stories" about Bad Boy Brett Kavanaugh in his youth thirty years ago, members of the guilty banks and Congressional Committees got together and quietly agreed that it was perfectly fine to lie to the public--- and changed Statement 56 of the Federal Standards Advisory Board accordingly.  

So far, the members of the Territorial Congress have exempted themselves from experimental vaccines that they shoved on everyone else, kept two sets of books to hide the accounts of the government corporations from the public, failed to balance the accounts--- never mind the budget--- for 77 years,  agreed that it is a-okay to lie to the public, colluded to give the banks the biggest Freebie in human history, and are promoting the invasion of our country in the name of partisan advantage. 

We call upon them, in the name of peace, to vacate the seats of the American Delegates they have been occupying under conditions of deceit, and to return the American Flag -- the peacetime flag -- to its upright position in the Capitol Rotunda. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

February 29th 2024


See this article and over 4600 others on Anna's website here:

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For Declared Americans Only -- Part 3, About Money Claims

 By Anna Von Reitz

Do not use this information if you are not papered up and properly declared as an American.  You will get in big trouble if you do.  

Money by definition has to have intrinsic value in and of itself.  A gold coin has such intrinsic value.  A certificate guaranteeing ownership of a specific amount of gold has intrinsic value because gold has intrinsic value and you can exchange the certificate for the gold. 

A "Note" such as a Federal Reserve Note, which is a Promissory Note, otherwise known as an I.O.U., like the "Money of Account" representing such notes on a bank ledger, has no intrinsic value, it is not money, and by definition it cannot create a "profit separated from capital" -- known as "income".  

All that you have ever received in return for actual goods and services are paper promises to pay. 

This does not amount to profit or income of any kind.

It represents a loss to you and a credit owed to you. 

The accumulation of Federal Reserve Notes simply accrues more evidence of debt owed by the Issuers: the Federal Reserve Banks. 

That's why they want to get away from printing cash and why they have been refusing to print more. 

No cash bills or money of account based on FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES or any transfer of such debt notes via checks can be alleged to accrue as debts owed by you.  

All that is evidence of debt owed to you. 

The Tax Lien Act of 1966 placed checks and check claims under the Uniform Commercial Code; for a check to be a negotiable instrument, it must contain an unconditional promise to pay a sum certain in money and be payable on demand or at a definite time (UCC 3-103 (b) (c)), a condition which no check issued in the current system can meet. 

FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES similarly fail to meet this test, in that they have no set date of repayment and do not stipulate any form of actual money -- gold or silver or other tangible, fungible assets -- that they are to be repaid in. 

FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES are evidence of debts owed to you; their receipt, accumulation, loss or transfer cannot be used as the basis for any claim of debt against you.  

The same applies to Treasury Notes, EUROs, or other National Treasury Notes, etc. 

The Gold Bullion Act of 1985 makes it clear that Americans are not obligors or grantors with respect to the Federal Reserve Banks and their Notes--- Public Law 99-185, December 17, 1985, 99 Statutes 1177.  

Please note the following facts and admissions:

"Money" does not include treasury notes". Foquet v. Headley, 3 Conn. 534, 536;

"In legal acceptation, "money" means current metallic coins; therefore, an indictment for embezzling "money" is not sustainable by proof of embezzling greenbacks or national currency notes." Block v. State, 41 Tex. 620, 622.

"The term "money" does not include bank notes. They pass as cash, and constitute a part of the circulating medium, and for many purposes are to be considered as money; but, in the strict sense of the term, they are not included therein." Dowdle v. Corpening, 32 N.C. 58,60.”

"Money," as used in the Crimes Act, section 13, providing that any person stealing any money, the property of another, shall be guilty of larceny, cannot be construed to include bank bills, for strictly bank bills are not money, though for many purposes they are treated as such." Johnson v. State, 11 Ohio St. 324,325.
"The term "money," in the statute defining robbery as taking from the person of another any money or personal property of any value whatsoever, with force and violence, and with intent to steal or rob, does not include bank notes." Turner v. State, 1 Ohio St. 422,426.  

"Federal Reserve Notes are not dollars." U.S. Treasury, General Counsel, Munk.

Both notes and checks are acknowledgments of indebtedness and promise of payment." Hegeman v. Moon, 131 N.Y. 462, 30 N.E. 487. Smith v. Treuhart et al, 223 N.Y.S. 481. 

Now let's look at our foreign Federal Employees and their Municipal Corporation franchises considered CITIZENS --- concerning the exchange of fiat currency for gold or silver and vice versa: 

Federal U.S. Citizens and citizens of the United States have no ability to redeem fiat notes for United States Silver Dollars and are prohibited from doing so by Title 31 USC Section 408 which prohibits the redemption of any currency (that is, “Money of Account”) into gold, and Title 31 USC Section 405(a)-3 which prohibits the redemption of any United States currency dollar- for- dollar for gold /or/ silver, so that such foreign Persons/PERSONS are precluded from receiving actual payment and equally precluded from alleging any actual debt on the basis of commerce or trade using FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES. 

Notice this doesn't say that Americans are restricted from exchanging Federal Reserve Notes into gold or silver, or vice versa.  It says that U.S. Citizens and Municipal citizens of the United States, which includes all the US CITIZEN corporate franchises, are prohibited from doing so. 

The actual payment of any debt requires actual money, and even if we all had actual money readily available to us, none of the Federal Dual Citizens or their CORPORATIONS would be able to receive it. 

So, not only is it impossible for them to allege the existence of a debt against us based on FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES, it's impossible for them to receive any actual payment for any debt based on them. 

As an American, no debt resulting from the use of Federal Reserve Notes can be alleged against you, no matter how many you collect, transfer, or spend; and, no actual payment of any debt can be made to Federal Dual Citizens or any of their Municipal Corporation FRANCHISES --- including the IRS. 

They are incompetent to allege a debt based on FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES or any "Money of Account" based on FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES, and also incompetent to receive any actual payment of such a debt, if it did exist. 

The only kind of payment that is possible is a debt swap -- exactly the solution provided under Federal Title XII, which allows us to execute a Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemption transaction. 

Think of it this way -- we owe them the equivalent of  $10,000 for services and materials, and they owe us $35 Trillion.  In a Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemption transaction, we "offset" -- that is, write off -- the $10,000 we owe them and deduct it from the $35 Trillion they owe us.  This has the effect of reducing their Federal National Debt --- similar to paying down a Credit Card. 

If this had been done as intended from the 1930's onward, we would never have suffered the predation of the IRS and other bullies, and their National Debt would have never gotten out of control.  

The Pikers couldn't be honest and play it straight.

They had to pretend that you were someone and something that you are not, had to use racketeering practices to force you to extend "new credit" into their system on one hand, and force you to pay their debts for them on the other. 

They have had "you" --- or rather, the two foreign Legal Fiction entities they created using your name -- one British Territorial Estate and various Municipal Corporation franchises operating in YOUR NAME, both going and coming. 

They, the corporations and Principals involved, ignored both their moral obligations and their commercial liability as Usufructs. 

Millions of innocent Americans have been impersonated and attacked under these deliberately false pretenses; trillions of dollars in property and actual assets have been purloined under color of law.  

But as for you, Joe Average American, not only did you not owe a dime, you couldn't owe a dime. 

Having finally become aware of the fraud scheme against you, and having reclaimed your birthright estate and political status, you are ready to go forth and conquer this morass of criminality. 


See this article and over 4600 others on Anna's website here:

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For Declared Americans Only -- Part 2

 By Anna Von Reitz

This is for people who are papered up and who have proven and declared their birthright political status -- and them only. Those who have not reclaimed their birthright are not protected and cannot pursue these avenues.  You will get in serious trouble if you do this and are not properly papered up and declared!  

The British Territorial United States used an undisclosed birth registration as a means to latch onto you and your Good Name and then claimed a Public Usufruct; they later declared you "legally dead" and created an intestate Public Trust Estate in your Name. 

The same rats also created a Municipal Corporation franchise operated in your NAME.  

This results in a situation where you are innocently oblivious of any change in your political status, unaware that there is a British Territorial Estate operating in what appears to be your Proper Name, and also unaware of the Municipal Corporation franchise operating under what appears to be your NAME or some version thereof.  

Your Proper Lawful Name is, for example, Elizabeth Renee Olson. 

Their British Territorial Estate is operating under the same name deceitfully, as it should be "the Elizabeth Renee Olson Estate" -- they purposefully omit the word "Estate" to confuse things.  Make sure that you add the word "Estate" to clear up the meaning whenever they mention your Name in a Court Action or Debt Collection of any kind.  

Their Municipal Corporation franchise functions under a "sign" in American Sign Language which only appears to be your name in all capital letters, like this: ELIZABETH RENEE OLSON. 

They have used your name without your knowledge or permission to create corporate entities to benefit themselves, thereby they have become Usufructs; in order to get away with this, they have to guarantee that no harm will come to you or your assets as a result of their use of your name. 

Obviously, they have been very remiss about this obligation, and have instead played a complex game of fraud and deceit, in which they persistently mistake their Legal Fictions for you, and use these Legal Fictions as a means to seize upon your assets and harass you and deprive you of rights. 

Upon receiving any bill, claim, summons, citation, or other communication from any "government" entity, court, agency, department, etc. begin with a simple communication and blanket disclaimer that sets the ground rules and leaves them (1) no room to interpret the nature of your communication and (2) instruction regarding the assignment of any attorney:

Example: (This could be in response to a summons, a Billing Statement, a Notice of Levy, etc., any correspondence alleging a public debt or otherwise being misaddressed to you.)

Please receive my compliments in response to the process summons attached and returned to the Court, without, however, mistaking any aspect of this communication as an offer of contract, acceptance of contract, representation, commercial correspondence, any acceptance of legal representation, or action in rem.  The Court may, of course, appoint their Attorney to represent their fictitious Defendant, but in no case shall any such Attorney represent me, nor shall any claim against any such fictitious Defendant attach to me, my Estate, my assets, my credit, or any beneficial derivative belonging to me.  

This Disclaimer and Instruction should be applied to tax bills, courts summons, or any other "official" correspondence you receive alleging a debt or other problem. 

Next, you will plainly divulge a number of things in succession: 

(1) I have the only survivorship interest in the (-- for example--) Mary Joanne Cleaver Estate and any beneficial derivatives of the Estate; 
(2) I am not a corporation and am not representing any corporation; 
(3) I object to the use of Federal Reserve Notes;
(4) All Usufructs using my name owe me safe passage and must hold me harmless; 
(5) I am not a British Territorial U.S. Citizen;
(6) I am not a Municipal citizen of the United States;
(7) I don't voluntarily operate in Maritime Commerce or Admiralty jurisdiction, either one;
(8) I am in fear for my life from commercial brigands; 
(9) I do not, however, recognize any actual war being present, as no competent Congress has declared war since 1812;
(10) I am an American called a "Specially Designated National" in your system of things, and I am owed good faith service from all Federal citizens and franchises;
(11) I have been misaddressed; 
(12) I am hereby issuing my express trust in writing to corporate officers or officers of the court. 

This is all groundwork.  Put it right up front from Day One.  These denials and objections and claims are each potentially crucial and need to be in place as soon as you receive any claims or allegations, especially any court summons. 


See this article and over 4600 others on Anna's website here:

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For Governor Greg Abbott

 By Anna Von Reitz

Like most Americans, you are probably wondering why an appeal to "States' rights" isn't working for you right now.  

It's because the "State" you run is actually a "State-of-State" business franchise that is subject to the will of a foreign District of Columbia Municipal Corporation parent corporation. 

Just as every Wendy's Hamburgers franchise has similar signage and menu, every such State-of-State franchise is Federalized and enfranchised and obligated to follow the rules the parent corporation sets down.  

That is how Texas and other States of the Union have been controlled by these foreign jackdaws. 

The other thing that you control, Governor Abbott, is the State Trust that was set up after the Civil War. That contains the public lands and infrastructure and other primary assets that belong to Texas, which you are responsible for maintaining.  

What you don't actually control is the State itself, which has been "deemed" to be in mothballs, "in interregnum" and "absent" for many years.  It's the actual State that has State's rights. 

Unfortunately, you can't invoke State's rights while acting as the Governor (CEO) of a State-of-State franchise.  

The people who can invoke State's rights in the matter are the members of The Texas Assembly, who have the proper provenance and standing to not only invoke State's rights, but also the ability to enforce The Constitution of the United States on Joe Biden and his lawless crew. 

The people of the Texas Assembly bring a Public Interest suit against Joe Biden and the White House Office, Inc., in the District of Columbia Supreme Court for failure to perform, dereliction of duty, and default of contract.  

That's how you get Joe by both ears.

And that is how you do more than claim "State's rights" --- that's how you exercise them.  

The Texas State Citizens are the proper Parties who are enabled to enforce the United States Constitution which requires Joe to close the border. 

Or else be brought in as a criminal. 


See this article and over 4600 others on Anna's website here:

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Can Silver go to Triple Digit Prices? Mike Maloney Says Yes and Higher

“I absolutely stand by my claim that silver is going to triple digits one day…there isn’t anything I can measure that would show it not going there.” - Mike Maloney

What would silver’s price be today if it matched its performance from the bull market of the 1970s? At first, you may think that simply calculating the official inflation rate would give the answer. But as you’ll see from Mike Maloney’s latest presentation there’s much more to the equation than that. Join Mike as he examines ten different inflation metrics (including Real Estate, Bonds, currency in circulation and more) that all show that triple digit silver is not such a crazy idea. Now consider that these are just some of the reasons that Mike Maloney bet his life on silver.

Get out of the banks and buy Silver NOW!
 We have two options for you to get Silver. 
 Or call to order 500 or more ounces at 406 889 3183 
 Paul Stramer

GOLD AND SILVER FIGHT TYRANNY - More from Catherine Austin Fitts

Get out of the banks and buy Silver NOW!
 We have two options for you to get Silver. 
 Or call to order 500 or more ounces at 406 889 3183 
 Paul Stramer

International Public Notice: Self-Service Denies the Change

 By Anna Von Reitz

It is a Maxim of Law that actions taken in self-service to avoid prior obligations change nothing. 

We invoke and enforce this Maxim of Law in the Air Jurisdiction against Pope Francis and Emperor Charles III. 

Both these men have been playing a gigantic fraud scheme against the people of the world, and have been caught. 

Converting to Satanism and bringing forward the Ancient Paganism of Rome as an excuse for failure to uphold and perform upon the contractual obligations of the Ecclesiastical Law is grossly self-serving and convenient; it cannot excuse what these men have done and what they are trying to do. 

The Popes have been using the "Kings" of England as Overseers of the Church's Commonwealth holdings for centuries and have in fact given these "Kings" their crowns in that capacity -- a fact that has been withheld from the people in these countries and guarded as a secret by both sides of this quid pro quo: the Popes to downplay their very earthly erstwhile role as the Roman Pontiff and the Kings to pretend that their authority came from being the legitimate leader of the whole country and nation -- not just a small part of it and operating as a Roman Overseer. 

Their Predecessors, from Pope Innocent and King John to today, have been engaged in the same subterfuge for over 800 years, during which time there has been no Jubilee. 

During the reign of "King" Henry the VIIIth, the relationship between the Popes and their "Kings" in England took on an additional dimension of fraud and criminality, wherein "King" Henry had broken away from the Roman Church in a dispute over his divorce and founded the Church of England -- only to be forced to continue as the Head of the Church of England while betraying its members. 

Henry and every King or Queen afterward, kept track of every Protestant Baptism and counted the babies as "lost" Catholics and trafficked them into the jurisdiction of the sea, seized upon their names and property assets, and split the take 60/40 with the Pope, an arrangement that has continued into the present day. 

The position of these "Kings" as the Heads of the Church of England was thus a gross Breach of Trust and Scheme to Defraud, which deeply harmed both the freedom and the wealth of the people living in England, and after the Union, the people in Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, too.  

The Trust established by the end of the Civil War in England requires that the British Monarch thus created as a separate Office must be Protestant, when in fact, all these men and women have been obligated to the Pope for their crowns and lavish lifestyles and could not expose this gross conflict of interest without losing their offices. 

This is yet another instance of the people of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales being led to believe that Great Britain formed a combined Kingdom, and that the British Monarch thus empowered was a Protestant, while in fact working as a Catholic Administrator and literally owing his or her crown to the Pope. 

In the 1860's, Queen Victoria went quite mad with grief after losing her Consort, Prince Albert, and sought restlessly for soothsayers, spiritualists, grand projects that would have pleased her husband, and glory for her reign. She had none of her husband's scruples or business sense; for that, she relied on the charming and ruthless Benjamin D'Israeli. 

In vain, D'Israeli's chief rival, Lord William Gladstone, tried to alert the British Public and the Laborers in particular about the evils of "enfranchisement", it's impact on British Land Law, and the denigration of Voters as Persons and Shareholders in a corporation instead of being accorded their natural and traditional role as people on the land and soil of their country. 

Gladstone feared, and rightly, that this would not lead to any redeeming social good. The secretive enslavement of the British Working Class via enfranchisement bankrolled the Raj in India so that the enslavement of one people bankrolled the enslavement of another.

This pattern, once started, has continued unabated except for the non-violent non-compliance led by Mahatma Gandhi, which briefly brought the world's attention to bear on the problem in India, but unfortunately not on the same problem throughout the world at large. 

The British Monarchs and their traditional directors at the Holy See, together with the Successors of the Holy Roman Empire,  have promoted these Raj-like Territorial Governments via enfranchisement and enslavement and war-profiteering and privateering and tax rackets worldwide, and it has all been done on the basis of deceit, non-disclosure, and fraud. 

Now that these evils have been fully discovered, and the British-Romano Caste System decried for what it is, those responsible have added to the long litany of their depravity, violence, dishonesty, breach of trust, and commercial wrong-doing by investing in every kind of war-for-profit, racketeering and tax schemes, human trafficking, slave rackets, gambling, medical hoaxes, false flags, drug smuggling, commodity rigging, abuses of monopoly, impersonation, crimes of personage, barratry, kidnapping, inland piracy, identity theft, conspiratorial contract evasion, unlawful conversion, misrepresentation and fraud known to man. 

At present, no less than twenty wars are directly attributable to these governments and personages; millions of deaths have occurred as a result of them trying to create "transhumans" as patentable products and claim them and their estates as assets belonging to the patent holders. 

This pernicious pattern of evil and willful wrong-doing has been ongoing and observable for the better part of a thousand years, and now, we have called upon Pope Francis to honor his obligation under Ecclesiastical Law and dissolve these criminal corporations -- only to have him and Emperor Charles III convert to Satanism as an excuse for their actions and failure to dissolve these grossly offending corporations. 

We care not whether these men are sincere in their beliefs or not; their High Offices come with known obligations and contractual content, which they have willfully and knowingly breached in pursuit of their own unjust enrichment and the self-interest of their incorporated conglomerates. 

The enforcement of these contracts cannot be avoided on the basis of a religious conversion or denouement; coming out of the closet in no way changes the obligations owed to us or to any of the other land jurisdiction governments. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

February 28th 2024


See this article and over 4600 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: Both Sides Now

 By Anna Von Reitz

We knew almost as soon as the purported pandemic build-up started that it had very little to do with the Common Cold. 

We gave our readers plenty of advice about hygiene, building up the immune system, proper nutrition --- lots of basic health insights to help people stay healthy --- but we were watching.  

We never once suggested that anyone get a Covid PCR Test (because we knew it was a False Positive test never intended to detect a virus) and we never advocated that anyone accept the Covid 19 injection or any Boosters.  

Why is that?  Because by autumn of 2019, we knew we had a Ratfest on our hands, and it just got worse from there. 

We heard how many cases were used as the basis of the Pandemic claim --- 150.  

We heard about the World Bank cashing in on Pandemic Bonds -- billions of dollars worth of rigged betting on people's health and whether or not there would be a Pandemic. 

Then we started crunching patent data, and there was the whole chain of culprits starting with the Eugenics Gurus in England -- the same old evil-doers doing the same old evil: the Pirbright Institute, the Wellcome Trust, the Rhodes Foundation.  We knew their sordid history and what these same criminals did in South Africa and during the Boer War.  They invented concentration camps and used Dutch prisoners for lab rats. 

Bayer and the Pasteur Institute were no better. We have the records of how they experimented on Jewish prisoners in concentration camps during the Second World War.  

Here's how the patent path went: England, to University of North Carolina, to Fort Detrick, to NIH, to Wuhan, China.  China was set up as the Fall Guy.  And at the end of the day, the patent to this crap is owned by DARPA and licensed to Microsoft, Inc. 

There's something else we realized.  They were trying to create a new slave class and Caste System, because the old one was being discovered and repudiated. 

They had already labeled and enforced different castes for men, humans, and subhumans, and created different sets of rights and laws for each. 

Now they wanted to erase men and women and Natural and Unalienable Rights entirely.  They wanted a new Caste System that recognized only humans, subhumans, and transhumans. 

Transhumans were described as genetically engineered humans -- Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and their endlessly corrupt Supreme Court had already given them the go-ahead to own modified human cells as "products" and to patent them as GMO's for profit. 

If you modify a person's genome under this description, you own all the cells, so you own the person.  Literally. 

The transhuman was set up to be the ultimate slave, even lower than a Subhuman, and would have no rights or protections at all; they would be owned by a Patentholder -- who also planned to inherit the estates of all the dead "transhumans" they killed. 

This is why we established our Public Law and forbade any such GMO claims against people and criminalized them as of January 1st 2020.  We were  on them months before Operation Warp Speed even got started. 

Yes, we do blame Trump for Operation Warp Speed. We blame the whole government. We blame Biden, too.  

We especially blame the cowardly useless profit-crazed health industry, the worthless academics, and the craven despicable members of Congress who exempted themselves and their families from the same vaccine mandates they enforced on others under color of law.  

Catherine Austin Fitts, as usual, described the inevitable conclusions with admirable candor in this recent interview: 

There is no Good Guy in this story. 

And no White Hats.  

Take Notice now.  Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

Their corporations owe us one (1) Trillion USD for every American killed, maimed, or disabled. We called that one, too.

As of January 1st 2020, their patent claims are outlawed, so their claims to own the victim's Estates are also down the tubes.  

All they've got to show for all their cowardly murder and destruction is another insurmountable debt owed to the people of this country and the world. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

February 28th 2024


See this article and over 4600 others on Anna's website here:

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